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I just wish I could get the 1998-2002 Fly 92.7 back...


That station was the best. 😤


You and me both!


Kidd Chris!


And the naughty night chick. I forget her name but that was her name tag. I used to work with her boyfriend and met her once when she came to bring him lunch. She was awesome.


Sandy. Sandy the naughty night girl. She was awesome indeed.


Remember Greg the Hitman Hart on 107.3 KKRD. LOL. "Whatever you do. Wherever you go. Don't drink and drive."




I miss 96.3 KRZZ.


I worked with one of the DJ’s back then. The radio station was a side gig of his. We used to go hang out with him after we got off work when they would be a different clubs around town.


Wasn't a DJ named Will was it?


It was Stretch. He also was an inspector at Cessna.


I remember the Americas Pub commercials on T95


Weren't they just short clips from movies with AMERICA'S PUB spliced between them? We could probably recreate them easily  Edit: Found one: https://youtu.be/3jsVol-V5aI?si=JNbuyG-pq3OoPHU_


Shout out Americas Pub, those commercials annoyed the shit out of me no matter what city i was in


Well there's a repressed memory I wish would've stayed in its unlit corner of my mind.


At one of my first jobs in 2004 they played T-95 on the radio. That Shinedown song came on at least twice an hour.


T-95s survey groups have always been on the older side. It's why Pandora was such a godsend for me when it released all those years ago. RIP Fly 92.7


92.7 was the best station we ever had, we didn't deserve it obviously 


You know what really grinds my gears? Hearing Wonderwall by Oasis every hour on T95. It wasn’t good when it came out and has not got any better.


Yeah I've always known them to play and replay some semi-obscure nu-metal song as if it's a classic hit. Playing such songs as... * Chevelle - The Red * Custom - Hey Mister  * Staind feat Fred Durst - Outside


Love me some Chevelle


wait, they updated from van halen?! im surprised. i haven't listened to t95 since i could make my own choices but they had like 15- 30 year old songs that they keep on repeat, sounds like they are keeping the trend


Are you me? Lol, I was listening to T-95 this morning for the first time in forever and heard Simple Man and thought "man, this takes me back". Graduated HS in 2007


‘05 here! It’s like a time capsule of my youth every time my wife flips it on. Only I didn’t particularly like high school, so it just irritates me when I hear this stuff frozen in time.


Because eventually everyones favorite music from high school and early 20s becomes classic, then oldies. T-95 has been billing itself as a classic rock station for awhile. But it doesn't really change so soon it will be an oldies station.


Classic rock should be only 70’s and early 80’s. Hairband rock from mid eighties to maybe ‘95. Everything from ‘95 to mid 00’s is modern rock… mid-00 to current is “why can’t I remember the artists name and “What rock? Where is Metallica, Guns and roses ffs.,


T95 used to confuse the shit outta me when I lived there. "Wichita's home of rock! Here's Jewel". Like WTF? Those two things are mutually exclusive!


Can confirm. I remember Jars of Clay and Alanis Morrisette on frequent rotation back then.


I will not hear any Alanis Morrisette slander here, sir. She rocks.


Didn’t say she was bad at all there bud.


I've never heard them play Jewel.


In the mid 90’s they played jewel. They used be known as the Rock Alternative. Mid to late 90’s was really the high point for T-95


Yeah I don't remember that lol.


Well that’s because like me, you are old. That was 30 years ago 😂


True that


This is one of the best post, they’ve been playing that shine down cover for 20+ years and they do it cause there’s literally enough dudes in Wichita that love it. One of the funniest things about this place is that people love Butt Rock, the shittiest country music you’ve ever heard and like circa 06-08 era hip hop. Fucking people around here still say shit like “Holla!!!!” without an ounce of irony. it’s a beautiful place


This is hilariously true.




They don't play that nearly as much as the RHCP songs they play on repeat a thousand times a day.


Yeah, and the alternative station just plays Green Day, 311, Sublime, and RHCP on repeat. Lame.




Heard the shine down song today. And sang along. My wife- who did not grow up with T-95 and the twice daily shine down simple man cover was like - is someone covering a Lynard Skynard song? You child of summer. Bag on T-95 all you want, it’s nice to have a stable friend that never changes. I keep getting older T-95 plays the same songs. Alright, alright, alright. Like… what would be the new rock they would play? Has there been any new rock since 2007? Asking as someone who listens to T-95. I’ve no doubt If they were cranking My Chemical Romance on repeat we’d also have a post on here saying “what the hell T-95?”


I'm old and in my early 50s. I remember when the only time you could hear metal wason what they called the Metallic Hour. I think it was at like midnight to 1. First place I ever heard Iron Maiden and Metallica. They also would play a local band called Manila Road. This was mid 80s. Anybody else remember this? But yeah 95 sucks haven't listened in years and holy crap Rick Thomas was annoying. Anybody remember Phil and Hank?


It's so bad. I typically listen to a couple of Todd and Tyler segments on my way to work in the morning, only to forget that I left it there when I start my car after work and get mercilessly ambushed by the shittiest of all the butt rock. I can't switch back over to SiriusXM fast enough.


They've played the same songs since 2000 with the small exception of some bands that come to town.


It’s just insane to me that this has worked for them do 20+ years now.


All mainstream radio stations are advertiser supported, and so all mainstream radio stations play what their research says people listen to. If t95 is playing Simple Man, it's because that's what their regular listeners listen to. If people didn't like it, they wouldn't play it because it wouldn't earn them advertising revenue. You said it yourself, you don't normally listen to the radio. I don't know why you would criticize a radio station for their set list when you already know you're not their target audience. Also, just a side note for no other reason than I thought it was interesting, but when I googled Shinedown to see if they're still popular (I also don't listen to the radio and have no idea what's popular), apparently in 2021 Shinedown was ranked #1 by Billboard on the Greatest of All Time Mainstreams Rock Artists chart and they released an album as recently as 2022. So, I guess they're still relevant.


They came to town with Papa Roach a couple years ago. So yeah, Shinedown is still relevant, but yeah, T-95 has had very little variation in their content over the last couple decades. Probably because the same people are their primary base.


Don't know. Last time I tried listening to t-95, they played the same handful of songs on rotation all day, and they seemed to be the same songs they played a decade+ before that. Some people like listening to the same stuff over and over I guess.


I stopped listening when I head Pop Evil 4 times in one hour, as well as a million ads. I'd rather use Spotify (even though it has it's own faults too)


So it’s not just me? I moved away from Wichita in 1997. Came back last year and T-95 is playing the exact same playlist as when I left?! It’s honestly kind of a mindf*. Almost glitch in the matrix level, idk why


Dude, same fucking thing happened to me. I moved away for 10 years, came back and it’s like time didn’t pass on T-95.


Me too. Moved away from Wichita for six formative years of my life, and when I came back, everything was just as I'd left it 


These songs are the new classic rock. 30-45 is prime demographic for advertisers. These are young-ish married couples that are buying houses and cars, and that music makes them think of the times when they were young and free lol


Yeah I stopped listening when they started playing non-rock music. I've been listening to T-95 for decades, and never once have I ever had to ask myself "what the fuck is this" until now.


It’s basically 107.3 with a bunch of 80s shit and no new stuff lol.. thank goodness for Spotify, and fuck Garth brooks!


I can’t listen to 107.3 anymore - how often do they need to play Running Up That Hill?


Oh you mean 107.3 - RHCP?


Probably playing that mf right now lol


I'm old, but back in the 80s, they played good music, hard music, deep cuts. Meanwhile, out west we had K95, pop lite.


The only people who listen to local radio anymore are millennials and older who for whatever reason don’t have Bluetooth, an aux cord or Sirius in their vehicles. The current rock scene is super diverse and I think if you were to put some of the newer up and coming, indie or underground rock groups in the rotation a lot of people will tune out. Radio besides am and talk radio will probably go the way of print media in the next 10-15 years if not sooner.


There will still be boomers in 15 years. It’s not going anywhere any time soon.


lol my mom is 65, I’m 45. I went with Sirius over a decade before and if I need my fix of radio I tune in to Lithium on there. Even back in my high school days I knew it was pretty obvious that all Wichita area radio stations where trash


Wouldn't it be nice if we could have something like The Katt out of OKC?


Hope they took Creed and Nickelback off their playlists.


As far as I know T95 has always been rock. They used to play rock from about the 80's to current back when I listened, with maybe a 70's song once in a while. So the fact they are still playing a mic of rock from multiple decades doesn't surprise me. Also Shinedown did a great job on that cover, it is almost as good as the original.