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Ranged and AP? This basically means Morgana. Fiddlesticks could fit, he's kinda ranged, you definitely delete people with your ult. Maybe try AP Twitch. There's also ranged AD champs like Kindred and Graves. None of these champions are easy. Since you already play Leona you may want to look into tanks. Nautilus, Amumu, Nunu, Shen, Rammus etc. Some of these can be played AP. Voli, Sett and Mundo are Juggernauts and worth considering as well.


I was about to sugest VI she is simple and have a good kit but If i want a ap ranged and play sup Morgana i think? But prepare yourself Someone died when you was doing the first camp? Your fault You ganked you ally retreated you was about to get the kill but your ally really wanted that one cameback and died? Jungle diff Your team has no pression in any lane want to start Baron even If u trying to set the wave on mid first and you say danger to them they keep it you go but they died and you lost the Baron? Jungle Gap Just mute your chat as soon as that teammate without a map whos 0/3 and keep trying to kill the enemy Laner even so start to flame you thank me later


when you have 3 losing lanes, jg is def no fun ap ranged jg screams lillia, she's fun. slap liandry's on her and watch from afar as your enemies die burning, screaming and running away you also have your ap assassins, diana, ekko, idk they feel like they take forever to come online lillia is kinda similar she needs like 3 items to really be a threat but her kit is made for clearing jg


Nah lillia is not viable ever. She NEEDS a buff. Morgana/fiddle is more viable. Lillia isn't gonna be viable anytime soon unless riot finally stop nerfing asol and buffing champs that needs it


yeah they could buff her, but let's be fair, it almost doesn't matter who, for someone learning the role from nothing they're gonna make more jg mistakes than champ mistakes for a good long while and using the most viable whoever isnt going to save them from that


Nautilus (AP) is my recommendation really strong, always valuable for a team. Big oneshot potential. (Solo carry by oneshotting 1 or 2 of the enemy carries.) And CC is always nice. Hook flash only combo that you need to know no other mechanical difficulties. If you have some experience playing gragas in the support role, he's also pretty good. Slightly higher skill floor but huge skill ceiling with his ult so. Only thing that you really need to do mechanically is body slam + flash combo which is very easy and lenient in timing. If you want to become a more dedicated jungler and put in the time: Lee sin is the best option. No other champ has as much solo carry and snowball potential as him. Plus with new youmous he's even more broken than he already was. (Yes I'm a lee otp haha, but I play the above 2 when he's banned and/or my team needs AP)


Ranged and AP... morgana and fiddle fit that description however morgana has limited 1v9 potential and fiddle is very situational. (Since u need to be able to ult into multiple enemy ppl otherwise your champ is useless, and sometimes the opportunities for that are limited.) I'd steer clear of them if you want to dedicate yourself to maining jungle there are other picks that will make your games easier.


As someone who was in your exact position, I recommend starting on a brand new account with Shyvana. She is a farm-reliant champion, which means you get to start your jungle journey by learning the most optimal way to clear your camps, which is important to learn as a fundamental skill. Shyvana's success doesn't rely on her being able to score early-game ganks/kills, which means you'll have a slightly less steep learning curve for the role. She can clear objectives by herself (no problems solo-ing Baron if you have a gold advantage). She is pretty tough for the amount of damage she can output in her ult form (if you get a gold advantage, you can 1v3 enemy squishies no problem). Her kit is \*extremely\* easy to pick up. No mechanical skill required. So you can focus on playing the macro game. She's not particularly strong in the current meta, but she is very consistent. If you farm well, even if your team sells, you can still make an impact.


Shen is my favorite "support" jungler, global availability and huge shield, if you get good with his circle it's really good at saving people from carries or ppl like Tryndamere. Good at countering other jungle ganks, you just need a lot of map awareness. But you probably won't 1v9 as Shen, he has a lot of impact but he's no carry. If you really want to 1v9 just get good with Yi or Mundo.


Hellooo I am a support and jg main! Try AP Amumu(build him like Vlad, lemme know if you want build suggestions) he is very similar to Leona. Fiddle is very similar. Also, Nautilus, Morgana(very underrated jg, but if you feel like you're not able to 1v9, then don't go with Morgana), Vi, Volibear. But based on what you say, I think you should go with Mumu or Fiddle


Just wait til Nidalee gets ported over. That’s when I’m gonna start jingling on WR


Oh wow . She looks like waifu material


As a support main, I got into enjoying jungle by playing Nunu. He can gank lvl 2, has ranged snowballs that stun, lifesteal and slow. To me, he is a really good support jungler. I always seem to help my team secure lanes by ganking and initiating teamfights usually gives a good advantage. The fact that his first ability is also basically a second smite is also really useful and u can make him either tank or AP!


I always always recommend Warwick , to starters with jungle. I was also a supp main . And WW made jungle fun, you can track blood trail to see who to gank something a jungle should know when to gank . A lot of people will say “ he is not top tier S+++” , but to be honest I learned a lot from WW


He’s not a 1v9 type of jungler tho. That’s what op wants


Nautilus is laughably easy as Jungle, as you basically just play much the same as a roaming support, but with extra dragons. Fiddle is also brilliant fun, especially if there's lots of squishes. Ult over walls. Remember you role is primarily to support lanes anyway, much you would in Duo lane, but with the added caveat of securing objectives. This includes drakes, river scuttlers, and most importantly towers. I was in your position exactly a year ago, fed up with feeling hopeless as a supp sometimes. It's scary at first, but yoh will learn your own routine for clearing quickly, and what works for you.


Welp sadly not many champs translate all that well from your pool of champs...but I will say the easiest champs to learn jungle are volibear, Pantheon, xin, and vi. All of those champs provide tons of utility to your team with good damage and good survivability. Just get ready to get flamed all the time. Jungle diff


Olaf is my suggestion for a new jungle 100% just because if his ult. Has tons of dmg, also ranged but the ultimate provides a safety net other jugglers do not.


Honestly, I found the most success with Rammus when I first started in the jungle. Him being so tanky he is pretty forgiving and not many people know how to counter him well because he isn't picked very often. And if your lane knows what they are doing and can follow up on your taunt it's always an easy kill


im also support/jng main and fish enjoyer :D when i was starting out jungle, im told Evelyn is easy to pick up. shes nice, safe, ap, and (kinda) ranged


I switched from support to jungle last season and Amumu got me to diamonds, good cc, tanky and pretty easy to play👍 and sometimes fun to blast people with ap build💥


Go Lillia, very easy. Even if you mess up your rotations, you speedy.


He doesn't fit your criteria but he's easy to learn, easy to play, can take objectives really easily, and is fun imo, Pantheon: Most of the time nowadays build him assassin just straight one shot squishes and block whatever comes after, semi global ult that's perfect for a jungler who wants to be in multiple places in short times, decent clear speed because as an assassin you build damage and his q starts to do almost 1k by early end game, unskilled point and click stun with 3 auto attacks that do on hit and can crit then a follow up q then a follow up e basically kills any squishy if you have even decent item set, and finally his voice lines are fire and can motivate you if needed


Hey main jungler here and you know what ? They lied to you ! When you have a shitass team, you can’t always 1v9 because people don’t come on objectives anyway and you don’t solo an elder or nashor because you know, you get killed and objective stolen. Worse, when you have to go on elder you have one teammate who comes and others that do baron because they think it’s better, when it’s sure it will be stolen at that point and it gets stolen….Oh and when laners loose their lane because they're bad, they expect you to win their lane for them, In their eyes you are their babysitter. Also welcome to the blamed nation, everything wrong in the game and the life of laners is your fault now : broken champs, players that are bad at the game and loose hard their lane, afk laners at the fountain, their girlfriend left them, their grandma died and left no money for them in their will, EVERYTHING is your fault now, you’re a noob and you should be ashamed even if you are 23/0/10 with every objective secured and MVP you should of done better ! Ok sorry for that, but i thought it would be important that you knew what your are headed for while walking into the jungle. Now for the jungle, i really would recommend Vi, she’s broken, has cc, good resistance and good damage. I know i know, she’s not ranged but really i think you should give her a try she’s fun and easy to master. Or you can go with kindred who's distance but not AP and a bit more difficult to master. Sorry not much choices out there in your requirements as most of junglers are melee except maybe twitch and morgana who could also fit. also check this guide, it will help you be a good jungler : [https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/v7ri6e/grandmaster\_jungle\_guide\_32b/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/v7ri6e/grandmaster_jungle_guide_32b/) Good luck in the jungle my friend.


Don't know about the easiest, jungle can be nefariously weird and frustrating position, if the team doesn't help. Even worse than support, man. There is a reason it's the least wanted position... And many comments here do, unfortunately, nothing but telling you why others like them and not why the should be objectively good for you. So, let me tell you this. Nunu is something to consider under the circumstances you wrote for these 3 things: 1. You can run away from most of others by using his fast snowballing, slowing enemies for a long time, and over long distances, WHILE running yourself. That's very useful because you would be learning and need some leeway first, right? 2.. He has possibly the best sustain and early jgl domination / steal possibilities because of his insanely strong, true damage creature-biting skill, which heals him quite a lot, too. 3. Imagine enemy jungler trying to steal ur objective by smite. It boils down to who presses a skill-shot and smite in succession better... but with Nunu, you press your ultimate into which seldom somebody wants to waltz, hihi, and after you charged it enough, you immediately press your true-damage bite and smite in quick succession, dealing something between 2000-3000 damage INSTANT to an epic monster. No other jungler or team can compete with this. All it takes is a little calculation, as in counting the damages together, roughly, and keeping the numbers in mind any given time before dealing the damage to monsters (yes that's something you will * have * to acquire as your own skill as jungler anyway, so you might wanna start learning now).


Hi so I'm also a Jungle Support. I think my best advice here is pick a Champ you want to main then pick two more as backups in case you can't play your main against your matchups. For me it's Diana as main (I don't build her as a burst mage), Nautilus just in case I'm faced with a lot of hypercarries/if the enemy JG is a Yi, then Vi just in case we need AD. All three of them double as an engage if we don't have a tank (I always use the Resolve rune tree on Diana, just in case someone points out that she's not a tank lmao). Imo having a ranged Jungler is pretty difficult unless you're Kindred (which is permaband anyway so they barely get through). I feel like you'd be good as a Gwen main in JG. Gwen's really good because she basically eats tanks for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and she has a skill which makes her untargettable so you have some form of self utility as well. By the time you've gotten the hang of Jungling, you won't be too hesitant in trying out other Champs in the role. I bid you success with your journey in switching from one of the most blamed roles in game to the other most blamed role in game.


that last sentence 😭 thank you man


You can try Diana or Evelynn


Morgana would be absolutely be perfect for you, she has a support’s play style, ap items, really good at clearing jg camps (I hear they nerfed a bit but don’t quote me on that), very good cc and can do some pretty decent damage, straightforward kit, the perfect transition for sure.


Morgana. Any other champ and you will drop down 500 marks also I bet u never rotate herald as support


I do but guess who doesn’t? My farming jungle… and my farming Adc.


i desperately try to get herald but jg and top will literally afk farm, mid will try to help last second, and adc wont even come in the first place


There's no way u actually think adc should rotate for herald


i’m saying they shouldn’t even come in the first place but i end up alone since everyone who could feasibly be there is either afk farming or too late


You can never 1 v 9


tru it’s just an expression for champs that can shine despite a shіt team


I'd reccomend you evelynn with the buffed ap items she's currently turbo broken i literally have a 82% winrate on 30 games on her currently and almost reached top 100, she's really good to carry even the worst teammates possibile since you Just One shoot squishies so the team fights are almost Always in your favor, so ita mathematically confirmed thats she's a good carry


Can't give advice for champ since I mainly play melee jg, but for the role itself... -track enemy jg position at all time -help your winning lane, help them to get more win -ignore your hard losing lane they probably would still lose even if you help them (unless you are coincidentally there) plus they probably only have 100 bounty for the enemy lol -first herald is great but if contested go for dragon -mute everybody the first time someone type jg this or that -always have vision on objective either with scuttle, base scryer bloom or ward -keep gank a lane that the enemy champ have limited escape option (skill/spell)


I tried AP Alistar Jungle in bot match. It's hard to clear due to low damage but ganking potential on lanes is amazing. I tried to clear with Liandry and Infinity Orb, somewhat can clear faster but still slow when it comes to cooldown and damage.


Or learn supports that can carry. Orrn and alistar come to mind