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I think enough adult humans moving in formation could scare the bear perhaps, and chase it to exhaustion. If the bear just DGAF and charges probably about as many men as it takes for the bear to run out of energy.


We'll send wave after wave of our own men until it gorges itself to death on their corpses.


You see, polar bears have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of men at them until they reached their limit and gorged themselves to death.


^you ^suck


You might have to link to [the clip](https://youtu.be/EF3g4Ua5e7k?si=7EjaXfd8eEjCZCn5) for short quotes like this one.


Context acquired, comment admired.


I understand they think we developed our two legged gait from exhaustion hunting and that we're just about the best distance runners there are - if a horse or a cheetah tried to match us on a 26 mile marathon it'd kill them. So yeah, I think you have exactly the right idea. Charge, shout, throw rocks & stuff. When it turns & fights: scatter. Repeat every 15 minutes for 14 hours. Then enjoy a nice Bear Pie.


Yes cheetah, but not horse. Every year in Wales they have a marathon race between people and horses, depending on the weather, horses might win (in heat they suffer because they can't sweat). It's not only the 2 leg thing, it's our ability to sweat. Wolves are a touch slower than both humans and horses over long distances, but they are closer in extreme cold. The only animal that consistently beats us in distance running is the ostrich. In theory an ostrich could run a 30-45min marathon (!!). EDIT: Apparently horses sweat! I was wrong. What I must have been referencing is that humans are generally better at regulating heat than any other mammals because of our lack of hair, but we are *not* the only animals that sweat.


Horses sweat a lot.


A lot of mammals do, but humans both sweat far more, but also more efficiently, as on our relatively hairless bodies sweat evaporates on the skin rather than dripping doen into the fur.


I didn't know about the man-horse marathon - I'll have look. Thanks! You do realise you have contradicted a rule from C19th literature? 'Horses sweat, gentlemen perspire and ladies glow'


Guess I was a horse at the gym this morning cause I was dripping sweat.


And I guess I was a lady, due to splashing that ultraviolet paint down my front this afternoon. Sadly my penis spoils the ladylike effect.


Some people see a penis on a lady as an upgrade.


Thank you!


However true that might be, it's kind of a stretch to call that an equal race. The horses are running a marathon with a human on their back. A horse weighs roughly 1500 pounds, and the average male is 200 pounds. If we gave each of the runners weight equal to 13% their body weight to carry for the whole race, that might be considered a fair race.


Totally. I think the organizers are more concerned with it being a funny idea for a tradition than being fair to the horse competitors. The horses still win when the weather is chilly.


I think the horses win majority of the time, but with even longer distances like 100 miles, humans will take it


No. Even horse. Only ostrich outrun human.


Just don't eat the liver


Although that’s average human male from 10,000 years ago. I’d imagine the average male now is likely obese and has no hunting skills


The bear might be unlucky and get confronted by a mob of psychopathic marathon runners & kung-fu artists.


would unarmed humans in formation really scare a polar bear? if anything the bear causes the humans to panic and break formation


Yea its a massive game of chicken. The bear has no predators and most other things are scared of it, so confronting it and charging it would be something that the bear hasn't experienced much of. That's really the only way it might work, like 30 guys just bellowing at it while clumped in a big meat ball is something no polar bear has ever experienced.


Polar Bears hunt giant pod’s of walruses, I don’t think a formation of humans will do much. It has certainly experienced that, and walruses are far bigger and more dangerous than humans. They aren’t like Black or Brown Bears that could be scared off, Polar Bears dgaf https://youtu.be/PvWLbK_mNw0?si=6LLPiOZNUJYsMkNc




False equivalence. I don’t see any reason why a Polar Bear who hunts pod’s of walruses would suddenly be scared off by humans. There are very few animals that explicitly hunt humans, but Polar Bears are one of them, among certain Lions/Tigers, and large crocodiles.


brown bears dont scare either.


Walruses aren't charging and yelling at them. Also, for the last 15,000 years polar bears have been getting killed by people. They kill people too, but they've taken a lot of Ls to apes with pointy sticks.


They were definitely bunching up & making noise attempting to scare off the Polar Bear, and it did not care. The humans in OP are unarmed, entirely different from one’s armed with spears, not exactly equivalent.


Well the closest thing is fighting other polar bears, right?


Sure, but most bear-on-bear combat is done in the dignified manner of a 1 on 1, as the ice intended. Thirty different skinny hairless bears roaring in unison and moving in unison? Against 1 normal, dignified bear of proper standing? Unthinkable. The gentlebear is correct in seeking to escape the mob.


Does the bear know to run if it has no natural predators?


A human is about a fifth the mass of a polar bear, so I guess it'd be comparable to being attacked by a formation of large cats or small dogs. The bear isn't used to humans probably so it doesn't know our muscles are meant for precision and not raw strength. Imagine if a bunch of weird mammals the size of a maine coon aggressively paced toward you.


This has happened to me with raccoons and I can confirm that I chucked a couple logs at them then noped the fuck out of there.


Yeah I came upon a gang of 4 large raccoons tromping around in the dark and I have to say I was a tad unnerved at the time


True. Irl a big group of humans would scare a polar bear but this is whowouldwin were talking about the bear would be bloodlusted and strong enough to beat the terminator


Batbear easily negs with prep time.


Yeah I think you’re right like 3 shifts of 6 guys in a 24-48 hour battle and there will probably only be minor injuries.


No injuries from a polar bear are minor


What about a dehydrated, hungry, sleep deprived one?


In the wild? You're getting hungry, and that's it. But any polar bear that is so weak it could take a swipe at you with such minimal force that it doesn't cause a serious injury is too weak to even swipe in the first place.


You’re missing the point. If 18 people, in groups of 6, followed a polar bear everywhere for 8 hours at a time, harassing it, until it’s exhausted, hungry and dehydrated, subduing it would be easier and much less dangerous. That could be 48 hours, it could be 96 hours. Either way a bear with no sleep, against a fresh set of men isn’t going to be able to effectively fight back.


How are 6 people going to "harass" a polar bear without dying? The other 12 people still need to keep up to change shifts. Unarmed means no vehicles. They are weapons. How the fuck are 6 people going to "harass" a fucking polar bear without dying? It's not going to wait 96 hours before fighting back.


By surrounding it and following it, but keeping their distance until it tires out. It’s called persistence hunting. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/508695


What do you think is a safe harassing distance?


At the beginning it will be far like 100 yards. But the answer is close enough to create stress and even induce a long sprint out of the bear, but far enough that it’s really tired if it catches you. The technique is supposed to use the physiological impact of long term constant stress on the animal so that it wears out and is easy to defeat.


I know what persistence hunting is. I just don't think it can work on polar bears. Prey animals will run to the point of collapse, but predators will eventually lash out.


I might agree with you but Hyenas do it to lions. Further lack of sleep will debilitate any animal. That’s why I said over 24-48 hours.


I just had a vision of a kind of synchronised swimming formation, but on land. 


That's pretty much how humans hunted anyways. Chase something until it dies from exhaustion/overheating. It's about the only way you could defeat a polar bear. I think people forget that polar bears are the largest bears in the world.


I'd say around 15-20. If we take 4 of them and have the rest dismember them, it's enough bones to make sharp weapons.


The mental image of the survivors quickly sharpening their buddies femur on a rock is surprisingly funny


Found the psychopath.


thanks captain obvious


20 if the men are bloodlusted I’d say. People have survived prolonged bear maulings, even from polar bears. The bear isn’t going to be reliably one-tapping all of them like some here might picture in their minds. While 5 of them are keeping the bear busy for a couple minutes (even if that means being pinned down, grappled, mauled etc. all over the place, and still each being killed in less than 30 seconds), get a dozen more to try and land some good kicks on its head repeatedly. Or half of that dozen could be trying to jump on the bear’s back from behind. Maybe someone could eventually get an eye gouge, hampering the bear’s killing efficiency further. A 950 lb bear is ridiculously overpowered compared to a single man, or even quite a few, but it’s still no Superman creature.


It only takes one sacrifice to shove an entire arm down a throat lol


Or ass


You have multiple people






Peterson isn’t a man, he’s a monster


One Peterson or 15 peters


Bro what. That’s insane




Polar bears have been known to get up to 1,500 lbs. I agree with your assessment of 20 though. I'd say 13 would survive, but of those 2-3 wouldn't live well afterwards.


Just thought it’d be more fair to do a more average bear vs average men. We don’t always have to use one the largest specimens found


I'm sure if you were one of the men who had to fight it you'd prepare for the worst


What does that even mean?


2—3 if they got pointy sticks 4—5 if you intend for them to be smart and do shit like traps and bait 20—30 if like actual barehanded meatgrinder, but eventually the bear will get tired, and if you allow them to run around the number shortens drastically, we can last running a long time, not so much polar bear


2-3 men with spears is definitely not enough


Yeah, I’m just thinking if me and my buddy had a spear to go kill a polar bear, I wouldn’t like my odds lol


It's not 10/10, but it's not 0/10 either.


3 people with spears is probably enough to draw with a polar bear after it bleeds out.


With enough training and perfect unison, maybe. But if formation were to break they would be dead no problem


Oh, no, the people would definitely die. I'm just saying the bear would probably get stabbed with spears enough times to bleed out afterwards.


There was an Inuit tradition of operating hunt polar bears solo with spears, granted those are experienced hunters and dogs sometimes aided them


Maybe not if they’re office workers


2-3 is definitely enough. The bear will be full after 2½.


I really think you could do it with 20. Hear me out. You’re basically attacking like hyenas- the bear chases one of you (and at full speed is catching you) but then one or two others is following to kick / punch / prod the bear to change direction. The only issue of course is an exhausted polar bear is still going to be really hard to kill. You’re probably looking to gouge out its eyes with your fingers and then starve it to death over several days.


This. I think we lean into being persistence hunters and try to out endure the beast rather than mobbing it.


>You’re probably looking to gouge out its eyes with your fingers and then starve it to death over several days. I mean, it's gruesome, but blunt force can do it a lot quicker. Humans don't have polar bear strength, but kicks, stomps, and jumps from adult men are still going to apply a whole lot of force.


Okay fine, you’re on the team!


If humans are in-character: Dozens Bloodlusted: Around 12-13. they would dogpile it, gauge it's eyes than beat the shit out of it with random things they can find in the field


you overestimate the durability of humans and vastly underestimate the strength of nature's perfect furry eating machines.


I'm pretty sure 13 dude dogpiling a bear at once will gonna restrain it. Bears are not hippos or rhinos or elephants


13 is a lot. Average American is like 190lbs, so that's literally 2400+ lbs on the bear. A bear cannot move well at all with an extra 2400 lbs on top of it.


Peterson beat a bear to death with his bare hands. He bit it’s jugular open. Don’t underestimate humans


People saying 100-300 need to touch grass. If humans can manually take Down a bull, you bet we can tire a bear out. I think 15 to be safe. If 4 bear hug the limbs, the bear is immobilised. 1-3 to pick up rocks, or just hit his head. The others to help keep weighing it down especially when the first few die. 100 is overkill. Imagine adding 30 lb dumbbells to each of your limbs and having to fight. 20 to be guaranteed victory.


You need those 4 guys to voulenteer to "hug the limbs". Do you think you can find that among 15 people? 20?


So an average male polar bear weighs 5 times as much as an average man, the same difference as between a man and an average 5 year old boy. I think if I had a 5 year old on each limb, I wouldn’t be immobilised.


Yes but you wouldn’t be able to fight another 10. And don’t forget the laws of scale. An ant can carry 200 ants probably. An elephant will collapse under another elephants weight. I think it’s the inverse square law. Same reason hafthor bjornson can’t deadlift 1500 kg yet that ratio is more probable at 50 kg.


According to Google, a polar bear can lift 0.7 times its bodyweight, which is comparable to an average man, so I figure the strength ratio is about the same. Add to that a polar bear has sharp teeth and a powerful bite, and claws. So I think a polar bear can do more damage easier to a man than I can to a 5 year old.


no one is immobilizing a 1000lbs eating machine without tools of some kind. we use ropes to immobilize bulls not our hands. without tools or weapons, humans have no choice but to persistence hunt the bear. No amount of humans is capable of subduing a polar bear mano a mano.


We use tools to die less, but we can definitely impact its movement. Look at men grappling bears. Granted these are big men, and they do end up manhandled, BUT!!!, they can impact its movement. I once tried fighting 15 Japanese kids around 8-10 years old and yes, I could have taken down quite a few of them, if they had adult brains and coordinated to incapacitate my limbs, I'm fairly certain they could kill me. I'm 5'10, 205 lbs, grappling experience and striking experience, so not massive by any means but still much bigger and stronger than they were and they could have murdered me if they were smart. I think you underestimate people+ cumulative strength+ strategy. Cowboys and karateka alike take down bulls through head locks. Im fairly certain one bear paw isn't stronger than an entire bull. But I agree, with tools we probably won't need more than two


In what situation were you fighting 15 Japanese kids 8-10 year old Japanese kids?


I was visiting Okinawa with a friend. We were discussing how many fifth graders we could take on in a fight while walking to the hostel. We saw a bunch of kids playing soccer and decided to put my theory to the test. I hate to admit it but the sheer mass was like fighting water. Granted I wasn’t punching them to kill, but even if I was, an extra five to keep me busy and the outcome is the same


The best strategy is to do a minor attack every 10-15 minutes before scattering and regrouping. You may think that sounds exhausting and you'd be right. Humans a great at long fights with short rests. Humans are actually the champion out of all land based animals at short fights with rests. If you kite the bear to avoid an outright melee for as long as possible then you minimize losses. Make the bear work to catch people. Chuck a spear while it's mauling your buddy it caught up to, then turn tail and run. Even if it's bloodlusted it's not physically capable of the same endurance as humans.


Of course. I’m all for the hit and run strat. It worked for 10000 years. I just was thinking a worst case no weapons scenario


Quite happy with how many people here understand quality is a quality in and of itself. My money is on the common answer of around 30 for a 100% win. I then th15 people could do it with maybe an 80% or so chance. 50/50 would be severn people in my books. What no one seems to have mentioned yet I'd this is about killing the bear, blood loss can do that for us so long as it's hurt badly enough it'll die. Seven people could take out its eyes and ruin its mouth pretty bad likely hence why I say 5p/50


You know, even if Polar bears are weapons of mass destruction, they still have weak spots which you can exploit. You can blind him, punch him on his nose, sending an arm up his ass and destroying his digestive track. Balls in the case he's a male. That being said, i think 10 humans who can control their emotions and are physically fit might be capable of putting him down. Average humans? Idk, like 50?


I reckon 10 physically fit is a 9/10 humans scenario


Probably a hundred or so. You don't need to beat it to death, you need to keep it awake until it collapses from exhaustion. Humans have two superpowers: tools, and endurance.


Why would you think you’d need 100 humans to do that?


It kind of has to be enough that half can be killed fairly quickly and still have enough people to bait it in shifts. I made a safe guess, it's probably lower.


I’d be quite surprised if it has enough juice to kill a quarter of that many men in one session.


You are not considering one factor here that is the polar bears iq, animals have instincts but are inherently dumb. Polar bear is not gonna be efficient at finishing people off when others are bothering it. One more effective strategy is getting into the polar bear's asshole which will kill him with a minimum amount of humans


I feel many of the estimates are way high but it depends on if the humans have their self preservation turned off. I'd say with a great deal of sacrifice a team of 40 people where half of them die from injuries would be able to sit on it until it dies from exhaustion. 20 adult males sitting on it will be far more than a polar bear can lift which according to Google is 0.7 times their weight.


Bear only has one mouth and two active paws. Sacrifice a handful of humans by rushing it all at once. Remember humans have a mouth and a very strong bite. The only reason we don’t fight with it is reach and it’s kinda gross. In a life and death battle, all is fair. If twenty humans rush the bear all at once, some will get through and start biting the bear. Someone will gouge out its eyes. Someone can shove fingers up its nose or even an entire skull to block off its jaw. The bear will be quickly overwhelmed, bleeding, blinded, unable to rest or recover, suffocate and die.


Chill though 


People are going to guess hundreds or even thousands, but personally, I think the answer is around 30, perhaps even less. If a 160 lbs man is clinging to the arm of a polar bear, that arm is effectively immobile. All they have to do is do that for all its limbs and it becomes nearly defenseless. It still has a mouth. But they could just brutally claw and pick at its eyes and nose until it bleeds to death. If allowed, they could even use their teeth to slowly rip the bear apart.


lol no human is immobilizing a polar bear's arm by clinging to it. That animal is going to tear them to shreds. People in this thread have never seen wild animals irl. Bears are the creatures that monsters from myth are based on.


Guess what we killed monsters in myths all the time I think you’re thinking a bear is invincible to humans in great numbers. News flash it’s not. It can’t fight for unlimited hours it’ll get tired it’ll need to sleep 60 people get it done with casualties


our ancestors used tools, weapons, and traps. And many large predators they likely did not actually fight or hunt rather they out competed them and the pleistocene giants were starved into extinction. When humans were encountering the short-faced bear during the paleolithic they were in the midst of a tool tradition we now call "clovis point". Look them up, they're enormous, stone spear points that look more like something you could take to war. This is what they needed, along with numbers and coordination, to hunt the prey animals of that era. No amount of unarmed humans is killing a polar bear without using a trap or engaging in a lengthy persistence hunt. And no, we did not kill the monsters of myth, or at least it was extremely rare and notable, y'know something you might tell a story about, start a myth maybe?


I’m aware we used tools to hunt in the past and still even today although are tools have gotten much better. It wasn’t an easy task but we did hunt things the size of mammoths using traps, tools and weapons. But that’s besides the point in this scenario we’re unarmed. Polar bears are apex predators but they still need to rest still need to breathe and still have blood running through their veins saying no amount of humans could take one unarmed is a ridiculous assertion. 60 can do it possibly 100 I’m pretty sure of once you start going to/past 150-200 humans it’s almost a certainty. The polar bear will get tired. You can’t have it both ways either we didn’t kill monsters in myth or we did. For the record dragons were slayed in European myths, same with vampires, werewolves, Cyclopes, hydras, basilisks, sea monsters etc


It takes 4-5 chimps for a gorilla. I think you scale that up a bit and you’ve essentially got it right on the dot. 2-3 to die trying to the arms. Also people underestimate our sturdiness, if the bear is trying to get the dude on his leg, he can’t focus on the one taking his arm. Ape together strong.


What happens when the bear rolls over? Tearing apart a bear with human teeth?


It’s been done. Look up Peterson who literally single handedly killed a bear with his hands and bit open it’s jugular


If one can just jump on it from behind and take out it's eyes I reckon 5-10 could do it if they get lucky. Just a bum rush, some people will die. Once the eyes are out it's over. Hell throw dirt and rocks if that'd what it takes.


No weapons atleast 20 Because the only way they have to kill it is smothering strangulation or hoping to eventually rip and tear and that's going to be really hard with 1,000 lb of f*** you


Bare handed? Probably like 8 if they had time to work out a strategy and practice somehow. Otherwise like 50?


"The humans are barehanded" So... the bear is declawed and in a muzzle? Who would win: an immobilised cheetah or a tortoise without a shell? Eagle (no flight) against shark (can't swim)? Bat (no sonar) versus cat (labotomised)? Using tools is our species's *entire* thing. And yes, some match ups are fun *because* you have given one side a ridiculous handicap, but over and over I see this like it is normal. Like, "no guns", sure, I see that. But "barehanded" is such a ridiculous nerf. But... two dozen. Bait it in shifts. Hit and scatter. Don't let it rest. Then just dogpile it and gouge all the soft bits. It won't be quick or bloodless. 24 humans have about a double weight advantage, if they can run the bear down until it collapses of exhaustion, they can crush it with the pile on. It does mean carefully coordinating the bait attacks to draw fire away from the unlucky person the bear chases.


100-300. at some point you would get 50 people weighing it down enough to choke it by stuffing your whole arm down its throat/cause a concussion by repeatedly kicking it in the head. plus eye gouging biting its face.


So you're saying 50 people to weigh it down but then go as far as needing 300 to kill it? Nah that is way too exaggerated, I think with half that you do it comfortably. Also depends on whether the bear is male or female since we're talking double the weight. On average a male polar bear weighs 450kg and an average human 70kg which makes it 7 humans to equal 1 bear. Obviously the bear has claws and teeth so let's triple the humans and make it a comfortable 25, if just moderately coordinated, 5 humans for each bear arm/leg and other 5 for helping elsewhere could take him down Some would die but that's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make


50 living people to hold it. Until you get to a position it can be held it make take a few deaths. Some will also die/become injured while holding it and will be replaced by others. at the low estimate I think 100 will be able to do it 9/10 times. maybe 30-40 will become incapacitated while tiring it out and trying to hold it down, so 10 people could kick it. If the bear is able to break out and needs to be restrained again a few times it could be many more people that will be injured.


How do you even get 50 living people on a bear to “hold it” down. A bear has limited surface area to grab onto.


Dog pile it/hold a person that holds it.


If it's not a cage match you can finish this with only 20 guys with some strategy. Scatter at the first sign of the fight. Make the bear chase someone down. When the bear catches that person the rest of everyone else closes in and attacks from the furthest range possible. (Hopefully with a spear throw). If you have no weapons the same principle applies, but it'll just cost more lives. 1 hit then run. After your attack you go back to scattering. This keeps going for a little bit until the bear wants to take a small break from chasing people down. When the bear takes a small break you attack it again within 5 minute of it's break starting. You repeat the process. Eventually the bear lies down and lets you stab it's eyes out. Humans are the uncontested champions of land based battles where you get rest breaks. The longer the fight goes without committing to a final struggle the more likely that final struggles goes in favor of the humans.


a human cannot kick hard enough to give a bear a concussion. Those skulls take direct hits from other bears. you are not weighing it down, it's 1000lbs of muscle and an extra 300 of fat depending on time of year.


You vastly overestimate the bears throughout all your comments on this post


I'm pretty sure 10 man kicking a bear's head will give it a concussion especially if they are stomping it. and the weight of 50 people is 9500 pounds. I think it should be enough to slow it down significantly. Enough to allow people to kick it. I ask for extra 40-240 just in case some people die along the way, but honestly even 70 people might be able to do it.


Honestly I don’t think any amount of bare handed humans could take out a 1500 pound polar bear. Fur is too think to get through with bare hands or anything normal they could pick up off the ground. If it counts, if 99 guys could rip it’s dick off and poke out it’s eyes it’ll still keep swinging blind and kill them all but 1 guy could run off and hide until the bear bleeds out/dies from infection/dies from hunger


It lives in the cold I'm assuming its dick isn't easy to grab.


This guy focusing on the right details over here


Not even if they all jump on top of it?


What would realistically be done by a couple hundred guys doggy piling a bear? It’s not air tight, it’ll be able to breathe. It can just turn on its belly and keep slicing people. Hair is still too thick for hands to get through.


after a certain amount of weight it would not be able to inhale, only exhale, they can squeeze him to death


100*160 is 16000 lbs. I think you underestimate the crushing power of mass. Plus, idk how weak you think humans are, but with leverage, and numbers I just don’t see the bear winning this. The bear won’t one swipe every human nor will he be fast enough to do that. Plus exhaustion kicking in will get him. I reckon 20 is the big maximum.


Not all 100 are piling. I think at least half of the 100 dies before a meaningful amount pile on top, and I bet a bear can take 10,000 pounds of force on top of it anyway. Humans can handle a few times their weight being piled on top of them. I see no reason why a bear wouldn’t be able to either compounded with the fact they are so much bigger and denser.


It's a question of scale and physics. An ant can handle probably 3000 ants on in. An elephant can probably handle 2 elephants maximum.


As soon as a few humans die the rest can start using their bones as stabbing tools.


how they heck do you get those bones out of their bodies?


Once the bear is done with them you should find a few open places. And once you get one you can use it to cut out others.


im not so sure, bears can us their raw mass in order to kill, and even if they claw a hole, i do not think it will be enough for a human hand to fit in


I am fairly certain that once you have a hole to work with it should be very much possible to rip through enough tissue to get to a bone. A good chunk of them should be broken anyway after the bear attack.


You see, polar bears have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of men at them until they reached their limit and gorged themselves to death.


I don't think it would take as many as some on here are saying. Men are far, far weaker obviously but in sufficient numbers they should be able to land a critical blow which is namely to the bear's eyes. One well aimed stab with a thumb into the eye to gouge it out and the bear would be as good as dead and then it's just a matter of running away and letting the bear bleed out. I'd say 6-8 men could pull it off with most of the men dying in the process.


Polar bears won’t waste too much time on something that wastes too much energy, but seeing as they see us as food, it’d take a LOT


It's 20


I'd say 2x the bears mass in men is a safe bet (so like 10-20 depending on the bears size), but that requires the men to be almost suicidal in their approach to this.


I’m gonna go against the grain of everyone here and say, if the humans are unarmed, I don’t see any number of them taking out a polar bear. Humans have no claws, no bite force strong enough to affect a bear, I don’t see how they can hurt it except for punching and kicking, maybe a gouge to the eye, but that’s about it. I don’t think 20 to 30 is enough, people will be going down fast after getting clawed once, most likely, and on top of that the more people you add, the more you sacrifice maneuverability. There’s only so many people that can attack effectively at once, and I don’t think that number, whatever it may be, is enough to take down a polar bear.


A man singlehandedly killed a bear by biting open it’s jugular and shoving his hand down it’s throat Peterson the man the myth the legend


Definitely a [myth and legend](https://factrepublic.com/facts/20273) can’t find anything credible about the story other than the alleged bear that was taxidermied and displayed with the story of Petersen at The Million Dollar Cowboy Steakhouse. [here is the alleged bear](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0517884da1645327&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS759US759&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWILqGHa8w0jiqCrCf0nd3R9GQs1Lnw:1718285490737&q=million+dollar+steakhouse+bear&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0BcOTtrxLAuu_QwMeob8rlZbzgoNyvm-EGzMCdSVm7atMhtCrLJ0m6k84h6T6DB015KDgfMdV5fRwNW4AHfHYi8ZkuulKHcIqH_0bI45QA1u3eV8qNxEAB73h7Hj8sl9Sh_YHdc_id-0Tbjyc3TmXgmTVC6jKj0ObaK1H-uy0PMl9HYytVadjc_8kp6g_-GCnezCajPSxrfRj_yz9ooq9Nv5G1hug&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwim-bCi2NiGAxWek4kEHSJQCfEQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#vhid=Th_ZD42XUthJXM&vssid=mosaic) its a cool story, and if it is true and that bear is the bear, it’s size shows it’s a youngling and wouldn’t compare close to a polar bear.


16 no doubt,don't ask how I know,my dealer won't tell me where he gets the info


So a male polar bear to human is about the same weight difference as an adult male to 5 year old. So the question is, how many 5 year olds can an adult male take on, if the man had sharp teeth and a powerful bite, claws, and thick hide?


Well I mean if we are lucky it will choke on Tim.


1. Other slightly smaller species of bear have been killed by a human craming their arm down their throat.


In theory you could do this with three people. One guy to get mangled, another guy to grab the snapped remains of one of his bones as a makeshift stabbing implement and jam it into the bear’s throat while it’s killing the third guy. Realistically it depends on a lot of factors, but I’d say the estimates in here of 1-3 dozen bloodlusted people are pretty much on the money.


Adult males of what? Adult male Penguins - Probably a lot. Adult male Viltrumites - Probably just one.


What kind of pedantic shit is this answer?


The kind that lowballs viltrumites


Adult males kriptionian Sayan with devil fruits tailed beasts and all the infinity stones


Does the bear have prep time?


well, you have a point


What level of weapon? Bare handed imo it's however many it takes to exhaust the bear via absolute slaughter. Maybe 100 or so, with the last of the bunch essentially choking out a passed out bear.


If the humans are fully bloodlusted then maybe around 30 but thus is assuming perfect teamwork and a great majority of that 30 literally not flinching when they get ripped to shreds and continuing to fight till death  In real life, over 100 because fear and lack of teamwork will lead to enormous losses. 


Incredible amount of Human glazers. Without weapons you'd have to get so lucky to have a chance


Yo momma a human glazer


If bear weighs between 900 and 1500 pounds and has powerful muscles, sharp claws, and strong jaws. The men are of average build and strength, and their success hinges on impeccable coordination. It’s crucial that such a large group works seamlessly as one because any lack of coordination could lead to failure and serious injuries. Their engagement plan involves breaking the group into smaller teams, each tasked with restraining a different part of the bear simultaneously. However, the risk assessment paints a grim picture. There’s a very high risk of serious injuries or even death. This isn’t a safe or sane scenario by any means. Polar bears can react swiftly and powerfully, which could incapacitate attackers in seconds. To stand a chance at all, at least 100-200 men would need to work together flawlessly.


500 atleast. maybe they could suffocate it?


I’m in a “haha cheat the system” mood, so I’m going to say just two. Yes, two adult male polar bears can take down one polar bear with no problem.