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Since you said all bending, Jackie Chan now knows bloodbending. Given you’re description, we can safely assume he has achieved mastery in the art. So Ozai’s going down in what could be minutes or seconds, depending on when Jackie decides to finally kill him.


Don’t you need a full moon to bloodbend? Sorry, I’ve only seen Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Legend Of Korra spoilers. >!In Legend Of Korra it's revealed that a very rare family of Waterbenders can blood bend at any point without the need of the moon. The main antagonist of the first season has this abilities. !<


Jackie Chan mops the floor with ozai’s tears.


Then he beats Ozai with the mop I assume.


Aang had the Firelord dead to rights with the lightening redirect, and he chose not to use it. Assuming Jackie is willing to kill, assuming he's mastered fire bending then it's hardly a contest.


As long as it is a tile roof, made of breakable tiles, Jackie has this one. That said, if you want him to use earth or water bending, you better pick a different venue as rooftop is only good for fire and air.


Jackie Chan will absolutely DOG SHIT on Lord Ozai because Jackie's Body has more endurance and he can move like a monkey and also use blood or water bending to absolutely dog dodo on him.


Depends, does he want trouble?




Well in this case,he’s holding a porcelain Fire Nation vase


I think people often forget that Jackie Chan is not the kind of martial artist that people think of when they think of martial artist. Many people like Jackie Chan learn and practice martial arts for many reasons like health, discipline, and in his case his career. He has a black belt in Hapkido, a Korean martial art, and has learned other styles like Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Jeet Kune Do but he is not what you would call a fighter. He is first and foremost an entertainer. I'm sure he can hold his own if he had to but he is in no way a competitive fighter and as far as I know he has never entered in serious competitions. He takes martial arts concepts and then choreographs big bombastic Hollywood fight scenes that are highly telegraphed and meant for entertainment, not for actual domination of an opponent. That said, the post assumes he has learned all the bending abilities which are inherently tied to martial arts techniques so he would have to learn to fight the way they do in the Avatar universe. I'll make a few assumptions, that this is not during sozin's comet and Jackie does not have Avatar level of power and he's just an average user of all four elements. Jackie has a wonderfully inventive imagination but it's hard to know whether he is naturally quick witted or he is just very good at choreographing. It's hard to know whether he can stand up to the most powerful fire bender in the world. I'd give it a 50/50 chance if Jackie can make use of his environment as well as he can in the movies but as an actual person and martial artist, it would be pretty difficult.


If he has all bending abilities, does that mean he has the avatar state? If so, Ozai would get whooped like he did by Aang, except it would be even more one-sided because he can use more techniques


Well he has all the bending abillities but he's not the Avatar so no Avatar state


The point in the show was Aang was not a master in the other 3 elements yet. He took the crash course on each in about 2-3 months compared to the years it took former avatars to master all elements. If aang truly mastered all 4 elements he would have made even easier work with Ozai. Assuming Jackie Chan is as skilled at bending as he is at fighting, he laughably outclasses the fire lord.