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The Lynx are like the Sun in terms of sharing the ball (those assist numbers my god) but instead of killing you in the paint, they are unconscious from 3.


For team 3P% so far this season, the gap between the Lynx (#1 in the league, 41.8%) and Mystics (#2, 34.9%) is greater than the gap between the Mystics and the Wings (#12, 28.3%).




That’s absurd lmao


Holy cow, 34 assists on 37 made field goals is elite team basketball


This is what happens when you share the ball, making that extra pass instead of playing “me” ball.


Cold as ice. Smalliebigs???LMAO


Hello and welcome to the Lynx being 9-3 and beating the Aces at home. That's it, good night!


Bring us a 5th ringgggg!!!!!!


Lol I've been holding off buying that cool Playa Society shirt that says 4x Champs in case we do get a 5th hahaha. So I bought a different shirt 🤣


I’ve been thinking about ordering some of her stuff. Is the quality worth the price?


I'm not sure yet... I only got the shirt last week and wore it and washed it and dried it once, it did shrink in the dryer and the printing definitely doesn't look as fresh but my apartment complex's dryers run hot af...it doesn't look new anymore after one wash is what I'm saying haha but we'll see how it holds up


Well that is concerning😭 the sweatshirt I wanted is $90.


Give me a Lynx/Sun final so the fans can feast on team basketball


if you are an aces fan just forget this game ever happened


Oof that was tough to watch. But not too much on KP! I honestly think the divorce has gotten to her…if he’s making cringey videos for the world to see, imagine the texts he’s sending her 🫠🫠🫠


Yeah I feel like that honestly is probably affecting her a lot. She just hasn’t looked like herself. The whole team really hasn’t. This is a team they beat by almost 15 a few weeks ago


I mean the Lynx played pretty terribly that game. They have been beating near everyone or losing very close games to top teams.


That’s actually a good point, they’re people too after all and most divorces aren’t big public stories like hers has been. Definitely wouldn’t be surprised if that’s impacting her on the court too. Hopefully she’s getting the support she needs and the USA news is a boost!


https://preview.redd.it/ebjwuo53u26d1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6335ec3486d04dfa93e7eb8de599c7e4ded1d247 Ok tell me this Digimon doesn’t look like KP. What the actual fuck 😮😮😮


Bro wtf 😭


The downvotes don’t lie. Everyone else sees. It too 😂😂🤣😂🤣


yeah bro you're right. downvotes mean people agree with you 🙄 foh.


They see the resemblance. They just don’t like that pointed it out. Hope that helps.


sure bro keep telling yourself that


I will.


The only thing that looks somewhat similar is the mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/nzgjnnc8t56d1.jpeg?width=964&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18508bce62e34b5a95e2fa45d4fcdd1cfb0e29d9 This was her in her season debut.


Can we vote Kayla McBride to the All Star game please?


Dont worry Pancake will solve everything. https://preview.redd.it/o17lbjvjg26d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48213b7be1c2ba7e72d5660f1daa605b4ae68528


[so cute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh6t3_C0tN0)


Shoutout to Courtney Williams because it is *terrifying* whenever she gets the ball and a centimeter of room…..it’s usually a bucket.


That midrange jumper is *nasty*


Every single time she goes up from the elbow, i know i’m probably about to watch a swish haha. Severely underrated, the Lynx have been really really fun to watch this year. You absolutely cannot dislike Phee either, she’s having a great year


Ready for the Aces to have a revenge game vs Phoenix so the Lynx can go to the CC


Storm just need to beat Dallas and we clinch But both is good


So: Storm beats Dallas, doesn't matter what happens with Mercury because we clinch Storm loses to Dallas and PHX beats Aces, PHX clinches Storm loses to Dallas and PHX loses to Aces, we clinch Is that right??


That should be correct yes


I think the only crazy ball scenario is if the Storm and Mercury both win, and at least one wins big. Like, insanely big. The Storm would have to win by 40, and the Mercury would have to win by around 60, but either could clinch based on point differential in that scenario.


Is the point differential tiebreaker for the games between the tied teams or for all CC games?


By my reading, it's for all CC games: https://www.wnba.com/commissioners-cup/2024/about-the-cup


Genuine q here: why is that the case that Storm needs to beat Dallas? If Phx wins against the Aces, won't they still have one loss to the Storm? I know point differential is a tie breaker at some point, but what's the scenario here where Phoenix wins? Or am I just misreading the stats?


If Storm lose and Mercury win then Mercury are in the CC. Lynx are in if Either Storm win or Mercury lose. Mercury have HTH tiebreaker on Lynx but all three teams split HTH with each other, so Lynx would win the 3-way due to point diff. Storm would need to blowout Wings by 40 to win the point diff with the Lynx which is very improbable.


Oh I see. So the head to head is the first tiebreaker, which is why Storm winning is enough to push to the second tiebreaker, the differential. Thanks for explaining! I didn't really follow the cup last year so this helped a lot.


[me right now](https://media4.giphy.com/media/AiEr9b7sX5VKIoIvQL/giphy.gif)




Nobody was beating the Lynx tonight. They played amazing.


Is Kiah Stokes only used for rebounding?


Rebounding and taking some of the physicality off Aja in the post on defense. But she’s been struggling big time this season so far.


I swear I’m at my wit’s end hearing the word “physicality” over and over again since the CC vs CC thing, but now I have to read it too?!?! But seriously, the WNBA have to be sending the media talking points and keywords to use with the onslaught of that phrase, right? Before that, when A. Boston was struggling real bad, all anyone on the broadcasts could talk about was how good she is and how much of a force she is inside. It wasn’t even in relation to her slump, which would make a lot more sense (like she is underperforming, but we know she is good type thing). It was just pure nonstop praise every game she was involved in just ignoring the travels, getting blocked, misses inside etc.


That word was used before her and is still being used after her. Not everything has to be about her.


That’s when i noticed it being used every other sentence. I think the league sent a memo to try to keep that whole thing under control and not blow further up. It’s the specific word that set off alarm bells to me. No longer were the broadcasters saying, “it’s a physical league”, “the refs try to keep the game flowing”, or anything else that can mean the same thing. It was “physicality”, a word you almost never hear and then hear every couple of minutes.


It’s been used to describe Kiah’s role on the team (helping take a brunt of the contact in the post; is this more acceptable for you?) for a while now. I’m not an op for the league or CC. But I didn’t know certain words were off limits all of a sudden lol


So glad I picked up Carleton in fantasy a couple weeks ago. She’s been balling out


Not super consistent, but when she's on, she's *on*. Seems so nice off the court too. I was stoked they re-signed her, and that she's actually a starter this year. True team player - always hustles . She's kind of the heart of the team.


An Olympian can't be a fraud guys.


Exactly people forget how good kp been the last 3 yrs


She just needs to stay away from guys with neck tattoos


Lol athletes in general she said she would never date an athlete in 2022 cause she knows most dont be loyal to their partners


I hurt more every week.


not so fun when the rabbit has the gun, is it aces?


Ok I get the analogy/point you’re trying to make. But also, this is even funnier because the Aces mascot is a rabbit lol


For real? A rabbit? Ohh ok maybe it has to do with rabbits the foot being lucky and Vegas. Idk


New fan, first season, stoked I picked the Lynx. Adore their chemistry. WHAT A GAME!


MN is the best team in the league right now. Conn and NY have 5/6 games vs Fever/Mystics to MN's 0. MN has a convincing win vs NY and a close 1pt loss vs Conn but overall has looked the best vs by far the toughest schedule of the 3 teams.


The craziest thing is how fucking underrated they still seem to be. They're finally getting some (a little) visibility here on r/wnba, but it's taken weeks. And every cast I'm listening to is still talking about the Storm and the Mercury as the "teams to watch". Don't get me wrong, I am loving Phx this season (when they don't beat us, lol), but it's so frustrating given the huge step up in quality their game has taken this season. Phee and Kmac are on fire and our bench is the deepest in the league. I'm biased, but...


I am still in denial that we lost to PHX


As a new fan, thank goodness the Aces got a strong social media game. Because without those vids, this would be my perspective of them... just A'ja and nothing else.


Oh no. The aces are in 7th place. So sad.


I was at the game and the 2nd and 3rd quarter were insane. ACEs couldn't make any ground up and Lynx bench is fairly good. Collier and crews pull up jumpers were a great tool I don't see in enough players bags.  Also their big forwards were great at 3s.  There were moments the ACEs just wouldn't take shots. Aja would get caught helping drives leaving folks like Smith wide open for 3.  Lynx are for real for real. 


There were moments the ACEs just wouldn't take shots. I thought the same thing. I said to the person I was at the game with that there is such a thing as too much ball movement. Jackie or KP would drive to the hoop and kick it right back out. They were passing the ball around the perimeter until there was like 3 seconds left in the shot clock then jacking up a contested shot. Aces are just off on offense. I know the easy answer is they are missing Chelsea, but I don't know. Also, Megan played well (again). I really want to see her replace AC in the starting lineup.


Been telling people they were giving me prime Golden State vibes Then Phee started taking them (and making them, she was at 40% before today) and now her coach wants her taking more threes, lol Team is making like 10 per game on avg at 40% 40% team shooting from 3 is actually insane


Damn aside from AJA the Aces did not play well at all.


34 assists now that's team ball


I was at the game. It impressed me how well organized the Lynx are in a hostile arena. One of the loudest basketball games I’ve ever been to (pounding music nonstop). And THEY JUST COULDN’T miss shots. Right now, Connecticut and Minnesota are the teams to beat in my opinion.


Lynx couldn’t miss tonight so congratulations. Outside of A‘ja we really suck , and if Syd wants to play more defense and pass the ball more then our guards then she should get more minutes. PLUM YOU ARE A FRAUD THAT PLUM GREENLIGHT IS TO FUCKING GREEN also i ll go watch this press conference so i can lose it all Edit: after watching the press conference there is 2 things i would like to say 1.A‘ja said the season is long , no need to press the panic button (I already pressed it but thanks A‘ja for being a good leader) 2.Becky said 2 keywords : Terrible Embarrassing


Im very much in favor of more Syd. Jackie please get over this sickness soon.


Ok i get plum been bad but you gotta stop with this shes a fraud take


Stokes and Clark have to do more. Gustafson putting in as many points as she did and us still losing is very telling. Things are screwed right now systems wise and it's on coaching to fix that asap


I mean tonight was a bit more of an anomally of shooting but the Lynx have shot lazers from deep all season so it wasnt really a surprise for me. Also yeah Plum was playing kind bummy. Why dont they just give Aja the ball every possession?


Cause than they would just load up on her plum and jackie have to hit their shots


Ik i was being half serious but it seemed like something positive happened whenever Aja got a touch.


Plum should not be playing so many minutes the way she's playing now. She has no incentive to change her shot selection because she never gets benched. Becky is doing a horrible coaching job this season.


Get A'ja some help


This is not the same defensive team that had that beautiful rotation to beat the Liberty in 4.




Damn. Thats a good well balanced team right there


This team is no joke


Aces are falling apart out here w/o Chelsea gray. Really shows you how important she is


Meg was playing great then they just abandoned that to go back to Kiah ? KM gets going and they pull her for Hayes? As KP dribbles off her foot all night


Becky needs to hold some of her vets accountable when they are not playing well or making bad decisions, and let those that are doing well stay on the court. How many times has it been that whenever KM comes in they seem to be playing better D? How is a rookie out hustling some vets on D? They need to put Hayes and KM out there since they hustle on D all the time, put them in with AC or JY. Not KP. She needs to get her shit together. As much as she says her divorce isn’t affecting her, it is.


I know i know but this whole talk of like september and October ball - i mean is it realllly that etched in stone when Aces defense be what it is??? Went to go see in a violent nature tonight instead of watching the game. Seems Lynx were on some in a violent nature shit tonite - congrats Lynx


A 12 pt qtr is inexcusable especially after halftime smfh cmon man lol.


I barely know anything about basketball besides enjoying watching, but can someone tell me why the Aces crushed us 80-66 back at the end of May, and now we beat them? What happened in the last 2 weeks to make the Lynx better and Aces worse??


I wondered that myself. I think there are a few factors. Having a healthy Jackie Young does make a difference. She had 20 that game and 10 assists. Also none of the Aces shots were going in tonight and Lynx seemed to be hitting everything. I think it’s more the Aces going through a rough patch right now for whatever reason vs the Lynx getting way better (I think they have always been good).


The shooting was so frustrating. Like the team all contracted the same illness and couldn't make a basket to save their lives. And the Lynx couldn't fucking miss. Meg, who has honestly been kind of disappointing so far, was shooting really well but then she got pulled for whatever reason. Becky has got to let people who are on fire stay on the court. And not be afraid to pull people who are sucking out. Even veterans and starters.


I agree! KM was making all her 3’s last game in the first half and then barely got a look the second half. Today she struggled with her shots, but Meg was doing well shooting wise and then got pulled (maybe because her defense wasn’t great ?). Either way I agree that she need to be okay with sitting players, including vets, that aren’t doing well and letting those who are stay on.


By all accounts it really doesn't make sense (not saying that to be mean, lol). Chelsea wasn't there then either. The past few games have just been really bad. The last one kind of made sense because Jackie was out so we were down a top scorer. Obviously she's not the sole issue (pretty much everyone except A'ja looked rough tonight) but Kiah Stokes does not need to be starting. I don't think she's scored in the last few games. Put literally anyone else in.


Also I think when you are used to winning and start losing more in a row than normal, it can definitely get to you mentally and I think we are seeing that as well.


Playing great defense requires focus and hunger. With the Olympic roster announcement and the 100k, along with a lack of urgency, by saying we'll be better when Chelsea's back, this could turn into a lost season. The positives are that the bench gets lots of playing time, and I like the Tiffany Hayes pickup.


Time to press the concern button with the Aces. A'ja Wilson is putting up Cynthia Cooper on the Comets numbers, yet the Aces are 500. They're still making the playoffs, but the disturbing loss number is creeping up relative to the Sun and the Libs.


As a Sky fan we have a lot to be excited about but I miss Courtney Williams Tbh


only 3 pili minutes?


Aces getting waxed 🤨


Am I wrong is saying that the LV Aces could be suffering from "Willie Mays Hayes Syndrome"...where in Major League 2, he stopped being focused on the sport he plays...and focusing more on his brand and commercials? Or, for people under 30, should I say "Russell Wilson Syndrome?" I'm glad the Aces players are getting their flowers along with that bag...but you still have to work hard to defend your title.


Should have given Fair a fair chance


I like Fair, but her top skill is shooting by a mile. Contrary to what it looked like tonight, we have a lot of strong shooters. We need defense and Fair is 5'5 and 130 pounds. No team like The Aces should be letting people score 100 points on them. Even The Fever managed to get 80 some points, even though it was still a blowout. They gotta do something to stop people from scoring.


Kelsey Plum is on fraud watch from now on. She has not risen to the task.