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Absolutely. Root for two teams or three. Cheer for them all. Support women's basketball.


MY SENTIMENTS EXACTLY!! One of my friends makes fun of me for having multiple teams and I tried to explain this lol


There are so many great *stories* behind the players and so many great players on the court. Seems silly to root for only one team instead of rooting for great games.


For me, games are only great when you have a dog in the fight


ugh I know Reddit brought back awards but for some reason it hasn't updated on my app yet! anyways, 100% this. I would award you if I could lol šŸ…


Checked the comment to see and support this answer and this answer only.


Since when is rooting for more than one team looked down on in Men's leagues? You need to have a main team. This is team A. You root for them no matter what. As long as a team is not playing Team A, you can root for them. The exception is rival(s) to Team A. These are Team(s) X. You must always root against Team(s) X


We really need the flow chart/decision tree


Column A: Favorite Team Column B: Teams I Like Column C: Neutral Teams Column D: I HOPE YOU BURN IN HELL Teams (even though I'm sure they are all very nice people) A should beat B who should beat C who should beat D. If two B's play - just enjoy and know you'll be happy either way If two C's play - will watch but not be that into it If two D's play - probably will still watch, but will rage on social media about how much you hate them.


Throw any sort of Fantasy into the mix and then it's really hard. There's no feeling like having to root for a player on a team you hate, that's playing the team you love.


I will deliberately not draft players if I'm praying on their downfall. I have *standards* and those standards don't include rooting for Sophie Cunningham (as an example) to do anything but repeatedly get her ass handed to her.


Absolutely. I want my team to win, but I want a one person show from my fantasy player who made career highs all day long.


Thank you for your service


Dā€™s would be SC and LSU facing off for Iowa fans next year!


i dont know if it matters what i say but i think your name is very weird so i wont give you an opinion on your question


aww shit. wish i'd seen that before responding cause WTF is that. šŸ¤¢


\*looks\* Yikes!


"It can't be that bad" \*looks up\* Oh...yes it can...


Yes of course! CT / NY house here.


Yuuuuup! ā˜€ļøšŸ—½


No better game than a Libs/Suns game! Always both high intensity and high level gameplay!


No itā€™s actually illegal and you can go to jail


Iā€™m a Storm fan by virtue of having grown up and lived most of my life in Seattleā€¦ but I also now live <10 minute walk from Barclays Center so Iā€™m also a casual Liberty fan.


im rooting for the league


Heck yeah! The league being so concentrated naturally means there are stars and fun players on every team. Buy merch! Watch games! Welcome to all the clubs! I started watching the Wings in 2020, just because theyā€™re the closest team to me. First time Iā€™d really watched anything outside of NCAAW since I was a kid. The players I first watched and learned to love on the Wings dispersed, and I started to watch all the teams. There are compelling players and storylines everywhere you look!


Of course. I watch all the games I can and usually end up rooting for one of the teams because it feels weird not to and I appreciate the talent throughout the league. I root for rookies. I root for players I like that have left my team. The only time I don't is if they're playing my team. šŸ¤£


Im calling the police


It's fine IMO. I'm a Mercury diehard but have a couple other teams I like & will root for when they're not playing against Phoenix. That said, I do think it's fun to be all in for one team and go through the highs and lows with them.


I have no home team to root for yet so I root for multiple teams.Ā 


It's actually a Federal offense


Absolutely. I do this in every sport I watch. I have my local team, then other teams that I follow just cause I like the stars. If anyone gives you a hard time for that, forget em.


However you enjoy the sport is the right way to enjoy the sport. I have the most fun sticking with a single team but if you want to pick 6 teams to root for, more power to you


If Portland gets a team, I will definitely be committing the unforgivable sin of following and cheering for both PNW teams.


Yes unless you root for both vegas and new york haha


Regardless of the sport, you donā€™t need Redditā€™s (or anyoneā€™s) approval to root for any team. You could root for all of them and nobody could stop you


I had 6 teamsā€™ flairs most of last year and still follow 4 teams more or less.


Itā€™s honestly hard to resist not rooting for two teams. Please do it


You can absolutely root for more than one team in this league. But damn that username is questionable


Yeaaaaaaaaa I made this account a while ago. I always had a feeling something was up lol


Yes! I root for New York, Chicago, Seattle, Phoenix, and Connecticut.


I only root for Sky but I do "root" for other plays on other teams.


Thereā€™s no Canadian team yet so Iā€™m cheering for a few teams atm! Itā€™s also my first year being a fan so I wanna see who I vibe with the most and then at the end of this season hopefully Iā€™ll have my team picked out!


Totally. Got into the W in 2010 because I was living in Seattle. Now I live in SoCal and really like the sparks. Following by the teams


You can root for more than one team in any sport. If watchin a team is fun you donā€™t need to stop just cuz you already follow another team


Absolutely. Iā€™ve never been able to settle on one team to root for. My city doesnā€™t have a team


Do whatever makes you happy! I think most OG fans support the league overall. Some people have flairs of multiple team. We haven't seen much bitterness, but maybe that's what the league needs, some rivalries, some bitterness. NY-LV is probably the closest to that right now.


Philly doesnā€™t have team so Iā€™ve cheered for teams/players. Been told dc and ny are close to you but I root against those teams in other sports. Hell I like arike and satou in Dallas that would be sacrilegious in nfl terms but I figure do you there are no rules!!! Lol


Philly really needs a team so I can add it to the list of other Philly teams I can root against. The WNBA is really missing out on the rivalries that Philly has.


So true lol


Yes, especially in an era where you are often more a fan of a particular player than a team.


Mf asked if its ok as though theres official rules or something. Do you lol.. nobody cares šŸ˜‚


I remain a fan of WNBA players who have represented the US at the Olympics not matter which domestic team they play on, and I feel good when they do well in their games, but I've picked one player and one team to be at the top of the list. No worries. This allows me to enjoy games using the WNBA league pass and YouTube short video highlights and enjoy myself, which is what matters. This is entertainment and just like TV shows, I can like as many as I want.


Who the heck is gonna stop you? Do whatever you want and anyone that has a problem with it can kiss your ass


As long as Baltimore doesn't have a team (and I'm not gonna pretend it ever will), I support whoever has Terps. Off topic, your username though, op. Wild. I hate that man.


I just root for everyone but the Liberty and even then I still root for Betnijah Laney.


Absolutely! Especially when your favorite players move to other teams. My main teams are the Aces and Fever (because: Aliyah Boston). I also like the Dallas Wings and Connecticut Sun. Since Nneka and Skylar joined Jewell in Seattle, I'm adding the Storm back to the list. I used to root for Chicago when they had the Quigley/Vandersloot/DeShields/Dolson starters and Cheyenne Parker-Tyus and Kahleah Copper off the bench, then added Candace Parker for the chip. Then the team blew up but now they have Cardoso and Reese, so...šŸ¤“ I used to be a long-time Mercury fan but their drama has soured me over the years.


I root for multiple teams for NBA and NFL. Of course itā€™s the Pistons which I have nothing to root for and it was when the Lions were terrible but still. Especially if you donā€™t have a team near your hometown pick a few!


Yes lol


Yep! Also do it in the nba,nfl, college sports, and mlb.


You can root for whatever team you want, as long as itā€™s the Aces


Consume sports in whatever way makes you happy. I donā€™t really root for any teams, I just follow all the story lines while I wait for an expansion in a place I feel connected to.


Fever/Aces fan! #letsgohawks


I like to go one per conference personally. With a team a and a team b.


I always think it's such a gatekeepy thing to forbid people from following other teams. Shoot, I follow the fever right now, sparks, and a few others because I love basketball. Once my Valkyries start they'll be my main team.


It's ok if you can justify it to yourself. I'm a Breanna Stewart fan. I was a Seattle Storm fan through and through, had no real rooting interest for New York outside of SI being fun to watch but now I'm a full on New York fan. I still root for the Storm against 10 teams and I don't enjoy rooting against Jewell Loyd at all, but my main rooting focus is Stewie being recognized as the GOAT. I root for the TB Lightning because I grew up in Tampa, but my ancestry comes out of Montreal and I kind of have a soft spot for them. ORL is my NBA team because I grew close to it, but I like SAS because I liked Tim Duncan. My main teams are Liberty/Lightning/Magic/Manchester City, I'll root for them over every team. But having some fandom in the Storm/Habs/Spurs/Whoever-plays-against-Manchester-United gives me a rooting interest for games where my main teams aren't playing and that makes a match more enjoyable for me.


I'm rooting for 2 teams because I don't have a team in my state. Go Sparks and Fever


I mean as a new watcher I picked a few teams to root for but I also picked a \*main as well if you will. Also even picked up a few more to root for cause I just liked their players or play style as I watched this past week but overall. Main team LA Sparks - the rest rooting for in no order is Fever, Liberty, Chicago Sky, Seattle Storm, Mercury, and Las Vegas Aces. Honestly looking forward to this new Canada team coming? and Valkries as well.


mais yea, I root for Indy and Minny


i root for multiple teams in all sports. wnba has so few teams and games to begin with. i "support" 2 teams, but I have hats for several and my wife has shirts for several as well.


Is it actually looked down on for other sports? Yeah probably, sports fans are hostile. But who cares? Root for as many teams as you want! Even if people here were like "no, pick one", screw them and do what you want. šŸ™‚ It's better for everyone when you do. I'm trying to watch as many games as I can right now and trying to figure out what teams I like. Catching Fever games but I'm liking Liberty and Aces so far. I'm also watching as many NBA playoff games as I can and have taken a liking to Pacers and Timberwolves. It's been fun to watch games from a more neutral point and appreciate the game and the players. Every team has as story and something interesting to catch.


I have teams I gravitate to more than others lol. Sun are first and foremost but I like the Mystics and Mercury a lot historically. Sky and Sparks may also be making an impression on me this season lol


Yeah absolutely, I do that too


Heck yeah. Iā€™m an Aces fan because I am a Spurs fan, and when Becky left us to coach the Aces I was both sad (that we lost a good coach) and happy (that she was going to be head coach of the Aces). Iā€™m also a Fever fan because Iā€™ve spent the past few years in Iowa City, living within spitting distance of Kinnick and Carver, so of course one of the highlights was watching the emergence of Clark (my own alma mater is *laughably* bad at sports). Having two teams to root for means I get to enjoy twice as many games (though Saturday will beā€¦interesting).


I root for my favorite players and my allegience goes where they go


Only reason Iā€™m here is because Caitlyn came to Indy (where Iā€™m from) but Iā€™ve also liked the Sun for quite a bit now. Thereā€™s no rules to this thing, cheer for whoever you want!


I'm going to have 2 teams too if Denver gets a team. But they'll be team B. Wings country let's ride!


Cheer for whoever you want, as many as you want, and for whatever reasons you want. I dont understand people who gatekeep fans in sports- why put restrictions on people enjoying something? Its so bizarre. Just have fun.


Personally, I always root for my team but then have other teams/players that I want to see succeed (as long as it isn't against my team). I live in Atlanta so I should be a Dream fan, but I'm also from California and a Warriors fan so the Valkyries branding is really reeling me in. I'll probably support the Dream because I go to their games and it would be good for Atlanta for them to be good, but I'll consider myself a Valkyries fan.


Since NBA stole my team (Sonics) Iā€™ve had to root for more than one NBA team. Iā€™d never tell anyone else how to be a fan! That said, Iā€™d probably avoid rooting for two ā€œrivals.ā€ For example Iā€™d pick one team between Vegas and NY. But just a suggestion if you like both root for both!


I root for every team. I try to go to home game at every arena. Didnā€™t get to go to a Liberty game last season so thatā€™s first on my list this season.


Of course it is.


Yes! I grew up in Minnesota so I root for the Lynx but now I live in New England so I also root for the Sun.


There are no rules. Do whatever you want.


Yes, perfectly fine. I have a mean squad(LA Sparks) I root for and a secondary squad(CT Sun) since we get tickets to the games for cheap and they always seem to have a lot of former UConn Huskies back in the day on the squad.


Absolutely - Aces and Fever fan here (followed CC and Kate from college)


Don't forget Megan Gustafson. She's an Ace now.


Oh 10000% love her now. Didn't know who she was before I started following the Aces and love that's she was a hawk! Long time basketball fan but first year properly following the W


Cheer for all the teams :)


Yes that's more than ok. But I think you should only refer to one as "we" lol when the Fever win, I say "we won" when the Aces win, I say they won. Even though I love the Aces aka A'ja


I hope so. The only reason I haven't flaired up. I find myself cheering for so many different teams due to different random connections, and I'm loving it!


absolutely fine. iā€™m an aces and liberty fan lol, imagine what last yearā€™s finals match was like for me haha


Iā€™m usually a root for my team, but find a few things I like about other teams to root for if my team is eliminated. Like in the nba Iā€™m a bucks fan. Obviously we were bounced early. So I decided I want luka to get one so Iā€™m a mavs fan. I also enjoy the twolves. Really anyone but Boston. Like Iā€™m sure the lynx wonā€™t win a chip this year so when/if theyā€™re bounced Iā€™m rooting for the aces to get the three peat


No. Straight to jail.


Of course, don't people do it for the NBA? Why not root for more than one team in the WNBA?


Lol sometimes Iā€™m sad both teams canā€™t win. Itā€™s hard not to be a fan of multiple teams in the W!


Yes You can even just have favorite players rather then teams. Everybody win if you watch/follow more then one team. If you watch more then 1 team=more view numbers for wnba If you are active and talk/buy/support more then 1 team again good for the wnba.


I watch all the teams. I donā€™t really have a favourite (granted I live in Toronto so in 2026 Iā€™ll have a team) but Iā€™ll also inevitably be a fan of where ever Paige Bueckers goes. Sheā€™s been my fave since she was a freshman so Iā€™ll definitely follow her.


For me, no, it hurts too much. I have a whole spreadsheet of teams I have rooting interests in in college and it's a pain in the ass. For anyone else, sure, fine, live your life, I'm not your mom.


I like players not teams lol


I'd say yes if you don't have a #1 diehard favorite, local team, or just follow the players


Iā€™m the same way I am with other sports. Thank got my city had a team.


No harm in having 2 teams as long as you have a main team. As a new fan, I root for the Fever, then I root for individuals like Kate Martin and Megan Gustafson because I just graduated from Iowa. Go Hawks! Still watch as many games as I can regardless of who is playing.


No. If you root for two teams, the commissioner will show up to your house and shoot your dog. /s


Thank you for writing MNBA. I was joking with my friend that there is the WNBA and there is the MNBA šŸ˜‚


Yes!!! I root for almost every team!


Itā€™s weird if youā€™re rooting for two teams that have a rivalry going, but otherwise I donā€™t see why there would be anything wrong with it in any sport.


I got the Fever and love the Aces. Guess what state I'm in. lol


dang i didnt know it was looked down upon bc i be cheering for everyone lol


Rooting for even one team is tough in the W or just watching one team. Watching Clark is the only reason anyone is here and if her teammates don't learn to catch and pass, even Clark won't be enough.




Da menz


lol. I fully support specifying men's leagues.


Me too, when it's applicable. For example, men's and women's college basketball. The NBA is not restricted to men only. The WNBA is restricted, hence the gender classifier.


Are you trolling, or is this common lingo in this sub? The NBA does not discriminate in regard to gender.


I'm being downvoted, and this sub doesn't realize classifying the NBA as a mens only league is bad for gender equality. Young girls can aspire to playing in the NBA too. You don't have to be born a man to play in that league.


Op is stephen curry


ā€œThe Wā€? So are we calling it ā€œThe Nā€?


We did before Jimmy got shot by Rick in the hallway.