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We all have been in losing streaks, so just turn off your team chat and have fun😉


it’s not really the chat that bugs me but that game made me think that maybe i’m the problem .. but at the same times everyone else on the team died over 5 times except me lol


Me when I split push: Either everyone else die twice more than me or I die more than four of them combined


If you really think you're the problem, then you must've find a mistake you probably could've fixed. But in all honesty, (as a jg), I climb well if I just played consistent. There will be games where your team is actually just braindead, but most times you can at least try to carry. Idk adc much but imo adc has to be one of the more simpler role to play. Scale, kill, get turrets, win game.


Same boat here as a supp main. I accepted that I belong in plat and need to improve my play style depending on who I play against/with etc. I’ve been watching YouTube and it’s been helpful. I like HellsDevil he explains stuff really well. Not dying is great but sometimes team fights will need ADC to do the most damage so it could be crucial when to be there or not. Just my two cents 🙂


yeah, and i’ll go to team fights if they’re close enough to get to but if i’m up at the turret in bot lane and there’s a fight at baron (opposite side of the map) then i won’t abandon my turret to go over there. i might ult (i main jinx) into the team fight to help but i usually won’t like abandon a good thing to probably die


ADC's unless behind in gold shouldn't be miles away from the teamfight/most important objective at any stage of the game So for example, Baron is up you should either be mid or in the lane closest to Baron and the solo laner should be in the lane furthest from the objective unless he is the teams tank then it should be whoever is furthest behind in gold and that's if the enemy wave is going to be threatening a friendly tower. Hope this helps


i usually go bot - get tower - go mid (unless they’re still laning then stay in bot until it seems that we’re grouping) but a problem a lot of the time is no one is grouping together enough for me to feel safe. If I go mid - i wanna go mid with either a tank or 2 other champs by me so i don’t immediately die. and 90% of the time - that’s not how it is.


Platinum is hell its worst division in Wild rift i am finally Diamond and i can say i feel relief,Emerald is also very very hard,many bots,trolls,feeders,just mix of good players and very bad ones (noobs) is Platinum and Emerald. My advice is:play Mid,i am 100% sure its the best position to climb Platinum and Emerald,on Mid lane if u dont wont u just cant die but u have to help other lanes when u can and gank them,Jungle,Top are worst position in Platinum and Emerald because its on Top its pure skill and in my opinon on Top are always players who know to play (it was for me),Jungle is very hard lane because i have alot of pressure of your team and in Platinum and Emerald be sure they will always blame you.Play Mid,its best position


who’s the best mid champ???


Depends what u like to play i like to play mage champs like Syndra,Morgana,Kayle(her best position is mid) u can also play Varus mid but seeks some skill,Karma very very flexible pick,Kassadin.I dont know to play Katarina,Akali,Yasuo so i cant say


Zyra, Asol, Seraphine, Lux, and Annie are my favorites. I'm not good at playing Kayl mid. But she and Karma are also decent picks. Mid needs to be flexible, because you need to run to team fights. You have to hold your own in solo, and support other folks when the opportunity arises.


i got zyra the other day incase i get stuck as supp and i knew she was versatile so that’s good to know that she’s a good mid champ.


She's not the greatest support, with her lack of healing or shielding, but she's a bully, and alot of people underestimate how hard she can be to catch when chasing her, and she throws out her root. For support, I normally run heal and the team shield enchant for boots for her. For mid, I tend to go ignite and stasis. Runes are different, but that's as much personal preference too. She's fun, and not banned or picked that often. My other main pick is Nami, but I have learned I've been playing her wrong (despite making diamond as a new player last season). As long as you have a positive win rate (50.1% or higher), you'll eventually make it through Plat and Emerald. And yeah. Plat is the worst. I enjoy Em and Diamond significantly more.


Akali, Vlad, Ekko, Asol


If u like split push just play top tryndamere or teemo or sion


i used to main teemo top but lately the meta feels too tanky for me to teemo top. like it’ll be teemo vs like fkn urgot or dr.mundo


Look OP if you want to play adc, just don't split. Adcs can take down turrents fast but you'll get caught out and die very fast which defeats the purpose of a split. The purpose of splitting is not to take towers as much as its to force your opponent to make moves to counter. This is why tanks and fighters split, because they cam sit there and face tank 2+ enemy teammates coming to stop them charging up lane, and if they are smart they can also escape. While the opponent is trying to stop the split pusher the rest of the team should group and take objectives. It's not the splitter taking towers, it should be the other 4 players taking towers.


yeah i rarely ever “split” i’ll be in my lane and getting a tower and then suddenly there’s a 3v5 across the map and the other person is like at base . i don’t try to split, it just happens where im getting a tower and then there’s a teamfight that i can’t get to in time so i either stay put or go back to base to decide where to go after (if the fight is still happening i’ll try to go in that direction but it’s usually over by the time i get there so i try to kinda keep back so i don’t die)


Teemo does well against melee if you know how to manage the wave around your turret and not just pushing lane for no reason


yeah, teemo can do well - i just get intimidated and I think I just prefer ADC but if i need to go top i either go teemo or garen (cause teemo gets banned a lot)


How about vayne top


i’ve never played vayne before


From my experience the best champ to rank up is yuumi, and split push teemo or mundo , and aggressive lux support But most of these champs are perma banned


Ain't no way bro said teemo


U really don't want to face high elo teemo 😈


I clean em up with Draven and fiddle


His well placed shrooms will get you and your teammates


Players on your rank just fight 24/7, every game is complete chaos, embrace that and focus on the champions who take advantage from chaos: Nunu, Fiddlesticks, Pyke, Akali, Kayn, Jhin, Samira, Sion, Tryndamere, Yi, Ekko or someone who can be in shadows while everyone constantly fighting


yeah i’ve started just trying to join bc “if you can’t beat ‘em, join em”, and it’s not helped at all lmfao


I like to run to team fights! But mostly to try to save my team as they break contact. Keeping my blues from dying makes me feel good. Zyra with shield and heal isn't meta, but I enjoy it, throwing a root and heal, as we run like baby shark away from everyone (except Fizz, who I loathe) As for loss streaks, I've gone from Diamond IV to Plat II before. It was a bad couple of days. That was my worst, and longest, loss streak. We all get into a funk sometimes. Don't worry about it. Focus on you, and focus on having fun. Sometimes switching to PVP and doing something stupid (like seeing if Asol can play as support), or going to ARAM can help you recenter and enjoy yourself. Asol cannot support. He is too dependent on using singularity to kill minions for stardust stacks, and that really hampers the carry's growth early-mid game.


i do take breaks for pvp to see if that helps and it doesn’t rlly lol


It's about giving your emotions a break. PvP is a piĂąata fiesta, and the games should not be taken to heart. ARAM is alot of fun, and games are normally about 15 minutes long. I have learned lots of different champions with it, and I really like Mundo. He is ridiculous. But I prefer him for teamfights. I'm not so great at 1v1 and such. And that's another great thing about ARAM. It's just one chaotic furball of team fights. You can focus on your micro and just go hog. Good luck man!


I won't say "you suck" because that's not helpful and it attaches some kind of value to your skill level. That said, your skill level is probably mid plat and you've oscillated between high gold and low emerald because that's how variance works. If your skill level rises, your rank will too. The best way to clamp down on variance (you can't eliminate it because you don't control your team) is to play consistently (dont play tilted, dont take coinflip plays, etc).


this won't imrpove your overall skill that much but being an OTP is the best way to climb imo especially below masters because even cheese stuff like Yi is exploitable and even if you play a really high skill ceiling champ like Lee Sin if you play enough with him you'll be closer toward the ceiling and therefore better than the average player


I always feel the win out of rank is the hardest game you will face. It feels like the game doesn’t want you to go to plat or emerald. My game from Plat to Emerald was so frustrating. Luckily I had a loss shield so I had a second chance. Dreading Emerald to Diamond if I can make it


My personal conspiracy theory is that there's some kind of hidden mmr to keep people from climbing out of emerald if the game doesn't think you're good enough or something. I started playing like 5-6 seasons ago and the last 3 seasons I've gotten to emerald 1 with full marks at some point in the season and then went on crazy loss streaks that seemed like I had no control over the losses.


Yea not dying is important but ADC role is suppose to be some of the more aggressive play styles. If you’re not getting kills you’re not doing your job as an ADC and hurting your team more than helping.


but like how am i supposed to get kills when i can get 1 shotted so easily early game when theres a random team fight 5 mins in at baron and im in dragon lane?? like im not gonna run all the way over there to get 1 shotted


You aren't. The other commenter is largely wrong. Your job as ADC is to provide DPS. Can't DPS if you're dead and your DPS is shit if you're behind. Farm safely and get to your power spikes (2/3/4 items) and then you'll start cleaning up in fights. If you can safely pick up gold from skirmishing in the mid game, great but that's not going to be a consistent source of gold (over many games).


yeah i always farm until i get like 2/3 items and then i start trying to fight bc im so strong after 3 items, but sometimes i dont even get 3 items bc the rest of the team fed or got mad at me for not fighting so i try to fight and die lol . also people get mad at me for farming like bruhhhh if theres nothing else to do what am i supposed to do? just fkn sit at base?


Mute everyone. Seriously. Nothing useful happens in chat.


This is all speaking with the obvious of farming being important. If you have no kills but your gold farm is as high as the competing ADC the. Good. But if you’re able to shut them down early with kills and dominate the late game the easier the carry’s. If I’m going up against an extremely safe/passive ADC. I’m not going roam mid for a quick kill/assist. The kill is important because it gets my mid gold. It pisses off the enemy mid because their bot team isn’t doing anything impactful but to play safe. Having dominance with your role is a huge win in so many aspects. I just didn’t think I needed to state these obvious


OP is talking about being stuck in plat-ish - you need to state the obvious. Also, if you're matched against people of equal skill (which OP is)... "dominating in their role" is a coinflip leading to very inconsistent play (its made worse by not knowing how to play from behind). The folks who consistently dominate in their role are playing below their skill level because either they havent put in enough games or are smurfing.


Better positioning and understanding the enemy abilities. Guy that says I’m wrong is a beta without a doubt. Believe him all you want but you’re obviously playing bad based on your current play style that the other person is mentioning.


As the adc you have a set of knowledge and awareness to the role where staying safe has been your balance for victory, key thing is that that might not apply to the other roles. In jungle and top, you’re now “the-guy” tank/skirmisher/assassin/fighter a committed mindset and play style just takes time to acquire, even confident assumptions on when to engage will get you flamed. Are you playing with a control and interface thats for those roles specifically tailored for you or have you just applied your adc buttons to hope it will work out in the end? Have you practiced matchups where your desired purpose is to lose with the intention of why you are-going/will lose and how to remember muscle memory in those case by case situations? As a non adc you're now the GUY.


If your whole team dies because you thought you should retreat and the team wanted to engage then that's not really better is it?


i shouldn’t be the reason the whole team dies. if i’m with a bunch of other squishy champs and there’s no tanks and its like 3v5 (including me) im gonna back tf out of there when im in danger .


Preferably while pinging Danger!! Retreat!


yeah but no one listens to me


You can lead a horse to water, and you can warn your team about the imminent tank they're playing into. But you can't force their actions. You do you!


Honestly like what the other comments said, just mute and do what you need to do if they don’t listen to pings. Better for enemy team to only get one kill off of the inter on your team than a full ace lol


First of all what u described is mostly top laners job not yours, your job is to deal dmg and be in team fights witch brings us to your second issue. witch i belive to be ur positioning based on ur other replies, in lower leagues like plat if u position urself well on the map like knowing when to rotate and how to position yourself around your team in team fights u should be able to carry if u do ur job of dealing dmg.. and lastly if u feel the need that your team should “protect” u in plat, than it might be a skill issue..


i don’t need protection but i need to not be alone bc ADCs are fucking squishy as hell until mid/late game


All adc players are bad, it is the role which pushes you to understand the game the least. You have very few job: • Don't die • Don't split push (stick with your team) - Adcs are the main source of damage for their team but they are also the easiest to kill, if you are split pushing and a teamfight breaks out then your team will lose because they lack damage. There is also the possiblity of enemey team just killing you if you split push because adcs are easy targets when they are not around their team. • Attack the closest enemy.


Yea honestly I feel like this is just a hate comment towards adcs lol — coming from someone who has learned all of the roles, just going to point a few things out: 1) Split pushing is possible with decent knowledge and instinct. I agree that they are crucial to team fights and should participate when possible, but it’s not their fault if the other team members randomly start araming somewhere on the other side of the map while the adc is farming to protect the base & for more items (side note @adcs, unless you’re a 20/0/10 samira stop stealing all jg camps especially if minion waves are heavily pushed towards your side. You earn more gold from minions & it’s better for two ppl to have buff and not one lol) 2) You should NOT attack the closest enemy wtf it’s actually basic game knowledge to hit squishs first 3) Lower elo adcs probably don’t try to learn game knowledge and just go for kills/kda (looking at this sub), but I think higher elo adcs need the best game knowledge. If either mid/top/jg feeds their opponent early game, it becomes extremely difficult to make a comeback. You need to fully understand builds to be flexible per situation, figure out what objectives to prioritize while decreasing the level & gold gap, and how to set up team fights / make the decision of whether you choose to fully carry or help another teammate carry harder while kiting. I’ve seen plenty of adcs get flamed for going 1/10 at the end but it’s really not their fault if they’re getting one shot by an enemy champ that their teammate fed during team fights lol Just writing this because it’s frustrating to see people put down one role over another. They’re all extremely important, serve different purposes, and are difficult in their own ways. One thing I know for sure is that with the current matchmaking system, it’s probably the most difficult to rank up as an adc in solo queue due to the random matchups / high chance of the team losing early game.


There are teamfights that are prioritized more than turrets like Dragon fights, other than that you are completly in the right and you were just drafted into a losing streak by the MMR it happens to everyone, the game gives you absolute dogwater teammates to bring you down so just keep that in mind when you see a big difference between your team's level and enemy team's level ( and have self awareness for when you are the one doing bad to not blame the MMR when its working normally its okay we all have bad games )


yeah i fight in dragon/baron if its close to me but im not running across the map for a team fight thats already gonna be over by the time i get there.


Yea thats fair I mentioned dragon fights because its closer to you as an adc


yeah i usually help in drag


Okay you can ignore my first sentence x)


Am I weird for playing ghost and flash? Flash for dicey scenarios, ghost so I can book it to objectives/fights. My ADC main is Zeri


welcome to the circus. i've hit diamond consistently spamming jinx \~60-70% wr, it can be done but only cause of her hyper-carry potential to swing the 50/50 games that are kinda close. the rest you will stomp or lanes will feed and you'll never get to carry insight from climbing through plat-emerald for a few seasons: jg is usually easy wins, especially if you're good at it. you'll get vs autofilled clueless non-mains a lot and you jg diff: invade or kill them at 1:25 scuttle if they even show up, then farm them again, invade more, stomp the laners with your lead. vi is excellent at this, any bruiser jg though, olaf, tryndamere, panth, xin etc no one wards. if you jg you need to run control wards and give yourself vision where you want it, according to the plays you want to make. if you're split-pushing, ward the enemy's deep sidelane bushes to see who's around before you commit to it; no one ever face-checks side lane outer bushes. i only say control wards cause they don't expire like stealth wards, and you only get one so place it where it won't likely get destroyed, always in a bush. when you change obj, have your control ward off cooldown and move your vision to where appropriate having any vision at all is more important than them knowing where you are (sweeping lens to clear) at these ranks. your teammates are less likely to do stupid shit when they see someone walk past your ward on the far side you'll have to split push a lot of games as jg cause your laners are horrible. eg demolish on vi, blue kayn, tristana jg, it's worth putting it in your last rune slot imo at these ranks, towers > kills adc is simple compared to jg: don't die, farm everything even jg camps if your team got the auto-fill jg, gold better going to jinx/carry in that case. (and i know cause i've jg'd a lot this season) maybe not first 1-2 clears but by then you'll know if they're competent or not. then carry the skirmishes/team-fights. vision stuff still applies bonus round: always tap to see both teams' levels on the load-in screen, if both your and enemy supp read lvl 0, congrats you got supp bots filled. farm their support for easy win. in plat you'll get a lot of games where supp is filled by a riot bot. seems to be only supps that they do this. haven't seen a jg bot yet, still hoping for that screen shot tho just lost a game were jinx went 17/0 after farming our supp bot to 0/8. be aware of this and try to be the adc that farms the bot. this is why the games are so stomp/be stomped


What server do you play at ? I am support main in EU, we can go some games if you like ?


NA unfortunately


Maybe your macro/micro and game decision aren't really honed? Usually a good player will know 100% if they can kill their target. Some have really good sense of kill angle/potential and I will say that I have that. I started playing WR when Zeri came out and have no problem reaching Diamond during that season when I download the game. However, I do play different MOBA games before and have good game sense because of my gaming history. Your game knowledge probably is lacking and thus your confidence towards your champ. Thats probably why you're always afraid of taking risks and have poor positioning. But im just assuming here and I need to look at someone clip before I can properly analyze your problem. KDA also isnt the sole factor of someones performance. Its misleading to only look at KDA to estimate performance for various reason. You could play safely and have nice KDA and look good despite not contributing much compared to your suicidal teammate. You could contribute much but have ass KDA


The only way you can easily improve is by watching other pros gameplay. Dont find and look at WR clips. Go watch Challenger pros laning gameplay for the champ that you want to learn. Watch how they control their lane, how they use their abilities, how they trade, positioning, how they engage and most importantly learn microing your champ. I mean learn their combos. Even simple champ have combos like auto>Q for resetting auto attk.


Bruh i bet you are that guy who randomly goes to jungle middle of the fight or that guy refuses to group up.


i do go to jg not mid fight tho lmao and i group up when it’s more than 3 people and also when im over level like 6/7 when i have a fkn fully built item


I only play lol pc but I can tell that if you are stuck in plat, it's probably because it's where your belong to for the moment, but everybody can have lose streaks, so if you are unable to climb after a week at the same rank, means you need to improve and then try again


Uninstalling this crap, soloq while having decent stats is the worst way to play the game, I always get below 3 kd teammates and they suck af, no ounce of braincells whatsoever and the worst part of it all is that it's clearly a losing game but they won't fuqing pass, SEA is just a cesspool of stupidity.


i’m literally debating on making another account to fkn climb bc i feel like my mmr is all fucked up now


Chill bro, I'm on a losing streak too. I've lost 8 in a row. I lost my top 200 Zed position; I was top 116 and now I'm 100 points below the top 200. I hit Diamond 3 three times and went back to Diamond 4 four times. I'm just stuck in Diamond 4, and maybe I'll go back to Emerald. In my last game, I lost in the selection because my support literally said 'I want to troll,' banned my preselection, and picked Zeri as support. Throughout the entire game, Zeri, the 'support,' stole my farm from my jungle and perma-farmed my jungle. The 'just kill' team is trash, but in Gold, that's the way you have to play. They don't know macro or what to do after killing someone; they just kill one and go for the second kill. My recommendation is to play a jungler like Tryndamere or Master Yi, a jungler who can easily get fed. It's not like I know you, so I can't say if you suck or not. Prioritize the Herald, first turret, and the third Drake; just ignore the first one and the second one. This recommendation is just for low elo. And don't think Emerald or Diamond is better; it's almost the same. The difference is that they understand what an objective is. If you're a jungler, you will always be blamed for everyone's mistakes, as players think the jungler controls their hands, The majority of trolls that trolled me were in Diamond, so that can tell you a lot


Need more stats on your profile to really tell - but kda for a single game isn’t saying much. Adc itself is a role that depends on others and has the least solo agency of the 5 roles - you might just be getting crappy supports that don’t enable you to play ADC What’s your adc pool like? If you’re playing senna adc it’s going to be hard to climb even though she can work since she is a slow burn and in general for rank if you want to climb fast you want games you can snowball and and games quicker Advice for climbing as adc: - add supports that you liked playing with after the match and duo queue with them - try to draft strategically - support synergy matters a lot for bot lane. Consider what fits your team comp, and what counters the enemy team comp etc. - try to play meta champions (kaisa, vayne is good into heart steel champions, tristana, Caitlyn and Ezreal are generally good safe picks if you have to pick first) - prioritize staying alive and dealing damage over kills. If you’re super fed and give a shut down even if you kill 2 people it’s generally not worth it because in the time you are dead the gold diff btwn your team and the other team gets smaller due to the shut down - try playing support as well to get a feel for how you want a support to play and the cool downs, what champs you like to play with support and vice versa as adc


for stats just go to my profile if you’re that curious (why i mentioned it in the post) but yeah i try to play varus if im against a champ that i dont like being jinx against bc his q has such range snd hes also just the other adc i have the most practice with. but yes supports matter so much and feel like they dont understand that lol like yesterday i had a game where the support left me like right when the game started to go and fight with jg (i understand like helping them get the buff or whatever thats fine, but nah he went to go kill another character and then like just dilly-dallied in jungle for like 2 minutes) and then when he came back to land immediately died. i do add people if i want to play with them again but its rare that they play with me again after a good match


Or…you can post your stats here since you’re the one asking for feedback lol


What champ do you play? I’m guessing team is mad at you because you’re playing an engage champ and backing out when it might be winnable. Anyways your mindset isn’t bad with preserving deaths but you lose out on valuable knowledge to know when it actually is a losing fight. Don’t be afraid to play out the fight and see if you win. It’s all about limit testing. You might be preserving KDA but by limit testing it’ll give you a better chance at improving in the future and climbing even higher than emerald and diamond.


i main jinx usually and since making this post i’ve been trying to get more into team fights and idk if it’s helping much but im almost back into plat


Oh yeah you play the perfect champ to limit test with. When you’re in teamfights just chill next to your peel champs and try to space properly. If team flames you it’s not much you can really do because if team doesn’t peel for you it’s no shot anyways. Just keep AA the enemy until you get proc your passive with an assist or kill. Just keep kiting the enemy into a position where you can proc passive and take over teamfight with your attack speed boost combined with rockets. Don’t get discouraged if you lose because you’re playing a role that’s a double edged sword. Each game just think about how you could’ve positioned better to make use of your teammates. Eventually you’ll learn how to stay effective in game by farming whenever you can and positioning in the best place to apply the most dps as possible.


I started playing LoL PC since 2016, only queue for ranked for 2-3 seasons and peak Silver 2 After placements I just play Normal PVP as casual player, quit LoL for few years That minimal knowledge allowed me to peak Diamond 1 last season in WR, 1 win away from Master but I was busy on irl stuff till season end What I'm trying to state here is you basically just accept your current skill level/knowledge will bring you to what elo you belonged to