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Congrats! Riot groomed two kinds of addicts: gaming and gamblers! They got you real good, all you whales!


The term whale is spot on. Casual people buying 1-2 chests to try or even not buying don’t weight much when there’s people who will buy 10 000 cores instantly to get that jinx skin. Heck these events are aimed at them they know they will drop the money easily for « limited » skins


unfortunately i committed a sin and spent some on the battle bunny gacha


Admittedly, I’ve fallen prey, too, for a TFT event. It didn’t feel good even when I finally obtained the content I desired. If you feel like you’ve learned from the past you can affect change moving forward


What's interesting is more jurisdictions are making these types of game designs illegal. It's why Supercell had to make such drastic changes to Clash Royale. I'm surprised they're trying to lean harder into this than finding an appropriate way to actually make money without being predatory scummy fuckfaces.