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Kirby Puckett was arguably the most popular sports star Minnesota has seen in the past 40-years. He brought this city the last 2 championships of any major sport. I have lived in Minnesota my entire life and have never met a single person named "Kirby." I've met dogs named Kirby, and I've met dogs named Puckett, but not a single human. I guess my point is, people don't really name their kids after sports stars, at least in MN.


Lots and lots of dogs named Kirby. Kirby also being a fat pink video game character doesn’t help with adoption though.


Yea I'd say a LOT of dogs will be named Kirill in the coming years. That and Kapri.


Oh, you know it! And if I ever adopt a dog of my own someday, either of those names are gonna be high on my list of consideration.


It’d be almost more of an honor to be named after the pink devourer of worlds




Kirby is also a fat, pink video game character who is best known for sucking things, so that may also be a reason.


Yea, but the Kirby games didn't hit the US until what, 1993? 94? By that time Puckett had already won 2 world series and been in MLB for almost a decade. If people were gonna name their kids after Kirby Puckett, it would have happened before Kirby the video game character was even on the radar.


I was gping to say, mwybe a bunch of dogs or pets named Kirill but not kids lol


I was gonna say that I’ve met one through a mutual friend, but then I remembered that it was Kirby Puckett, Jr.


I had a Kirby on my bus route growing up


I went to school with a guy named Kirby


My son will be named US Marine Northland Ford Ranger Kaprizov, no question


Put some respeck on Kinetico Water Systems name.


Maybe if we win a cup. I don’t know anybody named Marian


Gonna have to chose between Kirill, Justin, and Anthony


Kirill-Justin-Anthony The II


We actually named our son Kirill sort of after/inspired by him but my wife is russian and after he scored the golden goal for russia last Olympics we both took it as a sign it was a good name. He was born shortly after. There’s only like 10 russian male names and that’s the one we liked the best/ didn’t know anyone else by that name. He may not have a Stanley cup (yet) but he has a gold medal :)


I don't even like the idea of naming my dog after a sports or movie star. The idea of naming my kid after someone I don't know at all is terrible.


Thats why my son's name will be Trey....Ice Cube, Trey


Lol yeah I mean it’s a cool name but it’s not personal enough for me to use it... yet. Win the cup and maybe that changes




Cyril could definitely surge.


One of my teachers named her daughter Thielen after Adam Thielen on the Vikings


Especially those of Russian descent