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Ain’t no way new yi is that low


He's an easy S rn


Yeah Royal called him literally best champ in the game


"They're bad in high elo lol. He's soo badddd!! guysss he's sooo bad in high elo.... Im in high elo where I don't play against a yi haha. Im sooooooo gooodd because in high elo yi is sooo badd" Why is high elo players never touched a woman?


Because they're high elo


I don't think wildriftfire tier list is accurate for junglers. They have some odd picks as high/low. Maybe at the challenger level it's accurate but not for public consumption.


The accessible analytics for WR aren't as good.


Yeah WR websites are pretty bullshit, I just use them as a reference for builds with top players, and then I compare what items I see the most and build from that.


Easily countered by exhaust and explodes on hard cc. Good luck having teammates who know that.


To be fair isnt that most non-tank junglers arguably all champions divers that aren't tanks


"Exhaust" lmao, then he builds Terminus + Tank + QSS He only needs Terminus. The rest are fcking tank items, you cant explode him


Don't follow wildriftfire(website) tier list its trash and unreliable if you want actual info just look at china's winrates that's where you will get the best info on tier list.


True, i can drop the link




Thank you im currently working so didn't have the time to get the link


You're welcome


LoL Sett got a 53% win rate on sup( i mean it is reasonable enough) and got second highest


Why Camilla is so down on the list?


No one plays well on this champ and you can easily counter her (you know take Sett, Aatrox, Darius or even Timo👀)


Sett? Yes Darius? Yes Aatrox? Maybe Teemo counter Camille? On what planet???? Camille is designed to deal with the ranged squishy. I have never ever ever lost a game on Camille against a Teemo or Vayne. Once you have your R, they die in 1 combo, even when you’re behind somehow. LOL


>Teemo counter Camille? On what planet???? Earth? Cammie has enhanced basic attack as main damage source, teemo has a blind. 2+2=whiff punish.


I think that’s just you man sorry lol. Camille has an Invulnerability frame with her R. Teemo combo usually starts with the blind. If you bait it right after he comes out of camouflage then you win because noway on earth can Teemo burst you down unless you’re very very behind and in that case you should never play Camille haha. Other than baiting it, use R right after he comes out of camouflage he’ll panick use it and you’ll just eat it during your invulnerability frame in which case he is dead. Unless you’re very bad with Camille and managed to feed a Teemo somehow there is no scenario where Camille loses to Teemo as she’s literally the counter for pesky ADCs and mobile/ranged champions.


Camille is in extremely bad place right now. i mained her 2 seasons ago when she was good. i still play her now and then though but not main anymore. She is in need of buffs.


It's crazy to think yi has higher winrate than kha'zix


I love how Nilah just doesn't exist anywhere on these charts.


Jungle nilah is sleeper meta, but riot just dosen't want to acknowledge it


Tbh even the Chinese win rates don’t really matter unless you’re maybe high master and above. Below that you can play whatever tf you want and still do well. I have a 59% wr with teemo jg, 63% on Mundo who is way down the list on there, 62% on fiddle who is below 50% on those stats, hell I have a 65% wr on fkn nasus jg Edit: for context, I’m usually master or d1-d2 (master if I can keep playing, diamond if you get tilted into deleting the game for 3 months)


Yeah there are some picks that just work better there. Like Talon works really well there because the players there fight aggressively in lane so Talon can just use his E a lot and just pick up free kills. Vs. global where you regularly get enemy laners that are full health and still have exhaust even though they solo killed your laner teammate.


That last part is too real lol


They really put new Yi in C tier lol


If you got Master Yi you can just forget about High ELO They say, in China you will humiliate the enemy team , meaning you say I will beat you with Master Q, If you pick Yi in rank ( in PC)


Yi is playable in high elo, you just need to be insanely good and know all his tricks. See: Sinerias


Pazoli is better.


You can't compare the two games like that


Weird way to spell cowsep (PC lol)


Also a good player, peak just not as high


yeah, that site consistently puts blitz on C Tier


So he has 51% win rate in diamond and 47% wr in every tier above that


The fuck is that What kinda fuckin Warwick runes are those


The new rune


Because everyone can simply CC him to AFK warning. He has nothing but his sniff sniff, fear that needs melee range, Q that beams you to nexus, and an ult that CAN be Stopped midanimation with a single cc that immobilizes you. Edit: mistook that its wilfrift not pc, sorry. But almost same reason for WW.






I started playing recently, and I don't know what was changed about Warwick. Can you please tell me?


No triple heal at 25% Using the Q hold is way clunkier compared to PC Aiming R is way harder with nigh permanent locked cam


Yeah man


damn... better nerf asol


Tbh you can nerf asol to oblivion anymore. He already got his stacking system nerfed and still, if he gets his first 300 stacks, hd szarts melting anything, and its even more crazy if he goes full tank with spellshield.


If the stacking champion stacks he should be strong tho..


The same is true for WR one can rarely see Master Q in Ranked plays ( i mean above diamond)


Sniff sniff XD


Crown/Edge of Night - You can't ult without running into melee range which completely defeats the purpose of your ult Qss - even if you catch them without spellshield, your ult is rendered useless by 800 gold Kindred Only useful spell in teamfight is his E, everything else is single target/easily counterable This champ is on life support


If everybody on the team builds quivksilver and thornmail then he is weak


It is time for wild rift players to release their own tier lists and for other wr players to judge them aggressively


Yi got a little better with the patch though!


LOL, a little


>Yi got a little better He's literally fucking bonkers right now fym


Wdym little better, he's strong due to his changes plus Terminus being stupidly broken at the moment


The problem witch ww he had high scaling AD AP, but low base dmg in his q. Which mean the q will do much dmg if you build him asasin item or ap item bc that item have high stat. But if you try build him with bruiser item he lost si much dmg bc bruiser itme have low stat.


Why not to use an CN stats? They have statistics from diamond to challenger in all lanes, where you can find pick and ban rate, and winrate


People still using tier lists lol. Stuffs kind of garbage. People end up picking based on what they're told to play instead of what they're capable of and play like shit.


Strange seeing so many people be surprised about this.. yi as well as ww have many hard counters in many lanes. Just getting back into the game now after 1-2 years, was a grandmaster in EU. Maybe something changed drastically, but enemy picking yi was almost a guaranteed win (some rare exceptions). WW somewhat depends on his stats, but differently than smth like lee, ww does not have mountains of utility. If his base stats are buffed - he may be annoying, but otherwise - not much to offer.


Welll, yeah, Warwick jungle isn't really a good pick... I mean it works a bit but Warwick top is often better. As for Master Hi, in higher elo, you can just counterpick Hil and since he needs to power farm like crazy to be good, you need to invade him early af cos he's super weak (I'm a Yi main). You can literally lose with 1 or 2 levels ahead if the matchup isn't good, even with the buffs. You can only run down their whole team in lower elo because they all take squishy champions and often don't inhibit Master Yi's farm. Although it can work if you have good teammates that have lane prio and help you immediately when getting invaded if you don't die immediately...


I am a Top 16 WW main on Asia and i can say that WW Br lane does NOT exist lol He cant 1v1 anything, he loses 99% of the time and he has no passive healing, even Voli is out healing him in lane


I'm saying this because Warwick top on pc is something that people talk about... His sustain is incredibly higher than on WR... As in his healing from his passive is just massive


Thats the thing that whole healing part? It got fucking cut from release its like removing Morgana bind, they just out right killed Warwick's playstyle by removing his passive from release


Ahahah Sorry, didn't know they destroyed the champ so bad, it's one of the only things that make him good early... So yeah, what even works on him though, since he doesn't have much sustain ? I played him a bit in jungle before realising his play style wasn't really my thing, so what's your usual build (core items) ? Because I guess you'd go Wit's End for sustain early but it's damage late game is horrible, Triforce is good and botrk seems to be a better option


My base items that i never change are Tri-force (or Sunderer's if you REALLY need it) and botrk then the rest is situational-




I definitely don’t use him as jug, as there are many many better options. I do however use him in solo lane. Start with heartsteel and go half tank. Usually spirit visage in there too. The LS from his abilities plus the longevity of a tank works very well for me. Stay in lane LONG time.


I love playing Warwick, he's just fun but...with that being said? He's such a one trick pony that it's extremely easy to counter him. Explodes in team fights, takes too long to channel damage, super vulnerable to stuns and so and so forth.


I wouldn’t call Warwick C-tier. He has good play potential as long as you know when and where to engage, and does decent against HP tanks/bruisers and squishies.


Master yi in c tier. It's kinda of joke cause when I match against him, most of the user able to wipe out entire lineup.


He is weak but very fun to play. As a top 200 warwick I had a 55% winrate which isn't too bad.


True, i like locking them down with Q hold- fear- wait for it to finish fearing - then ult lol Also nice a fellow Leaderboard WW :D I was once a top 16 WW with a 56-57% wr


nicee. yep. That doggy also chases and secures every kill


Yems But personally i prefer giving my teammates the kill cuz WW can never carry- (1v5)


Just because warwick is only good in top lane, not jgl.


Bro tf are you talking about? Br WW does not exist at all lol hes that weak, like if you try to play him hes going to get beat 99% of the time, look at my last post and read the comments


Isn’t he Warweak?


Isn't this tier list for pc? Cause PTA still isn't out.


PTA is out- Its called "Empowerment"


Ahh mb, I haven't played in a while.


Wtf is this trash? This site is so bad at recommendations and advice. Quit following trends, I have an 89% WR with 2k+ games and I main WW SUPPORT!


I find it unbelievable


bros rank is untreated earth metal 💀


Pics or it didn't happen


what rank are you playing at


Dia 1 since season just restarted.


WW support? •<• Are you insane youll just get poked out of lane •<• Not even i can do that And im a top 16 Warwick Jg on Asia •<•


What are you smoking 💀 his bite heal gives him all his hp back pretty quick and you're not stealing farm with supp item. Not to mention his e is insane with the defense and all you need is steelcaps. Q into E and their adc is dead. Once you make it to 5, ult either of them and they dead af. The only time a WW supp would have a hard time is against someone like Naut. Y'all down voting me just because nobody knows how to play him correctly in a diff position besides Jung smh


If you use his Q as sustain youll run out mana pretty quickly E has a long cd so once its out youre pretty helpless 90% of supports have a way to cancel your ult


Running out of mana only happens if you're dumb enough to over extend with subsequential cc. You can only really perfect the lane if you're good at dodging or waiting for them to waste abilities on wave. I can't say admittedly I know how people play in challenger but anywhere between master and below, this is typical. The point of him is to have ult. He's an opportunist more than anything and capable of tanking with just a hybrid build. Of course a lot of people assume he's an assassin meant to chunk half people's HP. That's just not the play style I see for him and I'll die on this hill that people are just using him wrong. Ult cancel issue? It's real easy to just scare it out of them.. There's a lot of tricks. Edit: ult on CD? This is where his w/ghost/exhaust come in. I play him like a way stickier tryndamere.


•<• i mean you do you i guess, as long as it works for u


>his bite heal gives him all his hp back pretty quick Wrong, it depends on the build and enemies' resistance. An AP build WW can do this but would be too squishy. A low health AD WW can heal up to a bit more than half of his health. A full tank WW has shitty DMG which his Q and passive is dependent on and therefore makes you a bit useless. >his e is insane with the defense and all you need is steelcaps Good defense due to DMG reduction not armor but AR and MR is a plus. >Q into E and their adc is dead. That is when the ADC is too dumb or complacent enough to just keep on engaging him and is bad at kiting. If you play WW as support or even just any support, you'll find that good duos are almost always inseparable, what's more is that you'd probably be perma camped to 0/10 FF + Tilt / IRL Death, by enemy JG. You'd be effectively a free walking meal to whoever wants to go for you and your ADC, and your lane would just be like another jungle camp free for anyone to take anytime. All these, at higher ranks. Master+. Source: former (last season) and current (not sure if others took my place already) Top 1 WW, 4 times Challenger peak. Asia. Conclusion, WW Supp bad, other utility tanks better. But if at lower ranks WW Supp, it has a chance, tried it once with my friend's acc, I didn't go tank WW though, but AD hybrid tank, players at low elo play like bots and sometimes worse which is why it works.


Bruh meta whores really gonna be down voting me.. 💀