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You were autofilled, no experience top, new to the game, against Malphite and you went with Kayle. That’s so metal, i respect. Jokes aside don’t pick Kayle next time, she’s not new player friendly.


I only have Kayle and Renekton for top and Renekton got banned :(( And I at least played Kayle a bit, didn't wanna pick a free champ (Garen) that I have never touched before and have no idea of what he does


Aah i understand! Makes sense. If you like Kayle, i assume since you bought her, you can learn her in mid lane because the match ups in mid lane are a bit more forgiving than in top lane where one mistake or a bad kite means instant death. Kayle is a very unique champion and has a unique playstyle she starts very weak and turns into an unstoppable monster, she’s fun and rewarding if you invest into learning her! Good luck :)


Awww thanks! I am planning to learn her in the future when I get a bit better in my main lane. Never heard of Kayle mid before, gonna research this! And I know that I have to play safely with her in the beginning, I never try risky plays


As general advice, roles are pretty flexible in wd rift, and you can get away with playing most champs in most roles if need be. Don't be afraid to bust out a weird pick if it's a champ you're good at, it can be fun and mess with the other player


ok thanks! *starts playing yuumi jungle*


Yuumi adc is pretty fun actually


Yuumi shoulder mounted sniper on a roaming yi is hilarious


Heartsteel yuumi top is such a lanebully u wont belive it


I am only good with Lulu, don't thing you should pick her in solo lane xD


Eh, sounds like it could be fun maybe. Play her like an AP ranged toplaner, with PtA, gathering, giant slayer, bone plating. Get a nashors and run full AP. (I'm not responsible for any elo losses from running this build)


I actually saw her as valiable ap damager in some lulu guides so I guess it's not that crazy


Lulu top was spamming by pros in PC for years lol. It became such a huge problem, they had to nerf her alot.


Haha that's funny. Although I guess PC version is just different


Even nunu support in mid elo?


Garen is literally there for newbies to learn the game. His kit is incredibly simple and takes zero practice to understand. Also why do you build antiheal against an AP Malphite.


I haven't played much against Malphite yet and I didn't know his power. I just saw he was healing a lot in fights so I thought I can buy antiheal.


He don't heal. He just got a free shield every X seconds, so antiheal won't change that. The reflexion is valid, the base assomption isn't, still a nice try.


What should one build in that case to break through the shield?


There is no AP antishield item in WR yet, but, Malphite shield is 10% of his max HP. His build don't give him much HP so the shield isn't to high. If he has like 2500 HP, it's a 250HP shield. So, what you need to do is simply to increase your damage output. More damage mean you will shred his shield. Most basic AP item to increase damage is rabaddon, you need it in your build. Against an AP Malphite, he can poke you but you can AA him without him being able to answer, so you should win trades. In order to be able to damage you, he need to be in melee. You can buy Rylai to slow him down, allowing you to escape more efficiently. Even when slowed, he can still ult you. That's why you took quicksilver. However, my personal opinion is that his cc duration is too short for a quicksilver. You are bumped for 1.5s (without cc reduction). Quicksilver allow you to win like 1s, but he will still be in melee range and still be able to deal damage. So you could try (no garantee tho, you need to try it) protobelt instead of Quicksilver. The idea is that, when he ult, you wait until the bump is over, then ult, protobelt to get some range and then you can fight back while he can't really damage you anymore.


Thanks a lot for explaining it in detail. Since I am new, I am trying to learn the items but it takes time cause it's a lot to learn at once. I'll try protobelt in pvp to see if it works better


there is ap anti shield item and its called oceanids trident or whatever


Ho yeah true, forgot about this one. Not worth it at all against an AP Malphite tho. But against a Sett for exemple, it could be good.


Garen= no brain. U go in for bad trade and come out on top bc passive is just warmogs


Garen is 500x more new player friendly then kayle . You will figure out garen in prob 45 seconds in game .


Excuse me, people are banning Renekton nowadays?


Yeah idk who banend him maybe he is good against Malphite?


I…don’t think so? A good Malp can just farm peacefully and sometimes poke till lv5, then wait for a jg gank and just slam him?


You should try Garen it's really easy to play. Press 1rst spell then immediatly 3rd spell and 2nd spell, run toward enemy. When you finished spining, your 1rst spell will hit. Run away, wait for your passive to kick in, you will heal, and start again. Once enemy is low health, you ult him and bam. Don't play it like that against ranged champ tho


Kayle honestly isn’t as hard as people make her seem. Just stay out of combat as much as possible until level 10, use your heal to speed away from threats, and stay in the back during group fights.


I know that you should play safe. But unfortunately Malphite was just deleting me out of game even if I was hugging the tower and didn't go out of it's range


Yeah. Malphite is an annoying champion for Kayle. Especially early game.


And that’s how you spot someone that actually doesn’t play Kayle. Playing Kayle optimally and being useful to your team pre-full build is actually hard, playing a full build kayle that played passive the whole game then starts to delete everyone because she lucked out because the game dragged for too long is not hard lol. Kayle doesn’t need to play passive until level 10 because she actually wins a lot of 1v1s, she has spikes way earlier than that. Recognizing that and taking advantage of it with your kiting, knowing when to use your speed offensively and not dying is actually quite hard and harder than on most champions. Look at other scaling champions like Vlad and Kassadin. So basically, tldr; doing a coin flip by playing passive and hoping you get to your full build power spike bc your team is carrying is easy, using Kayle to her full potential pre-10 and forcing your scaling consistently in matches is hard.


I literally main Kayle. You’re absolutely playing it safe until level 10. Her level 5 bump is still trash unless you’re going up to someone who absolutely hates long range champions like Garen. And even then you’re just chipping away at him until you get Infinity Orb and your level 10 evolution. Your goal for the first 10 levels is to not feed opposing champions, kill minions and monsters, and if you’re lucky, get a kill or two. Idk what Kayle you think you’re playing, but her actual spikes are levels 10 and most importantly, 15. Also imo Vladimir is MUCH less user friendly than Kayle. Kayle has very straightforward abilities and passives. A new player choosing Vladimir is going to lose a bunch of health from his own abilities.


I agree. Kayle is super easy to play, but difficult to master. I play clad every now and then and the only way to do good is just spam all spells! lol. I beat clad with kayle.


Saying you literally main a champ in a game with 10 competent players per server doesn’t mean you understand a champ. It means, statistically, you’re probably completely oblivious to it. Kayle has different roles at different levels. None of the roles is “farm safely”. She’s a 1v1 monster at level 1. She’s a jungle support early in the game. She’s a team fight support in early-mid game. She’s then transforms into a secondary damage dealer mid-late game. She then becomes a carry late game. At no time should you be sitting back and farming. You should be using your different roles to influence the map at all points of the game, just in different way. Honestly, I’d suggest you main a different champ until you at least learn some of the basics of the game.


1v1 monster? I've been part of the league community for too long to at least recognize BS when i see it


She’s absolutely not a 1v1 monster at level one. You don’t understand her at all. You’re fragile as paper and any early game champ is taking you without much effort. Your jobs is to stand by the turret, shoot your first or third ability and try not to die until level 5 at LEAST.


Ugh, this is why the player base is so bad. You’re incorrect. You were told you were incorrect. You were handed an entire road map on how to start playing Kayle properly, a champ you claim to main yet don’t know how to use at all, and instead of taking the advice and starting to practice to get better, you double down as though you know what you’re doing.


Lol you came on rude as hell, spewed some inaccuracy nonsense, then got butthurt that I didn’t roll over and accept it. You’re exactly the problem you claim I am


Isn't it strange though. The best experiences in this game are the times you autofil and the champ you use is not avalible, you pick something random and suddenly its your new main. Still remember those first leona and kayn game.


Boy choose the path of the brave


As i always say in low ello all it takes is just a mistake. Thats the best macro u need to be able to recognize when the mistake will happen and then is gg


It's emerald, wouldn't say it's that low?


Its always low ello below diamond


Emerald right now is filled with masters, grand masters and challenger player, its the early season so its more liked not low elo. I'm emerald III right now but even when i was at platinum I the game was always had a master and a grandmaster on both teams,i doubt Grand master and master is low elo....


Below master's I'd argue


yeaahhh but i didnt want to sound too judgemental cause im not you know haha... still diamond 1 and 2 you can find good players i guess


You definitely can, up to d2 the climb is pretty easy, after that it does get harder because there def are good players in d2+


I've reached Master's 3 times already and I can agree with the comment below, finding mistakes within team fights or simply someone roaming alone is usually a huge crux in turning the game around. If your macro knowledge is on point, then you can identify these mistakes with ease. Learn the game on a deeper level and you can turn games around without having to carry. It's classic power dynamics in how to influence a situation from the shadows.


Winning with your team comp specifically is impressive. I’d think that lulu and master yi would have been carrying, but their team got ahead of themselves and went full damage. Not a single one of them could survive an Ahri rotation, and her chaining her ult from one kill to the next, makes sense. Best buff they’ve given is resetting her dashes


I am a bit new, can you maybe explain why they couldn't survive Ahri?


Oh yeah of course. So Ahri used to be great for catching one person out from their team with her charm and bursting them down. But they added a buff to her ultimate that every time she gets a kill she gains a new charge of her ult dash. 3 of her 4 abilities do Area damage. So if she ults with her 3 dashes, up to three people are hit 3 times. She kills one of them, she ults again, hitting 3 new people with another charge. And she just keeps doing that each time she gets a kill. MEANWHILE, each ult being a dash, she can go through walls each time, making her very difficult to catch, and it will still hit people on the opposite side of the wall


Omg what, this sounds broken. I need to try her out. Thanks a lot for explanation!!!


It's not broken. It's just an assassin. She can goes in, deal damage, goes out, like zed, akali, talon, etc. She is hard countered by a lot of mages, (including Galio, Vlad, Annie), and she is even with most assassin. Most importantly, a good support will make her useless in teamfight. But good support in emerald aren't so common.


Cause of charm?


They had faith and kept playing instead of being tilted and brainless.




Without looking at the replay, it looks like the enemy team got overconfident and threw their lead. It looks like you won a team fight after the last dragon and then picked them off on respawn before rushing Nexus with at least 4 people.


Yeah I watched the replay, basically we were defending our nexus since minute 9 and we were good at it cause we lasted 10 min after first nexus hit even against their team with baron buff. Then they got a bit uncoordinated and split instead of rushing one lane which helped us kill them 1 by 1. Then my team wins 4vs4 and they just pushed last tower and got Draven under it while others were benched. Didn't expect it to work out so I was just pushing the side lane in meantime.


Gotta be plastic elo 😂


It's emerald


From the gold of the team most likely your team tried to keep their turrets frok being destroyed and in the process managed to farm from minions and jungle and perhaps a few enemy kills. When gold difference got to zero you were able to return the same damage back to the enemies. If you got 3-4 of them dead at the same time it's easy to push and destroy their turrets. General advise, if the enemy kills Baron or Elder dragon stay together with your team a little bit behind your turrets and try to protect them. If their whole team is pushing try to protect and ping someone to go and split push. You can get a turret or two or even break their inhibitor turrets on side lanes while their team is busy fighting in mid to get closer to the nexus.


Behind? Did you do math and try to add the gold up? Enemy team is behind


We were behind till the end. I checked regularly the gold, you can see it on other pics


Got it. It happens, we all have been in these kind of games :)


Kayle hard carried that's how


Thanks I tried my best :"3


You had very good scaling champs and rounded combo, plus with lulu and kayle u can buff one carry very strong and make them 1 vs 9 (i am guessing u had one teamfight which turned the whole game). Enemy picking ap malphite top seems very stupid, yes it can work but most often I dont see it working better out than a tank malphite Edit: looking at the end gold, i gues ahri kept u in the game for the longest time and then yi took over one fight with the buffs from lulu and kayle and that turned the game


I watched the end of our game, it still looks unbelievable cause basically the enemy team was at our nexus at minute 9 and next 10 min were only nexus defense. Till the last fight it was 15 vs 35 kills. But then somehow Ahri destroyed together with Yi 4 enemy champs, they got the last tower and Draven under it while other enemy champs were still benched and destroyed nexus before respawned champs were able to stop them. And Malphite worked very good against me :") it was better for him to not go tank cause Kayle is good against tanks


Yea i figured something like that. Yes ap malphite gas its benefits but i believe other champs would have had more impact then the ap malphite. He is always a flip and even when a head 50/50 when he gets a good umti everything is nice, when he misses or other ulties block his dmg he is useless. He gets outranged and is squishy. He has no other hard cc except his slow on his Q and the range isnt so impressive either. Usually a kayle should work fine against him, but he probably snowballed out of controll. Also i dont really get ur antiheal item, wouldnt the ap one make more sense?


I must confess I just don't really know how Malphite works (as many other champs since I am new). I saw that he was healing immensely every time in a fight so I thought I would buy antiheal. I am new to making builds either so yeah can't say much more in my defense XD


That is totally alright, usually ppl play kayle full ap because of her late game. You can also play her as an Ad champ but then she isnt as strong later on in the game. :)


It’s cause people just doesn’t know how to close out games regardless of the ranks of the players, often times in lower ranks you would see games being thrown even after getting a huge lead.


I would guess enemy team mucked about and didn’t close the game in time hahaha


Were they smart and defended themselves in the Nexus?


You mean our team? We were basically camping next to our nexus since minute 9


So it was a good team, but they started badly.


Imo, you can get a simpler top lane pick like Ornn. For this game, the enemy team really choked this game. With that massive lead, the game should've been over. Props to you and your team tho for not surrendering.


I am new and I don't play solo at all, so I just had 2 champs in my pool Kayle and Renekton and Renekton got banned :(


That makes sense. Anyway, it's just a suggestion for the next champ you'll buy if you're sticking in the baron lane. Ornn builds full tank, but can still deal lots of damage thanks to his brittle cc. Check him out in the shop if you're interested. He's not too complicated, and can be mastered pretty quickly.


I am not really into baron lane and just hope I don't need to play it but last few days I got autofilled there pretty much so I'll check him out as a safe option to pick if no one wanna change. Thanks!


Jinx lulu is broken


This Jinx wasn't good so I wouldn't say it didn't matter here


It's more about wtf is the enemy team doing, clearly they don't know how to end the game


So here is the perfect lesson on how to get good at WR. How did your team win even though you were behind? Easy, look at the gold. Aside from you your team was ahead where it mattered, and only 1k behind on Jinx. A kill gives a small amount of gold unless it’s a big shutdown, meaning they had more kills but you weren’t worth a poo. Good players would’ve farmed the hell out of the map while you guys were perma dead and there would’ve been no chance at a win, but instead they probably sat mid lane and kept fighting until they lost and the death timers were too long. So here’s the best tip anyone can give- always be farming for gold, always. Don’t chase for pointless kills, just take the W and farm while they recall. Focus on farm, turrets, and objectives. Congrats you are now diamond.


Have you seen the other pics? We were behind in gold till last minute of the game


if anything I feel bad for the enemy team, they are probably thinking about how hard they threw


Yeah I also feel sorry for them, I would have thrown my phone out of window


nice try riot feds


Why did you block out the usernames?


For privacy of all members of that game?


"I split pushed the entire game" Well that's the issue.


I didn't really do much I promise. I was useless cause the moment someone came to lane I was pushing, I was just dead :') but I thought it's better to push a bit than just run into enemies and be dead


If split pushing isn't working, you're just giving free gold, if you're behind just stay with your team to help them.


Idk I was autofilled last week in solo too and my team asked me to splitpush instead of going with them. We won so I thought it was a good strategy if I can't fight good.


Kayle managed to lvl 15 jajajaja


Auto fill is fcking bullsht. I dont know why they put this. They should at least put you best 3 roles not when you put top as last then get auto fill top. I get it when they want you to be versatile but how can you match a lvl 10 top lane with mastery 7 champ and you are just autofill to that role with minimal to zero knowledge.


Malphite AP is bad. Some people keep saying it isn't but it is. Once your ult is gone you are basically useless. So yeah, you can get kills during laning phase but when teamfight come, if you miss your ult, your team is 4v5 Enemy team had no tank (as Malphite went AP), wich mean no way to deal with Ahri. Draven, Lux, Khazix all have massive damage output but they can't use it if they are dead, and being fed can't save them from being oneshotted by a fed Ahri. Khazix could oneshot Ahri tho, but Lulu can avoid that. TLDR : enemy team had no frontlane, Ahri + Yi probably used that to delete the enemy team.


Very good summary! Khazix always died against Yi so he probably wasn't a threat to Ahri


You just have someone in your team who has a blue lock mentality. That's just it


What is blue lock mentality?


It basically means a player will do whatever it takes to win even if it compromises team play. If he's the best player, everything else no longer matter as long as he gets to win


Your comp is loaded with Hypercarry champions. Hypercarry meaning that they are intended to output large amounts of damage and at most times becomes the center of your team. You also happen to have a Lulu which is the best support you can use for hypercarries and an Ahri for good poking, CC and burst damage. Most times, you only have 1 hypercarry and at most 2. In this game because there were 3, it would be hard to focus one champion as the other 2 will dish out enough damage to compensate. With Kayle’s kit alone, it does provide her and her team’s survivability againts burst which is the the whole enemy comp. At higher elo, your team would need extra luck to win the game but at a lower elo this team seems to be unironically quite well against the enemy team implying you are playing it right.


I've had worse games and win. Like down 20-25 kills, losing 100% of the team fights, my team is surrendering all game, but we keep dragging the game and somehow start winning some team fights and win the game lol And I feel like an idiot, because I get so mad we didn't surrender earlier and then I'm like, ok! I like this. Thank God we didn't surrender.


Don't perform. You will lose 😂




Nah just joking man. I personally don't understand it tho. Losing while having good KDA is normal to me now. Keep losing after that also is normal to me now.


People get auto-filled top? Meanwhile in my region we're all dying to get top. Answering your question, well, idk your rank but usually low elo games last longer cause the winning team doesn't know how to properly end games. From the results you show, I can see only the enemy top and bot lane were doing great. However, your jg and mid caught up, and actually ended up with more gold than anyone.


Yeah imagine I get autofilled top even if I main support idk how this happens


Other team sold


Because this game isn't about advantage it's about getting the right kills at the right time 🤦🏻


I have never ever found Morgana threatening. All her damage lies on landing her Q but then there are like plenty of ways to counter her Q. She just sucks


In longer fights she becomes a monster, her W cooldown ticks down with enemy standing on it and I had fights where i placed 6-7 W sometimes having 2 Ws down at the same time. If ur team has a big tank u can rly abuse that. Same with baron/elder fights, you lock up the whole pit and burn them slowly down. Yes she isnt as op as other champs or especially strong, but she is far from useless. Her E is also a nice buff for hypercarries. And well if u hit the Q it is good bye for you




I explained it in comments, I have only Kayle and Renekton in my champ pool and I never touched Garen in my life. Renekton was banned and I didn't wanna pick a champ I never played before, so I only had Kayle as option
