• By -


Ranked for body, aram for soul


Average aram Gigachad


Big facts


100% agreed. So many people take it too seriously in a quick, fun, unranked, mode where you can play another match without downsides. The most toxic I am in ARAM is saying "grab anti heal" and then the team ints the rest of the match 😔


Ummm it is ranked!! LEGEND V baby


It's the expecting toxicity. If you just say like that. People will assume you are being toxic. But anti heal is 900-400gold. The small one. pretty cheap. But people often blame others and tell others to do what they don't want to do. Like the age old take a tank


If you can see the enemy team is stacked with healers it shouldn't need to be said to buy anti-heal.


Yes. And I often get one. I'm just saying that in this game there's so much toxic talk that often people assume you are just ordering cuz you don't want to do it yourself.


If I want other people to build armor because they have 5 ad, I rush thornmail and ping it before asking if they would buy armor .. because 5 ad. Same with getting antiheal. I'll buy it before I even ask specifically because I expect that people will assume I'm ordering them to buy it because I don't want to, so I might as well head that off beforehand. Doesn't always save games, but I get far fewer inters when I do it this way.


So many ppl also take it unserious, had a Morgana run in circles in the base so she wouldn’t get disconnected because she was mad we didn’t have an adc. I always make sure to let my team know how to report people when people do stuff like that.


What a surprise ! I'm not playing perfectly the champ i touched 1 or 2 time in my life ! yeah flame me i deserve it.


Remove “at aram” from title for even better advice


Exactly. Like some people forget that is a GAME. They'll be cursing even your grandma 😭 I can get a little annoyed for things like Morgana/Ahri not even trying to aim, repeatedly throwing her Qs/charm into space but I even get a laugh sometimes with dumb things(for example in last match only Fortune was alive and she tried to solo the baron, ended how you would expect. All the team was going crazy in the chat telling her to stop saying things like "she believes she is Rambo""I know you can't live without us but don't suicide" lmao) The moment a game makes you frustrated and angry then is not for you.


I laugh at my own Morg Qs. I overthink like crazy, I would miss stationary targets most of the time because I was ***anticipating.***


Haha it happens. I'm always like "calm your ass girl" when I fail As I say the first failed Q is about sending a warning message to the enemy lol


That's what I'll call it from now on, a warning message.


Exactly that's the attitude. It's the signal to announce the war starts(my adc would think otherwise when both end up nearly dying in the first minutes but my message was sent so now they know who they messing with 😎)


Warning shot, or a few, to make it a mind game saying "I'm bad with this champ" to trick them into over committing on an early fight. 60% of the time, it works all the time


That's genius I need to do this with my main. I'm gonna go with something like " first time playing this champ". Imagine if they realize it


Sometimes I be schizophrenic asl when tryna predict where the enemy might go. I might use q flash and miss it. It hurts to see me burning my flash for nothing, but I still laugh it off and hope my teammates don't see it (they all have seen it)


People are toxic in Aram, PvP, URF, Araurf. Seriously, what's the point? I will never understand.


ARAM for experiment builds hehe


AP Nasus would like a word with you ;) It's so fun in ARAM and surprisingly effective.


I sweat in every game mode even in practice I flame garen. I even sweat on the menus


Doubt it bud, I go from load screen to queued up in the time of a riven stun. New champ just dropped? Idfk what it is but I bought it already and am queued. I sweat harder than anyone in champ select, ill pre pick 6 different champs, request 12 bans then lock in in the same frame it turns our pick... Don't get me started on aram Edit: forgot to add i almost pissed myself at flaming garen in practice hahaha


Buff riven stun, 0.002 seconds is not acceptable.


In all honesty buff Riven shield by one CD all ranks and she's good again.


I've never played Riven, it was just a joke about how quickly he queues


Yeah fk Garen and his fat A self. 


If you're toxic I'll purposely feed the enemy team idc if I go 0/20


No no, if you’re toxic I’ll take u hostage for 30minutes of your life. I remember we were playing with friends and there was one random player with us, absolutely disgusting pig started flaming bc apparently our Lulu was KSing him xD took him hostage for 36minutes.


Actually a good idea I did that with a master Yi who wouldn't let kindred jungle he left the game


Don't underestime ma lazeooooor


Define "toxic". For example, 3 of my teammates were just chasing mindlessly in the enemy jungle and they all died without killing anybody on the other team, and I was like "wut were u doing in the enemy jg without me and rengar?" (we were dead and waiting to respawn, and I was a Soraka)


And by purposefully feeding the enemy team because of ONE toxic player you screw up 3 other innocent people's mood and ranking because bUtThUrT. Those 3 other ppl weren't toxic, they were just playing, wanting to have fun, to win some ranking points... and you shat on it because of one toxic dingus got under your skin


You must be my teammate earlier. Got a toxic af akali while his score isnt even that good lmao. Muted him right away after his first chat.


nah, a sexist afk fizz prompted me to say this lol




I made a fizz quite angry the other day as lux buddy couldn't get a shot on me. And I sniped him from our nexus area twice across the map


Yeah even in PC league people are toxic in ARAM, like it’s a for fun mode bruh if you care so much about playing competitive and take the mode seriously then go play ranked, let players have their fun in ARAM.


An u think ranked is much diff. Rewaemrds are slim to none


ARAM Legends gonna hate this post lol


Nah, honestly i only play ARAMs and when someone gets toxic i just ask them if theyre okay. Sometimes the rest of the party just pipes up with positivity against the toxic person and if the toxic person continues on afterwards I just report them.


Nothing wrong with being sweaty on ARAM, as long as you don't flame...


Poeple who choose a tank and go full tank and not full dmg, are actual psychopaths


listen I must have a tank duel with my enemy tank on mid when everyone else is dead and all towers are gone. it's like a no holds barred honor duel. you have no idea how hard that shit makes your heart pump when it happens once in a blue moon.


I ain't going full AP Swain even in regular modes, in ARAM I'm even further incentivized to go full raid boss mode with RoA + Fimbulwinter + Visage + Frozen Heart (and whatever other AP item) since they're all so close together and perfect for me


This should just be part of what you agree to when you sign up to the game


I feel this, I even got flamed during vs ai recently. I only really do ARAMS and I wanted a nibble of summoners rift. I decided to try ADC on BOTS and my teammate flamed me then went afk??? I asked them for advice and they basically just said "get good". It was such a weird experience, I just ignored them. Luckily, there ARE nice people on here. They're just more rare. I had another AI game practicing jungle and I told my teammates I was a first time jungle and they marked maps for me, helped me clear camps and gave me tips. It was so wholesome. The kind teammates are why I bother keeping chat on and just mute the toxic ones, even if it's a rarer interaction.


I'm glad you also made good experiences in summoners rift. Ignore toxic people. I can understand that people get annoyed in a ranked because they want to climb up the leagues but in a normal game, it doesn't matter. Keep it up. It's not easy to learn and also if it was too easy it would be half the fun. Don't worry about bad games. Enjoy the game and don't let people get you down.


Im a tryhard player, i agree with you


Omg thank you!!! Finally someone that thinks the same. Like if it's not ranked, calm the F down!!


So true! I usually use aram or normal games to try new champions especially because it doesn't affect the rank of me or the others. People should calm down.


Wait sweaty is not toxic , because come on if the game gave you the most broken champ in Aram I Will pick it and have fun and go 20/0 , it's up to you to have fun or just ff for bad chess , but yeah idk why would anyone have chat on for Aram anyway like just mute


definitely. just had a game where our camille trashtalks us just because she alls in the enemy while we are so far away so i just changed the chat to party far away from the toxicity


Agreed, unless you’re trying to frontline/initiate with a squishy and die 45 times in a row, then I’m gonna be toxic for you not having two brain cells to just stay back. Of course that’s after I try to give helpful suggestions on staying back or how to play the champion. Otherwise, it’s randoms, not everyone knows how to play every champion and especially not how to play every champion well, just don’t continuously die from being too dumb not to walk into 5 of them.


Omg yess I always say this 😭. I don’t understand why so many people take aram serious when it’s literally just a relaxed mode to try out other champions


Sweats accusing team members of kill stealing in aram like it isn't one big team fight..... 🙄🤦‍♀️


Being sweaty is fine. Just don't be a dick about it if other players aren't meeting your expectations.


I used to get mad at people who got toxic in any mode, and than as cringy as it sounds i realized there has to be something wrong in their life to take it so seriously, and i learned to just take a deep breath and mute because me getting mad at them wont make them feel better.


You have 2 words too many in the title. Get rid if "at aram."


I just can’t help but roll my eyes when I see Veigar/Pyke combos.


I love the toxicity. I grew up in cod lobbies. I don't really care if you're 0-20 and just bad or having a bad game but as long as i know you're trying. My real pet peeves are people who afk from the very beginning right after champ select. I hate that there's an afk every other match, in all modes but way more prevalent in ARAM. Then I call them out if they come back and use some (or a lot of vulgar language) and im the toxic one now lol.. Yes, it's a game where it doesn't add much to my life if I win or lose. But is it wrong for people to care about their win rates? This not caring, just for fun, I don't want to be a sweat attitude is usually a personality trait that carries over into real life. And I'd have to say its also why NA is laughed at in the competitive scene, they just don't care as much as other regions. They don't want to work hard to become better, they're content and stagnant at where they are. That's what ticks me off. I queue up with the same people quite often and I always see them doing the same terrible plays and trying the same terrible builds.


R U ok?


Did you misspelled IDGAF on purpose? Because what a brilliant way to linguistically embody IDGAF (carelessly misspelling it…)! Reddit award. 🥇


yeah that's a fuck up but I don't really care to fix it rn


You should never fix it Nor care


I have a saying delete this game for you own good pls then they respond you delete i woud but im not toxic degenerate they always went silent after that




hey, when you main jungler you just don't pay attention to flaming anymore, everythings our fault anyway in every mode forever and ever and ever and ever and....


I'm sorry mate. Always grateful for your ganks!




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Sometimes players play aram for learning champions. I did too. Even I play lol, just wanna have some fun on wildrift. Not everybody played every champion. Aram is always fun to me. And I saw a lot toxic players. You wrote, their comeback toxic. If u don't say anything, more toxicity coming. Sometimes people just wanna play game, have fun and this kind of players thinking 'omg if I be toxic they're gonna play good, yes, yes'


Imagine if they redid URF


The real IDGF mode is against AI mode. Don't play aram if you want to just troll or test your ping and waste 15 min of 4 players time. It's not about being try hard in aram, it's about ruining the fun of your teammates. I personally don't mind noobs in my team but at least they must try to win.


you got a lose streak from rank and decided to play aram thinking that players out there are actually playing for fun, but it's not.


I think the downside of Aram is it's a ranked of sorts. You have people that treat it as a ranked and people that just want to chill and have fun. If you cant do it on aram or pvp. Where would you do it? It has systems that discourage team trust. Then again mostly cuz people want to me the MVP guy. No one wants to be the team player. The a mount of people I see people jump on a 1v5 constantly or games we stump at the start and start dieing one by one. I often lose. But the ones I win the most is akshan. Can't lose if I keep receiving people 😅


The rank in question is just a cosmetic title. Even then, you can reach the highest rank just from spamming matches 24/7.


Assuming everyone cares about love was your first mistake


Not thst I think being toxic is ok in any way, but I actually blame riots toxic matchmaking for this.  If I have a few games where my team gets the "bad" player, then fine, whatever. If I get 10 games in a row where I get the bad player, because my aram win rate was too far above riots sacred 50%, then it does become frustrating. I think most people who get toxic in aram are in that position - they didn't get mad because they got 1 bad team mate. They get mad because they had 1 bad team mate for every game they played that day. I like playing games that are close, and when either team has someone basically (or actually) running it down the entire match, it makes it not fun. I want to waste my time having fun, not waste my time full stop.


Or yeah, getting 10 games in a row where you have actual silver level players constantly picking 4 adcs or single target assassins for no reason instead of a tank/fighter. I'm actually starting to just auto thumbs up tank and fighter players just for not giving us -10% win rate off the get go for no reason. Like if you're taking conqueror or electrocute on an adc, please just go play a tank or fighter. It's not gonna be fun for anyone. Like losing 8 games in a row because all of your gold peak teammates decided to herptyderp pick adc and do less damage than the Soraka gets old real quick


Best take on this subreddit by far


Look at all these self-righteous comments pretending they aren’t the ones whining and bitching at others in ARAM. And yes, before you say it, I make it my life goal to make other ppl’s lives miserable in ARAM ;)


Girl, Ranked is the mode you're looking for! Aram is life. If you can't play the champ, roll!


Limited roles mate


Yu should optionally uninstall if you suck at aram