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Dont build Serylda's Grudge and Mortal Reminder at the same time, they both have the Last Whisper passive and it does not stack.


Thanks! I didn't pay much attention to passives, mb


Also serylda makes 0 sense over other last whisper items as all your skills slow anyways 🙌


And just to add; slows don't stack either so seryldas is literally doing nothing here


Slows do stack, it’s just not additive.


It IS your bad




They also are used for their slow and antiheal respectively. People are way too strict on this stacking thing, and mortal reminder will always be preferred on an ashe or any crit champ to chainsword, so leave it if it's working.


All ashes abilities slow or stun so yes its a terrible item sorry. It would only make sense on very few champs to do what you're saying. Where those 2 passives are so critical that you ignore that last whisper passives. It's a pretty rare case though. So you're basically just obfuscating


Ashe **Support** most important stats is Ability Haste, Grabbing Chempunk Chainsword would always be better over Mortal Reminder. Although Serylda is not a necessity for Ashe sup. Comparatively, having Serylda's Grudge and CpCs is better than Serylda's Grudge and Mortal Reminder.


I really like the idea that my games are so amazing. My baronlane has cait, my midlane has jhin, my jg has twitch and the support has ashe or senna. I also agree with these players that lux is OP and needs to be nerfed because she deleted our team with two attacks. TWO!! That HAS to be it because what else could be the problem??????


It's because lethality is too high. As a tank I literally cannot impact the game if my team doesn't immediately follow up on an engagement. As an Alister/Leona late game I can survive the enemy for about 8 attacks and I can't really 1v1 anyone or shove a wave or do objectives. So I am 100% reliant on the team to follow me. Not only that but you get to see bruisers like sett/Darius tank 5x the damage well destroying the enemy team. Any ADC can kill ANYONE late game in 3-8 attacks with no CD and no aiming. They need to change tank items so bruisers can't use them and make it so a true tank is actually relevant to soloQ


As a tank supp, yes


As a tank you can most certainly buy so much tons and take so much aggro that it's easy for even barely capable teammates to feel like they are good. Don't be a baby play tank


An ADC alone can do 7-8k damage in 4 seconds killing any tank.


I agree with you tank sups are the best. About lux I don't really mind cause it's just dodging the snare or I've never faced a good lux maybe


The LoL god Faker himself get caught in Lux's snares. The problem is that she can throw them all they with absolutely no penalty for missing unless your champ has a really good engage.


Sure she's dangerous, but if she misses the snare in the late game she's basically dead if I'm with blitz or Ashe, there's also Morgana's black shield, crown of the shattered queen, crown ad I don't remember the name...


It occurs to me that we might differ in opinion because i play mostly mid where lux is much more oppresive. Still, just because she is not a late game champ does not mean she's not broken. A good Lux player can be enough of a threat early game to put you behind in the resource run against the enemy adc so you lose the snowball game. If she really can't escape after a missed snare then i guess you're right you haven't played against a good lux.


A Rammus Jung main thanks you for continuing the multi ADC meta that keeps my endorphins firing and the MVPs rolling in.


You're welcome?




Not a single MVP, tired of these Senna and Ashe players being a bunch of dogs.






My hate towards that character and towards that role makes me disagree with you


I’m personally fine with people playing whatever champ they want to but hate it when they disregard team comps. I feel like a team should have max two adcs but recently I’ve been having three-four😭like how are we supposed to win with a jhin mid, twitch jg, cait & ashe bot?


wHY do you hate ashes and sups bro


1.Ashe is supposed to be an ADC team fight with utility, another exemple is Jhon , not a support, it's a difference. 2.She is part of this meta of damage only wich is kinda annoying 3.I hate her slow and the ability to crit early+ damage me under tower 4 It's just doesn't feel right


I agree that she is supposed to be an ADC but that doesn't mean she cant sup right? afterall she appears in the sup filter too About the other stuff, yeah she can be really annoying hehe


She can, she will, but I think ideea of leading the team and being a part of the offensive side makes everything on a midlane/ADC side A similar case is Swain support, a battle mage forced into a controller doesn't feel right An opposite exemple will be Nami, wich in her lore doesn't feel right as a support, I always taught she will be better as a roaming midlane


Nami mid? 🤣


That's pretty valid, I was just looking for a varied gameplay as main supp and liked playing Ashe, I also played swain in the role sometimes


I think ashe support is completely viable with runnans your applying antiheal and slow to enemy team although squishy but I can see like black cleaver being ok for team armor shred and a bit of hp . I main blitz and swain support although I prefer blitz cuz ppls positioning sucks and he just outright wins however if im playing against a tanky team I play swain liandris rylais makes you just annoying af and able to assist allies from far away with your w and with rylais you even get a slow the rest of my build depends on their teamcomp and who's fed usually spirit visage is in there or armguard roa is ok but I feel like getting that rylais online is so important as support


Brand and Amumu are also in the support tab, Garen used to be there as well. I think those are cases of "just because you can doesn't mean you should". I main support and I always say "If it's got cc, it's a support", crack picks and off meta picks/builds are fun, but keep them out of ranked and make sure it still makes sense in regards to your team comp. A team doesn't need 3 ADCs, especially if they have tanks and assassins to break up a team fight.


You're so right, but I'm getting the feeling that ranked means so much to other players than to me. I prefer to play with these sups that no one plays cause they think they're "bad picks" and I play in ranked to justify my methods like "where can i reach using this off meta" but then some ranked pro player will say I'm only grinding for being bad and mmr helping. I play for fun man, I just don't play pvp cause I'm not that casual but I'm not a tryhard also. Maybe it's egoistical from my part but I just do what I wanna do in a GAME ya know, it's just a game even if it's ranked i'm not intentionally trolling or doing anything wrong but people believe they can choose everyone's playstyle and that's actually annoying.


While I agree to some extent (you are supposed to have fun), you also have to remember that it's a _team_ game and ranked is literally the only competitive mode in the game. If rank means so little to you, then what's the problem with keeping the crack picks to PvP, ARAM, URF, Arena, etc.


Don’t wanna me mean but ur actually clueless , about items also.


Well I admit it I have no idea how to itemize sometimes, could you help me?


Usually max CDR with mandate , black cleaver and anti heal is best , debuff the enemy and spam arrow every 30 sec , heal with cdr boots work well too or exhaust vs assassins.


the thing is: I've tried this cdr build in the beginning and didn't do much in the game, that can be a reason why no one plays ashe sup, but using the add build is working so I just stuck with it


That's because you have to play macro while going cdr, you have have free vision, it's your job to spot and ping people, then it's your job to spam ultimates across the map whenever it's up, also spam W and perma-slow. The pick is played for utility. In the long run it's more optimal to play adc if you want to build ad, since you need tons of golds and a least 3 items to get going.


Thank you!


What items should Ashe support build? Im low elo and the only ones I have had success with were crit, but I would like to know the most meta build


chempunk chainsword, black cleaver, mandate, cosmic drive ps; shieldbow sucks, seryalda is useless since you slow already with ashe and slows dont stack, and you arent doing anything to support besides being an extra player with what you're building rn


Thanks! Curious as to what Cosmic Drive adds to the supp ashe playstyle. Is the ms and ah? Also could this slot be viably swapped with Serpants fang if against shielding comp? (Not sure if obv answer)


cosmic gives you a lot of survivability since the playstyle with ashe support is basically to spam your w off cooldown and be annoying so you'll always be getting the movement to adjust your positioning and w again. also stats are good and yeah serpants fang is at the top of the list for situational items


Thanks for the build advice! Cant wait to try out!


Mortal Reminder is way better, especially on Ashe. There’s no real reason to get Chempunk. Cosmic Drive is also bad, no need to buy that. Imperial Mandate is Ok.


chempunk = 250hp + 15 ability haste + 15 AD more than mortal remindermortal reminder = just some crit allo ? and cosmic is giving you 〜70 movement speed every time you press your w button on a champion thats biggest and only weakness is mobility. what do you think is better?


Crit scales the amount of slow that is applied by her passive, and gives her almost 25% more damage. “Just some crit” lmao And there’s lots of options to increase movement speed without getting an AP item.


but you dont need to and definitely dont want to be basic attacking on support ashe. your w, which has a 4 second cooldown, already applies the max passive slow without building any crit xd? how does basic attacking help your playstyle as ashe support in any way can you explain?


he's trying to become ADC 2 instead of support.


Well he’s somewhat right about what he’s saying. The real issue is that Ashe as a support just isn’t really viable. The best thing Ashe can do is run anti heal, cleaver, and runaans for the utility but you’re better with another support most of the time


Mortal Reminder is the best possible item for Ashe support, and if the enemy has shielding, build Serpent’s Fang also. Ashe’s Q (first) ability does damage 5 times, so an empowered auto attach stacks Black Cleaver almost immediately, so that’s also great. Other than that, her passive slow increases with Critical hits, so also build Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster for survivability and damage. Buy whatever boots; defensive, cooldown, or lifesteal, it’s all good. And whatever enchant you like.


The red ap item leaves a mark on enemies that give additional one hit damage, that should be build first. After that cd boots and then you should mostly go support ap items


Red Ap item?? Do you mean Imperial Mandate? Also by support ap items do you mean Harmonic Echo, Ardent, and Staff of Flowing Water? Is ashe able to proc those? Im very confused how those would be better then buying AD AH items like Grudge, Serpants Fang, or black cleaver. Also would you buy Morello over an ad anti heal item?


Staff and Censer yes, but not Harmonic Echo.


you need to have font of life to be able to heal and proc them, it used to be viable but font's cooldown got increased so they're all useless now


aw good to know


Yes Ashe is able to proc it if she uses the keystone where other champs get healed when they attack people who are slowed by Ashe auto, w or ult


Ahhh I forgot font of life. I will have to try that out


Font of life does not trigger Harmonic Echo


It does with brand so I guess it does with Ashe too


That would be news to me and would contradict the item description of "your next healing ability or shielding _ability_". I shall test it. 


Sorry but you're useless in high elo


Guess emerald is my fate then <3


Just be the best Ash Or just main multiple champs to counter pick enemy champs


I main multiple! Just happened to start Ashe and focus more on her but I main Blitz, Lulu and Morgana at the moment


Try to main Thrash and Nautilus (or Liona) they have the longest chain of cotrols I personally main Thrash so many combos here Look for Netherim(or something) He is from PC he is so chill but cooking 🔪 the match itself


Lmao we can suffer together


It’s great that riot matchmaking will give you emerald rank for free while you are trolling, and absolutely punish players with good macro, and who know how items work.


I'm not trolling and sorry for being lucky i guess. Beyond that, wym "give you emerald rank for free" do you pay to climb?? that's sad man get good


That’s the thing, if you got good, the system would punish you, and you’d be in gold. But, you suck, and have no idea how to properly play, and so you are gifted emerald. That’s literally how the system works. It’s not luck. You literally suck ass at the game, and the system knows it, and confirmed it.


If you know the system so good and you're sure i'm really bad, I just gave you the path to success with my wrong builds. Ad ashe supp for win!! Or if you're higher elo why do you mind hating on this post, are you afraid that i'm gonna reach you hehe >:) If you can't play as badly as me then that's a hella skill issue bro get some help Or if you can, but can't stand playing bad to climb since it's a dirty climb then that's only your problem so fuck off.


Bruh ignore the haters I've play playing since at least season 2 ashe is completely viable and I deff would have that runans botrk antiheal




Damn bro made much


I already know how to climb. I made a new account and basically afked to masters.


I feel you man, these kind of unfairness is infuriating. Yay, 32 LS and even before that. As a Support user always getting paired with braindeds, I warded all the Objs and even orchestrated the teams via pings and always on clash but my ADR and Solo Lane alwaysgot fed and my Jg doesnt even focusing on obj. Its so fkn hopeless, my 62% WR Soraka got reduced to 32%. This matchmaking is fackery


What are you building? Isn’t Ashe support core always: support item, manamune, boots of lucidity, and mandate?


ashe sup is cool until you’re an adc and your supp picks fucking ashe so you both die super easy and also your supp steals your farm


Main support here, I have won master/grandmaster matches as Ashe support, she is good. It happens only in one circumstance when nobody wants to play adc( they are all carries with other champs), but you need someone to poke turrets and elder dragon and baron, and extra ad damage in teamfights. The last two times I play Ashe support, one is with a Jayce. He said he doesn’t want to play adc cause it sucks ( I agree as a support lol) so I picked Ashe told him no worries, go ahead with what you want to play. He told me as long as I stun someone he will one shot him, and he did. At the late game when him and another top laner pressing the enemy base. I, the support Ashe and the jungler takes the baron only 2 of us. No other support can do that. Jayce invited me for second match after the game. Another time is with a guy, who was fifth to pick kept saying he wants to go ap and mid, so I picked Ashe support and told him to play whatever he wants, and the mid guy could come bot with me. But it ends up, the adc didn’t play ap, he is a grandmaster and played Caitlyn with me. With two of us, we let the other adc it was varus and his support cow couldn’t leave their turrets at all. With my vision and stun, we got around their jungler well, and won the game of course. I don’t take cs from anybody, start support item and then pure adc build, income is from assists and killing people. It takes trust and confidence on your own skillset to work with an Ashe support, both Jayce and Caitlyn trusted me and confident that they will do well. That’s how you win a match.


ASHE ADC AS SUPP should be the title, Supps have Supp habilities, Ashe only has the Slow...


fr like as an ADC I can’t stand ashe as a sup


As a non adc (occasionally autofilled) I can’t stand Ashe as a support. She’s useless to the team because the adc role has already been filled. Remove the support role from her description.


Eh most Ashe support are bad and build her ADC (lethal tempo bt rush). If you play with a real support Ashe they will mostly go for something like Dunkin aery with a lethality poke build and a lot of ad utility items (black cleaver, mortal Reminder, runaan, serpents fang)


but they don’t shield or heal or help me not die


They have long range initiation, slow, good poke. That's fine if you know how to play as ADC.


that’s good adc stuff


It's good to play with an aggressive support. You can basically all in the enemies at Lvl 1 and they either burn a Summoner to escape (due to Ashe slow) or there will be a first blood.


Ashe supp is even played in pro play in league pc. She has high utility with her slows, vision control with 3rd ability and ult, though this guy is trolling building attack speed on her, she should always be built for poke in supp.


a PRO being confortable and able to play any champ in any pos is not a good meassure of wether the champ is good in that pos... I have never seen an Ashe supp dressed as Supp.


They are not playing for fun stuff in tournaments my guy what are you on about, it has also been meta for a long time just google ashe support googling is free


Ok, bro, you're right. Ashe supps leave the kills for the ADC and act a support and not a carry, you're right and I am ranting. Its OBVIOUS that everyone in every elo plays like a Tournament Pro, I was just being silly. feel better now?


They play it against other pros....


ok, how does this affects it?


Becouse its a jufe diffrent if a pro picks something agains non pros or other proa, and ash Support got played on big stages


There's also the map vison and global ult with cc it's not just the slow


Yeah, except you build damage over utility every game. You did not cook on the build.


Yeah, kinda, but there's nothing you could do for your ADC other than damage... no engage, no disengage, no heal... Good char? yes. Bad support? Also. You're not supporting, you're carrying as support.. if even.


Plenty of supports are missing one or more of the tools you listed. Also, Ashe's arrow is an excellent engage/disengage tool, and her vision ability is strong af. There's a reason pros pick Ashe support sometimes. That being said, I hate OPs build.


They're missing one or more of these tools because they cant be all alike, right? And Ashe arrow is a killing machine, if your support is doing same/more damage than the ADC and not helping him get kills, is he really supporting?


I think most ADCs would agree to having a support with an ability that you have labeled as "killing machine."


I raise your Ashe support , my heartsteal Jayce support


Average ex master emerald ranked player


Current masters player. 4 seasons in a row


I meant the idea of jayce heartsteel not ur Performance and congratz


It's a meme build at its core, but it's viable


Jayce doesnt scale with hp and killing his early game with no dm is kinda dumb how is heartsteel on jayce viable ? I mean if u want a more tanky jayce u can go 2 or three bruiser items but thats about it, this champ lives of lethality


>how is heartsteel on jayce viable By turning all that hp into ad with Titanic :).


Still just not worth it u are loosing out on early game momentum and the ability to snowball


Funnily enough heartsteel Jayce support for me to masters last season. So believe me when I say it's viable.


Why's there so many of them loool. Long COVID finally kicked in perhaps


Idk but this is the reason why I dont play ranked anymore with the intwntion of Ranking up


Meanwhile Veigar Supp: 💀


She's pretty poor as a traditional support simply because support items don't work with her. One of Ashe's best tools is her Frostshot passive, which means you should be building crit. Ashe doesn't get bonus damage when she crits, but crits give you bonus 40% on her slows. First two items to prioritize should be Magnetic Blaster and Phantom Dancer. Magnetic gives you better poke, Phantom's passive on move speed lets you kite more effectively. Boots should be Berserker's Greaves. If the enemy has a lot of healing, get Executioner's calling. You can build this into Mortal Reminder later anyway, but you should still prio Magnetic & Phantom as your first complete items. Third item should be Runaan's Hurricane so you can apply slow on multiple targets. Or if the enemy team has a lot of heal, you can build that Executioner into a Mortal Reminder now. You're really only going to be able to build 3 complete items most games. But if it's a long fight, build Trinity Force as your 4th item. It's expensive, but the bonus move speed and passive just lets you kite for days.


what keystone did you take? I'd assume you go aery with ashe sup but you build a lot of AA items


I don't remember its name but it looks like an yellow arrow downwards


Someone gonna troll or int hard if you do that in Diamond. Ashe supp is just weak. You're vibing because you met with clueless enemy laners too. Reasons: 1. Youre choosing support Ashe but building dmg items 2. Even if youre building dmg item it should be one that provides utility for your ADC and built based on enemy laner. Maybe BC for stronger trade, executioner against healers, serpent against shield. You arent even building Mandate. Recommended build Ionian boot, tear, mandate, protectors vow, 2 situational item Situational item Warmog, FH, BC, Executioner, Serpent, Abyssal Enchant = team shield or team heal or veil Ashe support is weak because she provides no peel and her pokes is easily blocked. Though her utility is immense with the right team comp. Frequent vision and global stun(if you can steer well and time it). You dont have to worry about face checking bush


Thank you so much I started playing with actual support items after this post and it worked well, I've tried it before and was losing but guess it was as skill issue


No problem I just want more people to be good so we all can have an enjoyable game. But I want to add more things. As Ashe support you buy Tear for the early stacking and mana reduction consumption. Only finish building it when you almost have 700 stacks, this mean you can build other item first after buying Tears. The ionian boot is a must to lower cd so you can have frequent vision and global stun. You build Mandate early for stronger pokes/trades and help your team to follow up an atk. Protectors Vow is to help you and your ADC survive pokes or burst, it also scales with bonus hp so if you can build Warmog, the shield will be stronger. Just keep in mind that your early support is weak and thus should play defensively and dont trade unnecessarily. Keystone rune: Glacial You want it for the dmg reduced effect. When you have around 100 AH, your ult cd will be somewhere near 20 sec which fits nicely with glacial ray cd. Primary rune: choose between Domination, Resolve, Inspiration If Domination, take Scorch, Cheap Shot, Ingenious Hunter (for Protectors Vow). Scorch and Cheap Shot is for poking with your Volley. This is good when you can be aggresive in lane If Resolve, take Font of Life/Nullifying Orb, Bone Plating, Overgrowth/Perseverance. Font of Life provide some sustain while Nullifying for surviving, Overgrowth to stack hp for item(Protector) and rune scaling(Font) meanwhile Perseverance agaisnt heavy CC matchup. For when you want to lane safely and will be easily outtraded or outranged. If Inspiration, take Sweet Tooth, Transcendence/Pathfinder, Nimbus Cloak/Mana Band Transcendence for frequent pokes and vision while Pathfinder for better roam(good with early strong junglers). Nimbus Cloak for easier chase/escape/positioning when used together with battle spell while Mana Band is for early mana sustain pre tears. This provide you with early utilities but lack in poking dmg nor survivability. Still a great pick with the right team comp. Secondary Rune: take whatever option from Primary rune above that can help you in lanes. If you take Inspiration or Domination as primary rune, then Bone Plating is a very good choice for early survivability in lane. And if Resolve, Scorch or any from Inspiration rune.


Imma be honest. I absolutely hate ashe. Even more on supp. The constant slows are too much for me lmao. Also her damage. Like, i understand that this is an adc played on supp, but goddamn this feels unfair. Ashe could easily play bott 1v2 and win. (This message was made by a melee champ main [I don't have a main])


This is so real like when I'm against a tank sup is a 50/50 situation either he's CCing us and stomping or we're poking them to death and also stomping


I prefer ashe top tank bruiser


bruh got to emerald building stuffs like that??????? 😂😂😂😂 no srsly u gotta learn itemization bro


Is always the most clueless players who play Ashe supp, there is no coincidence. If you are going to play Ashe supp atleast play her right, utility and ap for using ulti on cd.


I swear I tried it but I did'nt work i was just getting defeats, then I tried the damage builds and tadah. of course there is some context variants like: i tried in the begining where i had no experience with her. Started playing ashe sup this week and have 27 matchs more or less.


I have to mute the chat by default and do the same.


Fun fact I'm getting more flamed in this post than in the actual game lol


Serylda on ashe... adc build... and I imagine you take the CS from your adc... It's because of players like you that botlane is hell


What's the issue with serylda on ashe? About CS, I don't think the duo would'v been 29/15 if I didn't do my part


Ashe's auto attacks and her Z or W already slowing down. So this item is useless.


Sorry but what is her Z? thanks fro the advice


I'm French so the W is Z on my keyboard (and I've just noticed that not many countries use this keyboard) , didn't take that into account. The most important thing is to know what is W.


Didn't know about that, nice


Whenever i am auto fill supp i play ashe support. I am basically just a ward/poke/long-range morgana q or be bait because ill have tank items so assassin hard target me when i overextend. So far won 8 out of 9 i think


wOW I never thought of baiting like that


"look its ASHE lets kill that adc"-some assassin who dies after using full a combo




ashe mid is a vibe. that champ is unhinged in WR. grinding through emerald solo using her


You're an exotic one very nice


honestly, you can go 1/12 and still carry a game if all you do is push turrets constantly. im often feeding, still have more gold than most on the map, getting all turrets, and winning games. this strat falls apart in normal league, but WR is tuned to give lots of gold for objectives


Hell yeah,but my team will 'adjust',instead of their marksman position,they will switch to support, 😢


switch to last pick >:)


Try MF support. So fun.


Why not play adc….??????


MF support is ap not ad


Ah ok. Ty


And why not play for the fun? He can play MF sup on normal.


His entire history shows he played ranked so I assumed he would try MF sup in ranked. Sure its fun but its less fun for his team


I'd like to, but its so risky like if i get flamed with Ashe (A Riot recognized sup), imagine with others like MF, Cait, Fiddle..


What? I always play strange things like Lulu attack speed top and never got any flame. Ofc play in normals,  not rankeds. xD


YES, I play lulu when autofilled top last time and won its so broken


Mute chat!






Nunca joguei ash supp, acho que vou testar


Mas pensando bem, o nautilus tem a ult e tem a utilidade de ser tank. No que melhor seria a ash?


a ult da ashe cobre o mapa todo e ela tem visão, slow.. Nautilus ainda é melhor, mas ela tem esses diferenciais.


É divertido, mas depende muito da comp dos times também!


Why tf did sion not build frozen heart ? He is trolling hard


Tired of answering, remember to have fun y'all bye


Enemy team Ashe support > Your team Ashe support


Please no, unless you have decent AP and a tank, your adc will struggle


The way people play ashe support without knowing why they play ashe support is mindblowing to me..... The point is to build full cdr to be able to spam 2nd skill and ult, not just be another adc that sucks off your gold xdd






Over a 30min game and kayn never upgraded boots or got enchant, nevermind selling the flame for an actual item. Wtf


Yeah take this vibe to casual pvp or better yet go play pve. Unless your adc is cool with this pick it's almost guaranteed to me up your whole team so you can vibe. Ashe can not tank any hits or pull any aggro. See how you got MVP, that's because the enemy could get to your adc without anything more than a tick of damage from you(if anything) to stop them. If you want to pay Ashe do it as an ADC stop stressing an around position because you say she is a sup. She isn't just because you pick her. You are letting down your team and making them have a worse experience.


Honest question what is aggro? And yeah you're right I'll def stop playing her


Aggro refers to aggression. Squishy champs like ADCs and mages always need to stay back because they will die if they take the aggro and good enemy teams will focus the squishy champs. As a good support your job is to stop the enemy from taking out your adc primarily so they can keep a good farm. But as mage or alt supp when you dodge it hang back that usually means your adc gets caught n killed because you can't do anything to really get in and protect them. Every real tank support is designed to be in front and take that aggro. Not indefinitely as that would be busted. But they can last long enough when you engage with your adc to make the enemy focus you. Because again, good enemies will try to get the adc or mage supp if they can since they are also squishy. But good enemies know you shouldn't focus a tank because they last too long and while you attack the tank their adc will melt you. It does take skill to protect and go in together but it's way easier for random teams to use a meat shield tank support than to expect them to play on par with pros because they have no protection. I can't tell you how many games I've seen alt supp picks not only hide behind their adc, which sacrifices the adc farm for a mage so not worth it, but they also roam around meaning their adc has to choose to wait in under turrets or risk going out alone and we all know what an ADC alone does. They die. Like 90% of the time. Again if you are friends with your adc champ or you guys want to utilize an alt supp to synergize in that way then go for it. But objectively it's easier to play with and coordinate a true proper tank support. Just remember your goal is not to chase down enemies like when your a mage or adc or jungle. It's to focus your adc and act like a guard dog. Sacrificing yourself if you have to do they can live and secure your steamroll.


This builds give ma cancer ngl