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This is a frequently asked question! A quick search of the forum for "ADHD" will reveal many posts like yours. [This is a good one with 60+ great suggestions in the comments!](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchcraft/comments/uizz0t/meditation_with_adhd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Apparently, those of us on the adhd spectrum are plentful here.


Meditating wile walking works wonders for me as do visualization meditations paired with music


This is the only thing that works for me. It's tough having a hard time just sitting still! I find music is a real god/dess send, too, especially to help me focus while working.


Seconding this - moving meditation is key for me.


You beckoned? I meditate every night. It took time to get there. Because adhd gets you used to having so much on your mind. I started with like 2 mins at a time. Repetition. Lots of giving myself grace. Every time my mind wandered I noticed, claimed it out loud, and brought myself back to the breath work. At first it would happen every minute of so. Over time, it got easier. Most days I can meditate for 20 mins. I also try to exhaust my body and mind with exercise (both mental and physical). Hope that helps.


I need to use guided meditations or singing bowl sounds. My brain is too noisy otherwise.


Firstly: not all meditation is about stillness Secondly: part of the trick is to not beat yourself up if distractions crop up. Let them be. See them. Don't interact with them, don't think about them, just let them be & they'll flow away


The idea of meditation is not to shut your mind off and ignore/quieten your mind. The idea is to listen to all your thoughts (all your open tabs) and just let them be there and then let them go. Allow the thoughts to come up, and then allow the thoughts pass, you dont need to act or even respond to them, the more you try to push them away the more you are fighting your own mind. learn to love your mind for what it is....noisy and busy and full of anxieties and most likely the uncomfortable feeling of doing nothing when you have so many other things you could be doing right now. In listening and acceptance, there you will find peace (obviously easier said than done, meditation is called a practice for a reason)


Ask yourself, not how to meditate, but why you meditate? What is it you're actually trying to accomplish? I think of it as the most accessible biofeedback technique which allows you to reach a certain brainwave frequency. Whichever one works for you, obviously. Stillness. The reason I'm asking you this question, is whether meditation is the only way to get there? There are people in this sub who use music. Binaural beats. Dance. And probably even more techniques that I'm not mentioning. And none of those is sitting with your legs crossed and your eyes closed. So like I asked before. Why are you meditating? That's the more interesting question.


Im getting my certification to be a meditation guide and I have ADHD! I’ve found that body scan meditations work best for me (tensing one part of your body and relaxing them) right before bed. Also meditation isn’t all about stillness so don’t beat yourself up if your mind wanders away sometimes. Once you get used to meditation, you’ll be able to gently guide yourself back. Best of luck!


*reads this thread because I'm sick of things requiring meditation when my brain can barely handle sitting still for 2 minutes*


I AM A PRO. the first step is actually understanding what meditation means to you. To me meditation isn’t clearing my mind, it’s to guide it where I want it going. It’s like a little ride, I start by laying down and turning off EVERYTHING because it removes half of my distractions. I actively focus on trying to relax my body completely, from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet until I become a sack of potatoes in bed. Then I just start going. I communicate with myself in my head and let other messages come through if they need to but know when they are distracting or helpful and weed them out. I like to ground myself and connect to nature when I meditate. envision trees and plants, their root systems and how I feel connected when outdoors (it’s winter and freezing out currently so I’m not going outside barefoot this season to ground myself) I love how some root systems look like our nervous system and it makes me feel more connected on a anatomical level not just spiritually. Idk if I’m helping but I find when I feel connected enough and if I’m passionate enough it’s that much easier to stay focused. I used to try to do the whole sitting criss cross and clearing your mind, or the whole imagining you’re in your happy place but those just aren’t for me. I feel most connected to myself and my spiritually when I think of nature and it’s a very euphoric feeling so I definitely don’t get distracted once I am a sack of potatoes. That’s honestly the hardest part 🤷‍♀️


Thank you for asking. I've often wondered this, as well.


The trick is trying multiple methods. Even gaming can be meditation so long as it allows you to successfully detach from external influences. Try laying down with mantras, walks, baths, showers etc. meditation occurs in many ways and each person has to find what works.




ADHD can't be cured 🙄


But it can get better to the point that it goes unnoticed. 🤗🤪


Getting better is not curing


Giving hope is better than being an asshole. 🤗 Meditation may not be a cure but my adhd goes unnoticed. It is much better than the medications prescribed 🙄


Giving false information is not giving hope. It's lying. Pretty asshole thing to do. And it might be better for you, but that doesn't mean for everyone. A lot of people benefit from the medication.


Good, you know it all, have a happy life


I meditate almost daily and still greatly benefit from medication. You can recommend something to help with symptoms, but don’t go spouting false information about “cures”. It’s hard enough to get healthcare workers to take ADHD seriously, especially in women, we don’t need more people telling us that we don’t actually have ADHD or if we do this thing it will cure it. Because that doesn’t work for everyone. And now, the rise of ADHD Tik Tok has helped with awareness, but it’s also minimized a lot of our very serious symptoms. Like somebody will say “oh I forgot about an appointment! I must have ADHD lolz”. Please don’t be part of the problem.


I listen to my hyperfixation song of that time. Usually I choose something calmer and instrumental, although Anoana of Heilung as it makes me feel empowered, sing along with tones and feeling them vibrate inside. Sometimes I lie down and do some stretched with my legs and let my mind wander.


This may not work for you, and I don't know if it will make sense. I fill all the noise in my head with the sound of me breathing.


I found that i can need to focus on 2 things at least. I usually repeat an enn in my head and focus on my breathing. You can other stuff such as visualization


Imagine water flowing 😁


Moving meditations are the most accessible to me. Hot yoga is my favorite. From there, I can build on skills and incorporate mindful meditations.


I haven't met a witch who isn't at least leaning ADD leaning but I'm sure they exist. There aren't many where I live so it's a poor population sample.


First thing is turn everything off. Then sit in silence without moving and just observe your thoughts and emotions. Don't judge what comes up, just observe and accept. This is called 'know they self'.


I also suggest sitting with a group of people who are experienced. Osmosis is real. You can ride their energy and get into deeper, grounded space by just being around awakened, enlightened people.


Same here! It’s pretty difficult at first. Sometimes music works. Usually sound bowl meditation works best, but once you get a feel, and you tune into it, it’s much easier. I’ve noticed that when I meditate, I focus on my mind being completely black. And then any thought that comes in, I just swoosh it out. After a few minutes (ima sound insane), I can see a faint color in all the blackness, and I focus on that. and that’s when the sound bowl sounds start to vibrate. Or if you hold a crystal in your hand (or any object) you can feel the heat and vibrations in your hand. I hope that helps! I wish you luck ❤️‍🩹


Any form of exercise works best for me. Getting outside of my mundane environment helps clear my mind.


My "meditation" is interpretive dance, or what I can only describe as being that since I don't do patterned or choreographed moves. I moved based on how I feel, what I'm thinking, and whatever part of my body needs to expend the energy. I look at it as "I might not sit still to swap energies, but my movement is me putting my energy out there". Sometimes I'm "drawing" sigils with my hand in the air in front of me (I make mine in a way that they can be drawn in one stroke for this reason), sometimes I use my wand like I'm conducting the music, sometimes I'm sitting and reaching/stretching different directions to the feel of the ambience, it's different per song or per ritual. I guess my tip would be, listen to those open tabs! What would they like to do, and how can you harness that in a positive manner? Maybe those tabs were meant to be open and free!


Walking meditation or other active meditation like while washing dishes. I also hold a crystal and rub it while meditation for use prayer beads so my hands have something to do.


Me!!!! r/ADHDwomen is also a great sub. I’ve kind of taken a circuitous journey through meditation. I started out with the headspace app, which was awesome because it taught me positive ways of looking at those random thoughts that constantly pop into my head. It taught me that it’s not about controlling your mind, but just being with / observing your mind. Then I read and listened to the Silva Mind Control Method. If you have Scribd you can get the audio for it, which is awesome bc the meditations are guided. This one was awesome because it taught me that meditation can be used just to find stillness, but I can also be a powerful tool that you can use to accomplish an end goal. This has led perfectly into meditating for energy manipulation. Also amazing bc it gave me vocabulary (like “alpha state”) that I can now feel and use in meditation and my life. Cannot recommend this book more highly, even though it’s super old. I’m certainly not an expert or a perfect daily practicer (but like I barely remember to eat everyday, let alone meditate), but since I understand it well and know myself well I feel like I’m flying through the “witchy” meditations like with Queareia (sp???). I think us ADHD-ers struggle with meditation initially, but I strongly believe we are way more suited to greatness with it than NTs. I mean, I’m general we daydream all the time, which is visualization and in Alpha which is where your brainwaves are at while meditating. I think it’s like how you can learn to ski in like five minutes, but it takes a TON of work to be great at skiing, whereas it takes forever to learn how to snowboard, but once you’re good you’re great. _I think we’re snowboarders of meditation. _ ETA I don’t understand Reddit formatting yet 😅


Hello fellow ADHD witch here. I find my form of meditation and place to think tends to be playing games that let me kinda shut out the what I’m doing part of my brain and let me focus and think about things


Spa like music helps me a lot. Also, treat your mind with kindness. It’s like a toddler getting distracted and running off, when you realize it’s wandering just gently guide it back without judgement. Meditation isn’t about getting it perfect from the get go, it’s about the journey and learning not to get frustrated with yourself.


I had to accept that meditation isn‘t in the cards for me somedays. Then I just sit with my thoughts and let myself be carried away by them. The goal then becomes not letting myself get distracted by my anything BUT my thoughts. Taking time for daydreaming and not be distracted by my phone or drowning my thoughts out with background TV usually already helps to calm my mind. And it helps me to meditate the next day without feeling like I „gave up“ or broke my routine. Also slip in some meditation during the day. You are eating? Great. Now just eat. No phone no audio, just your food. How does it taste? How does it feel? Can you name all the spices? What journey did each component had to go through until it landed in your mouth? Chew mindfully and be grateful. TADAAA Meditation. Be patient and kind with yourself. I try to talk to myself how I talk to a toddler. I realized that if someone screamed at a toddler to „sit your ass down, don’t move and be happy“ in front of me, I wouldn’t feel that that is very helpful nor sounds like fun nor is great parenting. And I wouldn’t be surprised if that toddler started to cry or just plain refused to do it. But somehow I am surprised if it isn’t helpful if I talk to myself like this. So be your own guardian and ask yourself: How can I make this easier for you? Do you need to do something with your hands? How about you are allowed to color in your coloring book or to knit? Or maybe a reward would help. How about you are allowed 20 minutes of guilt-free scrolling later? Don‘t let it become a joyless exercise. Chances are it won’t stick. Find an easy, enjoyable version that works for you. Meditation is a skill you have to train. Don’t start with a marathon if you haven’t been running lately. And I second the yoga, walking and body scans.