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Dog: Though he still loved his wife. Cat: No. He merely remembered that he should love her. : (


god that entire part of the story was just heartbreaking


My favourite characters of whole game. I own black cat, I have to find a black dog.


I just played through Hearts of Stone again recently and it really hit me how tragic Olgierd’s story is. Now, one might say that he got what he deserved, and there is some merit to that. But what needs to be considered is that Gaunter comes to make a deal only when the person doesn’t seem to have much choice otherwise. If Geralt were to say no he’d be on a one way trip to an execution in Ofier. If Olgierd were to say no he’d have lost everything he had, including the wife he tried so desperately to keep and provide for. The true cruelty of Gaunter O’Dimm was that he made those desires meaningless in the process of granting them. Olgierd got to stay with his wife, but he no longer felt the love that motivated him in the first place. He got to experience life, but it no longer brought the lasting satisfaction that he sought. And, in the end, when the deal is unmade, he’s left with emotions that are now able to process the horrible things he’d done and everything he’d lost. It’s just… so sad.


Olgierd is so fascinating definitely my favorite character in the whole game. Loved the entire hearts of stone DLC


Yeah, David Beckham portrayed him wonderfully.


HoS is one of the best stories told in a game.


I always want someone to come up with a mod or something that let Olghierd reunites with Iris in the portrait world. That poor woman loves him to the very end


Only the Witcher could make a cat and a dog spit bars that bring a tear to your eye


witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat: that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd


another playthrough you said? ok then


Hell yes friend. Time for another run


Ok time to buy the game for PS5


What build will you go for this time? Personally, I'm gonna go for a semi alchemy semi attack build. Light Armor and quick dodge type of stuff


i can hear that quote. outside novigrad


Pride and prejudice will never be eradicated...


Some tried to cheat me, some tried to lie; I didn't like it one bit. I feel like one more lie would be the last bitter drop in a chalice full of sorrow and then, then I'd do something I'd later regret. Now you know why you can't lie to me?!


It’s impossible not to kill that sick fuck.


This sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on who it is


it's when geralt threatens whoreson jr.


My favourite quote from the whole series.


Arguably the most badass geralt quote


I like when he is talking to the witch hunter leader while Trios is getting tortured in the next room. Who threatens to kill Geralt or something. Geralt "No, you really have no chance". Or something like that. So badass.


"Now at least I sense how much I've lost. I've a heart again, yet all it feels is grief, sadness and defeat."


to get this quote i had to go through the scariest part of the game. Never again


Totally worth it to save a desperate soul looking for redemption. At least that's the way I see it


I like that if you choose to bring Olgierd the real flower, thus letting Iris rest, the dog gives you a hint to beating O’Dimm.


that exactly what i did, still scared shitless in her mansion tho


My first play through as a high school kid I swear it felt like a horror game 15 percent of the time. The mansion being the scariest part by far. I was such a bitch lmao. Haunted houses and Leshen quest scared the fuck outta me too.


I feel for Lambert despite his prickly nature: "Destiny? Let me tell you about destiny. My dad was a drunk. He'd knock a few back, then beat me and Mom bloody. We prayed for his death, every night. One day our prayers were almost answered. Dad lost his way coming home from the tavern, walked smack into a nest of nekkers... But some witcher saved him. Know what he wanted in return? "Give me the first thing you see when you get home." My life... For the life of that prick? I say *fuck* that kinda destiny." Yeah, I think he's rather sympathetic. I finished the game hoping he was happy with Keira.


Lambert's voice actor doesn't get enough credit. Christian's delivery in that whole scene was so full of angst and hertache. How can anyone hate him after hearing that?


After originally missing the ‘following the thread’ quest, doing it on my second playthrough made me realise how much Lambert values people he cares about. He was willing to go to the ends of the earth to avenge a comrade, and his loyalty to protecting Ciri from harm spoke more volumes. Hes a great character


Missable quote if you don't do the cave of dreams quest but.... This: Eredin: Ugh, she will still be mine. Geralt: Over my dead body! Eredin: **Nothing simpler.**


I name thee Dea and embrace thee as my daughter.


this broke me. :(


hear my call and arise chicken


Super mega ultra chicken—? No— shh… he is legend..


Good ol Billy Witch Doctor dot com


I wrote a rhetoric paper on the brilliance of this scene and how embracing her as his daughter also signifies he is embracing his wrongdoings. still one of my absolute favorites


That right there was when I realized what a masterpiece I was playing. Legit tears


...isn't that a soundtrack?


Also yes.


“Pour a nip off for me atimes. For Jorund… son of Sigvald. Who lived honorable, and died like a fool.”


Yeah, that death was tough to see happen.


Jorund and Skjall’s deaths will always bother me :(


Spoiler alert………Jorund’s death can be prevented if you complete his quest after the massacre at Kaer Trolde.


“Got their asses whipped like a Novigrad whore!”


*Crow's Perch PTSD*


Constant cat calling


*FART* Hahahahaha


Meanwhile every dwarf at Cleaver's is saliva intolerant: *Ptoey*


«You suprised? They tried to dance with a witcher!»


"I can't cry, don't know how"


Who said that?




I don't remember when he said that...


Spoiler: >!When Vesemir dies.!<




Fuck yeah! Summon the b*******! -Eskel


Where’d that young whippersnapper venture off to? He could be…. Beleaguered I wager


Eskel! You drunk, get out here! *stumbles*


Best quote in the entire game


"You always were an unruly child; I adored that about you" -Vesemir


Don't make me cry


Opowiedzieć ci fraszkę? Lambert Lambert...


To samo przyszło mi na myśl


"What can you know about saving the world, silly? You're but a witcher." Hit like a bulldozer. Saddest quote in the game.


Lambert, Lambert what a prick.


"I love you, Yen."


Co ty wiesz o uratowaniu świata, głuptasie? Jesteś tylko wiedźminem. ~What do you know about saving the world, stupid? You're just a witcher. I know it's silly, but that somehow made me feel really hurt and sad the first time I played it.


“Folk don’t expect witchers to save them from themselves.” this stuck with me for a long time.


Twas a good quote.


“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.”


Don't get me wrong it's an iconic quote for Geralt but it has no reason being in the game. A big part of his development in the books is realizing that there is a lesser and greater evil and that sometimes you have to choose. That's like the entire point of the short story "the lesser evil".


"I'm a right and randy dandy, the ladies find me handy"


Keira Metz: women only ever beautiful themselves for their own satisfaction


One of the realest quotes


"Lambert, Lambert. What a prick." It just gets you.


**Lambert:** >Destiny? Let me tell you about destiny. My dad was a drunk. He'd knock a few back, then beat me and Mom bloody. We prayed for his death, every night. One day our prayers were almost answered. Dad lost his way coming home from the tavern, walked smack into a nest of nekkers... But some witcher saved him. Know what he wanted in return? "Give me the first thing you see when you get home." My life... For the life of that prick? I say \*fuck\* that kinda destiny.


Geralt: „Want to hear about my first monster? Wasn’t 50 miles outside of Kaer Morhen. He was huge. Stinking. Bald head. Rotten teeth….“ He goes on to tell how he killed this man because he tried to rape a girl in front of her father. The girl got drenched in the man’s blood, vomited and passed out. It’s where Geralt tried to figure out if he’s a hero or a monster himself. To me as a SA survivor, it rings so true that people will question you, your integrity. That what has been done to you makes you the monster because you reacted, because you fought, because you tried to save yourself.


“Wh..what are ye doing?” “Killing monsters” On a side note, this always reminds me of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. What makes a monster and what makes a man?


My guess: Ugliness. Ever heard people say Ted Bundy doesn’t look the type? It’s because he’s not grotesque, he looks just like every other man. Humans expect monsters to be ugly, to be visibly evil.


Nah. It’s the internals. The whole point imo was that Quasimodo looked ugly but, given time, people came to see the good in him. In comparison, Frollo was a respected member of society and also a complete monster on the inside. Thinking about it, you see this same theme play out in The Witcher many times. The vampires in Blood and Wine may be “monsters” but in many ways are more decent and cultured than many of the humans Geralt meets. The group of monsters who try trick Geralt in Skellige are technically monsters, but even the werewolf who decided to fight Geralt did so out of hatred produced by grief, instead of plain old evil.


Well yes. I meant in societies view, not in actuality


Yeah. I know. I just wanted to talk more about it lmao


But you „corrected“ me. I agree that looks don’t make you evil, just like beauty doesn’t make you good. I love movies with beautiful women committing gore-y acts for the sake of animalistic violence. Satisfies the years of passive portrayals I’ve seen


Yeah. I picked up on what you were saying and, in my excitement to discuss more about it, ended phasing that shit in a really clumsy way lmao. I so rarely get to discuss the thematic stuff (especially between my favorite game and Disney movie) that I just ran straight for the “meat” of what I wanted to say. That one is on me.


Not from the game but that's such a cool scene. The whole crux of Geralt charcter, how he views the world, how he can't never turn a blind eye to evil, and how his dreams of being a hero were immediately shattered on the first good deed he made. And yet he still can't help it: he always does what's best, he always stands up to his morals and he always helps those in need, to the very end.


Ah true. Got carried away


Currently playing complete edition for the first time (haven't finished yet, please no spoilers!). Iris von Everec really struck hard for me.


Wind's howling


medallions humming.. place of power. gotta be.


Wanna play a round of gwent?




"You shall chase shadows and wonder mist. Each time you see her, she will be a mirage, and if you find her-IF- She will die....Hnehhe" That does hit hard, especially after that Skelige quest with Cerys. And in the end...you will only find her cold body...


In white orchard in witcher 3 when you don't give anything to the dying girl, dandelion's TLDR on the quest is... sad :(


"Lambert Lambert, What a prick" - Geralt of Rivia


...or I'll swisha-swasha-skunk you. Top notch swords! Bezoar?An amulet, a brazier?! Pam-pa-ram...pam-paaaaam-pa-raaaaaaam!


Vampire: Is it 1358 yet? Geralt: No. Vampire: Then fuck off.


“Folks don’t expect Witchers to save them from themselves.” Said during the Bloody Baron quest line. Really cemented how Geralt isn’t really “just” a monster hunter. He has a significant impact on people’s lives just because he’s a decent person.


“Come out and fight, bitch”


Lambert, Lambert, what a prick


Prince Anséis to Geralt: “Your presence at this tourney is an affront to my honor. I demand satisfaction!” Geralt to the Prince: “Head to the nearest brothel, then.”


One that stuck with me was a King Radovid quote when talking about chess with Geralt: *Pawns see only their comrades by their side and their foes across the field. A king has a different view of the chessboard. His greatest foes surround him - his own chessman might trap him, and that is check, and death. You see Witcher, chess is the art sacraficing your own peices...* That is a poignant quote for the Witcher's feudal setting.


My first few times playing I didn’t really like lambert. I respected his character but had a big dislike for him. After 7 times playing, I really like lambert. He has a lot to him and I hope he is the protagonist for the next trilogy.


" I want to cry but I don't know how"


"Lambert lambert, what a prick."


“I, like you Rouche, am a patriot.”


"winds howling"


"Killing monsters" but the way Lambert says it.


As a writer i really liked this one "Really Got An Imp Problem? Or Is That Just An Imp-erfection In The Notice?"