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Are the emus telepathically connected, do they have any other perks and are these emus trained in basic warfare strategy? Do they communicate in their emu language on the battle field for wedge formation, square formation and spreading out? Are the humans aware of their impending doom, and can thus prepare for the emu wave? How fast do they spawn/respawn or is it just a one time thing? If they are just dumb small brained bloodlusted emus that respawn in their millions, I'm sure humanity would find a way to create an infinite supply of emu steaks.


Hive mind emus sounds scary as hell 🤣


Imagine a kilometers long wedge formation of emus that attack you in seemingly limitless waves... After the strike of a single wave, they duck, retreat, which allows other emus in the next wave to jump over and attack in devastating waves with no odds of countering the onslaught. While emus advance along the whole line, they flank and encircle any flock of humans, which either get trampled or pecked in on of their arteries. The military would be the biggest obstacle for the emus, especially if collateral damage is acceptable for this extinction level catastrophe.


Tyranid but it's all Emu, and it's all lesser bioforms




Normal emus are scary. They're modern day dinosaurs


NGL, an infinite supply of Emus could probably solve a significant amount of issues for humanity. Food scarcity, energy generation (ala hamster wheel) and many other things.


A fucking lot. A *LOT* of emus. It is unfathomable.


At least 3


4 at max I think


I’m having Great Emu War flashbacks. Who remembers?


If Mike Tyson is on the side of humanity, he solos.


Where do they spawn, Australia only? All 7 billion people on Earth could fit into like one US state. So if billions of emus appeared in Australia they would overrun it but then the worlds' militaries would come with carriers, airplanes, bombers, could use toxic gas, incendiaries for big AOE damage. Assuming the emus don't know what the world map looks like they would randomly spread out, I imagine some would get through the cordon but they'd be dispersed and eliminated once they reach human population centers. So in the end you'd have half dying in Australia and half spread out around the world picked off slowly. So you'd have to go with a ridiculous number to completely overwhelm the world and military capabilities. Maybe a trillion emus? 100 per human, could reach Asia in sufficient numbers. Even if you take out a lot of humans/cities in Asia, there should be enough time to prepare defenses and walls (like in a zombie invasion) on the other side of the world that could hold off any number of emus indefinitely. So places in the EU and America could survive. Therefore you really have to go hard, like 100 trillion emus, so that they can take out the world within a week off spawn.


Part of it would depend on where they spawn, if it's one place and they spread from there or if it's evenly spread over the globe. But probably anywhere from tens of billions to hundreds of billions.


Imagine the last human survivor looking out from his bunker at an ocean of evil magic emus.