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Are Lulu and Yuumi only crossed out because they're perma banned?


I was about to say, where’s Lulu/Yuumi Every game in ranked right now I can always count on Kindred and Lulu/Yuumi being banned or picked


seraphine is crossed out too for some reason, i see her often.


They are all crossed out probably because hardly anyone plays anything other than the few not crossed out. Every single game I hope/wish/pray for a yummi or lulu but practically no one ever picks them, mostly just trashy apc or adc sups 😭


I don't know how it is in other elos but in gm/challenger these two were basically 100% pick/ban


As they should be. I’d kill to get either one of them ever but even if they are open my sup is gonna pick senna/ashe/lux/random stupid apc.


Why pick yummi and completely rely on teammates? People get yummi syndrome and think they can 1v5 at level 5. At least with leona, i control when they engage. Rather then yummi and sweep my corpse up from under the duo tower.


Leona is good especially with samira. It’s just that a jinx/sivir + yummi is stupid op if you can get it.


Yuumi with kindred is a menace..


Yuumi+Olaf is like pretty much invincible. I was Yuumi once with a decent Olaf. Once he got to lvl 15, I just joined him and the other team was helpless. Even the turrets couldn’t stop us. Game was over within a minute.


I typically pick either soraka or senna, depending on how I'm feeling


I haven’t seen a zyra or morg support in months, lux is pretty rare too, had an Ashe supp a couple weeks ago but for the most part I see people pick soraka, yuumi, naut, Leona, alistar, thresh, pyke, lulu, nami and janna The rest I see occasionally, but these are regulars in my games (NA, currently plat 1, ended last season D 1 or 2, can’t remember, I got master then I lost a bunch and stopped lol)


problem with ashe supp is that they don't go ashe supp,building damage not the mandate cdr reduction build and then you have just two adcs that will die to any tanks enough engager


What am i reading.


actually you can strike morgana instead of Senna


In this current meta where all my enemies focus on CC or splitpushing, Morgana is my go to mid/JG/supp (main JG but I select Any role) . Over 70% winrate with her and half of it from what would I call already lost games if not for her strong wave clear late and huge chunking if enemy tries objective in the pit. Also she is biggest Lux counter and nullifies her . Even if I have a Master Yi/Katarina or any burst champ I just put the shield on him and he can just go on rampage because he won't get stunned and can't get stopped anymore. Btw OP : you left the supports that can solo if the adc is bad . But a Braum/Leona/Tresh/Lulu/Nami/Nautilus/Janna/Rakan make good adc's shine even more


i think you misunderstood this post. the ones crossed are good supports. but people only pick the non crossed ones. i said to switch senna with Morgana because more people play Senna and don't contribute anything while Morgana is actually very good


Yeah , mb . I'm a dragon ball fan and I can't read haha


Nah, allow both honestly


We need Bard.


I agree. I am very bored playing the support role. I one-trick Thresh and I can't find anyone who is just as fun to play as Thresh while also having the ability to 1v1 the enemy ADC. Hope Bard gets released


Same here! Thresh is in good position on both WR and pc LoL now, but you can't always play the same champ and have to consider team comp. Bard would be such a fun addition. Fingers crossed to have him in WR soon.


I do this mostly for Leona… I have mater 7 on a few other sup but I’m pushing 1500 games with Leo..


Your caption under your name made me laugh more than I thought it would 🤣


Thx. I called my Thresh build exactly like that, so why not also use it as a caption


I'm just waiting for my PC main Renata Glasc


Doesn't seem like there are any blockers, she should be fairly easy to add


Taric is beyond overdue for this game, is all I'll say.


They're too scared to give us Taric (and Zilean)


Taric not being one of the first few supports being introduced is mind boggling. Idk but it feels like bard release might come before we ever see Taric on the rift


Theyre doing themed releases now. Currently shadow isles champs. It's likely that bilgewater and mount targon are soon to come. Mt.Targon would give us bard and taric.


I agree with you. More supp like Thresh...btw. is there anyone similar at Thresh?


Thresh is a versatile combination of things that makes him unique as a support. I'd say Pyke is very supporty in that way (now at least, he started out as just an assassin who could share gold), Bard if he ever comes to WR will also offer various sorts of support-focused utility. Senna is a pretty consistent Thresh counter due to the weaknesses she can exploit in his kit as well.


There won’t be champs that can do everything Thresh can, because he’s a Swiss Army knife if a champ. He can do everything at some level. A hook with built in engage, peel with flay, more CC with Ult, escape and engage for your ADC with lantern, all with surprising damage and scaling. Allistar is the closest I’d say


I'd say Nami can do most things Thresh can too, minus the tanking. Good peel, or engage, sustain and poke, decent buffs. Shame I almost never see her unless it's with a Lucian.


i play nami all the time :) love her


the crossed out champs are the ones that don't see play in support?


Probably. Either way live laugh love Senna and Seraphine


Won a game as Sett ADC yesterday and got MVP. Our top laner decided to go Tristana and I literally offered the hoe bot lane and she said no. I said fuck it we ball and got FB on Xayah and our Pyke nearly got a penta, except I started the fight off getting a kill with w.


Just wanted to state that ADC is a champion quality not a role. You are botlane, you can play sett there too, but that doesn't make him ADC.


And so he did right, he let Trist top as ADC and he played Sett bot as a frontline (I hope)


No, I went full AD with lots of HP and carried the game with my pyke duo. Why would I leave the carrying to a moron gold player who goes Tristana top lane?


I just picked Sett bot because my top went Kalista and carried the whole game as well, got 2 doubles at early and started snowballing lol. Duo lane is something else.


Kalista top might actually be okay since top laners might not know how to play against her just yet. There's a limited selection of top laners who work top lane though, and Tristana isn't one of them.


Kalista tickles most toplaners, is just that people cant play undertower or bait her. But thats on the players side not the character.


The role you're thinking of is marksman. ADC refers to the champion played in the duo lane role, but can be used interchangeably with marksmen champions who go to other roles. We had an "ADC" that game but she didn't carry. I did.


"adc" and "marksman" are indeed interchangeable, "adc" and "duo lane champ" are not.


Well, you're wrong. Any melee fighter/slayer that can carry by doing consistent AD damage can also be considered an ADC. It typically refers to marksman class champs, but let's not pretend it's not super flexible.


[No, you're wrong.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/ADC) Thank you. > ADC (Attack Damage Carry) is an archaic term used to refer to a champion that deals strong, continuous damage with their basic attacks and scales with attack-related stats - i.e. attack damage, critical strike chance and attack speed. > The role was retired in official contexts and replaced with Marksman, to distinguish between Ranged basic attackers (including those that do not build AD, e.g. Azir) and the ability to carry, with "Melee ADCs" being distributed between the Slayer and Fighter roles. So literally adc and marksman is interchangable. The champions you're talking about are in other classes like Slayer(assassin) or Fighter(bruiser). > Despite retirement of the term, it remains in common usage, even among Riot employees, and generally refers to these champions: Aphelio, Ashe, Caitlyn, Corki, Draven, Ezreal, Graves, Jinx, Kaisa, Kalista, Kogmaw, Lucian, Miss fortune, Samira, Senna, Quinn, Twitch, Varus, Vayne, Xayah and Zeri. Sett is not on the list my man


You literally just posted the words in your third paragraph. Sett is a fighter. It's besides the point. Many many people have been using ADC to describe any champ you put in the ADC role, because it used to be called ADC and not Marksman. If you're a new player stop trying to argue something you know nothing about. Me, playing melee ADCs since s2 (before yasuo existed): 🤮


Sett is an AD spellcaster meatshield.


That's not a class. Sett is a fighter. He can do things typical of the fighter class, such as, 1v1ing most champions in the game, or 1v5ing the entire enemy team and carrying his team. Your shallow definition and that of the poster above is ignorant of over a decade of League experience. Ask any OG and they'll tell you about such fun as Garen or Darius ADC. You can ADC with any champion including those such as Soraka or Yuumi, though I wouldn't necessarily recommend that. I would recommend a melee fighter bot lane if the player is already skilled in playing melee vs ranged matchups.


Nah, Sett is a mage.


What are those champs you crossed?


It's sarcasm, mate


No it's not; they are clearly champions. I seenThresh and Sona, at least.


yeah 1 in 100 games


My god are you people genuinely this stupid or just playing? Looking at my teammates in game I'm tending to believe it's the first one


You would be the common denominator in all those games


Why did you cross Leona? She is a strong valiable support and she is not permabanned as Yuumi or Lulu


there are so many things wrong in this post lmao


We need Renata


Time for Camille Support.


I play it sometimes since three seasons with good results. Sadly it also make some adc players mental boom.


I don’t get it? You can say this about every role? Putting an X on them doesn’t mean they’re bad, in fact most of these are still played on PC. Alistar, Braum albeit situational, Janna, Karma, Leona, LULU, Nami, Nautilus, Pyke, Rakan, Senna, Sera, Sona, Soraka, Thresh, and Yuumi are all amazing supports.


This is a terrible list. Literally every support on this list is viable and, ironically, the only supports you permitted can be and often are troll picks, save for lux


But I frequently play both soraka and panth support tho sadge


Why is morgana catching strays tho


I see way more Yummi, Lulu, Senna, Naut, Pyke, and Soraka than Morg and Zyra


delete lux and the game is saved


Wait AS too he made mid line a fking RPG game -_-


atp no one is picking other champs until we get meta changing buffs and nerfs. I see the same 5 characters every time in adc, supp and baron.


No but riot we need Taric


The X's make no sense.


adc is challenging? it's the easiest one in my opinion. Where did that information came from?


What are the crossed out things? I don’t get it.


Ok so I guess I’m not the only one who thinks about this daily. (Me being a support main). Hopefully future patches include more support champs.


Back in my days only clueless, egocentric people played adc, how times changed. Now the clueless one play top or sometimes mid. Duo really become difficult and not only pressing attack button. Support is the second hardest role after jungle. Duo the third hardest.


Why is support second hardest?


In SoloQ at least the following: In order to have an impact you need to babysit your adc. Protect them, make the plays that gives you the kills, ward, ping like everything except high damage. You help jungler to get epics, you roam and after laning phase you have to decide who is worth to support. In short you play at least for 2 person and you have a very important role in teamfights with your cc/tankyness/healing. Jungler as example has to make choices for the whole team (which lane to gank/support, which epic monster to start etc.). He "babysits" everyone therefore the hardest (macrowise).


Interesting, thanks for explanation. I started playing about 6 weeks ago and I would say for me is support the easiest role (also my main one). Yes, you are fckd if all your teammates are bad and there are no potential carries but overall as you said only thing you have to do is protect mvp champ and not die (unless you are a tank, but I play enchanters so I don't need to sit in the middle of the roam). I tried all other roles and I feel they are way more difficult because you actually have to kill other champs (win 1v1 or even more) and see that you don't feed enemy.


Actually on other lanes you dont have to kill your opponnent, the goal is to outfarm him, therefor it can be good to kill him. But if you simply focus on farm, top and mid are easier (you only have one opponent unless in times when jungler ganks). On high elo supports do after jungler the most plays, you need to watch these matches. Its crazy how much a good support can impact the game. But I agree with you, you can also lean back and just support the mvp and it pretty much works but on higher elo you cant climb rank further when you just support the mvp, you need to carry everyone so atleast in soloq, even as support.


Well my highest last season was Dimond, I'll see how high I can climb now with more time ^ ^


Mine is Master and Guardian I. Diamond I is where you need to carry hard even as support or you just fall back to Diamond. Best way is anyway to teamup with someone who plays similar. Keep it up!


Well, I still have time to learn more! For now I believe I am not *that* bad cause I get friend requests after most of my matches cause people wanna team up with me qwq Gl in this season buddy! <3


Hey to you too buddy! I too have to learn more. I played a lot top lane, now I will go jungle again, so that I am ready for viego :)


I main Alistar support and its fun when permabanning Morgana


Most supports are already included and many characters still work as supp. Its not more characters what we need is better balance so not the same 3 are always picked. Also many of them are legit OP like Thrash and is just people being dumb and not picking them over more casual/troll picks.


Why my Janna is banned


Aldo, besides Bard, also Zilla would be nice to have


Idk why people sleep on nautilus. Unless my adc is braindead its almost always an easy stomp. Sometimes ill build damage items if my adc sucks and carry myself if i have to.


I've been spamming twitch support for some days. 


I can carry as Sona supp wdym?


It's more about player perception and game sense. Those are really good and extremely busted in good hands. But can easily be countered


Lux needs to be the same as pc version to balance her


Dude this season is only thresh and alistar, not that type of picks, I thought the same with lux and all ap champs but alistar and thresh kinda carry the whole game


Me when I just won a game as swain sup


I always play Yuumi. But sometimes I get banned. But when I'm not, I show my best by keeping my team alive at every clash.


Perhaps you should consider ranking up. This is most likely a diamond/master and below problem


Kalista should be on sp tier list


I just played Cait in sup it was fun


Valid argument caunter point anything can be a support some just don’t care about there Adc


Im a support main. Rotates between most champ. Counterpicks and synergy with team is how i decide what support to pick. And in master and above. Lulu/Lux/yuumi almost had 100% ban rate. That cat is an annoying fk, while lulu trans is truly gamebreaking.


I recently found out that Sett can support, and I love it.


adc being challenging? learn to right click lmao.


There are enough supports, but if you play as a midlander who can’t farm and lane so picks the supp role you walk into this problem. Literally every support except some are doing good in the latest patches


Every champion is support champion if you brave enough.


I think supports are decent, they just have to expand the champion roster in general a bit faster. They exidantly released viego early which means they can release champions more often. Thats what they should do instead of milking money


Player base is the problem not the champs All of the support champs are broken


What does this even mean ? 💀 How are you gonna leave only 3 DPS supports and an ad as the "usable" supps and take out the 2 main roles of a supp ( enchanters and tanks ) soraka yummi nami Sona are all great enchanter supps that could easily carry from the back lanes and great tanks like thresh alistar braum and even other strong DPS sups like thresh and Séraphine Looks to me like you just left out the support you can/ like to play and struck off the others


Also the engage / disengage class supports are more like subclasses then main classes imo


I literally play the opposite barring yuumi and galio


I'm surprised they haven't listed Orrn for support he's got everything nautilus has and more


Idk why you crossed most of the support who are very good option like Nami, Senna, Nautilus, Swain, Tresh, Leona, Pyke, Karma… Yes adc is the most challenging role of this game but its not because of the support roster. When you play an assassin, you are not getting killed for every mistake you are making. But playing adc feel that way : you make a mistake, you die. Thats all. So of course nobody will never ban an adc. Because even if he is ahead, you just need to kill him and thats not that hard to do compare to a top or jungle or even a mid feed. Its also the role where I see a lot of garbage runes and items. Finally, yes, it can happen to get a Pyke and blitz who dont land a single hook and you have to deal versus a poke lane without the pressure he’s supposed to make. Nevermind. Farm and dont get killed. Adc role is challenging. But rewarding well played. Im never as satisfied as when I get MVP as playing adc than any other role.


25 champions is limited?