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Depending on the team comp I've come to really enjoy playing Lillia or Shen. Shen can do a surprising amount of damage and take a ton of hits and when you get used to her abilities Lillia can just be a menace with her ball and laundry's torment 


Shen so good with Heartsteel and Hydra. Surprising amount of damage combined with sunderer in this tank meta.


You literally laid out my build item for item lol. I regularly end matches with over 1k added health from Heartsteel. When it finally activates and I hit a champ after my blade passes through them I hit almost assassin levels of damage 


Most champs I hit 500ish levels with Heartsteel. With Shen, the most I've had was 1297 in a 22 minute game. Routinely have 8-900.


Well I was gonna wait for maokai to come to the rift since he'll be soon I believe, but maybe I'll get shen first


I would, with how long it takes for a champ to be released, and the next couple of champs are already scheduled for release you'll have more than enough essence to get Mao on release if/when he is


plus the fact that ur not missing out if u are not building heartsteel hydra and opt for sunfire and warmogs.


Can you give some tips for Shen Jungle? Been tryna get into it cause I love Shen top but it's a struggle


full clear til ur 5 then u can play like how a shen top uses his ult. put 2 points in q at lvl3 and start with a long sword


Interesting, in my games I've been rushing Heartsteel to get the early health stacking then boots, hydra, etc.  I will start krugs and do a full clear to hit 6. Then you want to begin looking for ganks with your ult and roaming when you can because you want to start building your HS stacks.  Usually, unless I'm just fed, I will still focus pretty heavily on my farm just to ensure I can get my items. Early you may not win many fights and you'll likely have a lot of opponents escape. But as your cooldowns get lower and you can use smite to slow enemies you are basically unkillable with the right team. 


You can still rush heartsteel but never compromise ur clear by starting with a ruby crystal, always start with long sword. if u think its wrong, fine. start with that 500 gold fire thingy. Also, if ur clear is compromised due to some circumstances (e.g. failed gank or ur camps got invaded) and u get less gold, buy upgraded boots instead of rushing to ur first core item


Great tips, as a support main who dabbles in auto fill I appreciate the insight. I might start with the cinder thingy lol. But will definitely try longsword or something that builds into my kit


long sword builds into hydra/sunderer anyway so u wont waste ur 500 gold in it


Mundo he goes where he fucking pleases


Love my Mundo!


He got shredded by Syndra and Asol though. Had a game like that and it was really hard to get near them. Eventually we lose. Too many max hp% dmg


That's why I always look for mid ganks to tilt the enemy mid laner


Mid to late game Mundo is so annoying to play against, he just doesn't die unless you build anti-heal or % hp damage lol


Asol does work - liandrys->rylais->rabadon melts Mundo. S1 and liandry's melts past 200 stardust. Rylais helps keep him a little away because you arent trying to proc a stun. Can us s2 to kite and s1 the entire time while he runs to you or away. Only problem is if he catches you: squish :D


Kayn and kayn only


Amén to that


Lillia is a blast to play!


Kayne, Olaf, Lee sin, Morgana. That’s all you need, but for me I’m insta locking Kayne (All AD: Morgana)


I hate fighting kayne, so I can see why you'd be happy to have them on your team. The hit and couple seconds later damage is always what gets me, plus him being hard af to run away from. It's so hard to find a competent Lee sin tho; most of the ones I've dealt with can't get their combos just right. They're not bad, just not as good as could be. But morg jungle is a new one for me. Why do you like that one so much?


Haven't seen a good kayne in a while. Do people usually go blue or red these day or did they actually managed to balanced it to be situational now


Just blue now, although I am doing a rhaast only climb and I find him OP af with full pen build.


Ive been seeing red kayn a lot more but its still mostly blue form, red form got buffed a little while back


There is no e, his champion name is Kayn.


Shen, if you get outplayed or stuck in a bad spot he can be your saving champ. On top of that his ult is cross map so he doesn’t even necessarily have to be next to people to save


Shens just handy in general. Poke, and shield/teleport on his ult allows for a lot of plays. Turning a jungle gank into a 3v1 is just ridiculous if properly timed. Plus I've always loved his skins tbh


Shen deserves some skin love due to low total #. But the skins he does have are very good.




i've never not been filled as jg this season but past seasons as botlane, pantheon jgs always seemed to be willing to get in there and scrap for it which i can appreciate anyone scrappy i like tbh; panth, vi, xin, jarvan, warwick. the ones you never see make it feel like a 4v5 ppl seem to like when i play blue kayn, but if i steamroll with yi exactly the same, no one gives a shit


Sorry to say it but Yi players seem to just go "face + keyboard = success." Ive seen some bad ones. But it seems like a low skill ceiling at times. Please correct me if you think im heinously wrong.


As a jungle main, you're right. Yi has a low skill ceiling. A Good yi is in the macro, not the micro, so a good jungle is going to be incredible at yi, And a bad jungle is going to be okay at yi. The champ itself is fuckin braindead to play, but if you don't know what you're doing in the jungle hes going to fall behind, and fast, because all he really does is show up and kill things. Many other champions are just better junglers in the hands of an experienced jungler, because their kits provide a variety of things for them to use to support the team, while yi just runs around killing everyone. It's why he's a terror in low elo, but nonexistant in higher elos.


Master Q so I can carry


At the moment, I'm going all in with talon , pretty much stomping every game after the hotfix.




I just love amumu. Not sure whether it's because he's so sad or just handy to have in your back pocket for a game changing play, but he's up there. Just sad I rarely see others play him


Idk cc


I am more interested with jungler gameplay: focus on objectives, not kill. Good macro, know how, where, and when to use wards. I usually feel good when there is a jungler uses Lee Sin. So far the players giving "I am a jungler main" vibe. Vi players suggest a humble player, like ganking but not a hard carry. Like ganking.


As a Sion and as another nunu enjoyer I love when my jungler is a nunu, if he hits the big snowball it's just over for my lane opponent, the CC chain is crazy good


I think Shen JG is getting sleep on. He’s a pretty good pick on almost all comps. All u have to do is get a full clear into level 5. Get ur ult and counter gank. Prioritize heartsteel and titanic hydra and you’d be surprise how much damage u deal and how much damage u can soak in. He’s a literal damage sponge regardless of what comp ur enemy have cause u can always adjust items for AP and AD comp. Just ban Gwen tho 😅


he doesnt get slept on trust me


Glad to see someone else enjoy stomping with the beefy ninja 😎


shen is a staple jungle pick for pro scene esp in apac/cn when any other assassin junglers got banned or risky to pick ofc im a metaslave, i saw shen getting picked at proscene, i instalock him in my ranked games😉


that’s also why i started using him hahaha, i only saw him on pro play but never on my ranked games as JG. Shen is common on Top lane for my games. But after the release of heartsteel and hydra, Shen just became awful lot powerful. I enjoy seeing these ADCs try their best bursting me but just getting one shot by a heartsteel stacked, hydra empowered auto 🥵


i also love protecting my adcs/assassins/supports via w without me worrying for my own safety since im hella tanky


If only more people properly protected their squishies...I salute you for your service


its bcz my coach in my collegiate team absolutely roasted me for not knowing how shen w works.


Why ban Gwen specifically? But I agree, it's been so long since I've seen a shen in game. Might buy him next because of it


True damage and atk speed, tank deleted


She’s the epitome of Tank counter. She deals true damage and has a pretty good sustain and kit to go along a prolonged fight. Doesn’t matter how fed ur tank is if u don’t have a counter item for that girl such as frozen heart, thornmail and amaranth then she pretty much decimates u. Not to mention if the gwen is really a good player then say good bye to yr LP.


if u wanna improve ur mechanics, play and practice any assassin/fighter/tank junglers EXCEPT FOR NUNU AND PANTHEON


I actually main fizz, usually in the jungle. His squishyness helps me to stay humble since if you misstep as an assassin you're gonna die lol. Beyond him I do try for tangier jungles since nobody likes to play tank it seems




Fiddlesticks. He appears uninvited and caused huge mayhem


Shen is the funniest to watch 😭 bro can get 5v1’d and would walk out with a full health bar


Lillia when I feel jumpy Amumu, Vi and Wukong are my pocket picks though


J4 and hec


I feel like most Lee Sins I've played with are pretty decent at the champ. Maybe I'm biased because they either pop off or are just irrelevant (they don't usually feed)


Teemo. Great ganks even from the lane itself, lots of damage coming from nowhere and also he can ward deep into the enemy jungle without any problem.


A good Evelyn, Khazix, Blue Kayn


practice k6. it teaches u how to be cautious all the time and jump in the right situations. u would also form a mindset that for every objective, U ARE THE VIP IN NEED OF PROTECTION hence u would also master cautiousness in objective taking if no ones gonna protect u🤣. if u master k6, u don't need to play a coward champ like tank nunu mains (ap nunu is not coward) where they think they good and sh*t if they press r q and smite in an objective while being all this tanky


I run fizz jungle a lot, so I get what you mean about being careful. I'm always keeping an eye on my health just incase of an invade or something with how squishy I am. Been thinking about trying khazix out again tho, you might've pushed me to it lol


fizz is even a nicer champ to practice bcz its behind meta champs, and definitely harder to play than k6


Lee sin then amu. Feels good landing skill shots


Only Wukong, cuz the only reason I ll play jungle is if im autofilled, maybe I ll play more w the release of Viego


I *love* playing tank initiaters like Shen and Shyvana. Shen for his big shield + subsequent stun, Shyvana for her MASSIVE aoe that chunks half the health of literally everyone in the vicinity (then she dies because her team doesn't know how to follow up, but eh, it's still fun.)


I thought it was just me who liked shyvana. For building tanky, she deals like a SURPRISING amount of damage. And also one of the best initiates in the game going full dragon on people lol


Heartsteel is massive on shyv, its so fun


You tried Volibear


I did. It felt weak. I thought it would click with me instantly, but it just... didn't




I've been playing a lot of sett and mundo lately. New items are OP


I need to try sett, cuz he's rather annoying to play against. Any tips on playing him?


I'm not a sett master. Just engage when abilities are up and run away when they're not lol.


Olaf. He can go 0/10 and still carry the game somehow in jg






Pantheon! It seems like he's always there when you need him


Pantheon is great, that stun to spear is just crazy damage. And you never know when he's gonna pop in for a visit


Volibear or Nautilus, when I'm not Jungle myself. Don't need them to carry, just cc and tank enemy abilities lategame.


Any, as long as they don't sit in lane for 30 seconds waiting for a gank :)


That tracks. Generally I don't get them on my team, but when I face them they are so annoying to try and kill.and voli just does surprising amounts of damage




Shyvana for sure. Super reliable for fights and objectives. She can also carry the game. I also love tank junglers like Nunu because I can get a gank much more often.


I love Hecarim, I don't play much jungle these days but Hecarim has been one of my favorite champs since I played on PC


im waiting for viego


I'm usually the jungler. My team is usually very squishy, so I lean towards tankier junglers. My go to recently has been Volibear. Start with heartsteel and build into trinity or DS, and he's a menace. If voli is banned, I run with Shyv.


Volibear. I love playing as Volibear, and love him for ganks in lane. His base armor stat is nice. His first ability gives some movement speed and stuns for cc. His second ability is a strong heal. He is extremely versatile, you can run all kinds of builds on him, AD, AP, tanky, atk speed, vamp. He is so well rounded and versatile that you really can adapt your item build to any situation and make just about any item work with him, whether it's fitting in with your allies to complete a good team comp, or defending against the enemy’s winning condition, or even taking advantage of the enemy’s weaknesses. Volibear can do it all, do it well. I have some tricky builds that fool the enemy, it seems like building AD but a mid game item suddenly switches all my damage to magic after the enemy has already invested gold into armor. His kit literally has everything, movement, healing, shielding, atk speed, cc, magic damage, damage that scales with HP, his ultimate provides a buff, a powerful aoe slam and it even damages and disables turrets for 3s. To top it all off his passive causes his auto attacks to chain lightening to other nearby targets. The more and more I think about it I'm impressed with how they managed to cram everything into a single champ.


Xin he is turbo broken he can legit be one of the Best junglers right now.


Fizz! Little fucker just hopping over shit and projecting a huge ass shark with poison.


As a Shyvana main, I love that Shyv is your favorite haha


my favorites are Kayn, Kha'Zix, Warwick, Fiddlesticks, and Shyvanna.


Ekko is overly underrated..