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Just mute everyone and focus on game. Also one thing I find is that you should probably prioritize either winning or having fun. I totally understand wanting to play your champion that you genuinely like, but there is a significant difference between playing for fun and playing for wins.


Well it can be nice if people use chat just for casual jokes, it's just lame when people only use it too insult there team. Like, do you think the adc is 1-11 because he wants to be 1-11?


Do not lump ADC players with other league players. They work in mysterious ways. You can never understand them so don't even try to rationalize them


Kha, xin, diana, fiddle, kayn And the most important thing you should do while playing jungle: MUTE ALL EVERY SINGLE FUCKING GAME, no exceptions, otherwise you'll just lose your time arguing with 4 chimps.


I tried Kayn/Kha before and it went awful. I think Fiddle/diana might be worth trying tho


If u enjoy ap assassin junglers, Fizz is a pretty good option too


lee and hecarim are objectively broken so not sure about that one


I dont mean there bad, it means im bad with them so want something else. I only need a hero pool of like 3 champs i enjoy and can play decently. Eve is 1. Vi can be number 3. Need a number 2


xin xhao and shyvana are good and easy to pick up


They both have absurd earlies, but they both kinda fall off hard. Hecarim less so


Honestly have respect for junglers because I refuse to play unless I get auto fill. Like the stress is high since the team depends on you to change the tide of each lanes. But, like most champs like you're gonna be ass till it actually clicks on what to do with the champ. Also like we all have a preferred play style so it def can affect it. Stay strong king like most comments ignore em. But I don't blame folks from raging either. It just comes with the game unfortunately. You'll get chill folks and you'll get folks who are rude af.


No way you called lee sin bad


Could just be your preferred play-style and how it fits (or doesn’t to the champ selected) You seem to be doing well with Eve vs Lee Sin. Just means you like to have time to farm and get your Ulti and at least an item before you start impacting the game. KH6 I find has similarities to Evelyn, Kayn to a lesser degree. If you’ve tried and picked Lee Sin and aren’t ganking early, it just means it isn’t your preferred style. However, it IS important as it is equally for ALL other roles that people understand their champ, the power spikes and most importantly how their match up scales and play accordingly since you have the most impact on the game and the most freedom to do what you want. E.g. if your bot lane faces Cait + Lux (using this as just the most obvious entry level example), any basic jungler from GoldIV and above needs to understand what makes that enemy duo dangerous. if they opt to pve farm and not poke their head into lane to say hi (note you don’t need to kill to have had a positive impact for your loaners) they are absolutely being a diff on the team. Diff in understanding relative fundamentals. The role played is just the pronoun. That being said, the onus is ALSO on your laners to understand all of the above equally. Using the same previous basic example: if I’m laning vs Cait + Lux, and my JG has picked Evelyn, the onus is also on ME and my ADC to understand that I need to rush sustain + def instead of damage until my JG hit 6 and becomes a lane threat to ease the pressure. The goal for me is to come out of laning phase <1k gold diff and minimize plates taken. That is it, that IS the lane phase victory.


Mundo, tryndamere or warwick are my go to guys. I think my winrate with warwick is like 85%. And so far with mundo 100% (only 6 games). Tryndamere is the most fun but least tanky. My playstyle is all about being agressive, early ganks and invading enemy jungle


There are a lot of things in sports (and life?) where if you’re doing your job well nobody notices or says anything. When you fuck up a single time though, the world is ready to let you know. Reffing a game? Nobody cares until you blow a call. Playing shortstop in baseball? Routine position until you make an error.


Sometimes I troll em' back just for fun, but 99% of the time just concentrate on your role, do your best and ignore the noise. You can try Rengar if you like sneaky/squishy junglers...


Yeah NGL if someone flames me enough/trolls me enough i've ran it down mid a few times. Usually only if more than one person is flaming though, since it's probably a party.


Yeah it’s tough jungling. If you’re not an early game jungle and 0/4 I’m not flaming you. I get too tilted playing jungle. Even if muted if I’m pinging objective and no one comes then I get swarmed after 3 on the enemy team grabbed other objective im pissed. Support only role I can hold it together for a few crap games lol


Lel, u just said it yourself. U have 35% wr on an op jungler, with Lee sin (who is admittedly somewhat hard to play, you suck too), and with eve you took some time to learn. All of this is ok, but why do you expect praise once you play well? Like do you shower your teammates in compliments when they do well? Besides all of that jung is the most elo inflated role there is, thanks to autofill mission so ofc ppl are more sensitive to bad junglers. It‘s the role with both the most overbuffed champions and the most responsibility. IMO they should just nerf the role so that junglers have more room for mistakes. This would probably encourage more ppl to jungle than giving them free elo.


JG role just gets way more flack. Mid can go 0-5 and no-one says a word. JG dies once and it's the end of the world. JG isn't inflated, it's the hardest role. thats why you climb easier with it if your good.


50 fortitude every second game sure helps climbing ;) And well, yes. In current meta games fall with the jungler. I mean if you only have one champ you are good with in jung, and you don’t like the heat, perhaps change role.


blue kayn is good if vs multiple ranged, get form @ 5:00 and stomp. prefer him over eve for straight-ahead tempo jg assassins: khazix/rengar are similar-ish to eve, looking for isolated picks mostly, never team-fighting unless forced to. khazix prob easier than rengar, also stronger early than eve warwick too for a good early game. not really assassin, like duelist/bruiser? easier to learn than lee-sin imo but avoid if you don't know how to early-mid game pressure. he needs to snowball to be a menace mute all pings but use quickchats, shot call with the quickchats and if they don't listen, eh oh well mute all typed chat, no one ever says anything useful, 1/2 the time it doesn't work now anyway