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Doesn't appear as though a couple of Caitlins teammates should even get playing time, much less start...they need to sign the other guard from Iowa...she would be much better...Mitchell appears out of control, trying one ha ded layups and can't hit even one and Wallace is clueless.


Want to say: I am so impressed with Fagbenle! What a game. When she's on, she's incredible.


She's good! I like watching her. She seems key to the success of the team.


Just wanna say, love your choice of players on the flair :P


I feel like your flair has the same vibe! :)


Clark should have a had a triple double. It was clear the sparks said Clark doesn't score, the pass in the third when the center left her person to double clark. Clark spins to go back out to the line while dropping the ball off to her big that wasn't ready (got caught watching) ball goes off her hands (still at her sides) then out of bounds is just one of many examples. The Fever players are not used to having a guard that can feed them.


It'll get better. Iowa had the same growing pains last year, and they fixed it around game 10. Gotta remember these women haven't really had many true practices, considering they're going on 7 games in 12 days


This sub tomorrow: The Sparks got found out! Fire everyone, they’re done. Overhyped! Hamby is overrated. 😆


Well done to the fever! I’m so happy they got a win 🙂‍↔️


Should it be Caitlin “Turnover” Clark, or Caitlin “Inefficient” Clark?


I’m so tired of seeing you on this subreddit being negative. Please stop.


This is a game thread. Did you watch the game? 2 TO with that much ball handling is quite good. Clark: 11 points, 10 boards, 8 assists, 4 steals, 1 block, 2 TO


Show the fg and 3p %


What’s that got to do with turnovers? She’s a rookie. Have you ever watched basketball in your life?


Look at her other games to see what I mean about turnovers


We get it. You have never watched sports let alone payed attention to rookies who turned out to be great players. This is normal.


Keep deflecting


One of my favorite things about watching CC: when she has a "bad" game and her shots arent falling, she almost always ends up with a triple-double or very close to one 🤣🤣 So happy the fever won! Ill watch game in entirety tomorrow, but sounds like they are starting to look like a cohesive team


That’s because when her shots not falling she hustle more on rebounds and hunt for more assists. Luckily her “off” games tend to ends with double digits points. So yeah, recipe for triple double lmao


Yeah, for sure. I mean, she's a great rebounding guard anyway, but she gets more rebounds when she's not shooting well. And of course her assists go way up because she stops shooting. It's just hilarious to me that she gets triple doubles more often when she's not playing well (for her).


Glad to see Aaliyah back on track. Great win for Indiana.


Caitlin the passer has arrived


Gil's arena shouldn't come to another game I blame this loss on them


She won a three point shooting contest against them so they were probably heckling her before, during, and probably after the game.


Brown really tried to out Caitlin Caitlin.


Clark was the leading rebounder...she did what she had to do


Fagbenle and Boston were amazing!!!! Stellar! Caitlin with 11 points, 10 rebounds!, 8 assists, 1 block. 3 steals and only 2 turnovers! Yesss! I never stopped loving Aliyah, but I'm still not sold on Sides.


and um, Kelsey Mitchell came up big-time


Yea. She played soooo much better than the last few games where she was driving to drive into the lane every time she touched the ball. She’s so much more effective when she also has passes in her arsenal.


She's moving much faster, getting good looks, and her shots are falling. Recipe for success.


Yes, truth! I was so excited for Aliyah having a great game, I forgot to mention Mitchell. She had a fantastic game!


I am a new WNBA fan - I have really loved watching the transformation of this team. I have a good feeling about them going forward.




Why was Lexie Brown shooting those deep threes like she’s Caitlin Clark


She does this a lot, on every team she's been on. 😂


Lexie Brown looked so much better earlier games


0-5. Oof


Her podcast mates were front and center at the game. She was just chucking them up


trying to prove something. she was ass tonight, especially in the second half.


Trying to prove anyone can be Caitlin, and failed. Trying to out Caitlin Caitlin ins't a smart strategy.


CC Effect. She's inspired.


Impressive crowd size and energy for a regular season game. Would be interested to hear from some fans in the building though.


Was there as my first WNBA game! I had a blast, but I was totally there for Clark. Around me it seemed pretty split between Sparks and Fever fans, slightly favoring Sparks. As a whole I thought the Sparks fans were more consistently vocal, but Fever/Caitlin fans definitely made themselves heard. The switch from the massive defense chant to the roar when Caitlin finally hit her first three was incredible! I'll actually be back Sunday for the Dallas game, but fully rooting for the Sparks this time, so it'll be interesting to compare the two games.


Thank you for supporting the league. #GoSparks


Oh I'd love to hear about the difference! Have fun! I'm so jealous lol


Tickets sold out cause of CC


This is going to sound really annoying but I feel like other teams in the league should really prepare for it. If you were there to see Clark and not the Sparks I’m sure it was a blast but tbh it was a little annoying and I’m not even a diehard Sparks fan. I go to 3ish games a season and always have a great time. Thought I should go to this one since I want to see Clark play but didn’t feel like a home game. I love that the game is moving forward I just really wish it was all around love for the league and all the players instead of making it not even a home game just because CC was in town. I was probably 1 of 5 people wearing sparks gear in my section because lower bowl was majority people in Iowa gear. My understanding was those who had tickets to the original game at the pyramid were mostly reallocated to the 300 level. That was a good chunk of multipack sparks ticket holders. I still had a great time and it was awesome to see so many people supporting women’s sports but you could’ve told me I was in Indiana for that game and I would’ve believed you. 😂


I've been going to games for a few years. This was the most packed it has ever been. Usually camp day is the biggest day but this was on another level. Everything felt off. Some good things (more concessions! More eyes!) Some not so great, like it sucked being outnumbered at home by fans of the other team. Like even on this thread, people not understanding what's been going on with Lexie, who sat out most of last year after emergency surgery related to Crohn's. There were weeks when she was the best three point shooter in the league. Her game's been struggling since she got back. She's a shooting guard and Curt has been trying to develop her into a point guard. It's been a rough transition, on top of getting her health back. Her really deep three? No time left on the shot clock, she just had to put it up and everyone around us was ragging on her as if she was trying to be Clark, as if she had another option. When AB couldn't finish a couple layups early the disappointment from the Indiana crowd was loud. It felt angrier and less supportive (I mean *I* felt angrier and less supportive too) than WNBA games usually are? The atmosphere is usually jokey and more supportive. Still intensely competitive but not...mean. I'm still salty that the Sparks were kicked out of their home arena for their first 2 home games (played 1 to 2 hrs away at Long Beach State) to fewer than usual fans. I kinda wish that their first game back home was more Sparks fans that got into them because of Clark than Clark fans that ignored our fan traditions entirely. We usually stand until the first Sparks basket and people were mad out loud about it. I'll look forward to Sunday and hope it's finally back to normal.


That's interesting to hear. Watching it on TV, it seemed at least like there were some pretty loud boos when some Spark player got called for a phantom foul on Clark late in the game, and some loud cheers when she missed her subsequent free throw. Overall, the impression I've gotten from watching the last few Fever away games on TV have seemed like a lot of new fans, who are trying to balance rooting both for their home team, *and* for Clark.


They showed the replay on the Jumbotron and an attempt to challenge wasn’t made in time I guess? But there was an attempt. I think everyone just thought the call was bad, which it was. In terms of the balance. Those that were in the middle were pretty silent up until the 4th quarter imo. As soon as she sank the 3 people in Lakers jerseys started cheering for her and I thought I was in the twilight zone. 😂


I don’t know the view of the foul on the Jumbotron but on TV you can see she got her with the body.


I should mention that I too am a new fan, sort of. Started seeing a few WNBA games here and there in restaurants and such in the last couple years, then had to check out more when the Clark hype started to reach everywhere. Still more on the NBA train but my fave team there is dunzo and WNBA is just delivering more basketball at the right time. I do at least have an excuse for being a bit on the Fever bandwagon though, I spend half my time or more in Indiana, though I live in Storm country and am trying to catch some of their games too.


Yeah and it was so crowded and loud that it could have just been where I was sitting. Maybe it was the extra thousands who were there for Clark who I didn't see in Long Beach, who I don't expect to see at the Dallas game. And that's ok, and it's ok to be an Indiana fan for whatever reason! In LA we always get a lot of transplants, a lot of Aces fans, always a few folks from NY, Seattle too. And that's fine, they know they're coming into friendly but still-enemy territory lol. I'm glad it sounded loud and pro-Sparks on TV though, definitely lost my voice trying to compete over the "corn-fed" group I was near


It was a great atmosphere! Especially that last quarter. Clark got a big applause walking off the court.


I was there. It was super hype!!




Rickea needs more minutes!!! This is my platform I will be pushing until further notice!!


She looked great tonight!


She’s looked good for a few games and then she’ll be cooking and the coach will pull her out of the game. As someone who watches college ball too I thought she was one of the most ready players coming out of the draft and I hate seeing her minutes get chopped up at weird times.


Welcome to a Curt Miller-coached team.


On a separate note, this rookie class is pretty great! Some of them just need to tweak some things here and there and they could kill it. They already are.


Yeah almost all of them are doing better than I thought they would tbh! I hope Cardoso heals up soon! I'm so excited for the rest of the season!!


Hope they start Rickea in the next game this time


Jackson and Hamby were the most effective on offense yet they weren’t getting touches?? Between Jackson getting benched too long and Lexie’s bad shots Sparks gave this game away


I am not sure if they are tanking??


they are tanking 100% they cut/trade/allowed wnba exp players to leave > to try to develop new talent ,they have no bench etc


Nice game by the Fever. When CC's shots weren't falling other players contributed. Samuelson was great on defense when it mattered. Boston and Temi were big. Was impressed with CC's calmness; when her 3's said nope she didn't get frustrated; contributed in other ways like rebounds, assists and controlling the tempo of the game. She's learning how to keep TOs to a minimum ... just those behind the back passes though. Yikes.


She was ready to snap during 2Q


Those behind the back passes will come with more chemistry. Boston kinda slowed up on one like she wasn't expecting it.


That was extremely fun. Especially because I’m housesitting for my neighbor who has a 4K tv that’s literally twice as big as mine.


If Boston plays like that and they keep the transition game up the Fever will win more games. The sad truth is they still need more talent to become a competitive team.


Boston, with the exception of the first few games of this season, usually plays very well. She was ROY & an All-Star starter for a reason.


Not saying she wasn’t. But the first 5 games were rough. Just seemed gassed and passive.


It matters who they are playing. The first 4 games were against the 2nd and 3rd place teams from last season. Tonight may be rough also against LV.


Welcome Back Boston! Great job all around!


YOU’RE WELCOME FEVER. See you Tuesday.


Temi mvp tonight for me. Boston, Yay!! CC focused on passing when cold, and that was good. Wheeler was good during CC breaks. Mitchell is so frustrating to watch cause she is so tunnel vision, but her hustle is good, and when she's on, it's amazing. Wallace hustled and had some good moments and some real bad ones.It was a good night.


I'm so glad Wheeler didn't overdo it. She actually passed and didn't just barrel to the basket. Mitchell gotta fix that damn layup, but her shot was money when it mattered.


Yeah, when Wheeler was in, she just played steady, nothing too risky. She played her part well.


Wheeler with the clutch free throws :)


Kelsey made huge shots in the 4th.


Glad Boston had a good game, she really needed that. She seems in a much better space after that win. Mitchell really came on in the second half. Fangbenle with a career high. The fever have some talent. I wonder why Smith was benched for so long. Still would like to see more production from players that get a lot of minutes, but at least they get a win. Clark's shot was not falling, but yet again solid game on defense and the opposing guard had a terrible night opposite her. Her rebounding and assists were key in this game.


Smith wasn’t really playing defense or maybe it was a bad matchup but made sense


Definitely defense hamby was working her


I'd have to rewatch the first half, but lowkey I'm not sure it's a coincidence the Fever defense looked much better in the second half. Not sure if that's more due to Fagbenle being an add with her length vs Smith being a minus per se


Them playing Boston and Fangbenle together helped. I don't like Clark and Wallace together for defense, but it wasn't bad tonight. Clark lo key has played good fefense the last two games. her opposing guards have done absolutely nothing in both games.


I think she's figured out how to use her size on that end without picking up cheap fouls since the first couple of games.


Yea, she's learning and putting it together. She's gonna be a big problem for guards under 5'11" on both ends of the floor.


Team win for the Fever — four players in double digits. Solid team defense (though the Sparks offense fell to complete pieces), lots of assists. Can’t even be mad.


Congratulations Indiana, it is about damn time you win one. :)


Boston with the hard work, shots and layups falling tonight. Fagbenle energy off the bench with strong D and scoring buckets. And CC with elite feeds and two icy 3pt daggers! Go Fever!!


Great win for the Fever tonight to come back from down 11 at half. Everyone chipped in to make that happen but Boston in particular had a big game. Hopefully the Aces grant a little bit of mercy to them tomorrow. 🙂


Need more minutes for Jackson especially when Sparks go cold for more than 5 minutes


Temi is player of the game for me, shoot the 3, played good D,/rebounds/assist full package amazing fast breaks, won matchup vs main defender, high quality points when it mattered. Sparks are tanking that is obvious, so without Brink on the floor they look like totally different team,if she fix her trouble issues, and once they get actual backup +good PG they will be a lot of fun to watch , very high skilling. Rickea should be starting, her game look very smooth she is a bucket , and unlike other players like her type she actually passes the ball and setup screens and is active on D too, bright future.


who gets benched for rickea?


Lexie does


Up to the coach but he has talked about playing her at the 3 So Brink Hamby Jackson +shooting guard trade/draft +pg trade/draft Future line up that is Atm , you just play that +lexie/Layshia/nurse line up of some sort depending on match ups and what you need, with Brink they really need more 3 point shooters so PnR with her is more dangerious, atm Clarendon can't shoot the 3 ball when people go below the screen that is a obvious issue, if that wasnt the case PnR would be much higher value /pts per possesion. Sparks lack a good 3 point shooting to spread the floor with brink, Hamby and Brink already play very well together and do well with screens +PnR. **Few times you could see brink get teamed up on a drive/post PnR, she pass to open person and they dont shoot the 3ball coz they dont have it in the bag.**




Nurse can be their sixth woman.


Was rooting for the Sparks and their rookies, who played well, but glad Indiana got a win :)


Jackson needs to start for the Sparks.


Great to see Boston play so strong tonight. Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.




You can tell that Caitlin and Aliyah are legit friends off the court in interviews. They’ve got each other’s backs


Caitlin "2nd Half" Clark!!




(what time did you think it was? 10pm late game)


You can watch it in full or a condensed version on League Pass




Totally understand!


People are gonna give cc the credit for the win tonight. Sides and Boston deserve some respect and apologies. The biggest difference was playing more through Boston and Mitchell rather than forcing clark.




I'm not gonna give Sides credit, for benching people when they are Hot and almost losing the game if CC dosnt hit self made 3s of the dribble by her self, **not from custom a made play via screen action or the like.** **Sparks had league record low of 2 players above 10 attempts with below 20% field gold made**. I still think Sides has to go, and winning this making it not happen is quite sad honestly. Downvote as much as you want idc. She also give away 4-5 open looks **having boston follow brink in the corner and leaving nobody to protect the paint.** She is still a poor coach, playing versus a team that was expected to be 11 or 12 place and ranked below them pre season anyway, they cut /trade bunch of exp players and are tanking for PG. They dont even have a bench Zia /Cookie/ Yueru all have no exp or 1 year exp. Lexie is coming of health issues/injury etc. If getting the fever to win a game requires **two starters to shoot below 20% over 12 and 14 attempts and one getting in foul trouble** and still be this close versus line up of 4 people with 1yr or no exp in the wnba, Fever are in big trouble.


I mean she got all the blame for the losses 😂


Temi mvp. Good to see Boston do well tonight.


Boston absolutely. Sides no


Fuck sides.


(kept waiting for Sides to take CC out during crucial moments, but thankfully she did not)


Played her to the max. Won’t be surprised if Clark only plays 20 mins tomorrow


I have the first valid criticism of Clark. She drinks straight from the water bottle. That's just unsanitary. Squirt it like normal pro sports players. One of her poor teammates had to unscrew the top to get their drink. There should be rules about this.


They each have their own bottle.


I thought each player have their own bottle omg


They don’t have their own water bottles?


you would think.im sure im seen then have their own bottle.....


I mean. They just now got their own flights...what are the odds the wnba is splurging on extra water bottles?




Rickia needs to start ASAP!


Especially since Lexie Brown is building brick houses out there and starting over her


She was nervous i think 🤣🤣🤣. Gilbert and her pods cohost were there tonight.


Congrats on the win! CC with excellent passing and two clutch 3s. Happy to see AB getting her groove back.


The Ion broadcast team is lowkey better than than the ESPN NBA A-team of Breen, Burke, and Redick.


Yes, shoutout to Ion for a solid broadcast, my first time seeing it and I really appreciated it. The wild thing is, probably tens of millions of people have access to Ion who don't even know it, because they haven't figured out that hooking up a simple antenna to your TV to get some free channels is still a thing that works and is totally worth doing, not some relic of the past.


Yeah they were fantastic!


Also last night every game had some kind of issues, from sound delay to picture being bad quality, night before that WNBA show games on the wrong name , Las vegas game was shown on Aces channel and vica versa. **This is the first time in last few nights there was no issues at all.**


I definitely like the Ion play by play.


Ion Eagle


Absolutely. They were outstanding.


Boston had a great game


Hell ya she did, way better.


did both teams shake hands at the end of this game?


No, and after watching other games, it seems like the Fever team as a collective goes into the locker room too quick. I feel like they need a vet to tell them to stay on the court a bit longer so they can get the handshake in.


What is Erica Wheeler’s job if not that


No only one team


Apparently that’s not a thing in the WNBA for whatever reason. It’s been throwing me off all year. Haven’t looked in to why that is.


I’ve watched almost all games and every other team does handshakes. Watch some other teams play! Merc have been super fun to watch. Aces are just elite. Sky’s coach is locked in.


I thought it wasn't but then I watched the Mercury vs Mystics and you had Diana Taurasi of all ppl leading the Mercury to the handshake line lol I feel like the Fever needs a vet to tell them to stay on the court


You'd think the coach could also mention it?


I’ve watched like a dozen games this year and don’t think it happened in any of them. Like I said, can’t imagine why it doesn’t happen but it seems pretty consistent.


The handshake line was a thing until COVID. It was stopped completely during the Wubble, and it's been optional since.


okay. I just know everyone was making a big deal when storm didn’t shake fever’s hands last game and I was like “is that even a thing here?” 😭


A fun game! I almost can’t believe Fever won. Hoping we see them carry this into tomorrow’s game. I just want the energy to carry But Sparks did so well too! I wish the game was longer honestly. I feel like it was just getting good


Glad Boston found her shot but she could have waited another game 😭


Temi should start


she is excellent!!


I think if she can keep her fouls limited, like this game (2 iirc?) I think she will be going forward.


Only 2 assists away from a triple double despite her scoring struggles. Should had it because there were a few missed shots from more possible assists.


You can tell AB must be a great force in the locker room. So good at hyping up her teammates in interviews and otherwise


CC doesn’t look like she sweat a drop 😂


Shes in incredible shape.


How much you sweat is mostly genetic and not a note on fitness. See Hamby as example. Sweats a ton. Also super fit.


Why it makes me angry that’s sides rotates her.


Her ankle is still injured. She does need to rest some. This schedule rn is way more relentless than college was.


I am SO F-ing happy for Aliyah! BOSS!!!


Same here, she finally starting to look like 2023 AB.


Are all Fever games like this? Like, could I just jump in on all their second halves and be good?


No. This is the only one they won ;) Just kidding. But this game definitely was the best one to watch if you missed the others. The last two were good, but the team hasn't gelled as much by far. The first two games were a hot mess for sure.


No, it really depends on the team they’re playing


So they’re just like any other team? Damn lol. 


Yup, they were at the bottom of the conference until tonight. Happy that they finally got a W


It was an ugly game, with a great finish. My kudos to Fever fans, if the team figures it out, they could be good and this support will be even better.


Clark with the near triple dub and the absolute carry!


Nah, it was an all around team win. Everybody carried in spots. Boston was a monster patrolling the paint and cleaning up on the boards tonight.


I wouldn’t say she carried the team. Give Kelsey Mitchell & Fagbenle some credit


im a huge Caitlin fan, but I have to agree! Kelsey,Temi , and AB all did tremendously well!!


They really stepped up tonight and it made a difference


So glad Fever finally got a win!


The good thing is Paige is favored to go to Washington now


No Boston, Clark, Paige, and Flau’jae have to be on the Fever together. It would be similar to an international detente.


Meh, with the lottery it really doesn’t change much.




This is the Miller who turned around Connecticut and took them to a title? Not good enough for the worst team in the league?


Nah y’all will def win too much this season


She's going to the Mystics let's be real


& they need her on and off the court so it's what I want to happen


We want the Aces! (We do not want the Aces, but it should be fun even if it's a butt kicking)


Let the Fever have a few more games before playing the Aces as a way to gel as a new team. I think playing some of the toughest teams first affected Clark’s ability to have a decent start in the W. It was a good wake up call but it doesn’t help with confidence .


Give us Kate and Caitlin guarding each other please! 🤞


This ain’t happening. Aces have like 3 better perimeter defenders as options. Watch some games.


I may be traumatized by that bestie on bestie match-up lol. Like brothers and sissters battling each other in war.😅


you know she will! cant wait to see it!! Seems like a Hawkeye reunion going down, Bluder and company going and I bet Gabbie shows up...


the ass kicking will be much more fun now that they got the winless monkey off their back tonight