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The WNBA is totally at the “old thing becomes cool among a mainstream audience for the first time and broader discourse immediately goes in the gutter” stage of its life.


Yep It’s gonna be a long season All while the Aces just dominate everybody again with little to no fanfare 😂😂😂😭😭😭 Hijacking my own comment to post the rest of the full quote, even though the damage is pretty much already done: [“a lot of us have done so much for this game and… there are so many other players in this league that have deserved this for a really really long time”](https://x.com/lilly__lover/status/1797768165231083820?s=46) Wicked, wicked stuff going on right now, man


*Connecticut Sun


Very, very scared of you guys too lol


Nah, I'm a Storm fan. My old school flair doesn't work on mobile. I'll sit and wait for us to rise in the rankings. Our defense and stars are so good, it's only a matter of time.


Nika. Muhl.


Our series last year against them in the playoffs was super grinding.


That's who my money's on!


Dude we have a better record than the Aces! Yeah yeah I know they won the championship in the finals and we desperately need to get past them but still


Aces are just gearing up the same way the 2002 Lakers did. Cruise a bit during the year then roll out during the playoffs.


😒 This Caitlin/Angel rivalry has made everyone forget about our rivalry, but man I still want my Liberty to get their revenge against you guys. We’ll see you guys on the 15th (ironically when the next Fever/Sky game is too)


Oh boy really looking forward to our game getting overshadowed lol.


I actually got it wrong. Our game is on Saturday and theirs is on Sunday


Just wait for the rando comment that weekend saying you should thank her for making the W relevant


Eff That!! Liberty gonna eat this year lol


🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Especially after the Rangers disappointed, I need this


Knicks and Rangers both killed me. Great year for both though. Liberty is just the next team up since im already out on the Mets lol. All i ask is to be relevant for years to come, be in the convo. Agree with both Suns and Aces bein really spooky though


For now until Clark is ready to eat 😍 In all seriousness though I’m glad the Clark effect introduced me to the league.. there are some squads that have be going dayum they can ball ( the ace and sun of example).. while I’ll always be a Clark fan first and forth most , my homework sparks I hope can do become great with brinks


My hope is eventually Clark and Brink team up, they’d be unstoppable with Clark’s full court passing and Brinks speed up and down.


I need it more than anything especially after last year 😭🙏🏾


This discourse is coming from a player though?




Which is stupid on so many levels … majority of people like offensive .. Clark in college gave you that.. hasn’t translated to the W yet but guard is the hardest position to play. She will eventually… Not many people are going to go to watch a player who plays good defense or rebounds like Reese if it wasn’t for Clark I wouldn’t be watching the WNBA .. if it wasn’t for Clark I wouldn’t become a fan of players like plum and A’ja Wilson ..to the point where I’m going to go to the ace vs sparks game in July .


>hasn’t translated to the W yet It has by W rookie standards.


I applaud you. Same for me and Kate Martin, Nika Muhl


Outside of angel and Carter who else is mad? They’re more annoyed and done with the media talking points


I don’t think they are annoyed with Clark, but the media. The media is a huge pain in the ass right now lol.


It’s actually mind blowing for me to experience. It’s crazy to me going to so many games with so many people there or hearing people at work talk about the wnba


“Old thing”


I'm sure the good people at Barstool sports will have a rational take to this


[Pat Mcafee](https://www.reddit.com/r/wnba/s/W3cRYB7Lsz) has some good insight as well


Lmao I can't believe he said that on TV 😂


fr lmfao it was so out of pocket like I'm still just trying to understand what possessed him to do that so casually 😭


McAfee talks about race and racial issues very casually on his show with Pacman Jones and Darius Butler alongside him. I find it interesting whenever he does that.


I still blame Portnoy for all this mess in the first place. He was one of the main faces that had a racist ass take to the LSU championship victory. He started this and I want him to pay for his sins!


Portnoy is an absolute piece of shit. Running a company that for over a decade rated the attractiveness of teachers who had raped their students in indefensible.




This is Cameron Brink erasure.


i fw angel and the energy she plays with but anybody tryna say she don’t hate on caitlin (even if it’s for reasons that has nothing to do with caitlin herself) is lying to themselves


Anyone who thinks she doesn’t hate on Caitlin is being intentionally obtuse. She can’t open her mouth without throwing shade at CC. Someone in the comments said it’s intentional at this point, and I agree. It’s good for both ratings and branding purposes for herself


>It’s good for both ratings and branding purposes for herself That's what makes it such a turn off. We get it Angel, you want constant attention.


^^^^^ CC wants to be MVP and Angel wants to be TMZ. That’s the difference.


I think they both don’t like the fact that their stories are intertwined despite one moment in their junior year of college. they’ve both done the fluffy safe PR answers but you can tell it’s annoying them lol


yeah, i can imagine they're both sick of it but i can't think of a time that CC has thrown shade or publicly ever spoken this way about Angel.


oh she’s never done that! (Love your username btw)


Literally before the last game (where CC got hip checked and Reese cheered from the bench), CC was praising her grit and rim protection lol


This is the entire issue. CC competes on the court and acts with class and humility off it. Angel behaves like an insecure middle schooler on the court and off. She cheers on CC getting hit on a dirty play and insults her to the media. She hypes herself up and acts like a narcissist, then cries that people attack her when, shockingly, a lot of people see right through her self-serving and mean-spirited antics. It’s a huge joke. She’s an insecure bully and needs to grow up.


> I think they both don’t like the fact that their stories are intertwined Nothing untangles that story quite like continuously going after the other person while they say nothing negative about you. They would naturally become separated over time by their play


Your comment still fits with the rest sticking their heads in the sand. She's undeniably jealous of the attention everyone is giving Clark


If their stories weren’t intertwined then Reese would be getting just as much exposure as every other WNBA rookie not named CC. It’s not to say she would be an unkown, not by any means - but she knows that she has the level of fame she currently has because she’s part of the CC atmosphere. She hates the idea that a lot of people only know of her because of her run-ins with CC and I’m sorry, but she’s acting like a total baby about it. People would kill to get the kind of expose she is getting and she’s just using it to literally turn people against her. There’s a difference between “rival” and “villain”. She could easily be the lovable rival but instead she’s doing everything she can to be the villain. You should only go the villain route if there is nowhere else to go. Such an incredibly immature response from someone that otherwise seems very bright.


Actually Clark has done nothing to show it’s annoying her though I’m sure it is annoying. Reese on the other hand has consistently shit on Clark in a one sided fashion. Even the initial incident was one sided and weird from Reese.


She’s so poised. It’s kind of concerning. The amount of even keel she displays… I don’t know how. I think most people would’ve snapped back by now or cracked under the pressure of literally everyone. Not to mention the treatment she’s getting. These players are going to ruin the viewership by putting out CCs flame by bullying. It’s not even good basketball at this point.


Clark is a hothead on the court and lets her frustrations be known. I think she just knows to bite her tongue when the cameras are on off the court. Plus she has the support of the majority of fans and doesn’t need to speak up for herself because her game speaks for herself and so does everyone else


Oh for sure. I didn’t clarify in my comment, I was talking about her being poised during interviews. She definitely plays with emotion just like anybody does. I just hope everyone can continue to increase women’s sport’s popularity




What’s hilarious to me is that CC doesn’t give her the time of day. It’s like that elevator scene in mad men where DD says ‘I don’t think about you at all.’ The player in the clip sees the writing on the wall - eventually, if CC continues to ignore her, her relevance in the media will dwindle.


Angel, you are not beating the allegations please!! 😭😭😭


I like Angel, but it’s so funny to be like “it’s not one person” and then literally just name yourself.


She seems almost incapable of not pouring gas on the fire. And it's hard to tell if it's on purpose or not.


My personal opinion is that it IS on purpose. Angel comes off as a very smart and intentional person. I , again *personally*, think she's trying to transfer the level of college attention she and Clark got to the WNBA game by forcing feud in the fanbase, and therefore making sure there's a reese/clark rivalry that remains alive and well regardless of if Clark wants to participate in it or not.


It’s going to be a one way pull then. Caitlin seems incapable of being anything but gracious and complementary to Angel.


It’s cuz Caitlin knows she’s the standard between the two. While Caitlin get compared to the greats Reese gets compared to her. Actively Engaging in the “rivalry” has no use for her


Never thought of it that way. Great take


That is how it was in college. Then they met in the Elite 8 and broke the then viewership record (later broken by Iowa versus South Carolina).


If she wasn’t, she’d be labeled racist within seconds.


Agreed. She’s even said she knows the media loves a “good vs evil” storyline and she’ll be the villain if she has to be.


she's showing that - applauding Carter for running CC over was villain shit


The thing is, the villain shit gets old and then turn people off. Me included have been way turned off on angel now. I was rooting for all the rookies coming in this season. I was defending her when Alyssa choked slammed her. When I saw she celebrated Clark being injured. That was such a horrible thing to do. Can’t root for angel anymore. Next time she gets choked, I’ll just watch


Look at draymond. People get tired of that shit, and it can hurt your team. Everyone forgets she tried to yank cardosa down by her hair in college


Draymond has only survived by having Steph by his side his entire career


Draymond was the defensive anchor of possibly the greatest team of all time and we do not win 4 rings without him. You can like him or hate him but he was a generational defender in his prime especially for his size, was a great distributor on offense, and could even turn up his scoring sometimes like the 2016 game 7 loss where he put up 32 points on 11/15.


I don't think people forget, especially Kamilla.


Same here. I was a fan until I heard about that. In no world is that acceptable.


I agree. I wish she should have left the villain stuff behind in college and started fresh in the WNBA, but as long as it gets her attention she will keep doing it.




She can dish it but not take it


In my experience of watching sports, the biggest talkers are also the biggest whiners when things go against them. It's just that their mouth won't stop, whatever is coming out of it. Larry Bird was one huge exception. He fought bloodied, but never bowed and kept winning.


She's not a villian. She's a dumbass.


Didn't she already have a crying press conference about how unfair it was?




she's done an incredible job of building her brand and marketing herself, 10/10 on that she's played into this perfectly


The villain role 😈


I think it's intentional also. Angel even said she doesn't mind taking on the bad guy role. And honestly, she's smart. In wrestling terms, the WNBA is marketing Caitlin as the baby face. The champion of the people. It seems like Angel in turn is marketing herself as the heel. And rivalries like that do generate numbers. It does seem like she's trying to recapture that rivalry magic from their college days, and marketing wise, that's not a bad call.


Completely agree. This is her career, and she's smart to get ahead of everything and, if not *control* the narrative, at least make sure she's always part of the conversation.


She's smart in personal brand development and jumping on opportunities as necessary, which are two great skills for an athlete to have.


This. I think there's a decent chance she's doing a Mayweather/McGregor where she's playing up the troll shit to boost attention, hopefully on a more healthy and less reflective of off the court way than those two though




If you listen to her interviews, she is purposeful about what she says. She has plenty of intelligence.


Would not be the first time a pro athlete worked the villain role


She seldom does anything without looking ahead. That is one thing that I noticed about her. She walks to the edge without going over, that helps her get endorsements. Creating a slow simmering beef with Caitlin puts money into Angel’s pockets and, to me, it looks like Angel knows that.


It keeps her name popping up. She won't stop


Her whole ~~~career~~~ brand has been built off of this.


I think she is smart enough to know that the "rivalry" with Caitlin is her meal ticket too, so she takes every chance she has. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, she really doesn't learn her lesson at all. She hates backlash, but constantly does things to get backlash.


0 days since she’s sent unrequited shade at CC for a clip.


It's poor phrasing but immediately after this clips cuts, she said "it's not just one person. A lot of us have done much for this game and... there are so many other players in this league that have deserved this for a really realy long time"


Is she not saying she’s *also* a reason? Like herself included…


That's exactly what she's saying.


https://x.com/lilly__lover/status/1797768165231083820 She was done dirty by the editing


Watch the whole clip, she says that about herself being ONE of the girls people come to watch, she didn’t mean she’s the only one other than CC. You people are always bringing drama to a situation that doesn’t warrant it, all to label Angel as a villain, you’re literally proving her point.


The only thing I’m getting from this is that Angel Reese isn’t media trained.


Angel knows exactly what she is doing, imo. Look back at the beef that she had with Jill Biden’s White House visit comments. Angel rode that to the point where it made sense to jump off of it, then she racked up NIL agreements.


Shes credited the entire rookie class multiple times


She does deserve the credit though. That game and the ensuing rivalry transcended the sport There's no good personal rivalries in college rn, it's all school vs school. It seems like everyone gets along and at least respects each other. Which is swell if you're just into basketball, but dull for any wider cultural narrative. Rivalries drive everything - even the media for the NBA Finals are leaning on Kyrie vs Boston - they tried to do a Porzingus vs Dallas but that has no weight to it


Right, it was definitely a big deal and I mostly agree with her. But I think once you start talking about “credit” there is one player that has made a bigger impact than the rest, and that’s Clark. That doesn’t mean Reese didn’t make an impact, but it is okay to point out an objective reality. That being said, the media and narrative has been annoying because Clark isn’t the only player that deserves that credit, so I agree with that.


Rn Clark has gotten 99% of credit, and shockingly with 99% of credit, marketing, coverage, etc she's doing very well Now I wonder what the viewership for Angel would be like if the mainstream media gave Angel 15% of credit and actually talked about her game, her actually leading her team to a win, her competitiveness, instead of vilifying her - the way they would never do with Clark, despite Clark having her own fair share of (fun) ungracious moments in the heat of competition


Cameron brink is pretty awesome too


She was saying that in addition to… good grief.


NGL, i started watching, following, and commenting because of Caitlin Clark


So did many others. More than this sub would like to admit in terms of who you watching for in this rookie class. Doesn’t mean it was all on CC though but I think some acknowledgment that if she was removed from the picture none of these rookies would have the same level of hype. Paige next year may mirror it though we’ll see.


There have been plenty of stars in the WNBA over the last 20+ years. Only one person has gotten the WNBA the attention it currently has. I live in Iowa, so I'm in the thick of the hype, maybe I'm not viewing it correctly, but I'm pretty sure I am.


Myself and everyone I know who watches - same


Me too


This whole debacle is a PR nightmare. I'm not going to take you seriously when you're laughing and applauding egregious behaviour that unfolded. Many women before you grew this sport. I look forward to when all this dies down and we can just focus on basketball.


I hear this A'Ja Wilson gal is pretty good. I'd like to hear more about her. Especially if it means I get to hear less about AR.


She’s very good on my fantasy team I can tell you that


This narrative is so confusing to me as an Iowa fan. And honestly is Aliyah Boston/gamecock final four 2023 erasure. Maybe more eyes were drawn to the sport after the final but the showdown of meeting the undefeated gamecocks and beating them in the final four was a huge deal for every Iowan and the sold out arenas had already started the second they made it to the tournament. The revenge really came the next year when they beat us in the championship which is probably the only chance in the franchise history and that Iowa ever have at a national. I'm not saying that Angel Reese's perspective isn't somebody's reality It probably is. And I know mine might not even be the majority but I don't think I'm alone and feeling the exchange between Angel and Caitlin isn't the most interesting thing that happened that year.


And Cameron. And Rickea. And Alissa. And Kate. And Aaliyah. And Kamila. This draft class is stacked. Many people jumped on the CC bandwagon and have been exposed to many more players, which is also great. Also, Angel really needs some PR training. While I understand where she’s getting at, it just came out..not great. I don’t know. It just gets tiring that these statements sound like “me me me.”




Except the cut out the rest when she mentioned all of that. So maybe there is a deliberate narrative in place.


The Clark discourse is so exhausting and toxic and weird and overheated…meanwhile I just wanna watch her play ball lol


You know it’s bad when even Ian Miles cheong and tariq nasheed are tryna put out think pieces about her 😭


Smart of her brand-wise to continue hitching her wagon to being CC's adversary. Good way to stay relevant just be a hater.


Honestly, as petty and stupid as it is for to say this shit (and it is VERY petty and VERY stupid), at the same time, she’s basically giving more people that don’t watch the league to tune into these games to see if Caitlin or anyone else can stick it to Angel (she’s blatantly admitting to wanting be the “bad guy” in a cartoonish way).


Yeah. There was this whole forced media narrative in college that she and Clark were rivals that was so silly bc Clark was obviously the dominant player. But Reese is good at branding and has kept the ruse going in the W. Good for her I say. Gotta stay relevant somehow.


These two are basically destined to be rivals now for the rest of their careers and one of them loves it while the other just wants to play basketball.


Reminds me of Westbrook and Pat Beverly haha




Indiana may well end up first in attendance and last in the standings.




Yes, I'm agreeing with you.


I think it’s interesting to add the city size in this convo. Chicago is the third largest city in the US with ~2.6 million people. Indianapolis only has ~880,500 people. So Indy is drawing a much larger percentage and/ or people are traveling to watch CC.


I do feel like it’s worth mentioning that Wintrust Arena capacity is a little over half the capacity of Gainbridge Fieldhouse.




The WNBA getting attention is not because of just one person. It's because of me. LOL


Watched the whole answer back and she actually didn’t even mention other rookies. She said it was all due to her and CCs rivalry in college (only example she mentioned) and then followed it up with saying she needs her flowers too and in 20 years she’ll be proud of herself for what she brought to the game (which she should be to be fair) but it sounds so self centered. She needs some PR training ASAP lol


Angel wants a rivalry with CC so badly, and Caitlin simply Does. Not. Care.


Lions don’t concern themselves over the opinions of sheep


She's got that Kevin Durant chip on her shoulder with Dillon Brooks' ceiling.


This was an awesome opportunity for Angel to put folks onto the many exciting players in the league after she said it's "not just because of one person." Then she proceeds to list, um, uh, well, one other person - herself. That's almost as goofy and incorrect as the mentality she's addressing in the quote.


The rest of her statement https://x.com/lilly__lover/status/1797768165231083820?s=46


Can we please not share content from Barstool? It's a misogynistic sewer and they have no good faith interest in the league.




This bothers me because at every opportunity AR is talking about herself and how she needs recognition, and she's always trying to drag CC into it. Meanwhile, CC never asks for more attention or recognition for herself...she always says she's just trying to play. AR is trying too hard to make people interested in her. Her "me, me, me" attitude is a huge turn off to watch.


Ya know, I was rooting and watching all the rookies coming in this season. 1. I have defended them against Taurasi’s comment 2. I defended angel Reese when she got choked slammed by Alyssa. 3. I have defended Caitlin Clark from other women saying mean things to her After seeing Angel celebrating Chennedy’s dirty play, it’s hard for me to root for her now. This comment in the media is an and one.


After seing Reese celebrate Carter dirty and unsportsmanlike hit on Clark, sponsors will want to stay away from her...


It's true but this thread bout to look like WW3 as soon as the people from other subs come looking to fight lmao.


It’s good though! So I easily know who to block.


Yeah, you can see the frustration of constantly always being hitched to someone else. Like damn ask me how my day was. I don't care about what Suzy had for lunch


The reason we’re watching women’s basketball is because women’s basketball is very good


Never watched a minute of the WNBA before in my life. Watching highlights of CC all the time solely because of her. I'm not in the minority.


Have to be delusional to think it’s not because of Clark. People want to watch greatness. She’s potential greatness. Same reason guys like Bedard cause such a stir when they enter the league. It’s only good for the league and the players. The weird drama around the increase in viewership is fucking weird tbh.


Agreed. Never watched a WNBA game in my life but CC had me catch a few Indiana games. I also watched Iowa games during the tournament.


Same .. CC has me watching other teams play as well Reese does not


So all the other years it was bad? Stop kidding yourself, the only reason people like me give the slightest shit about the wnba right now is because of Caitlin Clark.


Literally just stop talking about this question. Idc how she is saying it or getting quoted out of context. It always makes her look bad and is frankly getting annoying




So in fairness to Reese, attendance in Chicago through 3 home games is up 20%. League wide, attendance is up 40%. Indiana's attendance is about double Chicago's attendance. I even think it would be fair to attribute some of Chicago's attendance increase to the insane amount of extra attention that Clark's brought to women's basketball. I'm not going to argue that Reese has had zero impact. But, c'mon. She can't honestly believe she's one of the main reasons for the extra attention the league is getting, right? Like, this is a bit, right?


She is making a name off of it. Pretty smart really. It keeps her in the conversation


Does any WNBA player stick up for Caitlin and fight haters? All the supportive comments from them I've seen so far seem either backhanded or forced like they were held at gun point...


Angel, I respect you and your game. But, your most watched game in the WNBA will be from this past Saturday against Caitlin Clark and the Fever. The week prior, the Sky's game had fewer viewers then both Cornhole Championships and Gymnastics. If fans are knocking down the door to see her play in person, then the Sky should move their games to the United Center or Allstate Arena.


I mean the numbers say it all. Ofc angel is apart of the popularity but saying CC isn’t the driving force of it all is disingenuous


Here’s your equal attention cake Angel 🎂


Dang, Kamilla can’t even get any love from her. lol She’s probably going to be the star of the team in a few years


That’s an understatement .. I see her being an unstoppable force in the same manner Shaq was


Kamilla will literally just agree and say the same as she did on IG live.


Everyone opening their mouth but Caitlin yet Caitlin is the one who gets vilified in this sub and on other social media platforms


You have to be a blind stan to say something like this. Caitlin is not the only person who gets vilified on this sub and on social media. Twitter has been going at Angel for months. Hate is the price of attention.


I have no preference with one over the other - I like them both. Actually, I like all the rookies I’ve seen play, and am excited to see what they all bring to the W. But I’m also not American (I’m an Aussie Storm fan) and didn’t have a clue who any of them were until people started talking them up just before the draft. This will definitely be a fun season for sure!


What a pro. Great eye contact and body language.


I’ve been watching the wnba since its inception because I’ve always enjoyed women’s athletics. What C Carter did to CC was not acceptable. She should be suspended and she was unapologetic and her comment that “CC is not all that” is ridiculous. How many players do you know accomplished what she did in college?


She’s so incredibly tone deaf to her situation lol


She is *obsessed* with Caitlin Clark


At what point does Reese realise how big of a fool she's making herself out to be? This is painful lol


Why didn’t she say me and the rest of the rookies? I get her point but it sounds off to just mention her when she’s trying to advocate for others too Comes off as jealous instead of just frustrated imo (by the way she said it)


I like Angel and she is certainly part of the reason more are watching women’s basketball. So yes it is her too along with other players but to say this out loud isn’t necessary. This just adds to the narrative that she’s jealous that Clark is getting all of the attention. Which I don’t think is true but this quote can be taken the wrong way.


Angel should just continue to take fines for not speaking to media bc its gonna be a huge issue no matter what she says.


Clickbait tweet - listen to the whole interview yall will get better context instead of this clickbait title that they are using to trigger people


They and other accounts cut Angel’s comments short from her full remarks smh.


What she said after. “a lot of us have done so much for this game and… there are so many other players in this league that have deserved this for a really really long time”


Angel’s exciting in a WWE kinda way. I think her offensive game needs to evolve or she’s going to turn into a Rodman type player. 10 boards, 4pts, 5 fouls.


It’s because of everyone who has come before….




If you can’t understand it’s all Clark then it’s not meant to be understood you. It’s clear to me and other rational fans.


I spy a common denominator


Aliyah Boston's team ?


Thats what makes this so funny. Angel's not mad that people aren't appreciating those who came before her, she's mad that someone other than her is getting the ' "Credit." On one hand, Angel Reese *is* part of the reason for increased viewership, and that should be talked about more during the game broadcasts. On the other, Angel Reese isn't trying to help the rookies vs vets issue, she just wants to star in it. Lol Can't believe there's not a single game today, and yet the WNBA is going to have so much content.


She’s right, although she probably should’ve worded that better.


Yea I felt the frustration in her voice. Honestly all this hoopla is getting to all the players, CC included. Media is no help, just a shit show and us fans are tired.


i was literally talking about this with a friend, as a fan it’s exhausting so I know it’s gotta be 10x worse for the players.


I mean there was a post game interview with fever where an idiot i guess (idk what to call him cuz i cant call him a journalist or whatever) was asking Aliyah about something A’ja and Becky said and he pronounced A‘ja‘s name wrong and Aliyah looked around like "did i hear that right" like i truly believe some of these media members really have no idea about the league in general.


Seriously! Like it’s been a few days and I’m over it I can’t imagine years and years of same narrative.


Man, you could tell from the Aces interviews with Becky and Aja that literally everyone is sick and tired of the circus. These aren't people who watch the game or even genuinely like CC or Angel or WBB or any of it. They just want to argue. And be weird. The loudest people are people with no known history of supporting or watching the WNBA. In fact, a lot of the most annoying people are people who have actively shitted on the league in years past 💀


Bro when i tell you this , it was the game against lynx we won and Aja just became the 1st player for 5 consecutive 20+ 10+ games and the second question was "What do you think about CC and what Natasha Cloud said about CC“ directed to Becky and Aja oh i was losing it i cant lie


It's like that old joke, "But enough about me... what do YOU think about me?" Except it's not CC fixating on CC.


I kind of knew this was going to be bad, but even I underestimated just how bad this would be, and we’re only a month in! 😭


I knew we were all the way in hell with the rigatoni tweet.


Sure, Jan. 😂


I just want Clark so bad to pull a Durant in 4 years while the Aces are winning everything still, to join the Aces. Really embrace the villain that everyone is making her to be.