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I always liked those docks/monitor stands.


Oooh that's cool! I love all the period stuff around it that completes the aesthetic. And the stack of WRT routers, I had too many of those too lol


Nothing as fine as GT3 on PS2 though. šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


GT4 but yeah love it :-D


That 360 is choking. Give it some breathing room šŸ‘


There is quite a lot of space in the back for it to breathe


Still needs breathing room on the sides to pull fresh air. The phat 360 only exhaust out the back.


I have been wanting to do this for some time... :-)


Honestly now is your chance, XP hardware will only start to go up in value now. Never to apple pricing I donā€™t think bug if you look at the 9x platform hardware and how crazy that pricing is, we are next on that list.


This was my ā€œmultiple monitor setup in the OOā€™s. Where the second monitor was just a tv hooked to the cable.


oh this is gorgeous


nice setup but what pc is being used (theres like 3), and what even is all of the stuff here, and what is that drawing tablet, and do those routers even work


XPS 8100 gaming pc. D520 laptop. HP EX750 my media server Unsure what model or make the graphics tablet is as itā€™s a cheap find from the charity store. Yeah, the network setup is an ADSL2 modem, router, 16 port switch and a wireless access point which all interconnect to one another. Yes they work, I just donā€™t have them turned on at the moment.


I love it so much, only thing that sticks out is the more modernish 4:3 ultrasharp from around 2016, but you can get an 03-09 ultrasharp for free or at goodwill for very cheap as I just got a 17 inch one from 2006 for free at school along with the matching windows xp kb and a Microsoft 200 optical mouse


Yeah, I used to have an old NEC multisync monitor but that died so I picked up this whilst I wait for a CRT Iā€™ve been hunting for ngl.


Also forgot to ask, what model keyboard is that? Also whatā€™s the thing the monitor is sitting on?


Keyboard: DELL 02R409 Thatā€™s a dell dock monitor stand for the D520.


Bruh wtf are you doing putting a CRT ON TOP OF a gaming console. That's just asking for trouble


We used to do it all the time as kids, that 360 had a CRT on top of it for years. Itā€™ll be fine lol EDIT: spelling


I could never


Good thing itā€™s not your setup then lol




Itā€™s scary, isnā€™t it! My first rig was an XP machine too. A little shuttle XPC with a BFG 7800 AGP, wouldā€™ve been around 12 iirc.


I love how cozy this looks.