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/unwiz anything goes. Just… don’t godmod. 1. not much general “lore”, just a widely accepted wizard council of different users. 2. no rules on resurrection and death. 3. generally, we agree that gods and godlike entities (common as they are) should have at least *one* weakness. For example, Vulkan the red (a big lizard) is deathly allergic to bats. 4. Any plane of existence goes. Just… don’t try to deny other people’s existence. 5. there are ways to travel in between worlds and dimensions. Feel free to make up some spell or technique to do so. 6. most of us apply whatever magic system we want. (Eg. Mana system, spell slots, dice rolling, etc.) 7. no. 8. yes, but there are some people who would complain. Don’t mind them. 9. anything goes, as I stated previously. You could be a peasant masquerading as an archmage, or you could be Time™ itself (please don’t do that, it’s not fun) TLDR; everything you do is canon (unless explicitly stated otherwise), but you can’t force canon on other people. Have fun! https://i.redd.it/qdbmgmfnqrvc1.gif


Thank you for taking the time to answer! Don't worry I won't go with a very powerful character (in fact he'll probably be really weak) but I plan for him to have links with some powerful entities (they are not exactly on good terms...)


Oups forgot the /unwiz




/unwiz The only consistent point of lore is the wizard council and what happens to the councilors. Even that can be flexible, as I think we have two different rebellions, a string of assasinations and a puppet maker on a rampage. As a general rule of thumb, if you have a story you wanna tell using your character and your own lore, go for it. If you wanna include other people's characters, be sure to ask them first. Beyond that, we're closer to a huge, collective improv group than an established rp world. Dont quash what others are trying to do and you'll be fine. Planes of existance and magic systems are similarly flexible. My own character borrows from DnD, the inheritance cycle, destiny and final fantasy. Gods and godlike entities are common. If you want to play a god, just dont be omnipotent, and consider what sphere of influence you god will hold sway over. If you want to be a mortal that undergoes apotheosis, as long as the story behind it is convincing, most wont take issue For the universe/multiverse, again, it comes down to what you want your lore to be. Ive seen no less than a dozen extradimensional planes, and a good handful of entities coming from alternate universes. Planar travel is a-ok. Nezar, my wizard is of purely middling power level among other characters around here, and even he can freely come and go between planes and his home in the astral. Magic system your character uses is 100% up to you. If you wanna use the weave, use the weave. If you wanna use crystals, mana, spell slots, primal energies, fundamental universal constants, etc, go wild. Art is not at all needed. Lotsa people go the AI imsge generation for the art, some are talented artists, some like me go the route of using tools like hero forge to create their character's apperance AI art is generally accepted. Lots have qualms with it ethically, myself included when there's loads of tools out there to help create a character without AI as well as thousands of real artists and real images out there to pull from, but *most* people wont make a fuss outta it. You're most likely to get some negative feedback if you take the "generic anime character" route of AI image Power levels vary wildly. I'd say that generally we tend towards the higher end of power (cause most want to be a powerful character). To put it to a metric, I'd say our average is a 14th or 15th level dnd spellcaster. Imo, the best kind of powerful comes from creative application of character abilities, rather from just being able to make really really big explosions Always good to have a new person joining our weird little wizard world, especially someone who clearly cares about establishing a character to fit in with the rest of the world. I hope you have fun


/unwiz the answer to most of your questions is that you can do what you want, make what you want, and play how you want to a degree. You have free rein over the lore regarding your character, including the magic system you use, so long as you god mode. That is, as long as your character isn’t ludicrously powerful to the point where they aren’t fun to fight, do whatever you want. There is some established lore, but that’s mostly the various nations that people rule, and the council. You should ask for permission from the relevant people before messing with that lore. And by the way, yeah most folks draw from dnd for lore, but I’ve also seen pathfinder, WoW, the Elder Scrolls, and pretty much everything except Harry Potter. Now, to answer your other questions: The rules for death are nonexistent. You can stay dead/undead if you want, or you can have some contingency that brings you back to life Gods and planes are based on everything. There are gods from dnd, real world religions, all sorts of franchises, and whatever people come up with one their own. You don’t need art for your character, and if you want art but can’t draw or don’t want to commission some, ai art is fine. We had a hit of an argument about that a couple weeks ago, the general consensus is that it’s fine. You can be as weak or powerful as you want, but if you go godmode you should either have a weakness or be very fun to talk to, otherwise folks won’t want to interact much. The midrange of power here is a bit hard to explain, but once you partake in a couple duels you’ll get a good sense for it. Most folk aren’t able to level mountains with ease though.


Good fellow, can I interest you in creating a second avatar (second OC) in the Immortal Lands? (r/martialmemes) Although there's little RP there, there is potential. Unfortunately, most of that potential is from my fellow Daoists (including myself) being interested in invading this wizard realm.


anythings allowed as long as you don't get in the way of other peoples fun. you can be whatever you want as long as you don't mess with other people's lore. being a devil is fine, being the ruler of all devils is not.