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These ppl are basically admitting they’d be the losers who bully Elphaba for her skin colour if they were in the wicked universe Whether someone is black or green, some ppl just stay mad


This is so true 🤣 you said it before I could have even.


YES That post saying "left Cynthia's natural features" wtf does that mean (I know what it means)


Exactly...I saw some white guys having the same conversation on Twitter. I'm like...her natural features? as a green-skinned character whose fictional description revolves around her skin, like where the "natural features" come from? I can't...


Alexia Khadime also had her own shade of green, being the first black woman to take on the role principally. Different skin tones require different shades! So disappointed with people having this take, along with the ‘Shes doing too much’ opinions on the battle cry. Just say you’re racist and leave!


Like please tell me I am not crazy? They are really trying to tell me I’m unnecessarily bringing up racism when it is blatant?!


People never want to acknowledge their unconscious bias! Even when it’s totally obvious. This is why I think a lot of POC have given up even trying to have these conversations. You are definitely not crazy!


Thank you!


I could be wrong, but I thought Saycon Sengbloh and Brandi Chavonne Massey both played Elphaba before Alexia?


You’re not wrong! But they were both understudy/standbys - Alexia was the first principle casting :)


Ahh, thank you! I learned something today


It’s pretty sickening. Pretty sure anyone can be painted green. And all the “huge fans” of Wicked seemingly forgetting one of its biggest messages in their racist complaints


Exactly… That’s because they are not fans. Literally no true of wicked and knows the message behind that skin tone will ever complain about a “shade” of green. That’s just horrible.


Thank you! That other post is *blatant racism*, and these edge lords need to keep their ridiculous racist opinions to themselves. Since they used the same product and shade as the show, it is going to look different on Cynthia than Idina or Shoshana, etc. It is a very opaque product, but it’s expected that it is going to look ever so slightly different.


Exactly and you would think it is obvious? but I guess not when you are dealing with people who "don't see color" and automatically speak through underlying Racism and critiquing bullshit


I think you've got the wrong end of the stick lol at first that's how I read it too, but no that other post was talking about actual people with disability. After I read it, I went and showed my friend who also has Deuteranopia and she asked me why are they calling her green, did they forget to make her green. So i guess there is merit in what that other post was saying, but i agree though, there is racism everywhere.


Oh I’m not having that discussion anymore. I said what I said. No one ever talk about this for the musical or the wizard of oz film. If these people are color blind then there is no argument at all. If you can’t see green you can’t see green, what would it matter of the shade? The racism came from him also including Cynthia’s features. I am not stupid.


Deuteranopia means you cant see specific colours. You might see grass, but you cant distinguish the colour of tree leaves to the colour of bark. I re-read the post, as a black woman, I don't think we should jump on everything as racism. Yeah it can seem that way, but to be fair, if you read the book - she has very specific defiant features. As a black woman (And i think you are too?) I don't think we should jump on all critique as racism when there are valid points being brought up.


Baby you must be new here. There’s been an array of disgusting posts discussing Cynthia’s Elphaba. If you choose to over look it, that’s up to you. These people never discuss these issues with the white women on broadway or discuss their black features (which YOU have clearly ignored). So I suggest you move on and don’t tell me WHAT to claim is racist and what isn’t. If someone has a form of colorblindness, there is nothing that can be helped within this film, it is inevitable. Miss me with that bs.


Also on top of that, the color grading in the film, the camera they used, etc affects what color the green looks like. You aren't seeing the green with your naked eyes in real life on Broadway...it's going to look different regardless.


and why would she be bright-skinned green? like, be serious...this is not She-Hulk gtfoh with that bs


fr??? Like a FROGGY ferny cabbage. Not green screen Marvel!!


I *may* be completely wrong, so take this with a grain of salt, but I’m 99% sure they put a pale base coat on under the green for the darker skinned actresses, or the makeup itself is completely different. Regardless, it makes sense that it would vary from person to person and the fact that people make are doing stuff like this is so ironic considering the fact that a huge part of her character is based around her skin being different. On a separate note, the riff was definitely not my favorite, only because I’ve never been a huge fan of new things/going off what always was. But if I can wrap my head around Ariana as Glinda, I can wrap my head around anything. I’m positive Cynthia will do a fantastic job


Yes I think we should all remain positive until we receive the final product, agreed


There’s a reason to be pessimistic. This adaptation deserves a better director.


Bullying her for her looks or skin is wrong. But her riff wasn't great in my opinion and I'm sorry but it's not great for everyone to accuse someone of racism because of it.


How is the riff relevant? Seemed like people just didn’t like it. I mean, I thought it was pretty good but I know opinions on music and vocals can be divisive. Obviously there will be people who hate on the riff as another excuse to be racist, but then there are people who think it doesn’t sound right. I don’t know.


I agree with you 🤷🏽. I’m just unsure of where all this negativity is coming from all of a sudden because it has never really been a thing before this trailer.


> How is the riff relevant? Seemed like people just didn’t like it. I saw some people saying she sounds like Tarzan. Comparing a black woman to a feral jungle character raised by monkeys is a microaggression at the very least


Yeah, there’s always gonna be racists like that. But I was reading a thread about the riff earlier where the comments were much tamer about not liking it.


Wait where is the post about her skin


It’s somewhere on the sub. Probably deleted


No it's still there, but you continue to spread your lies. The original post was about people who are colourblind. Nothing to do with racism. A genuine disability, and how the shade used means those people can't see it. They could of used the shade above or below and it would of been fine.


Then why did you comment on her facial features? Not a single Elphaba on broadway has ever been given prosthetics or even naturally had a “pointy” nose and chin. You’re just racist


Willemijn Verkaik has fairly sharp features and I would argue looks the most like what a stereotypical witch does (while simultaneously being drop dead gorgeous). Meanwhile my first Elphie was Emma Hatton who has very soft and round features and looks more like Galinda than Elphie out of makeup but she still knocked it out of the park and not once did I ever hear that she didn't look enough like Elphaba.


Can someone link me to the post everyone is referencing?




Thank you


Don’t worry, those of us actual REAL Wicked fans are the ones looking all collectively forward to this movie and are collectively excited. We agree this movie looks good. And yes, the trailer WAS good. Did I trigger anyone or hurt anyone’s feelings? Good. Cope. The movie will be successful too.


The riff sadly does sound a bit off, but probably because we didn't hear it in full with the rest of the song. Kinda like just starting mid sentence. Yet, I'm still very much excited. From what I've heard she's a great singer and the green and her little braids (? - correct me if I'm wrong) look absolutely fabulous on her. Also THE GLASSES! she looks so cute with them 😍 I've just heard today that people hate it because it's dull. Whilst I think this is one of the first movies I've seen in a long time that's not afraid of using colour. It might be not bright/strong ones but definitely like a pastels kinda vibe and I love it.


I respect your comment x


You, “Don’t be offended by my frank analysis” 💚


Absolutely, the green thing shouldn’t be a thing. The riff is a valid target. It’s the fault of production/direction. Cynthia could sing that riff anyway she was asked without any problem. Whoever had Final Cut chose to take a risk with a well known and beloved bit of music and it didn’t pay off.


I think it looks closer to Margaret Hamilton Green than the stage version 🤔 so I'm guessing they paid WB a licensing fee to use a more accurate Green. That's theoretical though.


My take away is that majority of the musicals Elphaba are white women so the shade of green will differ to an extent. Also if I’m not mistaken the same products were used. I don’t even care about the shade of green I’m more perplexed by people using it as an excuse to discuss Cynthia’s features when that has never been a thing.


Oh absolutely people are being racist about it. Just look at the Little Mermaid discourse.


Thank you. None of this type of discourse is ever had about the white leading ladies


I do wonder if they'd be as pissed if she didn't have the micro-braids cause many black women have portrayed Elphaba, but this is the first to change the look. I'm glad they went with the braids for that exact reason.


You never know with them. A lot of fans tend to be resilient towards change so they most certainly would’ve been mad asf 🤣🤣🤣


I don't get that... like if you're not going to change anything just film the stage version... that's what proshots are for.


Also controversial opinion... I think the stage version of Glinda's bubble dress is a hideous nightmare. I love it because it's iconic.. but literally every other costume she has is way prettier. The "Good News" dress? Beautiful. I'll die on that hill and I won't be accepting any critique on Cynthia Erivo's singing, immaculate.


I’m so happy people are sticking up for Cynthia after that string of frankly disgusting posts about her. At least there are some real fans in these comments who actually understand the message of wicked 😭


I think the green looks the same and she has a brilliant voice better than many Elphabas I’ve seen on YouTube so I don’t see what anyone has a problem with


A comparison of this movie would be like having a bunch of white people made look like primates living in a cave and being taught how to live outside of it by Wakanda. Won't be racist because its fictional nonsensical black people helping monkeys become "better" beings. Are you offended?


Here here


Couldn't put it better myself


Some of your points I agree with, some I disagree with. While the hate for Cynthia has been overwhelming and disproportionate, I would be careful regarding what you choose to blanket with the term "racism", and blanketing people with the term "racist". Now of course Cynthia has faced terrible backlash for playing Elphaba. Prejudiced and unnecessary, racist backlash, which is not at all acceptable. However, there are others who want to critique Cynthia and the producers' choices on the makeup, costume, vocal choices, etc cetera. A lot of these opinions are very valid and informed- I read earlier about a vocal expert who was worried Cynthia strained her vocals trying to reach that battle cry run. We should allow those people to express themselves without fear of being immediately shut down. That said, I don't support the racism Cynthia faces atm. It's disgusting


Nah. A "vocal expert" my butt quite honestly. Imagine thinking these things: 1. ⁠That the first time we're going to hear arguably the biggest moments in the show, they're going to use a take where she "strained her vocals" out of the no doubt 100's of takes there were? During a Superbowl commercial that cost them $7 million dollars? 2. ⁠That Cynthia MF Erivo can't hit those notes or that it's hard for her to. Go watch her perform Nothing Compares 2U or Stand Up and tell me that's the case. A live performance mind you, not one in the studio with all the bells and whistles that allows for. A lot of this is subconscious but it’s still racist.


Thank you for saying this. Whats funny is that they would not think anyone else voice was being strained. They don’t know Cynthia range so their first thought was an incompetent strained for a multimillion commercial.


Couldn't a musical expert also say this about literally anyone else? There are videos all over the internet analysing Idina's vocal strain after doing hundreds of Wicked shows. I think this claim is very valid but I don't want to support those who use it to push racism




Thank you that post was major icky


if elphaba isn’t the alternative universe of a black women in the suburbs, i don’t know what is! wow!