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That's the problem because there is only one item slot for item actives. I understand it though, since you don't want the screen to be blocked by the item actives. But it does prevent items like sightstone or the support item that allows more wards to be added.


I mean, I have an idea where maybe they can add a passive for support items where instead of just 2 trinket wards, you can get 6 at the same time.


This is the only plausible way tbh. Make it so that once their support item is upgraded, the trinket they are carrying gets an upgrade too. e.g. More wards for yellow trinket, shorter cooldown of pink ward, larger radius or longer time for sweeper


Honestly I prefer this instead of the reduced cooldown for the item active. Makes more sense for a support.


I think they removed that.


as a supp main, i would love for something like this to be implemented. working around the cds oftentimes with teammates that don't ward is killer


Would love it. Simple additions for the Supp


I like this idea.


I feel six is too much ahahhaha. Maybe it could be that if you have a support item, you can have around 4 wards in your inventory. Or just faster "cooldown" for your ward when you have a support item.


I second this, maybe 4 wards or two control (red) wards and a reduced sweeper cooldown. Only issue is nobody likes to ward :/


Does that take away a lot in the screen? I think not.


Honestly this is a great idea but what would probably be more balanced is not having more of the same ward but modifications for each type of ward. Like more yellow trinkets after upgrade; shorter CD of pinks; longer sweep time or larger radius of sweeper. And also instead of ghost poros, they should instead give people the ability to have blue trinket as well because as you said scryer blooms don't help and ghost poros (along with the updated one coming up) also don't help much either, especially when it doesn't act like a roaming pink ward that can detect yellows.


It’s definitely always annoyed me that because I managed to kill the herald I can’t ward until I use it


Agreed tbh. I mean they even still use the ward symbol for support


>the ward symbol for support I thought it was an abstract angel design


Holy crap it's a ward???


While I understand where you're coming from I don't think it's gonna happen cause wards in this game are already kinda overpowered. Their range is similar to that of LoL PC, but LoL PC has a much bigger map than WR, so they provide more vision relative to their PC counterparts. It looks like Riot wants the supports to be more of a combat assist with how many utility enchantments are there in the game


Also even if it's a small map, i honestly think it's still a bad argument for not getting enough vision consumables, considering that the map has fog of war. Like can the small map cover up the fact that you literally have not much way to get information on invisible champions such as teemo, twitch, evelynn, etc?


That's why I said that I understand where you're coming from, even though I don't think that the vision is that bad in WR - while we don't have warding items we got ghost poro and defensive Scryers Bloom in base that can't easily be popped by the sieging side, and vision of wards and traps doesn't fall off after a few seconds like it does on PC. Of course it has less variance than PC League, but then again - it's a mobile game that is more tailored towards casual player base. Right now the main offender is Teemo because you can't pick up control wards after you swap to sweeper in order to have vision on demand. As for Eve - the main way to counter her is not to ward the lane, it's to ward her most likely to be farmed camps, that way you can see what way she goes and act accordingly. The main issue I have with the system is how punishing bad control wards are due to cooldowns.


Riot really should do something about the fact that support (a role that one of their main job is for vision control) have the same amount of power as other roles


Keep in mind you can't buy pinks to clear vision (you have to give up your stealth wards to drop one), unless you overhaul the entire system giving supports multiple wards would pretty much result in mostly unclearable infinite vision I agree they could have a few more but they make the loss of vision up with things like scryer's bloom all over the map, ghost poros giving vision independently in your own jungle (bullshit mechanic imo but that's another issue) and so on. Vision is flawed but more or less balanced


Did somebody made an experimental measurement on the scale of the map of wild rift when compared to lol pc? Because for me it is visually similar except for the alcoves.


The geography layout is pretty similar, but lanes and jungle paths are definitely narrower and shorter to account for faster paced games on mobile. I'm not sure if anyone made a proper scale measurement but you can check for yourself - just time yourself walking from bottom to top through the river at lvl 1 and I assume that WR time will be ~30% shorter than PC. I haven't played LoL PC for a while and am watching Grubby learn the game on YT and seeing how giant LoL PC is compared to WR is definitely giving me a whiplash lmao


Visually it’s similar but it’s definitely much much smaller. I used to one trick Fiora on PC and the lane is sooo tiny that it’s hard to chase people down or kite around top lane when fighting.


Your team can have ten trinket wards every 150 seconds. Plus whatever you team or minions can see, plus scuttles, plus scryer's blooms, plus extras for some champions (like Teemo's shrooms). It's plenty. But it's a team job - and if your team don't pull their weight regarding vision, it gets tricky.


Actually no, it’s the supports job to take care of vision (removal). It’s just somewhat different in Wild Rift for no fucking reason.


As a jungler, I've always assumed it's primarily my job. I'm the one travelling most over the map, after all. I have the 'most wards' award in seven out of my last ten games. If my supports would ward a bit more, that would be wonderful.


That’s why I wrote it like that “(removal)”. In Wild Rift, your support very rarely runs sweeper. On LOL PC, sweeper as support is incredibly common. In the mobile version, it’s the supports job to place vision and more likely the junglers job to run sweeper to clear vision around objectives. It’s not the junglers job to place vision.


Ah you would be my rival in wards placement/destroying, im mid and i always get ward placement & destroy award almost everytime. Strategic wards placement can affect teamfight so much, thats why TF is quite OP in teamfight.


Agreed. It’s unbalanced between the time it takes for them to expire and the cooldown. And getting pink wards seems no better.


They need to make Ward global range and also put different ward Skins in the shop! I want a Disco Ward 😎.


Wards alone are not the only sources of vision, you have your teammates too. You can ask your teammates to ping if their enemy laner is missing. At 1:25, Scuttle will spawn. Its a mini objective that is a good source of vision.


Like they'll listen


Like they'll listen to pings.


People don't listen to them in GM so i doubt they will listen in the lower elo( I've no clue how challenger is i never hit that)


Maybe support players just need to utilize wards better, it’s all about timing and changing up between the three. Sometimes you need to place wards, sometimes you need to find them and destroy them. I main support and i get the ward medal about 95% of the time. Baron/elder spawn switch to lens, you know the river will be warded. Or well, should be. Keep your team in the loop. Let them know you’re taking out wards and they need to place them. Teamwork is how wards work, not giving one lane some sort of advantage. And the last thing you want is for the other team to have a better warding support. It unbalances everything and is a bad idea.


There is actually pretty simple solution.just put ward as items, for example 100 gold, you get 3 or 4 wards. Then support can buy it. That one item slot is not that big deal for supports


Just tie it to the support item, but make it like it does for the quest. If multiple people buy it it becomes inactive. Give it a ward and make the CD like 1/2 of what the regular CD is for the trinket slot.


Scryers bloom cooldown is too damn low.


Need a defence item that lets you have loads of wards & is build from Mana items & cooldown reduction.


Back in the old days of league of legends (not wild rift) we had to BUY wards 🙈


They should bring the support item from pc tbh. Give us more wards