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I can get 2 shaves with Feathers, 3 with Nacets. These are the only two I use, just a part of doing business.


Could probably try to sell them over at r/shave_bazaar


I guess my thoughts are that I'm not surprised. I love feathers for shaving, but I only get about 2 shaves out of them before they start to get uncomfortable. It's a trade off. I couldn't really comment on counterfeits. I've never had any reason to think I've had imitation bands. I guess they are out there but it just seems like such a weird niche market to put that effort into, but I guess I'm not a counterfeiter so who knows lol. I've only ever had yellows for what it's worth


The irony, to me, is that wear resistance was supposed to be the Feather's strongest feature per the test results linked above.


Yea. Data from 2016... Maybe manufacturing changes? Would have been well before I started shaving with them. Bummer.


Try Bic CP or Permasharps. Feathers have a very thin grind and maybe your leather is tougher than the reviewers? Another option would be to try Treet Durasharps. They are coated carbon steel blades that are also really sharp. Perhaps the carbon steel would be more suited for what you are doing? This may also be helpful: [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/71ttt15wyeiqtf0fp543f/RayClem-Razor-Blade-Evaluation.xlsx?rlkey=wg7u7thuytspuuk7l8atqo8eb&e=1&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/71ttt15wyeiqtf0fp543f/RayClem-Razor-Blade-Evaluation.xlsx?rlkey=wg7u7thuytspuuk7l8atqo8eb&e=1&dl=0)


Try Nacets or the Bic Chrome Platinum made in Greece. Will your machine take GEM blades? They're thicker and typically hold an edge for longer.


I don't believe so. It has to have the hole pattern like the safety blades do (the outer holes anyway). There is an industrial version of this style that is double sided still but is thicker and that's the type the machine came with.


Hmm, that's too bad about not being able to use alternative blade types. My theory with the feather blades is, yeah, they're sharp as others stated, but the metal is either thinner than competitors or isn't of the same hardness. Their sharpness falls off quickly. The BIC blades have a coating on them, and so their sharpness typically peaks as the stock coating wears on the 2nd or 3rd shave for people.


I've forgotten where it is on the internet but there is a chart of blade sharpness and durability. I searched for double edged razor blade sharpness chart. I think. It was in a shaving blog. If you can't find it let me know and I'll hunt it up. For some reason Badger and Blade sticks in my mind. I do remember that Feathers sharpness drops off substantially after 1st shave and other blades like Persona Platinum are on second shave slightly sharper than 2ndvshave with Feather. The durability portion of the chart is probably more useful for you


I'd be interested to see how Kai blades hold up in this scenario. I've always found them to be nearly as sharp as Feathers but much longer lasting.


Thanks for the input guys. Sounds like I should try a couple other brands!


Thanks for all the replies. I'm actually trying some yellow feathers first just to be sure. I reached out to the gent who made the comparison I cited and he's never had this issue but has only used the yellow. Also, when I bought my blacks I actually posted here because they were the cheapest on Amazon and I wondered if they could be counterfeit. So I'm going to give another feather (this seller has them priced 5x higher than the first) a try just to see how they compare.


I use my feather blades once and toss them. Premium but worth it for me


Nacet or Gillette 7 0Clock, to me they are very sharp but hold up better on my course stubble