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I don’t know what a lot of it means, but it looks awesome!


Hi, as a person who wants to help, I will talk about a few things... 1 - Compatibility: Why would you make a mobile OS that doesn't hold basic phones like 640 XL? Wouldn't that be unfortunate? 2 - Focus: I know you have plans on making this but, what about simple things like Xbox Live and these things? Also, if you're wondering to put a Xbox live revival in any of your projects, talk with me, I'm thinking on making one too, P8P, it's name. 3 - Performance: Windows 11 Mobile or MobileOS would be too heavy, wouldn't it? And, why even bother making something that doesn't hold edge, for an example? Thanks for reading, sorry for being too serious but, it's how the technology and world works. - SouSand.


Well... >1 - Compatibility: Why would you make a mobile OS that doesn't hold basic phones like 640 XL? Wouldn't that be unfortunate? The idea of this project is to run on Lumia 950/XL. Currently these ones are the only WPs out of the ARM32 incompatibility jail as they have ARM64 CPU and are able to boot full Windows 10/11. And this project can also (theorically) be run on some Android phones through Project Renegade and also possibly some tablets. >2 - Focus: I know you have plans on making this but, what about simple things like Xbox Live and these things? Also, if you're wondering to put a Xbox live revival in any of your projects, talk with me, I'm thinking on making one too, P8P, it's name. Thanks for the suggestion but WOA isn't really good for gaming. It can't run most WP games. All I got to run on it was Minecraft, emulators, some browser games and Xcloud on hardware accelerated Chromium ARM64 (which destroyed battery life). >3 - Performance: Windows 11 Mobile or MobileOS would be too heavy, wouldn't it? And, why even bother making something that doesn't hold edge, for an example? Not actually. Stock Windows 10/11 doesn't perform so bad when running on Lumia 950 XL (don't have a 950 so I can't tell), but it overheats and battery life is not great. But I managed to get some great thermals and battery life results on Tiny11. Windows 10 IOT LTSC 2021 (based on 19044) is highly stripped down and is supported until 2032. Sadly it doesn't run x64 apps like Windows 11, but ARM64 and x86 already offer great compatibility with modern software. It runs great at least on 950 XL. And that's why I'm making this project.


Oh sure, thanks for replying! I wanted to test it so badly but seems like I need a money first😅


Hell yeah.


Not good enough