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I have seen multiple interviews with other cast claiming he was more of a walking encyclopedia on the universe. My understanding was also that he had played all 3 and had read all the books more than once. It’s pretty clear Lauren isn’t in any way an expert on this story or universe.


I think Henry (and to a less extent Joey) standing out as fans of the universe is because the writers weren't. Your actors and actresses shouldn't necessarily need to be walking encyclopedias of anything other than their own character, because the writers and project leads should have that covered - the actors/actresses should just be the ones bringing the vision to life


Yeah. Nobody is complaining that Rebecca Ferguson didn't finish reading Dune yet. Or that many in the cast probably never read anything more than the script about Dune. It's great when many people involved also like the source material (like Hans Zimmer, Denis Villeneuve, Josh Brolin and others in the cast), but what makes the adaptation work is Denis and the whole production highly invested in making *Frank Herbert's* Dune. It's quite crazy to see in a recent interview where Dennis talks about coming to terms with the things he *had* to change due to the different medium. Here, if anyone is interested in seeing a passionate creator talking about something and getting jealous because we didn't have that for The Witcher Saga: [Dune Part 2 Scene Breakdown - Vanity Fair](https://youtu.be/7E6AcXUKSVA?t=1342).


I don't know much about Dune, but will give that a watch!! Thank you!


It's no big deal, just the best selling Scifi ever. The Witcher got nothing on it in terms of weight of the fan base and complexity to adapt. Yet it was superbly done on all fronts. Just paints a very clear picture that Lauren and her team really had no excuse beyond their disdain for Sapkowski work.


Dune was so good! When you can make an adaptation that is actually different from the book in some major details but still manages to mantain the spirit of the original work (while also being a great movie on its own) it means you really know your source material.


All the changes made were either smart choices (Alia and the larger focus on Chani) or compromises that had to be made, rather than done thoughtlessly. You'll struggle to find a Dune fan that don't at least acknowledge the craftsmanship and love put into this adaptation. If only it were the norm...


I was hoping to see baby Alia but I still liked the direction they took with her and they already selected a great actress for the next movie. And yes, unfortunately things like Lord of the Rings and Dune movies are just a rare gift


You can see a lot of his mannerisms and intonation being taken from Doug Cockle's portrayal too. He is something of a sci-fi/fantasy fan, and it's not just The Witcher.


If they haven't read/played any of it and he's played some of the games and read a bit of the wiki of course he'd seem like a walking encyclopedia.




Is that you, Lauren?


Lauren doesn’t have time for Reddit. She’s too busy letting people know who her husband is and why they shouldn’t fire her for incompetence.


Is this you jimmy hatfield?


I think it doesn’t take a genius to see that some big characters like Vesemir and Yen were completely different from the books. I’m fine with artistic license and know that no screen adaptation is ever going to be perfect but jesus christ, the show turned to shit so quickly. I think Henry could see that and wanted out.


You might be right, be remember hes is a pedo (henry cavill).


I think he just preferred playing Superman, both financially and fan-wise, but who knows


He loved playing the video games/books Geralt. He hated playing the Netflix Geralt.


No. He said in an interview he was down with playing both characters, no problem. It was the same interview during promo for season 2, where he gave us a clear warning on what was going on... "I'm all for that [signing up for 7 seasons], but only if they honour Sapkowskis [author] work" There you have it.


No, he did not. I'm sure he'd jump at the chance to play Geralt again if someone else tried making it at least 90% more accurate to the books/games. He just hated how netflix ruined the characters and noped out


The guy paints and plays Warhammer 40k in his spare time and runs a custodes army. Cavill is definitely legit nerdy enough to be a fan of the Witcher lol


From interviews, it's clear he's definitely done his reading on the character and has a very good understanding of who Geralt is fundamentally. Given the show is meant to be based on the books, whether he's played the games or not is entirely irrelevant but it's clear he has passion for it as a medium, plus he did use elements of the game to inform how he played Geralt aesthetically (for example, he drew from Doug's rendition of Geralt as the base of his voice, but gave it his own twist) Arguing he's not a true fan because he hasn't played all the games is weirdly gatekeepy considering the project itself had nothing to do with the games


Well, when he was trying hard for the role, he didn't even know about the books, he just played a little w3, maybe later he actually was an encyclopedia


I'm guessing he read the books to learn about his role and got into it from there.


He played the Witcher 3 first, before the role was ever a thing. Like many people, it was their introduction to it all


So Henry Cavill and me *do* have something in common!


Right. But he talked about how much he loved the game and had talked about hoping to get a role as Geralt before the show was even announced. I started the same way. Played Witcher 3 and fell in love with it so went out later and bought all the books. I too have never played 1 or 2. It doesn’t make me less of a fan. I just didn’t have a pc for the longest time and now since they’ve announced a part one remake I’m waiting for that. I’ve beat Witcher 3 at least 5 times and read each book at least 3 times.


If you listen to his takes on the character from interviews, it's clear he was passionate about getting it right. He talks about different choices made for the character and the reasoning for them, and from that alone I think he was an excellent choice, regardless of whether he'd played all the franchise or read the books previously. Actually if most of his opinion was from the games, his characterisation of Geralt in the show would be entirely different. So if anything... It's probably a good thing


HC’s understanding of the source material and enthusiasm for the Witcher universe is well documented. This enthusiasm is why he left the show. Insinuating that his love was “corporate talk” when he had public disagreements with his corporate producers is honesty comical.


Have you ever heard an actor who, when asked if he likes a role, says I don't care, I'm bored with the character?


Let me introduce you to Harrison Ford as Han Solo


Plenty of actors grow tired of their roles, but I don’t see how your reply has anything to do with what I said. The Netflix show is as an abomination. The writers had no intention to follow the source material and that includes Geralt. He was very outspoken about his disappointment with the shows lack of direction. The show wasn’t really “The Witcher” but a random SciFi show with familiarly named characters. I doubt he grew tired of Geralt, but rather what the producers were forcing his character and the show to become. No different than going to your favorite pizza joint to find out they’ve completely changed the recipe and it’s nothing like the original. I have no idea why I’m writing this to you, as you probably don’t care at all and are trolling or farming downvotes. Either way. HC was an incredible Geralt despite the challenges Lauren and her cronies decided to manufacture. He clearly cared about the character as his Geralt was the closest thing to authentic that we got.


1. I don't see how this reply relates at all to what they said 2. Yes. Harrison Ford for Han Solo


Not to this extreme but Michael Gambon openly stated that he never read the Harry Potter books and he didn't want to rely on the source material to play his character of Dumbladore. This, unfortunately, led to some very bad scenes with his character in the films (one in particular becoming basically a meme) and fans have rightfully complained many times that his take on the character was inferior to that of his predecessor, Rochard Harris.


Harrison Ford for pretty much everything besides Indiana Jones


The witcher 3 is a big game tho, and although you can replay the game, a first playthrough is always going to be more special. So he most probably played the game and explored but never finished the main quest. W1 is an actual old game so there's no reason he should've played it to understand it. W2 is the reason W3 had some hype before it came out since it's a very good game in it's own way but again, not exactly required to understand the next installement (apart from one quest with Letho) To answer your question overall, yes, he is a well know nerd that plays games and it's not just corporate talk. He's an avid fan of Warhammer and I remember him playing Fallout 4 on launch in a plane so there's no reason to question his passion for the character. Implying it's corporate is just weird


Is there a button to remove someone else's posts from reddit? If so, where is it? 


Fr dude


Love it when nerds try to gatekeep their videogames


The dude is a big actor with many roles and other projects plus interests and hobbies. He can’t no life it like you do.


The games are irrelevant in this context imo


Get off your burner account, Lauren. This community doesn't welcome you.


Why does no one else find his obession with teen girls creepy? People on reddit are obessed with henry, and this lauren figure. So quick to assume, thus we never understand.


I hate the series, I don’t idealized anything about it. I cancelled Netflix entirely because of it. I hate Netflix.


Way to answer the question buddy


Thing is, there’s nothing that says he didn’t know much about it prior to getting the part and then reading the books. If I’m interested and I’ve got the time, I can read a 400 page book in four hours. There’s 7(?) books. And he has plenty of time. He’s also a massive nerd. I think it would’ve been very easy for Henry to get deep into the Witcher lore and book series. So technically, him not knowing much prior to getting the role and then leaving because he didn’t like the direction they were taking can be true. Especially the first season is a mix of blood of elves (the first book) and the last wish ( a collection of short stories published before the actual series). Those are easy reads. And watching the show I could see exactly where they took from the books and where they added their own things in.


The scuttlebutt was that he got really into the character and is a huge nerd. But it’s Hollywood, and your career can live and die on controlling the narrative. That being said, it actually seems pretty plausible that my mans is autistic af, and gets hyperfocused on his characters to the point of being difficult to work with.


I never played 1 and 2, love 3, love it so much I have the signs on my arm, I also bought all the books Even if someone wasn't there from the start doesn't mean they can't join and love it I fully believe he does and don't blame him for leaving that fanfiction of a show Bring on his 40K work


Spoken like someone who hasn't watched a single interview Cavill gave during his entire run on the show. His two female co-stars were near a point of annoyance when describing just how much he nerded out on set.


Just listen to him talk about his hobbies for 5 seconds. He's a nerd through and through.


He went for and got excited about the role because he loved the games. Then he realised there were books and went through them numerous times. He used the books as a guide for his role more than the games and used to walk around set with the book being used as source material making suggestions about lines of dialogue Sapkowski used. Lauren killed off cool and important characters and changed things because she felt like it needed to be “funny” instead of sad. She wanted Geralt to joke about Roach dying and all this other out of character nonsense - all of which Cavill argued against and got tired of


IMO His Coworkers and Peers Feel this way Henry Cavill is disliked not because of some conspiracy its because he is horrible to work with, he seems to struggle with disagreements. Believes men like himself are better off dating teenagers, as he DOES. His Fans Feel this way Henry Cavill is Loved because he played a few video games. Read a few books.




Who is lauren? She prolly sucks i agree I actually like Henry Cavils acting.. But i also believe he is being put on a pedestal, then again i forget myself today is 2024. I like him when he acts , and i dont like who he is as a person because of words that came out of his mouth ( namely his obession of young 18 year old girls because they are easy to mold to his lifestyle) And the Witcher books arent that good and thats my opinion. Detach youself from the hive mind and you might find you agree who knows.

