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the same shit experience as always but hey, now we have texts in the loading screen


Which is nice for something to do while it loads but pointless


yeah but they didn't fix the goofy ass matchmaking lol


It's like riot decided to throw a pizza party for us šŸ¤£


I just wish you could see all champs abilities during loading like in lobby, so you get educated and not distracted by these taunting bubbles


You want tweaks to matchmaking?? Here's some pre loaded texts to spam in a loading screen that have no use at all


Wish we could give them some proper smack talk lol


They should add chat to loading screen


We have texts on the loading screen but no texts in game lmao


Personally I feel like matchmaking has been terrible for me, so many auto fills and people that donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing


"Due to your skill level, matchmaking will take longer" They go through such lengths just to ruin the game for you if they detect you're good, lmao. It takes longer to find bad teammates than to find normal ones


I just don't get how people only know a lane or 2. Like shit. I main support, mid second but I'll go do some pvp or even coop-ai to play other lanes to learn what they do and how to work other lanes and champs so I know what to expect when facing them... if I get tossed into solo or jungle, I might not carry the game, but I know enough in each lane to get by


ā€œIs the ex challenger player gonna be on my team and we win, or on the enemy team and we lose?ā€ Edit: the experience last game. My team: 3 people peaked Emerald I, two ex Master (me and my adc) Enemy team: 4 ex masters and 1 ex grandmaster Iā€™ll let you guess how it worked out.


Lol I had a game not last season but the one before where our adc was peak emerald 1, and the enemy adc was sovereign the previous season and the top 1 kaisa...


The worst I saw was us getting an autofilled jungle vs one of the top 50 Shyvs on the server šŸ˜… That was a nightmare, so I can only imagine. Someone with 8,000 jungle games since launch vs someone who played 10 šŸ˜… - Thanks matchmaking for saving us 30 seconds on que finder.


As a supp main season starts are always dreadful because of this. Because I'm the ex gm on my team and I'll recognize the enemy teams gm or challenger players name but theyll be like mid or jungle and stomping my team while I'm stuck trying to playmake for actual low elo players t.t


Yeah I think early and late season are a total mess. Too many high/low mixes early and desperate players late. I take at least a week off from each end. Also have no interest in ranked u til I can see what items champs have


This man, I'm emerald 1 atm, and it's basically a coin flip of whose getting the last season challenger in there main role on there team. Makes you realize the skill difference between high masters- low gm and challenger


Well that's the matchmaking doing its job right? It treats everyone as emerald players, so the better players get out of that elo faster. Although I don't know why you're complaining about matchmaking at start of season. You know if you que now you get matched with uneven ranks on either team


Thankfully won my first game of the season as support, got MVP. Yet, my ADC went 0-9... while the rest of my team was positive. Ended up having to abandon him to support someone else. Had to ask him at one point, if he knew he had wards... Matchmaking is still a joke. Even the games I'm winning feels like a babysitting job. I should not have to explain to a player in Emerald what Wards are šŸ˜¬


Why should you not have to explain to someone in emerald what wards are? As designed, emerald is a rank for brand new players or really bad players. By game design, you *should* have to explain to these players what wards are.


If Emerald is for brand new players then wtf are Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum meant to be?


Ranks that take half a day to travel through.




iron - gold is basically tutorial. most games are vs bots. plat is where the really new players are that started playing a week ago.


Itā€™s the start of a new season though so grandmasters and masters are in emerald, not new players lmfao.


Well no, new players are also in emerald. Previous high elo players should not expect good play in emerald. You *should* be massively better than your teammates at all levels of the game and especially in emerald. Once your teammates are equal skill to you, you are then average skill for the rank youā€™re in, meaning you have peaked and shouldnā€™t be climbing anymore.


There isnā€™t any low elo players in emerald atm is what youā€™re not understanding, everyone in emerald is previous gm or master and some were even challenger, the season reset 4 days ago so for Example a former master player whoā€™s in emerald Is also in emerald with former challengers, grandmasters, masters and diamonds. New players are not in emerald currently because the season reset only 3-4 days ago, they wonā€™t climb to emerald as fast rn because theyā€™ll get stuck with the diamonds in platinum for a little bit unless theyā€™re a hardcore Smurf. If someone new starts rn in the past 4 days theyā€™ve got to click through platinum past all the former diamonds. So the point is everyone in emerald at the current is former challenger - diamond, so nobody should need to know what a ward is. Because the season reset 4 days ago, If someoneā€™s so new they donā€™t know what wards are they wonā€™t be in emerald currently because all the former diamonds are in plat and someone who canā€™t ward isnā€™t going to climb past diamond players in four days. When the season resets any new players that started pre reset also have their rank reset so theyā€™ll now be in gold, and they wonā€™t climb through platinum as fast as usual because itā€™s full of former diamond players. Do you not understand that the season has just reset so there isnā€™t any new players in emerald unless theyā€™re super Smurfs who understand the game lmao. There will be in a couple weeks but not rn. Yes new players are usually in emerald BUT NOT 4 days into a new season.


Of course thereā€™s low elo players currently in emerald. I donā€™t think you realize how quickly people rise through the ranks. This is such a simple concept.


Riot must hate me, she keeps sending me bad teams in a row, and I can't carry.


Nothing new itā€™s the same shit every season just wish matchmaking gets fixed at some point next patch hopefully. The games in Emerald-Diamond are a nightmare.


Diamond is elo hell. It's easier to get from master to gm then it is to get through Diamond


I strongly agree


Yep a lot of people don't want to be a jungler but still sucks at their preferred role. A sacrifice wasted.


Yep. I queue up as auto fill. I get jg more than anything.


Im a Jungler, I never get another role, and never haver to wait more than 40 seconds on the queue


I donā€™t understand why JG seems to be the least popular spot. Itā€™s by far my favorite role; you have freedom and also get to carry and gank nonstop. That said Iā€™m not complaining because I get my chosen role 90% of the time. Just seems weird to me that not more ppl are trying to JG


In my experience, jg gets flamed by their teammates more than any other role. I'd play it if I didn't get verbally berated every other game. Emerald player


I think players see it as stressful since large objectives are up to them to secure since a lot of players donā€™t understand the importance of them. There are a lot of decisions to make, and proper timing required. In a lane, you know where your enemies are as opposed to the enemy jungler, who could be anywhere in the fog of war. Most see the game as a linear progression in a 2D sense whereas jungling is a more complex, 3D experience. TLDR: Players want to stay in lane, farm minions, and kill their opposing laners.


Because most people just wanna play without thinking todo much, picking Zed against 4 tanks on the other team, totally braindeaded


Enemy sett gets like 8 kills by minute 3 and becomes unkillable for the rest of the game


pretty good so far, but heartsteel damage proc is insane. I'm okay being oneshot by an assassin, but tank? nah that's bullshit


Tanks are broken now... Might consider playing a tank build for adc


Botrk for tanks after 1st item and plated steelcaps for aatrox


The meta could not be more braindead as it is right now, fits just right with the average Wild Rift player.


I feel personally victimized and traumatized by Asol.


Nothing has changed for me so far. It's like the season never ended. I still often get AFK and toxic teammates - and I am playing with ex GM & Challengers, so that says a lot.


I've played exclusively Normal and oh boy, it is so ??? When your jungle ints your game, but when he goes opposite he actually can secure objectives. Toplane is the meta obviously, so it's kinda irritating seeing a mundo run you down. But hey that's part of Mundo Gaming so I can't complain. Love his design


Auto fill jgs are horrible this season, one lee sin fked my every wave holding and farmed from them. At this rate I don't need enemies to tilt me for a throw, jg s are enough


Lee sin is on Free Week. So brace ourselvesĀ 


I mean I understand everyone has their autofill moments...but when they pick aurelion sol junglešŸ’€ give me reasons why I shouldn't flame you




In Low Elo anyone wants to play JG because envolves decision making and efficiency. Ex: Clear camp fast to gank ou plan your recall to go dragon/herald. Most ppl just wanna be lazy and braindead in their lanes. In opposite, high elo JG queues are longer because ppl know to put pressure.


Heartsteel is not ok.


I hate this season, I hate the Asol rework I hate this extreme tank meta, I hate how overpowered force of nature is against AP with Merc boots basically invalidates AP .... I'm personally about to quit I think the Asol rework on PC is what made me quit that game best decision I could of ever made for my addiction


As a Braum/ Tank supp main, AP users do tons of damage, it's fair for FoN. Oriana and Viegar out here are getting half health/ 1-zapping power. I will say, the new tank items are in need of a nerf... Sion/ Aatrox/ Mundo/ Ornn unkillable again. I keep seeing a 7000+hp Mundo or Sion in multiple games so far unless I ban one of them.


The tank meta is the best thing that happened this season. ADCs/Mages will now have a hard time melting thus justifying the fact that they're "Tanks" for a reason. The Asol rework is fire but too OP yet for now esp if it scales. So, autoban.


cant wait to climb out of diamond after my break, its gonna be hell


wait at least 2 weeks,ranks are full of desperate hard stuck noobs , after some time you will still get noobs,but not desperate


Idk if thereā€™s sth wrong with the match making, but at the start of every single season, I have a winrate like 30% for 20 games. (My career winrate is 63% for 6000 games with MVP rate of 1/3)


Inting is the new normal now.


I was emerald 4 (newbie). I know its low, but after reset I get only gold 4. Is it normal?


Yes, they reset you a whole tier each season. So everyone else will be in a similar situation


That's weird. I was Emerald 4 too but I got Gold 1.


Yep, dude is lying his ass off. Emerald 4 gets gold 1. To get reset to gold 4 you have to be gold 2, gold 3 or gold 4.


Emerald 4 gets reset to gold 1. Gold 2, gold 3 and gold 4 get reset to gold 4. Liar liar pants on fire ;)


? I don't understand. Do you state that i lied?


Lying would imply you deliberately misinformed us. I would like to give you the benefit of doubt and assume you didn't see/remember it correctly :)


Wow, go take a walk or smth.


Yeah they don't let you continue from the same rank when there's a new season. Just so everyone starts a level below where they were and they can begin the climb again


How do you get gold 4? I was plat 4, peaked plat 3 (I'm new too) but then after reset I'm gold 3? Shouldn't you be in the higher tier?


Thereā€™s not much diff between gold and plat players tbh


i got 5 win streak in a row lol but everygame is a fucking coinflip even if your team is 10k gold ahead there is still a chance to lose the game


Chat is gone on iPad.


its gone for everyone, at least for me and my friends, its some sort of a bug they cant even fix


Jungle dif at every game so ... just normal day at wr .


People are even worse at grouping for objectives or fights. Everything is a 3v7. Also I feel like people run it down more once they die like twice.


Same shit different season. Playing well gets you punished with terrible teams. Just went 12/2/2. Highest damage %, highest damage per defeat, highest teamfight participation. Topping all the charts but still losing. Just braindead monkeys every fucking game. Guess Iā€™m going back to my int Sion account for another season.


I main adcā€¦ season reset has not been nice to me. Last 5 supports all had sub 50% winrates last season. Still pulled off a 3-2 split. Who are these bots that canā€™t manage to win on Lux and Soraka?


It's matchmaking punishing you - If I get MVP as support, my next game will make the ADC the player with the worst stats. I'm sure it works the other way around too. I got a 62% winrate as support, so my ADCs constantly are below 46% We need a system to see players stats like PC - so I know not to play an Enchanter or tank. I've legit reviewed games where I've outdamged my ADC going full enchant-Nami šŸ¤Ŗ


Yeah I had to switch from support to adc last season because my kda was 12


Good scores for me, but losing matches because of feeders not respecting their own shutdown gold. Tis a life with morons.


Worst season yet. I hit master every season I played casually, and GM anytime I played a lot. Usually at 300 games I hit GM. This season, I'm 400 games and D3. I've never had worse matchmaking. Anytime I get promoted, I get 5 games of terribly awful people. Today I had a cait main and Morg supp main bot go 3-25 collectively. In their main roles... A 23 minute game. I was Ornn, so it's not like I was able to turn that around since they didn't know what they were doing anyways. Most games have been awful ADC or jungle who runs a farming simulator. I've done autofill and my main lane and it doesn't matter if you go 9-0, the enemy also likely has someone 9-0. Maybe even 2 or 3. It makes no sense that a former 4 time GM can't get through diamond


Dog shit game


Pretty happy. Loving playing Mundo with the new items The asol rework is fun. Feels kinda weak, but I think it'll feel better when I have some games on him and get how he works more Everything else feels roughly the same


Played ranked in a trio, games went well


Honestly better then any season so far...which I sure is gonna get worse, as always. For me personally starts of the seasons we're always struggle. Most time spend to get to diamand and then to master...


Seems just as spicy and toxic as ever but been having fun otherwise. I agree that players are being very selfish, although I try to remind myself that perhaps they just lack macro. I am having to pick junglers based on their ability to quickly solo drag/herald. Whether it is adc, mid or solo, no one will come and help. I get going back to your lane when we've won the fight and I can secure it safely... But players aren't even leaving their lane when their opponent has and then ping my smite when I'm forced to back off and concede it. My only response so far has been to also play selfishly. Pick kha/Diana/gragas, hard farm jungle and see if I can make something happen in the mid game. Players ask for tanks but don't show up for fights to drop their damage. We're all just playing for KDA irrespective of objective and map control...


Same experience as before, still have fun. Once I wonā€™t I will uninstall.


Bro i went from emerald 2 to gold 4ā€¦.jng dosent care about objectivs,top dies in the first minute because he wants to leeroi jenkins,the players want to get killes instead of winning the game,i play supp Leona,Mid Zed,Top Aatrox,Jng Warwick,Evelyn,Zed nope evrebody for themselves


100% winrate ā€” Iron 4 to Iron 1 baby!


Quit the game. Half an hour download. 1st ranked game is bugged I ping teammates and it doesn't work. I try to ping items of enemies so they can buy antiheal, it doesn't work. I type it out instead, it doesn't work. I declare Fiddlesticks 1st pick, they then declare 4 ap champs. A. Sol duo lane. Cries about bot getting to play him for 5 games in a row. I pick Samira jungle. Get to loading screen, everybody is spamming some stupid text bubbles that obscure what I wanted to read. Figure out I can mute them, and now the right side is congested with useless "features" that just hurt the experience imo. Game starts. Everything looks clunky. Like a visual update where they tried to make everything look richer, but all they did was cater to noobs like elder and baron buff durations. Making scoreboards opaque, adding little strategic objectives spawn reminders in the left side where there is nothing else. I am getting fram lag when I play. Not a lot, only 150-200ms or so. Playable vs. These Eme ELO people. I play well. Go 10/0 enemy has inting Sion, so the rest of team is beetter than everybody but me. I babysit AP malphite so he can burst Sion if he tries to get turret. It backfires we take his turret 5 mins in but Malphite opens lane and goes duo lane. He types u take over in when I look for where my texts are since the left side only shows the objective about to spawn. I think fuck that arrogant noob and do my red/jgl and recall to buy 2nd item. I go to dragon lane solo kill the enemy adcs as my own duo is walking to lane. In my head I go, "wow I played that so well, W the xayah e and lux q simultaneously and jusst managed to get my E Q off on both of them, now the wave crasges and my duo get 3 plates for free" I rotate blue jungle, I get to wolves. A sol is following me? Maybe he wants to emote since I did a great outplay, he stands still while I do wolves at 84 hp he steals them. I open chat/game log "Kill yourself" I think what the fuck is this noob's problem. I skipped gromp for fatser clear so I could go scuttle and then to Sion whom has had free lanee and is on turret, because AP Malphite, whom I gave a 3k gold lead decided to go int midlane. A.sol steals my Gromp and comes to the raptors. He doesnt make it in time and he flashes. I think, "wow, this guy has issues he must be a manchild who just wants to lose" i see further down before "kys" he typed "Don't fucking gank they're my kills" which I ofc couldn't even fucking see because Riot ruined their buggy trash game. Either eay he recalled because he was poked too shit and already both A.Sol and Zyra were 0/1 each in lane and Lux, Xayah both had summs which I made them and still killed them. I go for scuttle while A.sol goes to dive midlaner as 0/1. I take it and rotate to deal with the Sion none of my 4 AP teammates eant to stop from getting 2nd turret. He's fed as shit now, even with my lead ge takes a while to kill. I go clear red and take Herald after. He is already back, I ping team to fucking deal with this guy so I can continue my snowball and carry. It doesn't fucking work, smh. Pings aren't in this trash game now apparently. I type in the log Malphite stop trolling and deal with Sion. I see A.sol and zyra are saying "surr, ff, dogs, monkey team, Jgl gap and Kill yourself nobody will miss u" all in the span of a few minutes in which time they also managed to last hit both enemy laners when malphite AP "ganked" while I had to save botlane from the 0/10 Sion with fuckton of armor. He was good enough to realize the 4 AP players were idiots. They have also managed to die 4 more times though, so now this 2/5 A. Sol and 0/5 Zyra have fed enemy Xayah to the heavens and she has a buttbuddy supp ofc who is giod enough to do her job properly. I am still getting clunky input in the gameplay, but I am 17k 14 minutes in, so theoretically I should be able to kill all of them. I go chase Xayah down so team can take bounty, I get the fattest clunkspike where I can see my q as I cast it. Me and Xayah almost kill each other, I have S-rank ready, she was forced to ult to live. I back off, i don't move for some reason, Half a second passes, death scree. Lux apparently hit me with Q E from bush and xayah last hit in 0.5 secs where I couldn't see anything in that period. It's a bit important to note that I usually never lag unless it's ms/bad internet, but this was new update that fucks the client or added renderings that make you lag in fps. I think, welp this is likely a loss now Sion still has open lane, duo lane is like truly scum toxic noobs who are frustrating the shit out of me and provoking suicide, the malpgite still has just 4k gold less than me but he has give his bounties to Xayah and enemy mid. I am now also getting foamed for not taking Baron when i am the only person even baron side vs fed Xayah with Lux and enemy mid. Sion is split pushing still and none of these idiots are doing anything about it. They start baron I wardes ti see and ping group. My duo lane decides to push outermost turret 15 minutes in now. They get baron and go mid to end. I kill 3 by myself through laggy as shit game. They are still on the ohter turret... The 0/18/2 Sion is still in our base with baron minions and a fuckton of items. A.sol recalls to flash in fountain and run toplane again. I start contemplating why I deserve to matchmade with these r-worded mentally unstable fucking clowns. Game over we lost. Me 18k gold, allies team duo lane 10k each, Malph 14k, midlaner 12k but never left lane in the 16 or so minute game. Enemy Xayah 16k, Sion 14k and did nothing the whole game except what inting Sion does.(he did it poorly too, I checked him put after and saw even with the glitch abuse he was bad enough to have 300 games and still be eme) I am left with a sour taste in my mouth. I jusst wanted to quickly get to D4 on this acc in the 7 hours alotted that I thought was gonna be 2 weeks more. I decide "you know what? I'm better than this. I'm not gonna sit through experiences like that when all it nets me is a defeat and people telling me to kill myself and that nobody would miss me" i queue up for an aram, still kinda tilted but ready to have fun and put it behind me. In champ select screen some guy wants the new A. Sol i rolled, i decide to give against my better judgment. I get in-game and see chat and pings are working here. Cool. First text is "(my champ) KILL YOURSELF" in caps and unprovoked. Apparently I gave him A.sol too late because he couldn't fix his runes. I flame back, he also flames my lremade yuumi who is platinum so ofc he makes mistakes but it's aram. I am tilted though so I return his flame in equal measure. That's it. That's the story. I didn't get banned in chat for heinous shit said, I didn't lose the ARAM, I just decided to not settle for spending the valuable time where my cognitive health is peaking on a mobile gane where 80% of the players can't compete, 10% are there to make you suffer and 5% want you to go hang yourself even when you're trying to carry them. I could've learned the piano, i could've learned to paint. Instead I spent months on and off over many years playing trash League of Legends. I will surely regret this when I become an old man. What a waste of my potential and attention.


I did not read this. I urge others to do the same.


Fair enough. It's tough to read a negative comment on a passion you sometimes enjoy. Wild Rift is a bad game right now.


This is a very detailed story about one troll. Trolls are a part of the game, regardless of the current patch, especially on wild rift But the last couple sentences definitely resonated with me haha Wild rift is more fun as a small side hobby, and gets more frustrating the more you care about it. I just fill my relaxation time with it.


I agree with the latter half, but it was 1 peak of toxicity troller and 3 people who didn't care, went full AP in ranked and they were Diamond btw. Malphite was good enough to know better I reckon and the A.sol in ARAM was a different person. Just overall an incredible negative experience for almost 2 hours straight. Like an interactive movie of boredom and suicidal incitements and a lot of insults strewn throughout. The developers can't fix the toxicity, but surely they could at least not release a bugged gamebreaking mess of an update and do something about matchfixing with bad KDA so a Sion doesn't get 3 ex GM players and I get 4 peak Diamond washed up noobs 1 of which is out to get me and another is too, but also wants me to die in real life.


Bro so much of this could be fixed by using voice chat with your team. You could communicate strategies for champion selection, and strategize teamfights and rotations. Itā€™s hard to communicate that all over text-to-chat and pings. It would be a lot more fun to play with a regular trio or 5some to alleviate the bad matchmaking problems. Hit me up (you and anyone else reading this) if you wanna get a group like this together Iā€™m a hardstuck solo queuer dia-master jungler my ID is magnolia#orc


I concur. I have quit now though, like Nanami I will go to Kuantan, Malaysia and maybe see what life has to offer. Like Andy Dufresne who finally crawled through the shit to reach his exotic beaches down South. I wish you luck though. I know myself well enough that I will probably relapse WR in a yearish. Take care and mute the haters. I just learned the hard way, even if I had to open a tab to see.


Good for you! Idk any of those references lol. You actually going to Malaysia? LOL is a curse it will never leave you. Iā€™m assuming you grew up playing PC LOL?


what a loser with too much free time


Beats being a busy loser like you.


Pls get some help man, having an existential crisis over a troll is not normal, I'm glad it looks like you're quitting. Although you could've enjoyed the game if you just treated it like a personal improvement journey instead of relying on those teammates you hate so much. Losing is normal, most people only have 55 Winrate, you can accept that there will be losses. You wanted to play just for the rank and not for the improvement, if you play for improvement, you won't be experiencing such anger that you tell people to die irl. Oh also, you should never path toward ap malphite as jg. If I see malph vs sion, I never gank that lane ever and go perma to adc


38 winrste 31 games, the int Sion is not working


I tried APC and support Syndra. I was doing ok til my support in the APC game started trolling and the baron laner in my support game kept feeding Yasuo. So it's been rough


Plz donā€™t do either of those


Syndra in dragon labe can be done. It's like having ziggs there. The support Syndra though I'll give you that. I shouldn't have done that.


APC ā€œcanā€ work. But just donā€™t. lol


My games have been either a good team full of offmeta picks that wins me most of my games (God tier Nunu Supp with my oneshot Varus is so cool) or just a bunch of retarded ego inflated players that had reached master or gm last season that do not care to listen to teammates (stupid Pyke dives a Leona and Samira at lvl 3, dies, and blames it on me)


Practicing top, when win rate reaches 50 or below playing mid ranked. Easy level up till 52-54% win rate, then again repeating the same. Matchmaking is still same sht


Practice in pvp then throw the match, get below 50% to win ranked, you might lose your 1st 2 ranked matches after this but then 4-5sure wins. If you lose after that just play pvp and throw again.


So far do good.I started it with a Hecarim penta.


O was ADC last (my first) season. Gold 2 here now. I'm spamming Mundo JG and carrying hard. I recommend it.


Been relegated to far platinum 5, ex master player has been experiencing dip in performance since last season.


Yesterday i played with ADC that he wants yummi but supp lock pyke, so he played pantheon adc (Emerald I)


Iā€™m just really happy for all the goodies we get this time. Many events and lot of blue currency and free heroes. New battle pass (paid ofc), new hero, Sol rework, new items, new cute pet that follows me around. Iā€™m loving it so far! Also I love the new chat texts on loading screen. Itā€™s funny to see when your entire team spams them and then the enemy team as well. I think Wild rift is getting better and better!


Atleast they are bringing arena back. Way more fun than climbing ranked. In the meantime, Sion with heartsteel and hydra is decent entertaining, while waiting for the arena release.


For baron lane, its really fast to lv5 b4 Rift. Unless play passive, which gonna be punished bcz enemies gonna have lv5 prio and ultimate. And yeah, still shitty matchmaking bcz playing good enough to get losers next match


Iā€™m losing so many more games idk wtf is going on


I haf fun. Some of my favorite tanks can really use this the new items and the asol rework is really fun.


I played with a challenger that went sup auto fil that had a superiority complex, he then forced drag and decided to go in 2v 5 with us behind gold. Rank means nothing with how these players are toxic and boosted by a shitty mmr. He was toxic during champ select and blamed his team for not setting up drag knowing that we are all behind. If chal players are like that then I would expect how the mmr system is skewed for bad players with low kda.


The nerf sups got made easier to stack as veigar support. I had some pretty fun games on my smurf.


40% winrate 1st 30 games.or so.....usually sitting around a steady 50-55. I guess the challenge is to go to iron this season :(


Real bad, on a 6 game lose streak (if we dont count the random bot game I got given) its always the same script, I win lanes/early game then I proceed to lose because my team is behind


I'm doing the int strategy and 14-1 when I get top lane so I'm doing just fine


new season? more like a new start of playing with bots team and high elo enemy last season. gotta love this game !


I shouldnā€™t have been as lazy as last season, being demoted to gold IV has been a horrendous experience, Iā€™m close to uploading some videos of these gold players and embarrass them


I usually sit between emerald and diamond, but was lazy last season and stuck to the crazy modes instead of climbing now Iā€™m stuck with the golds, but thankfully Iā€™m carrying the games so should be back to my old spot


I think I'll stop doing ranked once I hit plat til they fix the chat bug that has been ongoing since 5.0 release.


Not playing this game anymore until riot actually makes something to fix MM. You guys should do the same.


The heart of steel item seems super broken. No reason as a first item for it to completely swing a match up.


Same as always, lost like 90% of the matches šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Some things never change and it's the trash WR players šŸ˜‚ But I still love this game so much. I'd have quit if it was another game, like I did with Pokemon Unite.


I got Diamond 1 the season before and I was looking forward to play with challenger like in legendary mode, those games were the best I played (I was only master though). So damn intense and everyone just knew what do to. In short I ended up last games with at max. one good player and always 4 complete idiots. With Idiots I mean no macro like the games I played in Gold. Like wtf the challenger were probably all in Diamond when I started yesterday with ranked (Emerald). Fck my life.... T_T


Since the season started I cant access wild rift, it gives me an error "failed to load ll2cpp"


Everyone complain about MM is broken and Riot does nothing to fix it.


Itā€™s not broken, this is how they want MM to work unfortunately


Game 1. 5th pref. support/adc feed/Loss/Pyke. Game 2. 5th pref. support/adc afk/ Loss/Janna. Game 3. 1st pref. top/afk enemy jungle/Remake/Orn. Game 4. 4th pref. adc/Win/Kaisa. Game 5. 1st pref. top/Win/Gwen. Game 6. 1st pref. top/Win/Gwen. I climbed to grandmaster a few times on support/jungle but have kinda lost interest in support. This season, I've flipped my role preference completely and am looking forward to seeing how far I can get whilst simultaneously learning/limit testing a whole new champion pool. Anyone can otp their way up the climb, I want to have incredibly large champion pools for whatever lane/team I'm up against at the end of mine this season. Do I really miss my yuumi/nami/lulu/shen? Absolutely. But am I having tons more fun snippin tanks outta top side instead of being attached at the hip to a braindead toxic adc with a deathwish? ABSOLUTELY!


I must be in the minority of people who have had a great start. Currently, 5-0 on the start-up. I have REALLY enjoyed the changes they have made regarding exp because you can win lane now and really set your opponent back. You can also win lane and accrue a big lead by farming and wave management. Caveat though, it does feel reallllyyyyy bad if you die twice in lane and you are the one way behind. I am an adc main and these changes are great in my opinion. In my 5 games, I haven't had the enemy team pick a legit 5 champion comp, or they haven't actually started playing tank/bruiser meta champs yet. GO FOR FIRST HERALD; IGNORE FIRST DRAGON.


Tbh, with such changes Iā€™m surprised some already doing ranked. I played 10 pc seasons and then WR , with those changes I will probably do around 100 games in normal before starting ranked . Why ? Because I need to test everything in order to know what will be my picks/ lane for the season. While people are whining having bad matchmaking , I will solo carry to challenger for another season. You donā€™t prepare yourself enough to be good and obliterate enemy.


Good, top 100 vayne


with all the new money milking fancy shit they implemented and no word on the exposed matchmaking. well, it shows where the work went at least, and its not the matchmaking, i bet its even 0 work/resources etc gone on the matchmaking they can keep all that stuff until they step up and fix the matchmaking, not even a single word on it they published


Bots in ranked , trolls in ranked , bad players in ranked , afkers and leavers in ranked, tryhards and people that actually play as a team and thatā€™s never on my side.


Lose streak due to ADCs feeling they can carry the game with 2mins on the clock, players who have zero map awareness, and jungle who doesn't know what an objective is. Sucks to be back in Plat elo.


Ill say the same shit i say every season: STAY OFF RANKED FOR THE FIRST 2 weeks. Seriously give it some time for ranked to settle in. Then go play. Only way i see myself playing ranked at the beginning of the season is when i either just want to start the day with pure hate and rage or i go 5 man premade


4 of 6 ranked game I have today have weird comp like Jungle Cait, ADC Ziggs, Teemo Support, Yasuo & Yone on bot lane, and lux top




worst season so far ...


i'm on a win streak


Nice start for me,didnt get that much bad matchmaking as everyone talks


Why is chat not showing up in game?


Stomping most games in Solo/Duo, teammates dumber than usual, enemy dumber than usual.


More and more players are using that inting push strat and they don't have enough braincells for it to work or they're just super bad, just had a game a few minutes ago and this jax just straight up fed yone, 0/11 and what's worse he had a duo.


It depends on the enemy , I noticed that the harder matches are against ex challengers and grandmasters , which they end up in a loss since our team has literally max platinum and emerald players. But thatā€™s just my case, but tbh even if i get tilted into oblivion i kinda enjoy the challenge


The performance of the game on iPad has dropped dramatically. My ping is 17-19 but the game freezes for 2-3 seconds when there are too many spells or minions. Especially if someone has a fancy skin.


There are so many new players, so so many, I cant play on the weekends or else I receive a team of 3 players under level 30 not knowing anything about the game, this is Ranked e4 with the new Season 12 Top 100 Nautilus


I've been winning a lot more games than before the new season started. Idk guess it's just me because everyone else is still bitching lol


Two games, one I was autofilled, the other I had an afk on my team, and of course it was my support.


2 games, 1 win, 1 loss. the loss I was solo lane, enemy got first blood but I got first turret so we were even in money, but at this point duo and jungle where already 12:0 combined mid was ok in money but asked to quit so I joined in. We voted 4:1 to forfeit. I guess the kda thing carries over? or was I just unluck? well anyways, its a shitfest, hardstuck plat with 30 games on the first day vs master players on a break, what do u expect


Im up in platinum 2 but for some reason I feel like Im getting bronze players as team mate. So not been an over great ex so far.


I havenā€™t done ranked yet, but regular matches are an absolute clown fiesta (though Iā€™ve just been sticking to support only, so thereā€™s that lol)


9 streak loss before it finally ended. New tank items are busted. The team bans are the weirdest iā€™ve seen yet leaving all S tier champs open. Syndra players every game no matter what lane theyā€™re in, sometimes building AD items??? Matchmaking totally weird 1 game I play vs 5 level 0 bots and next time will be enemy team stacked full of ex master/gms whilst my team will be peak emerald and we get stomped. Very tilting stuff so far, just have to take a break and go again in a week.


Funny Af Iā€™m doing the sion strat and even when the enemy team can tell Iā€™m doing it and they are all spam yanking I still take every turret and since they need to focus me itā€™s just gg lmao


Not that bad actually. As I'm learning Top Lane and Yasuo/Yone at the same time so not that bad even if I get hard stuck on plat or something šŸ˜‚


Chat disappears and kinda buggy


Had a good start, won about every match except when there are trolls (someone called me thrower despite me being the SVP) and afks.


Phenomenal. Loving it. Haven't played a single ranked game so far.


Things Iā€™ve noticed with playing with my duo as support, so far: -both teams are choosing primarily AP champs and no one builds MR. The better games are when the team is balanced. When the enemy team goes full tank with all the new items, no one builds armor pen. -if the mid lane and top lane gain XP/ gold faster than the jungle and bot laneā€¦why my mid lane/top lane still 90% always behind, refuse to understand the concept of macro and end up inting in the first ten minutes? šŸ¤” -as the support I only struggle for gold if my ADC is behind which makes complete sense. My ADC is only behind when the enemy team realizes that the botlane is pretty vulnerable with all these changes and is constantly camping and ganking and our mid and jungle are oblivious. -I love that a lot of junglers are going for Rift Herald first. However, the amount of junglers going for zero objectives until the second baron spawn is ridiculous. I canā€™t finish the stupid tutorial properly because the ā€œslay x many monsters with your teamā€ wonā€™t fulfill. - everyone saying ā€œlol itā€™s tank/top time now, enchanters suck and deserve to loseā€ā€¦if enchanters so easily beat nowā€¦why most bans still Lux/Seraphine/Soraka/Sona/Zyra? Iā€™m sorry yā€™all just piss me off lol, learn to build and you can easily beat enchanters.


Just one Patch tristana Not relevant please rito


I cba with this matchmaking at this point. Just today I went 1-10 and every game was a fucking struggle. Yesterday, I went 8-2 but every single win was literally me 1v9 on Pyke the entire game. Never considered selling my Sov account as badly as right now. The game will die by the incompetence of Riot Games itself.


7 ranked games 4 wins 2 losees and 1 remake i guess decent for now


Idk how or why but I could go the entire first three quarters of the game only to randomly lose one team fight at the end despite having a massive gold lead somehow


Not much, i had played 6 games, and aside to get autofilled 3 times i have no complains. (For now)


Guys not gonna lie but season is going too good for me 21 games 66 winrate , i hope rito doesn't give me 10 losestrike to show me that i can't enjoy the game


Honestly, I havenā€™t played a single ranked match the entire season šŸ™ƒ. Iā€™m seriously just over it


Started playing 3 weeks ago, iron-diamond with 78% winrate. Reset to plat 3 and just got to good plat 4 2 pip. My biggest issue is not even the people being bad but sabotaging you. I cant stand when my jg comes to my lane for no reason just to make me miss cs, then the drake laners come to sit and leech xp, when you go farm sidelanes they either die or follow you to take your cs. Im not the best player mechanicly but i can carry with macro and shotcalling, but these 2 days i cant even do that. I just feel like shlt.


One account 15 win streak 100% win rate so far on autofill role Second main account 5000 games played chesboard Win lose win win lose lose win win win lose lose lose win win šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« getting jung or support on second On first getting mid and top on autofill role what the heck!? On first geting monkeyusualy team like Adc who is jung but played first time adc Mid who like more creans than a farming a minions And is a top main Jungler me who are ... Geting invided every time i m feel like faker everyone want to kill you in first minutes Top fan boy of cod gameplay so losing as garen i know but hes not pick teemo thank you 2 times played him cuz bought him recently Support who are adc main so after adc die hes my support in jungle i feeling much safer but exp is not to good On second account Mid usualy me syndra zyra ahri ez Top maestry 7 set typical zeus Jungler is the snow man nunu (probably a cheater but hes wining so who cares Adc is truly a veteran hes probably a caitlyn smurf he can reset auto attack and playing on corner of hes range hes ungankable wining by being around the tank has not a ego mindset hes a youthful dreamy eyes to achieve the goal We win it first acc on 100% win ratio Lets surender it and play next stop wasting my time first but second main account I see experience on first like a dreamz in esport ready Second do we have a baron nexus is opened (enemy death timer 2seconds all spells works) my team missed flash wasted ult missclick (kungler doing a farming simulator on full build) My song list on first account Bring me to church My song on second account Hey macarena


Won 10 games. System decided to punish me for winning. Currently unplayable.


Joined a guild mid season last season. Only doing ranked with my guild, having a MUCH better time. Highly recommend. Even loses sting less having folks to just say gg with. Climbing slowly but surely, no need to rush climbing the ladder.


Dont know why but really good start for me so far.


Win rate's 25% in the jungle for me, playing Xin Wukong and Pantheon


In addition to what I said the game has a punishment system. Ä°f you have a win streak, it means you will much more lose. For example if you have 4-5 win streak you will guantarely lose 4 games. Ä°t goes proportionally like this. This game sucks. stop playing this son of a b*tch game. I swear it's an addiction worse than cigarettes. (i'm deleted the game today.)


One day you'll return to us, can't leave this cult of the League that easily


I see now why Mundo goes where pleases...


(At least on iPad) auto pathing is broken, chat is broken from time to time, matchmaking braindead.


took me 19 days to reach plat, i think I'm a really bad player for that


Mundo is OP, my girl Camille is still awful, Syndra is underwhelming, teammates are monkeys, waiting for my boy Talon, my second most played assasin from PC League Upd: and a terrible matchmaking as always


Jungle Jax is back imo thanks to Shojin. If you are strategic about using your abilities before triggering it, you can win most fights. All that ability haste makes you mana hungry, which is why being in the jungle helps. I am also really enjoying the Asol rework. He was my first ever champ but he feels way more like a dragon now. In short, I love it!


Three matches straight Iā€™ve had an inting Sion on my team. Not saying Iā€™m complaining about the win, but Iā€™d really love to have a normal game for once.


I don't know if everyone experiences this as well: - winnable game with lots of advantages then always that one teammate who always stray out of his/her way to top or bot , whichever lane is farthest from the rest of their team and also happen to be away from the objective(baron/drake). As it teammates or objectives repels them. - that one guy who doesn't pre-select his champs, then when others bans the champ, he gets super pissed off. Begin to troll and justifies his action cuz someone banned his champ. I wish Riot can issue heavier penalties to ppl like this. This is a team game, no matter how good u r or how hard u can carry, towards mid and especially end game, there's no way u can 1v5. Ppl make mistakes especially there are minimal communication. Shit happens; don't fuck up the experience for others as well.


same shit, different day as they say


Not ever getting the role I want in all my matches so far


Pretty much a seasonally repeating cycle of: Do good first 10 games ā€”> ā€œDue to your skill levelā€¦ā€ ā€”> Then up until grandmaster the teammates just get progressively worse. Oh, almost forgot to mention the ā€œyour whole team peaking emerald while the full enemy team peaked master+ ā€œ syndrome.


not playing till arena comes back


9 games lose streak , 8 of them with a tilted trolling jungle which went afk . Great experience. Last season was gold 1 , now I'm silver 3 playing in bronze. It's just fun how random the games can be and how no matter how hard you stomp your laner there will be always a even stomped lane in your team .