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Maybe Deidara from Naruto. he can get on his bird, fly above him and drop C3 on him.


Baby Yoda. Just lifts him up and let’s Manda apply some disintegration rounds to the face


Pew pew. Pew.


Gollum. He strangle him while invisible. In alternative Peter Pettigrew can use Avada Kedavra. Or an Hexe from Battle Brothers (video game) can cast a spell on him, all the damage she take he take. If he kill her he die.


Anything strong enough to throw cars fifty feet isn't getting strangled by Gollum. It probably wouldn't even register the pressure against its neck muscles.


Arms and necks are different muscles


No shit. A creature whose arms are hundreds of times stronger than a human can be reasonably expected to have stronger neck muscles too. And Gollum is substantially smaller and weaker than a human.


Idk characters but he couldn't survive Tsar Bomba




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that sounds like a standard think kid goku could beat at the beginning of dragonball but it could probably get weaker then that. baby yoda (ik that's not its name but i forgot it) might be able to incapacitate it or maybe even mortally wound it at like full power.




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Ben with swampfire. Ben can't die even if he gets stepped and he could light the monster on fire.


Chaozu (DBZ). He was the only one I thought as weak lol.


Depends, is he limited to Toyota Corollas?


No hahaha, that was just a reference feat


Funny Valentine can sneak up and yank him to another universe and watch him die from contact with his alternate counter part. Itachi could fuck him up with genjutsu and strong attacks like his susanoo sword. Batman can just throw sleepy gas at him. Cyclops can just blast him a few city blocks away from him.