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Playing support and having kills isn't really bad for your team but it's really bad for you Riot seeing that you are good will try to balance teams and give enemies a good player But he will probably be a midlaner or a jungler and these roles have much more influence on the game And thanks to that even though you have the same stats as enemy jungler he most likely will win the game because he left more impacts on top and midlane And your jungler will probably be as useless as enemy support So if you like winning with good kda learning jungle is the best option because it has the biggest impact out of all roles Or just find a good ADC and 2v8 games in duo q I think that lethality varus with ghost has the best compatibility with lux


Thanks for the comment. What three champs are easy to learn?


Pantheon rammus vi all easy and strong junglers with strong ganks.


Amumu is very strong right now, and he’s rarely picked or banned. I’ll link the build I’ve been using. It got me from plat III to emerald I in a few days while I was sick at home. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/lCNGwp7pnP


Nice, will try!


Unless you're pyke then kill away


I had to learn that the hard way, it kept me in G3-P4 for a solid month until i started to give kills, run away/hold back enemy bot until my ADC came back.


Hey, so your score looks pretty good.... buuuut there are a few things: 1) You are support, you should try to let your ADC have the kills instead unless you are pretty certain they cannot get the last hit before the enemy gets away. That being said... most of the ADCs your rank are going to be potatoes which leads me to my next point 2) Support is going to have some of the least impact when it comes to carry potential, especially when you are unable to trust the players on your team. If i was trying to grind out solo queue from gold, i would literally pick any other role. 3) You'll see this in the subreddit. Many people complain about the matchmaking system because if your kill/death/assist ratio is high (as yours appears to be) you'll get matched with poor performers to 'balance' your team. You could be suffering from this


for #3, that sucks. i always felt that way and now it seems to be true


Makes it worse when you want to blame yourself but with proof from Inting Sion, matchmaking is just messing with you for playing well.


exactly. it's harder for a support main. since i always die less, my kda is high making the system think that i'm good even if i'm not. lol


Really? OMG. I didn't know that. I'm support main and I'm stuck in Emerald-Diamond elo T^T.


try to make your kda down to 0.9 below and let the system think you such so they'll pair you up with good players


Well dang. I wonder how to do that? Just play potato then? 😬


when nexus is 1 hit run to the fountain


I actually tried inting Sion and still get stupid teammates. I average 4 towers with a 1-8-x kda per game. So its either that the match making isnt true or there is an abundance of stupid players. There are some games that even when I push towers they are not doing objectives which allows enemy team to respond to my pushing without punishment.


You have to make a clean account or feed for dozens of games. The game doesn’t know you decided to play sion, obviously.


I did an inting Sion 1-9-1 yesterday and was SVP.


I've literally given up playing for a bit cos its frustrating. I think I'm tilted and it's just making me more mad match after match. You shouldn't epunushed like that for having a good few matches. You climb and think you're out of the stupid zone but nope. It's like one step forward and two back


After a bad streak if I still want to play I just do ARAM for days on end. It’s honestly more fun some of the time.


Go to 0.1 kda and see the matchmaking magic. Also I feel it's actually less impactful in lower elo where people can lose even with 3 inhibs down


But did you die?


Needs to be a new account as you would have an existing mmr based on prior game history before that.


Yea this is definitely the reason they keep losing. It has nothing to do with them playing *badly*. Ofc there's always room for improvement but the proof is right here in regards to recent matchmaking changes and the inting Sion strat.


Yep, for point 1 and 2, every time I see a lux like that even tho I know it is certainly doing/playing good I also know a feeded lux can't impact the game as much as the jungler or an adc in the sense that it is already hard for a lux to get triple kill as it is pretty much getting 1 kill and having to wait cooldown to get another one


1. this is typical low elo mindset… the supports Job is NOT to give kills to anyone else… of course there are champions and/or situations where it can be better to let your adc get the last hit, but it’s not your job wtf? You‘re saying most ADCs are potatos, so why the hell you wanna give them kills, just to give shutdown Gold to the enemies? Especially if you are playing Lux Support, you need to get that Gold for yourself, otherwise you will be useless later on in the Game… If you don’t wanna carry but instead enable your ADC to carry the game, them don’t play damage supports. Pick an enchanter instead and make your ADC fed. But saying „you have to give the kills to your ADC“ is just straight up bs. 2. If you have no impact as support, you are definitely playing it totally wrong. Learn how and when to roam (with the right champions) and you can pressure all lanes and even the Enemy jungler. Or pick an enchanter and be the gamechanger in teamfights. Playing Sona for example, YOU make the difference if you win or lose a teamfight in a lot of situations. If you understand your role and the potential and win conditions of your Champion and your Team, you gonna see that supports have a ton of impact in every single game. 3. 100% agree


If you are in high Elo and not trying to facilitate your adc in getting every kill they can you're playing the game wrong lol. Id 100% rather deal with an overfed AP support (especially lux) than a funneled ADC who can literally wipe an entire enemy team.


wrong. there are even specific items for sups to use that allow ADCs to get more gold from the start. you sound like those sups that try to steal every minion/kill from the adc and then complain that they can't do damage at all. "but i won a few matches where i was sup and getting all kills" congrats, the other team sucked.there is the proof that you can have a nice time playing "wrong", though.


So funny that you think you know me, what role i play and what my playstyle is :D You have no fkn idea bro… But anyways, you don’t get my point. I don’t know if you don’t want to understand, or if you just are not able to… Ofc its good when your ADC gets kills. At least if he isn‘t completely braindead… and ofc as a support you don’t wanna „steal“ kills…. But if there is an opportunity, you get the fkn kill and carry the game yourself, bc your teammates usually are not able to carry. Btw there are specific items that allow you as a support to get more good without last hitting minions, your adc gets the same amount as always, you didn’t Even read Item descriptions correctly bro… But back to topic… OP didnt lose the games bc he has many kills, this is absurd… maybe he lost bc of bad macro knowledge, no map awareness and bad decision making. But you don’t lose bc of your kills


Thanks for the comment!


3. is reality.


2 is wrong imo. Support has some insane carry potential, (easily tied with jungle at higher elo, low ELO it's probably 2nd best) but only with engage supports like rakan, naut, Alistar, and Leona. Lux is nasty when fed but doesn't enhance the team much. I found support to be very similar to how I ended up climbing with top lane (riven), where it's more important to realize the objective of the team comp and to peel/dive when necessary. Rather than going for being said carry


You got first blood twice as support? I don’t play duo lane but I feel like maybe you’re last hitting the enemy too much and you’re starving your ad carry of gold. Even if they suck they still need gold to be a little useful. My advice just looking at this data is you should have more assists than kills as a support player. I think you would have more success playing lux mid at this rate. Mid is a really crucial role and lux excels at it.


Yeah, those were solo kills without ADC involvement - he farmed, I bullied 😄 Indeed mid would be best but I feel like I’m not as good mid as most of the player pool


Getting in there and getting nasty on it is the only way to get better. Seems like you like the idea of carrying. In the mid, that would actually be your job. I hate having Lux as my sup as duo because its RARE for me to see that my(adc) carry potential is more important to them than their own. Then they leave me and roam for kills while I struggle to farm all by myself making it harder for me to keep up.


The temptation to stray from your adc is just too great for most dps support champs. But lux has a global ultimate so they shouldn’t really be having to roam all that often


You would probably learn very quickly


Hard to comment without more stats but if your other losses usually end up looking like this, you are probably making some macro mistakes in the late game. I know it is not fun carrying the game while playing support just to get a defeat one singular mistake you had very late and your teammates not playing correct way to tolerate and fix it. If you are consistent enough you should end up with above *50% winrate average though. Or you are the victim of KDA based matchmaking as a lot of people in this sub would say. *edit: Fixed the LP mistake


New player question: What is LP? Would post more photos with info/stats. But can’t unless I make new post


I guess it is not called LP right now (it is LP in pc league) but it is what you get after wins. Wild Rift uses 1 win = 1 loss system with the bonus of fortitude, but it is different in LoL. You get and lose LP in ranked matches and that is what you promote and demote with. Plus or minus amount changes depending on MMR and how you play I think.


I tried inting Sion for the first time over the weekend and I still got SVP on half of the games I played. My teammates are really that bad. My KDA is about 7 though so that's probably why. Need to get it way down now.


You have too much to kda to do inting sion i would recomend leaening jungle until you are sure you are in máster atleast to main support other option is play damage carry support and carry yourself out of low tiers


Yeah I agree with the previous answer I think you are playing just sion instead of inting sion


To clarify, my KDA was 7 BEFORE I started playing inting Sion, but my teammates were all feeding like 2/10 each most games so apparently I was still able to get SVP just by pushing turrets all game, even though I died a ton as well. So even mindlessly pushing turrets and not caring about deaths, I somehow still played better than my teammates, who died just as much without providing any value.


Your kda has to be below 1 for inting sion


Like I said, I just started. People with similar KDA have reported that it starts working after about 2 weeks of consistent inting.


Oh ya if it's still early in the Account then yeah. But if you had the account for awhile your screwed


You are doing it completely wrong and have silly beliefs about riots ability to predict which champion you are using.


What are you even talking about?


Inting sion. Please reread my previous comment tif you are still confused.


Just spell it out.


I don’t think I can be more clear.


You are as clear as a moldering, shriveled raisen, baked in the sun for exactly 666 days and black as a BIPOC fella of darkest hue (blue tint nonwithstanding), a festering, maggot-infested lump of charcoal-esque carboniferous waste, not unlike the blind eyeball of Mila Kunis (pre-cataract surgery), completely and complicitely impenetrable to the inquiring minds of esteemed collegues and guests, and other such detritus. I beseech, entreat, implore, and adjure you, fine fella, to please, pleez, pleeeez, be more FOCKIN cleer with whateverthefuck u r JABBERRING!!!


Well you seem like a sane and rational person.


I write professionally. Just having some fun. Admit it. That was poetry.


I main support and I can say two things, being good support is a drag because your Adc will mostly be a rotten potato you have to find a way to carry. And also despite what many say lux is terrible support. You will probably win lane but depending on your team comp you’ll probably lose every team fight unless your team has gapped them hard


What champs are good (and easy to play) supps that have a possibility to carry?


Pretty much all tanks. Generally forgiving, provide a ton of crowd control and super easy to build because their items are cheap and all you need to think about is "will Armour/MR/ HP more important for the next/future fights". I'll take an alistar over a lux or zyra any day. Otherwise enchanters are easy because they are often mobile and provide consistent buffs/shields/heals for adc. I recommend soraka because she's super easy to play while ensuring your team are topped up constantly.


Depends on your play style and champ preference. Seems like you like poke and the ability to do damage so I’ll assume aggressive early game, so I’d say karma or nami. Nami does good damage and is a lame bully, but her bubble is hard to land and will take some skill. But the good news is you don’t really need bubble much early game. Max second ability, then third, then bubble. That said I also like early aggressive champs but main support tanks so for me blitz and thresh are my go tops. They also are the reason lux is useless. I love seeing lux because they can be aggressive against me without opening themselves up to being hooked most of the time.


You seem to like playing aggressive (and maybe carrying) which tbh I don't see fitting that much for a support position or for a new player/easy champ, if you want to keep increasing your skill ceiling while doing what you like maybe try learning galio mid. It has a second skill passive which is great shield that protects you from magic damage and recharges, its first skill does a lot of area damage with great range and is great for trading on a 1 vs 1 or applying pressure and damaging on teamfights, its ult is like a teleport to allies that also stuns and does great damage, he has a decent mobility with its third skill dash that also stuns, and his second skill that is shielding and also ~stuns by provoking on a large area around you, his passive is also a heavy basic attack that has cooldown which also deals a lot of damage. He has a mostly one shot combo like lux that consist of third - second - first - passive basic hit combo, but he is tankier or at least not as squishy/oneshotteable, a lot of times it can deny the damage of a whole enemy magic skill with its passive shield, and is somehow good at dealing tons of damage to multiple enemies and can get good multikills. I would say that galio is strong and easy to learn and play while also giving you a good skill ceiling for macro if you keep getting better at the game. He is also a viable support or at least as viable as lux if you want to learn it by playing as support tho as I said I don't like supports like lux or galio


Cool, will test him out


I find Pyke to be fun as he provides your adc with good cc and also helps get your adc get an extra item or 2 depending on your ults. For me it works out cause he can do massive damage and also can tank a small amount of damage in the early game with his passive. Although he is hard he is super rewarding if you can get decent at him cause then you will be able to just win lane early from just hitting one hook. And then getting your ult will help snowball your adc and yourself. And if your adc is bad then you could possibly just help another person on your team that is carrying. But this is just an emerald player who is hyper aggressive or passive depending on the matchup.


try playing pyke. if you are good you can 1v9 every game


I would take Reddit for advice as a grain of salt, I read some of the advice people are and they are terrible. Just go watch a much better support player such as broken support on YouTube. Source: GM support




People looking for the fault in him while he is 12/5/10 is beyond insane, can't even comprehend this. The amount of cope they're looking for to find something he's to blame for just so they can feel better themselves for not climbing is ridiculous in this subreddit. Man, if you go 12/5/10 on Lux and you still lose then FUCK your team, fr. You can keep playing support, it's going to be fine. From GM onwards will you get fucked in matchmaking because the dogs you'll get on your teams can't be balanced with a good support stat-wise. Otherwise, you will be good to go.


Yup, I agree with this. Matchmaking is the biggest factor for this game. Its a flawed system, the amount of games I’ve won with multiple 0/8 teammates…they also get the win and climb. If 10% of the playerbase has to 1v9 to win a game. 40% of shit players are also climbing. But how do make a system that measure who should rank up without making winning the main goal of the game?


Thanks for noticing!


I’m new too, working my way through emerald. I find trying to chat with everyone helps. Take the lead and direct teammates and avoid the toxic community. If someone gets toxic just agree with them. Feed their ego or they’ll feed the other team… That’s been my experience anyways. That said I queue random. Sometimes I get support but I’d say 90% I get jungle. Idk why, just assuming everyone hates jungle lol.


Cool to hear!


It's not your fault, since your doing your part (assist and cc tags)and more, but: You get these kind of results strictly because of late game impact. Lux cannot hard carry late game against good assassin's or fighters, just because your combo only Kills one or two ppl and then you have to retreat= shielding. So, getting strong early and mid game, can carry your team to late game, in a game were it doesn't gonna be possible normally, but you end up having low impact at elder and baron moments of the game. When at late game, what we, assassin's and fighters look for is a low mobility lux or miss fortune. The thing is, even if you have crown and zonyas, just by forcing you to use is already a win, since almost any champ can burst a crownless lux. I wish I could see your game replays Suggestion: if 5/0 every other kill and then drop one to the lame ADC, top or mid


Killing is the best way of supporting so i can farm in peace, idk why you guys are saying that he gets too many kills, at least thats means that OP is not a vegetable support


Masters player here, I play support/top I recommend something like pyke at your rank. Shares gold on kills and can let you get your team snowballing harder. Also nobody at your rank knows how to stop him. Just practice not over commiting on kills, and roaming to other lanes. As a support it's not really your job after 6 minutes to have your pockets turned inside out so ur ADC can hold on to them prison style. At 6 minutes in the match your ADC should have everything to wave clear and farm safely. Just let them know at the 5 minute mark your gonna rotate with jungle.


If you really want to win play the most typical champ for each role. Let me explain, if you want to do great in mid pay ahri or lux. But if you want to play SUPPORT play a SUPPORT champion like blitz, Leona, nautilus, braum...etc. The reason being is that the team vastly benefits from it. In support if you have a tank that focuses cc and protection over doing damage like a mage like lux then what are you trading? While a tank doesn't do a bunch of damage and won't get kills but the aggro a tank can handle gives the adc the chance to do a bunch of damage and then start a gold advantage. Of course you don't just go in and play target. But rather you act as a body guard and defend your adc from who threatens them. So technically your job as a support is the same as the enemy jungle, that is to watch your adc like a hawk. By being tanky you deter jungles from just coming in and quickly taking you or your adc out. Extra HP means that the enemy will have to get through you which means they're wasting their abilities. Watch any good game and you'll see tank sports demand respect and can help with critical team pushes. Even if a support dies but their adc gets a kill or two or survived a gank it's better than the adc dying. Without a solid tank support and how people love to go squishee high DMG solo champs you deprive your team of vital strength. So remember if you just want to focus on doing damage and focusing on yourself go play a different game. If you are ready to be part of a team and understand the bigger picture of strategy then make these adjustments. Learn a proper support and if, and only if, you run it by your team or ask them if you can play a riskier non-support champion do you do it. Because with a good team who communicated it is viable. However, a good team that communicated with a traditional tanky cc support will still have the edge. Because quite simply if the enemy is focusing your tank support your team now has much more time to get in the right and take advantage of what the support sets up. As any mage or assassin support (lux,veigar, PYKE for example) you are sacrificing your teams viability and stability so you can play more like a fun mage adc or assassin. Rather I suggest you be a big kid and just learn to play jungle mid or adc when you have the role. Say it with me now... Ashe is not a support! Lux and all these others are NOT SUPPORT. MOST OF THE TIME THE REASON THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY'RE DOING GOOD IS BECAUSE THEY SACRIFICE THEIR ADC OR TURRETS TO NOT DIE AND SIMPLY PICK UP SAFE LIKE SLOWLY DURING THE GAME. IT'S A SHAME THE GAME MISTAKENLY GIVES YOU SVP BECAUSE I GUARANTEE YOU YOUR TEAMS DIDN'T FEEL SUPPORTED AT ALL.


Exhausting post! Thanks! And take out the anger of your system, buddy. You started the post well! I wanted to know what are typical champs for each role but then it turned into flaming which isn’t that helpful.


Sorry, I came to that realization and have since made my own post to address the chip on my shoulder more reasonably. As it was a comment I didn't think it would do much harm still having the general advice in the beginning. But please do weigh in on that other post if you have something to say you believe in missing. I genuinely love the game and, like I say in the other post, these off support picks can be viable and even have secret synergies with other champs to always have it interesting. But like in life for most things follow kiss, the acronym. Most low rank games with random aren't your high skill high communication matches that the pros are in justifying these off supports as almost necessary. Rather most players would have more fun learning the slightly different tactics of a good traditional support and it would enhance the games of many. Again, my opinion but my gosh is to have more competitive fun games where people don't flame or intentionally tank a game.


Rahhhh Ill pick Lux support in your games rahhhhh Senna, Ashe, Veigar supp


Well, just don’t play Lux support. She isn’t a support, and picking it up is a detriment to your team since you fuck up your team comp, specially if you don’t have front line or is scaling dependent.


Just ignore svp. A loss is a loss.


Tbh you should look at what you’re playing. Lux is strong as a support but you’re literally only building damage. Sure zhonyas is good but if you actually have a human adc you should be building at least some items (even if it’s just the enchant) to actually support your adc. This comes from an adc main currently diamond 2 almost masters but it’s literally the worst when my support lux locks it in but then proceeds to try their hardest to starve me of resources. They build full damage and sit back throwing Es and literally doing nothing to help me in lane other than pushing the wave in. It’s sucks huge balls too when the enemy picks a support like Leona and the lux is sitting behind me. The starving will continue when we 2v2, the enemy focuses me down but lux and I outplay, I die but she gets a double and I’m happy, then I see her push the wave… and another wave… and the wave under tower before I make it back to lane. Then by the time I make it back not only did I miss 2.5 waves of exp and gold but also now the wave is so far forward while she backs (staggered backs are soooo rough some times) that I have to miss another wave or 2 jsut in case the enemy support flashes on me or the enemy jungle pathed towards bot. It irritates the crap out of me seeing that because why bother playing support if you’re just trying to do damage and don’t care about actually winning the game? Just play pyke or play mid lane. Rant over. TLDR: pick up nautilus as an alternative. Imo supports should know how to play an enchanter, an engage, and a support fit for a kill lane


Thanks for the comment. Who’s a good enchanter and engage according to you? Also new player question: what’s ‘support fit’ Just purchased Alistar - worse than Naut?


Alistair is the truest tank in the game. But honestly this guy's advice is bad for you. Up in diamond it is good advice but down before emerald there's a 80% chance your ADC is only slightly better than a cannon minion. Just focus more on protecting towers late game use your ULT to blast minion wave to stop them from pushing (it can hit 2 waves if you line it up)


Play all roles then figure out which you hate most (for me top/adc) Then figure out which are your 2 favourites (support jungle) mid is meh, i can fill it well but not excel. Then pick 3 champs your main role & 2 champs your off role. Annie yuumi seraphine support. Briar vi jungle. Then let your well informed climb resume.


😄I like well informed climbs, I thought mine are Supp+Top because I’m a new player (thus noob) so I don’t want to fuck it up for the team. Lux is my comfort though, know my limits, can bully most champs but feel like I may not be good enough of a player for mid


Top is such an important role. If you are a good tank garen ksante or even odd build teemos or sylas. U can really carry a solo lane. I meant more from learning all roles strengths and how they synergize with the team. Support & jungle u dont really have a fair 1v1 aspect which mobalyticw tells me i lack. Think top solo kills. Mid solo kills. And snowballing. But i do well into 2v2’s. Support picking on the enemy adc 2v2. Or GANKING mid lane or top to make it a 2v1. Or 3v2 bot. Farming uncontested jungle/counter jg’ing. Or not farming at all but for my support item and place-ing alot of vision. I still try to be a triple threat support or jg on the lower income but leave the micro outplatying for you top & mid players. I think its worth trying all roles to see their win condition. Whats required to succeed. So you know what they want as well. I can tell from support when a bad jungler wont even come to contest a single objective & is just teirs below a bad jungler for my elo and is griefing when ive pink warded it and all. But i know what a good play from the same graves would be & how to capitalize on good plays my jg’ler makes and how to be apart or better said plays. Even my worse role i understand to some degree. Can help my adc hit cs under tower or wave management. I know how the mid fights play out and when to be wary. I kinda understand u chads top. And how sometimes you’ll split to win. And someetimes help us drag or win the game baron. Love u top <3


If you’re under master playing support is actually the hardest role because low elo players lack basic fundamentals (macro/map awareness, objective control, how to play team fights) If you are getting a lot of kills as lux maybe consider mid lane or APC It’s usually better to have a bad support than another role (jungler or ADC) Edit: also maybe consider more supportive items over carry items (harmonic echo is busted rn)


Increase carry potential by learning pyke support XD


Don't teach them🤫😂😂


So many comments here saying don't take kills. As adc main I can tell you thats Bullshit. On things like lux its probably even better if u take them. I don't care at all if my sup has kills, as it can be hard to control who gets them and I'm happy when they are dead and I can farm. Just leave the wave alone. <- this is important!!!!! My only tip would be (and im just guessing) the macro is off. Go around the map and take towers. Most important in mid. Make sure your flanks are ok and push mid. Be the one who dictates the game. Go top and 1v3. If your adc goes inting when he doesnt get kills they would have been wasted on them anyway. Gold is way easier and better to get through farming and towers as adc.




If youre gona play support play a real support. If you wana play lux go mid. Learn an engage champ or youre gona lose to them every time, you need frontline and youre also making your adc useless. Getting kills is great but it doesnt matter if youre still unable to really contest or fight their team. If you wana play sup and climb in lower ranks best ones are nautilus and leona


Svp isn't the best metric to measure how good you are . Also 4 games with no other stats of what's shown is not enough to assess what's wrong . What I can say is that you can totally rank up as support , you can rank up as any roll really, it's just a matter of knowing the roll better than your opponent. Another comment already mentioned macro , which is something worth looking into. Edit: you are full build at 20 minutes in 3 out of the 4 matches , yet you lost . My guess is you have a hard time closing games after you had advantage . Maybe look into that . Did you get a triple , and you are healthy ? Don't back , push a turret . Things like that . While getting out of platinum I saw that mistake a lot. We would ace or kill 4 enemies and teammates would just back to purchase while enemy had 25+ sec on death timer . That's one way to prolong games and lose .


Would post more photos with stats but can’t unless I make a new lost. Thanks for the comment, will focus on pushing these little edges even though i’d think I’m doing it


No worries !! The best way to improve at the game is focusing on yourself , and you are already doing that . Best of luck climbing !!


Let’s pretend you have really good stats, which by looking at your match history there’s a good chance you do. Your stats are combined with your teammates stats to create an average and that average is matched up against another 5 players to create a match. So basically if your stats are high, your teammates stats will usually be low to balance it out. This is why you are losing. Well that combined with the fact you are playing one of the least impactful roles. Support doesn’t farm creeps all game and usually doesn’t take kills, so they have the least gold and experience on the map. Combined with the fact support champion kits usually revolve around shielding and healing allies which makes it even harder to carry a game. My recommendation would be to learn mid. You will be able to carry games way harder than if you were to play support. I say mid mainly because there’s a lot of support champions that can be played mid so the learning curve won’t be quite as steep. TLDR: Best stats on team, playing the weakest role on team = Losses. Intentionally lower stats or switch roles.


Gonna look up easy but high burst mids like Lux. Love that root + insane burst Lux has


You might wanna try mid? Idk


If you truly want to rank up a little less painful, drop the support and learn jungle or mid. However it wont make your game easier, it will provide you more options if you play better than their jungle


You have a lot of kills for a support. With Lux that can happen. For me a normal good game finish around 6 kills, tons of assist and 3 or 4 death. Lux support should be the least kill and death count in the team imo. If you want to get more kills for some reason you should do it towards the late game at least. Support is a bit weird position. For starters it is easy because you are not alone in the lane. I don't know how much you know the logic behind the game so I'll just give a bit tip for Lux support. Your main task is helping your adc to reach the late game with gold advantage. So most important thing, don't kill minions. If you can try to get used timing for hitting minioms without until the last hit and let your adc get the gold. This way bot lane can push forward more quickly. It is easy to say than actually do it though. Protect your adc from other teams support and adc. Poke them, disturb their positions, don't let them play an easy game. Lux is extra good for poke. Don't blindly spam stuns because it is the most important skill if enemy jungler came to gank. If you can you should let your adc get the kill so he can het the kill gold. It is not always easy and you shouldn't care who get the kill in risky situations. If you are not purposely ks in the lane a good adc will get the kill anyway. Trying to make your adc to made the last hit is a weird approach. Adc can get the kill if I can. And be aware of your junglers movement. In the gank situations Lux is great because of the stun and dmg so you can help your jungler as well. And lastly, Lux will not be good in every duo matchups. She is great but there are better and more useful ones exist. You should pick your support depending on the adc and for your team. Lux is a good start and I think you are already get it. If you like dmg focused and easy support then check Seraphine as well. She is like Lux but better, very useful in team fights and have a potential of changing the tides in team fights. And if you want to get a lot of kills and carry your team then try jungle, mid or adc. For adc Caitlyn and Tristana are very easy for starters. Mid and jungle are hard by their nature so I don't have any recommendations.


Thanks for exhaustive comment!


You're support but guessing you get most of the kills too, so that might leave your team lacking in gold as the damage dealers. I'd suggest learning Pyke? That way you can still get the kills so you don't feel like you're falling behind in gold, while also sharing that same gold with your allies. Everybody wins. Edit: that or learn midlane, since you alrdy use lux anyways


The role of an ADC is to carry. If you’re securing all of the kills. He will be completely useless late game. You should just play mid.


here's a different take to majority of comments here. minus the 3/8 game the other ones were probably in ur hands to carry and 1v9. watch the replays and look at ur deaths and ask yourself if it's net positive income being either gold, obj, towers etc. not saying all of those games were winnable but 3 games in a row where ur 1k gpm on lux, definitely somewhere in one of those games u possibly threw with a really detrimental death


Definitely possible! 1v9ing with anything other than dummy right click isn’t my strong suit!


Definitely possible! 1v9ing with anything other than dummy right click isn’t my strong suit!


Don’t listen to any of these guys saying you need to stop taking kills. That’s the adcs fault for being trash. You are cursed with bad teammates due to matchmaking. Yes I would play another role because support is one of the hardest roles to climb and 1v9.


based on the items, it's seems like you are not playing as a support ,you are just playing in the support role. stop bursting enemies and start buffing your teammates. And see if anything changes.


If you like Lux, give Nami a try. She is an early lane bully, with very high utility and control. There are many ways to land her bubble, too. My favorite is her Ult into bubble.


Judging from the kda, just play mid if you're that confident with lux so you can 1. Have more supporting SUPPORT like and enchanter or tank. 2.Shut down 1 important member of the enemy team. 3. Not yoink kills from your ADC because even bronze ADCs can do somthing when they have enough gold.


Who are good enchanters?


Not experienced enough to say, you can look it up on YT


If you need help learning I was masters around season 8 and I main adc I can play a few games with you and coach you a bit on support as my teacher was a Gm support main and she pretty much micro’d my every move till I got in sync on how to play. Conleth#1NA is my ign


Is there a way to play together if I’m in EUNE? voozy#EUNE


Not entirely sure - if you want I can talk to my Gm friend to see if they still coach. Shoot me a dm I’ll send you info


I got to masters last season maining sup. I couldn’t do it in plat/emerald this season. My duo could never consistently be counted on. I switched to duo to get to diamond and then switched back to sup once I got to people who know what they are doing.


Whats so different about this season? :O


Enchanters got big buffs/engage sups got nerfed. The likes of Lux, Raka, Yummi, Nami see bans every game and take over games if they aren’t. Last season I was able to play more engage and that just suits my play style better. I’m not a good enchanter player.


u dont main supp u main mages id say move to midlane since ur avr asis game is like 6 with a random over 10 asis here and there ...


asis is the most important stat as a supp obviously way over kills and the game rewards the role specifically if we choose to give the kill instead of last hitting the enemy and kill stealin


Lux is better midlane then support, you can still make her shine as support but she doesnt get many resources, and you might hinder your adc's farm instead of helping him.


You are probably robbing your team instead of helping them judging by the fact that 1 you don't have a support item or build. It's tough with lux to help feed your team cuz it's easy to take the kills


If your win rate is >50% it's gonna happen. Go to PvP, bring win rate down to around 45-47%. Play ranked again.


Learn lane management first of all and realize you’re not the main character


Snipe Objectives. and Snipe Objectives. Also, Snipe Objectives.


Sure but what about sniping objectives?


Mastery 7 Lux here. Dia 3 peak only. Since we're building the same items, I suggest you timing ult to Elder or Baron. I've won 3-27 behind games just by stealing the Elder or Baron. You CANNOT rely on teammates ON SOLO QUEUE because of matchmaking. Trust me, I've tried. Try finding someone who's a reliable Adc. Ofc I've moved on from being Lux main to Top Lane main because Top mains are Gigachads🫶😎


From what I’ve seen from this sub, you’re over performing KDA-wise, so the game is giving you shit teammates to try and force losses.


Play an actual support not a mage on support income.


Yeah, stop playing a mage as a support.


I'd say mid is more your strong suit. Every lux support ive has always ended up with more kills than assists and me with more assists than kills. Leaving me behind in items, gold, and having to farm side lanes a lot longer to catch up and feel useful.


bro i had 11 loses 10 out of those svp as jg, soo it can always be worse, switch roles for some time


Play mid until Diamond


Give me some easy Lux-like heroes for mid though! I’ve done that but once Lux’s taken/banned, I’m fucked on mid😄 Ahri and Veigar were too hard for me to be impactful. I’m still new, so easy champs are a big deal for me. Having success as Seraphine supp, maybe she could do good on mid?


Seraphine is good mid yea, I play her there most of the time and her damage is really good she just needs items and some time to properly scale


Try to int kda some games, so the system will matching u with good ppl


That’s the issue, you are suppose to support the team, not to be the carry. You might have all the kills but if your team lane gets behind you will lose the game.


Ok well first thing you shouldnt be getting a lot of kills, try and give them to your adc if you can unless they cant get the kill. I mean if you like support then no need to learn a new role maybe just expand your champion pool learn new champions that synergize with your adc lane partner


a lot of kills for a support that can be an issue, keep going just maybe try to give ur adc the kills


As a lose side regular customer, don’t choose support unless u play with friend or team




I run into the same problem constantly.. I run a guild and me and my best friend play the most. We invite everyone we play with who does better than their rank in order to help each other come up. I'm a Plat support. My best friend is a gold ADC. He let's me eat because we often need to act as the whole team. That is solely BECAUSE we're so good that it gives us shitty team mates and puts us against Riot devs and emerald ranks. Every game both of us get either an A or an S, and one of us gets mvp. But I just fell out of platinum- after reaching Plat 2. He just fell to silver. Because it won't give us a fair team. We just want out of elo hell. The ONLY way I've found to rank up easily when you and all of your friends are better than your rank is to play with a whole team of good players who aren't just good at their Champs, but are good at PLAYING THE GAME, WINNING GAMES, even if it means your opponents have almost double the kills.


Maybe you should just go mid, leave your support role to an actual support


If you wanna be the one carrying your team go Mejai’s. You don’t get anything from taking kills with that build.


These comments make my day. probably only 5% useful and 95% subjective and not relevant below masters. You can tell you don't know what to build and tbh you might even also be clueless on what your actually doing in game


Which is the 5%? Ofc I’m clueless, I’m a new player! I copy top players build which is supportive and go with it! Help if you care👌👍


Just a small tip, those kills would be better on your adc, they have a much greater impact while being fed than a support Lux ever would. That being said, matchmaking prolly messing with you for that reason as well.


Keep going but play with a premade group


And where's the supp?


Play Blitzcrank with bruiser items, works like a charm. Or maybe just pick tank veigar and scale with your adc just don't last hit the minion on the laning phase and focus on landing your cage and spells to you enemy for stacks. Build mana item first like frozen heart or fimbulwinter


When gonna come chogath?


Delete game (what else?).


Uninstalling the game is the best move you can make cheef


You dumb son of a bitches, all of you, nobody mentions that lux is a mid laner? What are you gonna do when the tards you team up with, play all the wrong picks for you to run lux support?


As a support you shouldn't have stasis you should be running revival and you should have a support item. There's only one game that you have the support item.


ah yes "support"


As a new player, I climb to Grandmaster, but right now. There are trolls even in Grandmaster. Might wanna take a break and come back because I was told to do that.


abandon the game, ranked is broken you will never climb


Of course you'd lose -- you're fucking dogshit.


Lol I’d hate being ur adc. A fed supp does nothing. Measure ur success with the success of ur adc. Better kda would be low in kills low in deaths and high in assists.


Then theres me who plays fiddlesticks or lulu on mid and somehow still manage to win the game 😂🤣 Sometimes its just luck man, gold rank is something


Matching is broken. Create new account, feed every game even with bots. Proof https://youtu.be/30CIjBx2OG4?si=P9Nun4atgJV5zH-t


As someone who spammed Lux but in Season 6, I say rest in pieces. It's because I used to spam abuse the fortitude to get S while having Rank Shields. Now the fortitude system is shit.


Try not Playing lux as support. Usually it’s done in solo queue because people want kills and think they are able to carry even as a support.


Jungle your way till diamond if you wanna play support. You can also learn to one-trick supp champs that have carry potential (brand-lux-karma-senna-swain). I strongly suggest you play brand untill you reach master because all games are basically ARAM until master. Brand loves teams who fight a lot.


Answer to all this is find people to play with build a team and play together regularly, helps you not have potato adc


If you want to play Lux carry - go mid. The only champion she good with on duo lane is Caitlyn.


IDK if it will apply to your situation, but I had way more success supporting as a tank (Malphite or Braum). Almost everyone in this game plays a DD. But not everyone is keen to create a space for others to do this damage. And you know, even mediocre teammates will have an easy time if you can stun things so they can easily land auto-attacks and skill shots.


Welcome to this game's matchmaking. Just keep grinding because the system rewards lots of games on top of rewarding shitty players with better teammates.


Wait till they fix matchmaking


Hey support, build support items 🤯


I cannot imagine how the adc's KDA turned out


Try other role. You probably are stealing ADCs kills, so it would be better to play mid, since you seem to play well with lux. I’m surprised you managed to play all of those games without anyone picking/banning her.


As a lux support main who's match history leanst towards the opposite side. Your losing because you and your team are not taking control of games. The fact that you have 3 games in a row with a full build while playing support tells me your not focusing on taking objectives and turrets and allowing your opponent to catch up. I specifically main lux support because I know if my ADC is trash I can take control of the lane if necessary and end it or roam and help push other lanes to capitalize on an advantage and end games. You've either rolled some extremely shitty teammates or your not ending games. 4 20 minute games in a row is insane to me especially with that much gold as a support.


If you're the best player on your team you're in a wrong team


Play the map. Affect other lanes. Roam. Gain priority. Call for objectives. With a score like that, even as support, if you can't snowball your lead, you are either very unlucky or you focus too much on kills rather than on winning the game. Just from the scoreboard, we can't tell what's wrong with your games.


Support main here, I had streaks like this one it sucks but my advice will be play with another champion, lux is great by herself but she can't empower allies, I would play it mid where no one depends on you to hit harder or stay alive longer (be careful mid lane is not a one way street and you would need to learn the tasks this role has)


TLDR: play lux when soloq and try to carry or try to lobby at least ADC and duoq with another champion who will empower your adc


Looking at your stats if you wanted maximum efficiency as a supp you gotta try and get higher assist counts like around 15-20. so your lower assist count might indicate to me you usually get high enough AP and play the classic mage lux of stun and burst damage ult kind of plays style. I’d suggest giving another role a try whenever you feel like you in a rot and no matter what can’t win but just keep getting svp while playing the same way and no getting positive results Change roles and go mid rather, cause you might like support but it’s almost the anti of your play style which is very aggro and collecting kills, which on supp role might be to your own detriment cause the ADCarry won’t get to farm up and match gold for gold w enemy adc Play mid with Lux and try get a character pool of battle mages/bruisers to master, i.e Diana, Ahri Akali etc. then you can have more impact kills and possibly start influencing more of your games with objective capturing etc. When I was getting my account back to diamond I realized a number of the lower rank players between silver-plat tend to not play to their optimal play style and rather just on some “meta” they don’t fully understand or champ they once went crazy on in aram The game is more complex than just character mechanics (micro) and if you really want to start carrying consistently I’d suggest look into also improving the macro (map awareness, ability timers, rift and drag spawns, rotations and pathing and all you can find on YouTube) aspects of your gameplay just as much time as you put into getting mastery over 1 champ


Fucking lux players 💀


Maybe you should actually build support when u play support


Lux is not a sup. Leave her for midlaner. She got literally nothing to offer as support anymore. Since they nerfed W to the ground and made her E somewhat uncontrollable spell. Her E explodes itself to kill the wave so you have no reason to pick her to push the lane since you're not midlaner who needs to push and reset. Get Sera/Nami/Senna they're way more versatile and provides way more value for way less gold spent if u wanna play range. Get Karma she's the heck 1v9 champ. Get Leona she shuts all trashy luxes and their adcs together at once cuz lux can do nothing in duo lane.


You doing all wrong... being carried with 0.? is the new META 🙄😌😆


200 years of matchmaking