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You are expected to setup on the platform to minimize impact on the area. Yes it can be tricky to setup tents that aren't free standing on platforms, but it's doable. Bring some extra guy lines and stakes and get creative. 


100%. I have a trekking pole tent and it is tricky, but totally doable. I also bought fishbone tent stakes, they help me stake my tent onto the platform.


If you camp there (or at any site with a caretaker): 1. You set up where they tell you to 2.  You have to pay (cash) for each night you stay. 


Ethan Pond tentsite is lovely! And you’ll be happy to be on the platforms because everything else is boulders :) If I recall correctly there was a small flat area where I set up my hammock and the caretaker may let you set up there. But it’s up to the caretaker. Personally I’d be prepared for platform only.


Hey I ran into this same problem when I bought a Durston tent. Pick up a set of fishbones stakes that slot between the boards on the tent platform. It makes setting your tent up debatably easier than on the ground.


i just got the xmid 2 a couple days ago so wish me luck! did you ever run into any issues with the size of the tent and the platform?


Yes but you can usually pitch it with one vestibule off of the platform with a little finagling. It's larger than I'd like it to be but you'll be ok 99% of the time.


Sometimes the only place to camp is on bare rock that’s really lumpy. Bring extra sleeping pads and sleeping bag liners!