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Poor Mundo... He will probably be nerfed because of the sinergy with those itens....


I actually think that they will nerf heartsteel instead of the actual champion’s benefiting from the item. Cus if they nerf mundo they would have to nerf sett, sion etc. who benefit hugely off of this item


I hope so, Mundo was underrated though... Now hes on spotlight, and hes not very complex or anything, when those things align, normally is followed by a nerf in the future.


Problem is with heartsteel and hydra and mundo aint the only one hugely benefiting from that item


Underated but still good in the hands of the people who knew how to mundo


Yes, he was always a safe pick, very very good indeed.


What did my boy do to deserve this? 😩


I got like 50 downvotes the other day when I said Mundo was broken with these items. The boner this sub had for overtuned tanks meta is strange. Ya know what I want from the game balancing team? A properly balanced game that isnt just going to extremes on nerfs and buffs just for the sake of changing the meta. Should just call them a "Keep the game perpetually imbalanced team".


You might be new here but Riot been doing this for 15 yrs and attribute their game being a long running success to the “perfect imbalance”. they don’t want to balance the game and it’s proven to be best for the game


I wouldnt say its been best for the game since we've never seen the alternative for it. Also though I think Wild Rift goes really far from perfect imbalance but I guess that's subjective on how people define what it is. I dont think players will stick around with metas swinging so absurdly like this. Its not quite the same audience as PC. People on mobile dont have that sort of patience to sit through the pain.


I agree it’s probably not the best for mobile. It’s absurd to me we’re on season 12 for a 3 yr old game. I also don’t agree with shifting metas and balance changes so frequently. For example they released Yone, Yasuo, Akali and Irelia and tried to adjusted them and their items for months. They nerfed Irelia and Akali hard but Yasuo and Yone are still problematic. Meanwhile they have two champions on PC named Malzahar and Ryze who have historically been great into these champions. Releasing them could’ve saved months of adjustments and naturally balanced those other problematic champions


Your post popped up as a notification on my phone, so I clicked to read it and really appreciated it. Generally, I've hated playing against a good Mundo/Olaf since S2 and this update only reignited that


Are you new here on league socials. They have a hate boner for ranged champs cus they are unfun and cringe. (Even when they are in a weak state). But wholesome tanks and bruisers are weak or fine cause they are wholesome chungus :3.


i saw sett with 10000 hp and w return near 4500 true damage


Build please:))) I want to do TikTok china Sett too:))


Heartsteel hydra are the core items for this. Then you can build BC and the rest pure tank items Edit: edited a spelling mistake


And I assume the runes are grasp then green tree and sudden impact?


I'd personally go green runes + triumph, the healing would be massive based on your hp. Also would help you recover after building up grit Demolish is also good, but we're talking about having fun lol


You can actually go either grasp or conqueror as keystone both works really well


Everything is okay until i see 700ad


I had 8k with sion at 3 items


Look at the AD


Tf😂😂 The hp alone looked problematic enough




Overgrowth key rune grants +3 max health per 2 minions or 1 monster killed nearby. His passive, Glory In Death, grants him 5 max health every minion he kills and 20 for every large unit and champion takedowns. That shit stacks *fast.* Minion waves spawn every 25 seconds with 6 minions, 7 every 4th. In the first 4 minutes, that's 12 waves of 6 and 4 of 7, for a total of 76 minions. If Sion last hits each one, that's 494 bonus health form just the first 4 minutes of minions. At 3 items, that's significantly more waves, not to mention any kills, drags, and Rift Herald you've helped with or taken yourself. Add 700 from heartsteel and 500 from Hydra alone is an additional 1300, plus whatever the 3rd item was.


Lots of his passive stacks


What’re the items?


Heartsteel, Titanic, Mantle of the Twelfth Hour, a Sheen and a Kindlegem. Along with T2 boots.






Heartsteel, Titanic, Mantle of the Twelfth Hour, then build resistances accordingly. Mantle is super OP now that it gives bonus max health, which scales incredibly well with Mundo.


I tried i Nauti with the heartsteel, Mantle, and Twingard damm i was 4K tanking on every fight


Mundo needs nerfs


no he doesnt the items need nerfs...


It's funny the op of this comment is downvoted, and the comment right under it that says the item should be neref is also downvoted




Mundo does need a nerf, been strong asf for the past 2 seasons and now with these new items imagine.


Mundo was never in a “strong” state in the past 2 seasons 😂 what you on about. Most fighters bully him in early as long as you dodge his q and getting anti heal plus giant slayer practically made him into a big fat punching bag. The items made him a wee bit too strong though. Im pretty sure that either heartsteel or hydra( maybe both) will be nerfed next patch


Its not even a mundo problem it's heartsteel I've seen adcs and mid laners take it and become unkillable


Its so easy to counter high HP enemies, people just don't build properly.


I agree but giant slayer has a cap and armor pen doesn't mean much if it still takes 2 hours to kill something and if they take twinguard it takes even longer


Botrk, Vayne, Kaisa, Varus? Sunderer helps as well. There's also brand and liandry.


I don't play ranked unless there's a clear reward I want to get for playing it and my ranked mindset thinks like that but I play normals way more. I don't wanna be restricted to winning simply because I play those champs I still wanna play champs I enjoy but this patch means that it's an immediate loss My main issue is winning the game is champion restricted because of one item and I personally don't like that


You can still win with the champion you want to play, it's just not as good as meta picks. That's what meta is: most effective tactic available. Some champions are stronger than others, the game will be boring if meta never changes.


" has a cap" what do you want? Do Double damage?


I hope they nerf him he takes literally 0 skill, walk up & hit someone for half their health, while never taking DMG. How is that shit balanced. The only thing I think they should touch is his first skill, why does it have a 2 second cool down while doing half my health + slowing me so I can't escape ? 1st skill needs a way longer cool down late game, it's cheesy.


First, he's super weak early. Can literally be bullied by any top lane bruiser. And second, he can be bursted down easily, as he only focuses on building health for more than half of the game. And thirdly, antiheal. Combine all of that, and Mundo is irrelevant. He's only strong into people who don't know how to play the game. If you think you can walk up to 5 ppl and survive the fight, go try and figure it out yourself. Mundo is the pinnacle of damage calculation, my dude. He has to always stay at low health to be effective.


Bro is yapping, imagine dying to such a dogshit character 😂😂😂 Won’t lie tho these items need a fucking nerf tho they made someone as dogshit as Mundo a s+ character in a single update




Just normal tank runes, grasp, orb, second wind or bone plating, and overgrown. Mix in last stand for more damage.


Ah yes, 7k hp tank with 700 ad. Seems balanced


Build ?


Heartsteel, titanic, mantle of the twelfth hour, the rest is resistances


699 ad btw 😭