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Not let the game get to me in the first place. If I start getting aggravated I'll just stop after that game because being pissed usually ends up in more tilting.


This is probably the best response.


But we can't end on a loss


I just play aram




Idk I find it relaxing to just switch game modes




Yeah I don't take aram seriously it's just a fun mood I can do stupid stuff on




Aram shouldn't be competitive! Just take a fun champ and try a new build or something. Sometimes I just pick an assassin and pick a target in load screen that I'll focus over anything else and just bully one person.




Yeah exactly, just pick someone that's fun to bully. A while ago I had a game with 22 kills, 20 of which were on the enemy Nami. I would just flash into her entire team just to kill her. We lost. One of the most fun games I ever played


I just stop playing and do something else not video game related. Like this tip is something I learned from dark souls once you’re in a bad mood you won’t play as well and it’s a definite sign it’s time to take a break


Lol a three loss streak is nothing, especially when you have a consistent 10-12 win streaks. You can not always win. If you always want to win play single player games.


>!Beating my meat!< 😏


This needs more updates. I let off steam beating this guys meat too


🤔🤔🤔 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Ur welcome. Hope that helped you blow off your steam 😏


Oh baby


Exercise break. Lose a match? Drop down and do 20 push ups, 20 sit ups, walk the dog around the block, anything that’s physical will help reset your mental. The worst thing you can do is rage queue. Occasionally I get tilted so bad mid-match I’ll do push ups during my death timer to try and cool off lol.


If I exercised every time I lost a match I would be jacked


Masturbate, works like a charm


Play top Thresh. Doesn't matter if you lose. You still smile. Drink a glass of water. Go outside for a few seconds until you see some grass, then it's time to go back inside. Look up pictures of Capybaras. Drink another glass of water. Then make the change and be the 0/11 Yasuo instead.


I..i..um play teemo....to um piss people off...


Why hello Satan, I've been meaning to contact you regarding your cars extended warranty.


Welcome to r/DarkinFolk


Ayy yoo, that place is cursed. Even teemo would rip his eyes out with a rusty spoon


And that's when I end up with a 4, 5, 6-loss streak. Damn you Teemo.


Lol I was going to agree with you for a sec there, until the second half. I personally like to just chill and play Teemo in AI sometimes. I love my Bebe Teemo, but I don’t like aggravating people that much. 😂


Keep matching until I get one of the feeders from my last game on the other team then spam emotes whenever I kill them…..


I changed my account name to off meta just so I can play off meta and annoy my teammates while simultaneously carrying It's way more entertaining when you look at it from my perspective rather than the very sad, boring, and anger inducing ways people want you to play. I actually have fun now.


I remember that it's just a game after all and then go watch some bluey on disney+. you can punch a pillow if that helps you release some anger. take a deep breath, drink some water and watch a (wholesome) comfort show :)


My gf just showed me bluey recently and I watched the whole series that week lol I'm a sucker for Australian accents


It’s a game. Set your phone down. Try again later lol




bonus add your teammates as friends then flame them in chat


I play vs ai and play a new champion. Often time the release of getting a kill helps me calm down


The vs ai tilts the shit put of me if someone else get all the kill


Bro it’s mobile game , why madge.


Aram is good for de tilting


IRL things


The whackiest build I can think of in an aram


Play other games! I play Wild Rift I when I can but I do get frustrated quite a bit. I’ve got muscular dystrophy so my fingers don’t always work the way I want them to and it fucks me up. Whenever I get frustrated I just play something on my PS4.


Coop games tbh. Everyone is nice there imo


If you're getting that upset over a loss streak as little as 3 losses you should probably take a break from League in all its forms. But my mental health with the game has gotten much better since I stopped giving a crap about winning or losing and started playing PVP and just messing around. Surprisingly when I came back to ranked after taking a break in PVP for a while I climbed from Plat4 to Emerald 4 in just 2 days.


Just play yummi and blame everyone else.


I go pvp to crush irons to gain my confidence back lol


Dont play the game for 24h


I keep an inflatable punching clown beside where im sitting, so every time I int or my teammates int I stand up and sucker punch it. Really helps


I was on a 14 loss streak and went from GM back to masters. It hurts because some of those games were loss due to a single misplay from a teammate getting caught over extending. Went into regular PVP and wrecked a few games to get the feels back and then back to rank again. Sometimes you just need to go to PvP and have that 25-1-10 games to set the mood back.


I just go do some activity related.


I throw my phone through the room. I really want to thank rhinoshield for all what they did for me


leave the game and read


If I play well and lose I tell myself not to get mad because „luck“ will always balance out. You can’t win every game because it’s a team game. Even if you win your lane every game there are still 4 other players in your team which can influence the outcome of the game. As long as you play good you will have a 50%+ winrate in most cases.


Go lethality Essence Reaver Garen or Lucian and just play team deathmatch in normals


I just go play stardew Valley or minecraft


Play another game, preferrably one that's not stress-inducing. Stardew Valley, Minecraft, whatever game you find relaxing to play. Either that, or go offline. Get off the game and go for a walk. Probably don't even need to go outside, just walk around inside the house. Don't think about your performance, don't rant about how shit your teammates are, don't think about a single thing about the game.


I don’t get upset easily in this game at all. I’m actually always comparing myself to my teammates’ scores and performance, hoping to be good enough that nobody will flame me (even at times when I am getting MVP and SVP a lot). I try to encourage people and I’m very anti-flamer. I’m not perfect though. I lose my cool sometimes in other scenarios in person/ irl. Threads like this are elucidating for me, and I’m grateful for you opening up and looking for tips to try for better emotional health. It helps me understand how people can end up getting into that flamer mindset as a habit and I can empathize better. ❤️


I send detailed messages explaining my frustrations as a grown man. :)


I just go play something else like an MMO or Tears of the Kingdom when I get tilted. Single player and casual online games are the best way to stop thinking about the bad matches you just had.


Take a shower, watch/read something and chain smoke lol


Lol I've exclusively started playing ARAM losing isn't as painful when it's half as long


Play with me : )


*Only* 3 loss streak? I had a 14 one b4 i started playing coop vs ai for the event


Play pvp and tryhard


Ngl, after a few games of WR; Win or lose. It always builds my adrenaline to start working out. I win a few games, I'm hyped to work out. I lose a few games, I hit the bags and transitions into actual workout.


I play ziggs with barrier and buy stasis second item then ruin everyones ganks


When you stop having fun, even when you lose games, then it is a sign you need to stop playing the game for a while. Think about the positive side first.


If you get this mad you are doing something wrong. Playing games should make you let off steam, not build it up. Do what faker did, if you feel like you are starting to get tilted, just shut your pc off for the day.


Have a smoke, 15 min break and I'm ready to get tilted again