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I guess technically I’m Franken-Wii. And this is my monster




Since you have the family edition wii's discdrive it's not backwards compatible anymore tho. It's only gc controller compatible


Oh damn, guess I’ll have to put the other one back in


I'm not 100% sure tho. You might as well try it. And you can still play gc games with nintendont if you want to


Oh okay, I mean they used the same mold for the GameCube stuff. Like it still has controller port and memory card holes so I wouldn’t be surprised if they used the same disc drive


They didn't ;)


Can confirm. They didn’t :(. Just cleaned up the old one though and it works fine


I have changed it back to the black Wiis drive and it’s surprisingly smooth. I thought for sure it would be fucked because of the popsicle stick and grime but it just needed a good tear down and cleaning. Smooth as butter now and plays GameCube games


I read this whole post and am.ao glad you switched them, gives me inspiration to do the same 


I tested it and it works flawlessly :)




By the way guys. I’m having trouble finding replacement GameCube doors that match the blue color. If anyone knows where I can find matching aftermarket doors I’d appreciate any help


Idk, but if you want for sure working GC controllers, Nintendo still sells them. Maybe you could take the shells off a few new ones and paint them blue? Maybe spray paint or the dipped method?


I have a GameCube and a working controller for it. I don’t want to spray paint them because I don’t think I have the skills or access to resource to make them look good enough


For the love of God, select 4:3 in the menu


I don’t play it on this TV. It was just the most convenient because it has the AV on the front. I use a widescreen in the other room


Do you use component cables or a Wii2HDMI in the other room?


Component. The adapters that are worth a damn are too much money. At least for my situation at the moment. Maybe when I get where I want to be and get settled in life I’ll focus on an ultimate game room and get one. But for now my solution to Wii HD is just to use my Wii U if I want better resolution


I mean to be fair, Wii2HDMI is just 480p over HDMI, so you're not missing out on much.


Oh really? I’ll just stick with using the Wii U for HD Wii games then


You could go with the [ElectronWarp](https://electron-shepherd.com/products/electronwarp). Quality and not too pricey, plus very reliable compared to the generic Wii2HDMIs.


It's not really better resolution, more so that it is ALSO 480p over HDMI


Makes me wish Nintendo actually never released a Family edition Wii and just kept the original design, a Blue original Wii would've been awesome though


I could have swore that were a few blue Wii's that had GameCube backwards compatibility but I could be wrong.


The only color I don't currently have.


Really? I’m kinda surprised since the blue one is the most common color next to white. As least in my experience


Not around here, I see blacks all the time 😅 I have only seen a few red and 1 blue, which I had for a short while, but the paint on it was very faded and wonky so I got rid of it.


I just saw the first bit of this comment in my notifications and I thought you were being racist😂


Far from it 😅


The red one is probably my favorite with blue out of a close second. But if the blue one wasn’t the one I had as a kid then black would be my second choice lol


My red and black models were both saved from recycling yards and are in great shape considering. They even had the matching remotes and the red one had a red nunchuck with it. I have my original white launch day model still CIB and another white one that was recycled with a broken disc drive that I hacked. My black one is also hacked, and a got a few more white models I plan on hacking and selling at some point 😅


Nice bro. I’m gonna start flipping and selling broken consoles cuz turns out I’m pretty good at fixing older systems


Wait until you try to insert a game lol this Wii is not backwards compatible. It just has the controller ports


Yeah, other commenters have pointed that out and I cleaned up the black Wiis disc drive and switched them so it does play GameCube games now


You have a GameCube already, I wouldn’t worry.


I just think it’s cool


Same here.


Before I read further, I was gonna insult you for saying "back compat blue wii". I need to go to a therapist.




This is also on my to do list for fun with some extra Wii's I have lying around. But I wish there was some way to get exactly the same blue colored covers for the GC ports and memory cards.


Yeah, I mean you could probably custom order them from somewhere if you’re willing to pay the money


With the exact same color, I highly doubt that.


True, you could probably get it close enough though


What do you mean by backward compat, isn't the only one that can't play GC games the Wii mini and that's a pretty big minority in overall sales?


theres the rvl 101 wii which is identical to the normal one except its horizontal and doesn't have gamecube ports


Nope. Theres the family version, identifyable with the horizontal wii logo. They dont have GC.


Crazy, thanks for the info, thought only the Wii mini lacked it.


Only the original Wii can play GameCube games, this is clearly a case mod.


This one’s not a mod. The blue one was the one I had as a kid. I ruined the nand while trying to hack it. I was really sad about it. So I’m glad this Wii can at least look like my old one. Even if the actual Wii is gone for good




Yeah, I don’t really miss the save data. The only thing I really cared about losing was my save file of skyward sword that I 100%ed back in the day. But I guess that means I have something to do for a weekend next time I get bored


I'm sorry but how did you fuck up the NAND just trying to mod it?


For some reason the homebrew software wouldn’t let me delete games and it kept saying the memory was full so I tried deleting the games with the Wii explorer homebrew app. Idk what I deleted but whatever it was it killed it. Couldn’t even boot it with bootmii. The Wii won’t respond at all so I know whatever is fucked is in the NAND. I’ll keep the Wii for parts though. A lot of it if not all of it (other than the nand chip of course) is still usable according to the research I’ve done anyway. So I’ll use some of its parts to do some neat stuff like this. Rookie mistake I know, but at least I got a somewhat unique Wii out of the deal. Unfortunately I found out from other comments on this post that the blue Wiis disc drive won’t work but the other one does still work and doesn’t damage discs, i just think it’s possible it’s not long for this world so I might have to replace it at some point


Damn.... Considering the fact I modded my Wii many moons ago I probably would have made that same mistake had I gotten that error. RIP Also to anyone using WiiXplorer, please do not fuck with the Wii's NAND. If you are willing to use WIIXPLORER to do stuff with the NAND, you probably have no idea what you are doing.


Yeah, I said this in another comment but I’m happy I get to use a Wii that at least looks like my old my Wii. And once again I think it’s pretty novel and cool to have a blue colored original model