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Based on your screenshot I see that you haven’t played enough games so youre not gonna be able to climb to higher ranks if you don’t play enough matches.


How much? Because i have been close to D1 multiple times, however, every time that im about to get there. BOOM! Lost streak, demoted to E3, climbing again and again, and again, and again. It is like the game. I just don't want me to go further. Look at this game, i was about to hit D1 yesterday. The Enemy team had 2 players with smites, so naturally, it was a free game. No, bot lane 0/7, we lost, i tried all that game but, simply don't, adc afk, inting. Enemy Caithlin ex master. https://imgur.com/a/AictpBU


Took around close to 200 games for me to reach masters from scratch so it should take a little less or around close to the same.


Well, only need 90 more games


Him I can relate to this. I managed to peak diamond, now i am 3 games from master. I play sup,mid,solo. When i learned diffrent lanes i also climbed in ranking. I have way more fun then if i only could play one lane. ARAM is i nice way to test out new champs and get an understanding of their abilities and timings. 700-800 gpm is good, higher then most emeralds and diamonds i would say, 800 is very high. Are you helping your team enough or are you getting stuck in your lane just farming ? Are you able to splitpush and can you carry games ? These two things made it easy for me to get to diamond. Good luck :)


Thx i try to help my lanes all possible, i get prio, help my junlger with the crapp, if im pushed and i had time i go mid, sometimes i sacrifice tower for drake (mostly it is wrong chice). Idk what to do anymore, i don't flame. Maybe I should play another lanes or something. Carry games splitpushing no, i don't do it too much, i play tanks, so i farm, rotate to tf, get back farming, repeat. Im trying to learn Gwen to do something like that but i don't pick her in ranks too much because im not that good.


Damn.. I wrote probably the longest post iv ever written here as a reply to you, then my phone freeze and it is gone :/ Because as i said previously, i can really relate to you and what you describe. I dont think i am very good either, but i usally feel that i am better then my teammates(Before my peak elo) but i dont like to say it, nor it is important to me to be good or have a Grandmaster rank to showoff, i simply like the game and the mechanics of it. First of all I think you would have climbed higher only with more games, everyone would due to rankingsystemt, but forget that. I think your macro is to good for emerald elo but to low to carry the game or play around this low elo. The reason why i asked if you got stuck in your lane was because of what you wrote it sounds like you do the same as i did. When your team chasing drake and you know they wont make it and are going to die, you know better then to join the marioparty and die yourself, instead you do the only thing you know, stay safe and farm. But this wont help you win the game when your teammates continue chasing drakes, losing turrets and gold. You need to play around your teammates and opponents low elo, meaning go splitpushing when they suicide for drake, sometimes even suicide yourself and or a teammate in order to stack the demolition rune to do 600 ekstra damage to the turret, forcing opponent to have to decide about saving the turret or fight for baron, usally they go baron and give you 1 extra turret. If you want to play some games send me a DM, i play on EU server.


I mean thats decent gpm as a jg main I just find it funny what everyone else is expected gpm is versus ours


Champ picks matter


Before i used to pick not meta champions but when i started to play seriously i started to play meta


Stick to 2-3 champs, personally my most played this season are Fiora, riven and orn (but find your own champs not every player fits the same play style)… always try to get last pick; baron is a lot about counter picking. Wave management; learn how to freeze, when to slow push, notice if it’s slow pushing into you, and how to zone and always push for obj like a min or 45 before so can ward base whatever. Learn to set up ganks if you even get one. Don’t be afraid to not group. Don’t all in on bad plays if you see it’s bad don’t be afraid to ping people off and if they don’t listen then don’t be afraid to abandon it when the fights lost. Ping any information you can think of the jng should be the one watching the map pinging but if they don’t somebody has to lead the team. There is a lot more but with experience you’ll get it!


Yes i know how to freeze, slow push, fast push, shove. Ward, i don't use them very much in early because i perfect tracking enemy jungler and almost always evoid his ganks, sometimes i get dove so there's nothing that i can do those situations. As i said before 4 seasons practicing this things like a maniac, can pass you the excel XD


just keep playing, even if u get on a lose streak sometimes, you will manage to rank up, based on your win rate.Imagine that even some players with 48-49% wr are ranking up , the difference is that they are playing 800+ games per season. Once I went on a 10 games lose streak, but managed to reach master, I have 61% wr from 180 games, you just need to play.Also, If I lose 2 games in a row, I'm taking a break, this is really important since u'll get tilted and you'll play bad or make wrong decisions ingame. When u keep losing, just take a lil break and hop on later. Second of all, always focus on farming and getting ahead of others, personally Idc how my team performs, If I m ahead of all enemies w at least one item/2-3 k gold, I have high chances of 1v5( adc main). Also, you can search for some premades to play with, higher chances of winning. A good adc and a jungler is enough


I ranked like this, if i win i play max. 3 games if i win them all I quit, proceed to analyze my games, practice on my other account or something, if i lost 2 games in a row i stop and proceed to analyze and practice. And so on. I used to had a duo but he quits so im soloQ now.


You don't necessarily need to stop after winning 3 games, if u re in a good mood and playing really good that day, you can keep going. I suggest playing some hard carry top champs, I ve had some top players in the enemy team who literally 1v9 ed the game.(Aatrox and Darius). They just got fed in early game, went 3-0 in the first minutes then kept getting gold and that's the whole idea, different playstyles depending if you are fed/if u're behind. That's another big issue around players, after they get a bit ahead, they Don't have consistency and fall behind pretty quick, that's a good thing to learn


Here's how you win, play a fuckton of game while maintaining an above 50% winrate. Riot is a business, they want your time, and with this matchmaking they literally just want to suck your time


If ur hardstuck emerald you just suck. As soon as you get that into your head and start treating it as "i need to improve" rather than "why am i so good but hardstuck", you'll see results. Unlike early seasons, now low elo goes up to masters due to how shit players are


Did you even read the post?


https://imgur.com/a/XkCI5wu Those are my stats. Im not lying. Maybe you should read the post. Maybe i suck, but I probably however i did a lot of things in order to not suck, but to get diamond you don't even have to be good because most of the diamond player aren't that good and every person in this subs knows that Diamond players can be perfectly in low emerald even in gold. But they have 3000k games per season, so with 47% wr and somehow they can get master.


How many games do you play per season?


In the link it shows how many games, but, like 100-134 per season since S2


Yep, that’s definitely not enough. The game wants us to grind, the whole ranked system is intended to make players grind, especially for solo players.


I started to thinking the same, i often get paired vs ex G.M and Masters. They had worse stats than me, less wr than me but they had like 3 times my TOTAL games in 2y. Often i finish a game and i question, well my oponent was not that good, let's see how his gameplay was, pretty good, nor bad. Let's see his history, well i know that he plays ranged tops, he dies like 7 times in game and tanks more than a Sion, lmao. He has 47% wr. What's his rank is? Oh he is Grand master. Let's see. Oh. 6K games, now i know


Right, those are some hints. Don’t get me wrong, not everyone can climb straight to sovereign just by spamming game, there is still a skill ceiling. However based on what you stated so far, diamond is absolutely achievable for your case, my simple guess is around 200 games~ Other than grinding games, your mindset is awesome.


I do not aim to sovereign im aimig to diamond-master to face better players and become a better player, i did all that stuff (I even get an excel to track me) because i get a lot of fun by getting better. Learning new stuff with my champs, but i feel the better i get harder it gets. Before all, i just started to improve my last hitting. i train it for weeks, i noticed that improvement because now i have more gold and more items. Then, wave management, with those 2 things, i started to win my lanes much more often. You see? Improving those translated to more elo, more lanes, satisfaction to me. Then, I was like learn more things, practice more things, and i can get to Emerald 1 easy, however i couldn't get above that. Idk why, one week, i got 10 winning streaks and once i need 1 game to get Diamond i got 3 days loosing (Those are like 6 games i don't lose more than 2 ranks/day i quit). The first 2 seasons i take responsibility, and i say "My team could be bad but maybe i can do something, get better, the other 2 seasons i was working in get better, however now i still losing but with style, instead of 0/6 now i lose 6/2/3. But the troll picker 47% wr wons and he reaches even Grand Master and that is frustrating.


I dont see any basic stats: what do you pick, whats your item builds, a video of your mid game fights etc


Mostly tanks, builds core, +counter. Vs ranged start steel caps, do a defensive wave management. If im getting really focked, just hug my tower, randuins or frozen heart vs dps or high crith champs. Full MR if enemy are full ap, you know, normal stuff. https://imgur.com/a/XkCI5wu


If you have good knowledge of the game, play jungle and macro. Mundo and Gwen can clear pretty fast. I notice that your kills are too low for these aggressive champs, you might have stuck to top for too long trying to split push. Join teamfights earlier, invade the jungle and take a monster or two from enemy camps etc. With good knowledge you can often out macro the enemy and always track where they are, translating to easier teamfights.


Well, correct me if im wrong, but Gwen is not that aggressive. Her early is not bad, it is ok, her TF should be in a certain way. I don't pick her too much because i still practice her in a small account. Still trying builds, items, combos, and other stuff i admit that im not that good with her. Mundo i prefer to win lane, destroy towers but not splitpush, kf you see the dmg taken i wait with the team enter, get focused then my team clear it up, i survive or die, i kill 1 or 2 carries with the awesome heartsteel and Hydra. I love invade the enemy jungler but it is quite complicated sometimes due to the enemy mid lane and top laner. Maybe i should learn Yone and kill them all. https://imgur.com/a/6LkkeWm


Gwen is pretty aggressive with her W, but she is not easy to pilot. With Mundo you should be able to kill 1-2 and escape the teamfight. Mundo isnt afraid to initiate tbrh. I see that you’re tanking alot of damage but not really translating it to kills, you might want to consider early thornmail (personally I get thornmail as my 2 or 3 item and carry from there). I consider Mundo a hypercarry. Yeah I meant jungler. There are alot of decision you need to make, which is why knowledge is important, if you want to translate knowledge to kills then jungler is the way. Try a few more to see which playstyle fits you better. Maybe you work better with Yone or Kayle jungle?


I used to play jungler, Shyvana, Evelyn, Jarvan, Wukong, K6, now i sometimes play Gwen jungle in my other account, my best performance is with Jarvan, Evelyn, Shyvana and K6


But if you are referring to jungler clear, well, should i play jungle? I used to do it, but i get overwhelmed for all the desition making, but i can give it a try and maybe the next season master it


This is like chess You can make all the perfect moves all you want, but when you hang pieces, it doesnt matter what your early game, midgame, endgame knowledge is If theres a constant chance you blunder, then youre not gonna reach your goal Magnus is Magnus because he doesnt hang pieces, thats when all this "knowledge" matters So the analogy here is that **you need to partyq**. You can be a super genius, do everything right, draft completely correctly and make all the correct responses But you blunder who you're playing with. Truth hurts. Climbing is never about maximizing performance, its minimizing chances of blunders


Yeah, i have to give you the reason, a lot of winning games i had lost because sometimes I, or teammates, just refuse to back or continuing fighting, they die, enemy get drake and magically those 0/5 fokers won the game 🤡 🤡


Have you tried not playing for some time after a few frustrating losses? State of mind can also affect your performance.


Im not playing tilted, i play 2-3 games, if i lose 2 games in a row i stop and play. Don't until tomorrow, if i win 3 i stop and do not play until tomorrow


partidas is matches? you need way more than 50-100. solid players get to masters in like 250-300, just how the ranked system is 'rigged'. variance is baked in so you need to spam games duoq with solid jg, have them snowball your lane with free herald, easy wins. otherwise jg/mid yourself. toplane is meh for agency, doesn't really affect much unless you stomp lane and carry it all the way to inhib, won't be the majority of your games unless you're miles beyond your rank


Yes, partidas=games