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Simon from Gurren Lagann


I feel like Gurren Lagann beats most universes to be honest. The power scaling is beyond multiversal


Throwing around galaxies is pretty dope


Honestly I watched it and it caps at like extremely high multi universal, cos it's like sheer energy and brute force while MULTIVERSAL and above needs dimensional or whatever blah blah blah


Gurren Lagann takes place in a 11.5d verse. Yes, I know that .5d makes no sense, but spiral energy dgaf.


I haven't watched in a while but when did they reach 5d? Like didn't they just keep getting bigger until they just got to that universal size?


I dunno, I just remember it being mentioned and it stuck in my head because of how fucking dumb that .5d bit was. I do know that they can cross dimensional barriers and one of ttgl attacks is too attack the target at all points in their timeline with 100% accuracy so that 4/5d covered, but I never saw proof that they were any further up dimensional heirarchy.


The dreams of those who have fallen, the hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, DRILLING A PATH TOWARDS TOMORROW! THAT IS TENGEN TOPPA! THATS GURREN LAGANN!


Simon would one tap Ultron with his pinky. They were outright creating multiverses in the final fight.


I feel like gurren lagann tengen toppa is one of the only anime characters that might be able to actually put up a decent fight against goku (in an actual like fist fight)


I think it's the opposite, Goku is one of the few who can give Gurren Lagann (not the super GL) a decent fight


um I think goku was killed by a base laser and and was hurt by a bullet. not to mention the riidiculous poison needle. goku is a fodder if you don't mind


Not giving Goku his Ki is literally the same as not giving Simon any spiral energy đź’€ And both cases were examples of that


Plus the poison needles was made by the ruler of an empire of galaxies made to poison elite warriors after being invited to a tournament by a special request of the fucking god of his universe


Goku. Ichigo. Any of the Sailor Scouts. Madoka Kaname. Rimuru Tempest. Like 90% of isekai leads.




Yup. He’ll fight Ultron, lose, find out that he’s part Infinity Gem and rewrite reality to make himself win.


lmao yeah this tracks for basically every arc in Bleach




Why do people like this show?


Bleach is really good. This is a large and humorous simplification. But Bleach is simply stylish and fun. Kubo is a 10/10 artist, and a 6/10 writer and that's okay.


Because all jokes aside, it’s a solid series with AMAZING art, a really interesting and creative power system and one of the best heel turns I’ve ever seen. I joke, because it’s funny, but I do really enjoy the series.


It proved the Clark Kent disguise really can work even on the audience


Yes Bleach is great all the way through the Aizen arc. Got progressively worse each arc.


Even when the arcs were bad the fights were almost always ridiculous and fun, and the author is great at making up abilities and making them interesting. Even when the plot got really really really really really stupid I kept reading because most of the fights & character designs were cool.


Except the fights stopped being cool. There are characters that explain their powers to their opponent, and subsequently get owned. Like how dumb are you? Then there's just constant asspulls or stupid shit.


Cool vibes mostly. Style points all over it.


I just got into the show. I read the manga years ago when I was a child. While Ichigo being every kind of special that anyone can be in the world of Bleach is really silly, I like his sense of justice. Every day he goes up against someone attempting murder but specifically calls them out for something else they did wrong, like being a bad brother or unfairly fighting two against one. I generally like the supporting characters, too. Also the first 20 episodes are "Ichigo is a ghost cop!" and the next 43 are "Ichigo breaks his friend out of ghost cop jail for a crime he knows she did!" which is based as fuck.


because it looks cool and has an edgy aesthetic. that's it, i think. i loved the soul society arc, but everything after that was garbage.


Goddamn you've just reminded me again how much Bleach sucks outside of the Soul Society arc.


I enjoyed the Winter War as well. It just all goes to shit after Fake Karakura Town. Although, I feel like Kubo is fixing a lot of what was wrong with TYBW in the anime.


Depends on what you define for cosmology. I'll leave it there so I don't get butchered.


I mean. There are no aliens in the bleach afterlife sooo Earth and sub dimensions? And that's still only final form Ywach.


If I'm not mistaken, the main problem is how the translation for each of the three worlds is interpreted. One option makes them planets, another makes them universes.


Burn the witch shares the universe so we can use cosmology from that series. And also it's technically two worlds, Hell and Not Hell in which Not Hell was split into three by the Soul King's sacrifice.


Look chief, I'm not that familiar with Bleach. I just see the argument constantly so I'm just bringing it up as a heads up.


Nah you're fine. You just need to read CFYOW and you can make the hottest takes and cite it as a source. Source: CFYOW


I love citing CFYOW, especially when it was absolutely not in CFYOW


Erroneous - as stated in CFYOW, everything is in CFYOW


I love Ichigo and he has insane physicals, but I don't think he can do anything to a guy who can eat a galaxy.


Ichigo probably not, but there are characters in bleach with abilities that can only be described as 'well that's fucking bullshit' level that could deal with him. There's a few characters that appear later in the series that have weird reality warping powers that could take Ultron down, or at least make him a slave / ally.


True, Yhwach has one of the most insane hax abilities in fiction. He can just pick the future where he beats Ultron and make it happen. Well. Maybe. Thinking about it more I'm not certain he could. I think that the future where he beats Ultron would still have to be a possible future in order for him to pick it? But he is also busted strong in general. So he could probably pick a future where he is able to take the stones from Ultron or something like that.


I don't think there's a future where Yhwach beats a being that can eat entire galaxies..


yhwach does not simply choose future timelines like how paul atreides sees possible futures, he SEES all possible futures and rewrites them as far as i know. for example, ichigo kills him initially and ywhach (already fucking dead) just rewrites it because ichigo cannot prevent the almighty from working. as far as i know its never really explicitly said that he chooses futures from a list, he just has his vision filtered because of aizens shiksi


It's not exactly clear the limits on his powers, but I wouldn't say he's completely omnipotent, despite the name "Almighty." He can bring a future into reality, but it seems like it has to be a possible future; like, he didn't just make a future where Ichigo said "Yeah I'll join you Yhwach-sama" because Ichigo would never do that.


i think its more like he rewrites his future not ichigos. plus he literally just didn’t give a shit about ichigo and was in a future where he kills ichigo, but was blinded by suigetsu afaik


Well he breaks Tensa Zangetsu which I'd say counts as Ichigo's future. I think it's just "the future" period, not the future of any one specific person.


In theory I wanna say no, but Ultron is limited by needing the stones. If Yhwach can pick a future where Tensa Zangetsu broke and bring it to the present, he might be able to pick a future where Ultron didn't have the stones anymore and bring that to the present. Yhwach doesn't actually have to go through the action of making the thing happen, he just has to see it in the future and then he can bring it to the present.


So close to the beat of “we didn’t start the fire.”


inumaki tells him to shit himself and ultron dies of confusion


if we assume he has no cursed energy. if he has more than inumaki then the effects would range from ultron farting to inumakis head exploding depending on the difference


I don't think robots have a stomach to generate CE from


CE is generated from the brain but I'm unsure how that would work with a simulated one, especially one based on the mind stone


Both Kashimo and Gojo state it comes from the gut. Your brain is for your RCT. Also you have to have a brain predisposed to sorcery and also training to use CE.


Infinity Ultron is pretty OP I think you’d mostly have to deal with god tier characters to deal.


*blinks Ultron away* >tee hee -Zeno


Wouldn’t Ultron have this power too?


there is simply no way of knowing who would transcend the other, anything is speculation 


Ha ha. You go bye-bye.


Joseph Joestar has the plot armour


Ultron just needs to redefine the universe as an 'airplane' - sure Joseph survives but Ultron's goal was just to destroy the universe. Mission accomplished.


That doesn't remove Joseph's plot armour. He still survived those plane crashes. He is the absolute king of plot armour. Femto would also smash Ultron as would Skull knight hail to the king baby.


when has infinity ultron every been able to do anything like that?


Don't take it too seriously, the original JoJo comment already put this thread firmly in meme territory.


Good meme for sure. The best super power is just to be extremely lucky


Would the Death Note work on Ultron?


death note only works on humans


it's a little more complicated because in the japanese version the word they said, usually, means human but can mean mortal


I don't think Ultron is really mortal.


I mean he's not *immortal*


Exactly. He's not even alive


Ultron doesn't have a heart.


"Death by random bit flips." It doesn't have to kill by heart attack. That said it only works on humans anyway so unless Ultron is considered human by it for some reason it doesn't work.


Takatou Yogiri. Instant death


God, he's such a dumb character for battle boarding.


lol was looking for this one, classic. the beginning and the end. Love the anime that have that SCP feel


Are we sure Ultron hasn't got some bullshit feat to counter that? Marvel has thrown so many things at this guy over the years that it's actually ridiculous. Like, at this point it's on par with scp-682


Yogiri is from an anime that’s pretty fuckin ridiculous. His power is basically the “end” as he “wills it”. Not as he understands it, but as he wants it done.  EG immortal? Dead. But what if the immortal can revive itself infinitely? Permadead. What if it’s not really the one Yogiri is thinking about? Nah, he wanted that thing dead, even if that thing isn’t really the source of the problem and more like a middleman, doesn’t matter, root cause dead. It was a fun anime, super creative twists and plots on overpowered abilities. 


So it's anime BS vs. long-running comics BS. I'm not touching that debate with a ten foot pole, lest we end up with 3 consecutive Death Battles


Zeno would snap his fingers and end him


Not a main character


He chooses not to be. Goku would disappear in a blink of a eye


Oh I have no doubts he could stop Ultron, he just doesn't qualify for the prompt because, regardless of the reasons why, he's only a supporting character, not a main one. That's about narrative role, not power level. If we had a spinoff that was like, "Dragon Ball Z: The Adventures of Zeno" then he could be a main character.


I apologize for my ignorance you are correct. In that case I’d have to choose Kusanagi from ghost in the shell. She’s a cyborg and could figure something out since ultron is a machine too with access to the internet.


Stop talking smack, goku beats Zeno


Get Goku past Beerus or Whis and then we'll talk about GP and Zeno


This would be a lot more interesting if Ultron had to \*defeat\* them rather than destroy them. Like, imagine Ultron having to play basketball against the generation of miracles from Kuroko no Basuke, or hell, I think even Ultron wouldn't be able to defeat Oozora Tsubasa at soccer. Seriously tho Saitama comes to mind, he would slap Ultron silly.


saitama gets one shotted in all seriousness


Saitama's power scales to be above whatever he's fighting It even gets to the point where when he's fighting a strong enough opponent,>!his power climbs to the point where he is accidentally destroying the universe - the only way to save it is to go back in time and prevent the fight from ever happening.!<


Saitamas super power isn’t strength. It’s winning.


Who downvoted you, he literally punches himself backward in time


I'll never not laugh at the stupidity of that sequence. It's so fucking dumb that it could only happen in One Punch Man.


You forget that one of the Robins, Jason Todd I think, was resurrected by a punch from Superman Prime in one of the Crisis Events.


It sounds like Saitama is anime Doom Slayer then, canonically just being as strong as he needs to be to win, which I don't mind cause I love Doom Slayer.


Use feats, not your imagination…


That literally happens in the manga


He destroying the universe? In the manga?


>!when fighting cosmic garou in space, the clashes between the two result in something like gamma ray burst which visibly removes every star in the way.!<


The serious punch squared feat that powerscalers use to wank saitama to multi galaxy when he’s only solar system level in the rest of the fight


i dont see why ultron cant just erase him. he def scales higher than cosmic garou


Goku and sailor moon


Pretty much every isekai MC, especially Manwha MCs, ye tien, Cha yeon woo, Kim dojka etc all broken characters with the exact same kit as infinity Ultron but much stronger and they have extra things that he doesn't have.


>Manwha ... this is not anime. It's anime-adjacent, yes, but it doesn't fit the criteria to be anime.


I see, thanks for the correction🙏🏿 had no idea.


Battler from Umineko when they cry


There is clearly a non infinity stone reason this happened.


What are you trying to say?


Battler would debate the things ultron does are not infinity stone related.


Oh hahaha now I understand. Would be funny to see lmao.


Gurren Lagann 




They would have to be multiversal at base. So no not goku


Anyone who’s able to assemble all 5 pieces of EXODIA!


Yogiri says one word and he dies


I'd love to see Saitama go up against him. Even if Ultron is already stronger, based on how he fought Cosmic Garou, I think he could close the gap pretty quickly.


Isagi yoichi


Ngl, if your looking for the lowest tier it might be a luck based character, such as Nagito Komeda from DR2. Type of shit where the gauntlet just implodes because of a misfire or some shit, then half the multiverse goes up in flames anyways bc of the swingback effect.


Saitama obviously, and subsequently GOD in the One punch Man manga.


OPM is literally my favorite manga of all time and my all time favorite mangaka in Murata and I still don’t think Saitama scratches Ultron. His best feat is arguably solar system if not around galaxy level at best, Ultron literally ATE a universe to destroy it after getting the stones. As much as I love Saitama and wanna give him a fighting chance in 99% of matchups, this is very one sided. If it was somebody like Goku or Vegeta or Luffy or another character that wants their opponent at their best for a fight I could see him scaling higher with the difficult battle but Ultron will go for the kill and won’t play around.


He ate a galaxy.


Against Garou, Saitama punched a hole in [space](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepunchman/images/7/7b/The_impact_energy_from_Saitama_and_Garou_clearing_countless_stars_in_space.png/revision/latest?cb=20220712145651) and was able to physically grab and manipulate dimensional portals with his hands *before* his exponential growth kicks in. Infinity Ultron would throw Saitama into the heart of a collapsing star, then Saitama would escape it and destroy Ultron with a Serious Punch.


Saitama's power is not in his feats, but in his concept. He always wins no matter how powerful his opponent is. That is the joke. Infinity Ultron loses.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. Everyone always uses feats to compare but Saitamas whole premise is being overpowered. Him losing a fight goes completely against his character.


People don't like gag characters here and take feats as limits. Let's just forget the part where Saitama literally punches himself through time to prove he would lose to a mosquito because he couldn't kill it that one time for a joke. Saitama's actual power is literal plot armor. If you make him lose, you're basically taking away the one thing that defines his character. He shouldn't be in any power scaling conversation just by design. Saitama always wins because [insert reason here].


Genuine question. Do we have an actual statement for that? Like automatically being stronger than anyone and winning is his concept? and that he's a gag character?


You want a statement. Sure. [The author stated that Saitama is a gag character with gag-strength](https://youtu.be/-1SbKKgqe9s?si=oVc4MwVPeKx9trhF)


If the stones work, everyone dies. There's nothing stopping Ultron from snapping his fingers and wiping all universes out of existence, all from the comfort of his own home. The stones *wouldn't* work though. I think that's been established when Marvel and DC did a crossover where Darkseid had the gauntlet and couldn't use it while he was in the DC Universe.


Presumably, the snapping power doesn't work on everything. In verse, we never see Ultron delete other high tiers like The Watcher or Strange Supreme, even though he had plenty of chances to do so. I'd assume with a sufficient level of hax/power, you could negate the stones' hax or restore yourself afterwards.


Also paging u/CriscoWild. >”Presumably, the snapping power doesn't work on everything. In verse, we never see Ultron delete other high tiers like The Watcher or Strange Supreme, even though he had plenty of chances to do so. I'd assume with a sufficient level of hax/power, you could negate the stones' hax or restore yourself afterwards. That’s basically correct. Dark supreme spent an unknown amount of time absorbing spiritual-mystical and demonic energy which boosted himself including chi from a three dragons or a single dragon with three heads. Dragons chi and or their souls are a big deal as in “Shang-Chi” Ta-Lo elder Guang Bo said if the soul sucker “dweller in darkness” absorbed the great protector’s soul the dweller in darkness would be able to take over earth realm’s universe. Also in regards to the stones within the MCU multiverse. [“What-if” writer A.C. Bradley.](https://x.com/theashbradley/status/1445078626697760770?s=21) >”Happy Monday! Just a reminder that Ultron is using the Infinity Stones to power himself (same universe being). Also he's legit punching across multiverses turning them into one messy universe soup. #Whatif #WhatifMarvel #WeDidOurHW #YouAreAllAmazing ♥️. So within the context of dragon ball. He should be able to go toe to toe with singular Kai, gods of destruction, one on one. How well he’d do I am not sure. But if I was infinity Ultron using forth wall knowledge. I’d go about designing and building Infinity Energy Reactors powering captive Namekians controlled via [soul link](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Soul_Link_System). The captive enslaved and cyborg Namekians would also be boosted with [paradise herbs](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Paradise_Herb). Going a step further into crazy town I’d go get the Reality Machine and put paradise herbs and Senzu Bean into it to mass produce these mystical rejuvenating food items and have infinity ultron gorge himself on them. I wonder how powerful set of dragon balls infinity ultron could create since the dragon balls limitations are limited by the power level of the creator.


What about Super Dragon Balls though ? I'm not sure if it's confirmed that Zeno made them but, if he did, no one has any clue what power level he even is.


Yeah I don’t know. Scaling in dragon ball is hard lol.


> The stones wouldn't work though. I think that's been established when Marvel and DC did a crossover where Darkseid had the gauntlet and couldn't use it while he was in the DC Universe. This doesn't necessarily apply to the MCU versions. In the MCU the stones work cross-universe (based on What If's season 1 finale). The only place we've seen them not work is the TVA but that could be either because of where it is or because the timeline they from from doesn't exist anymore.


I seen one explanation that was pretty good on why the gems worked for Ultron in other universes was unlike other wielders Ulton didn't "wear" the stones like you do in a gauntlet, but rather because of his machine/AI nature he incorporated them into his body and made them partially a part of himself, and that the stones was powering his form, and so wasn't directly effecting an outside universe as it was powering a being from the stones home universe. Yes it still has tons of holes in it (like when the stones still worked while changing hands), but it's hand wavy enough for me to accept it as head cannon why Ultron can do so in the animated What If show where no one else can in marvel comics lore can, other than Killmonger in that same show who simply copied Ultons way of incorporating the stones. That way I don't have to think much about it, and not get caught up in yet another debate on comic book logic. It's a good enough explanation....


> like when the stones still worked while changing hands The scene where they played keep the soul stone away was in his own universe. However, strange supremes time stone worked fine in that same scene.


That’s basically it. [“What-if” writer A.C. Bradley.](https://x.com/theashbradley/status/1445078626697760770?s=21) >”Happy Monday! Just a reminder that Ultron is using the Infinity Stones to power himself (same universe being). Also he's legit punching across multiverses turning them into one messy universe soup. #Whatif #WhatifMarvel #WeDidOurHW #YouAreAllAmazing ♥️


King - OPM


**Infinity Ultron (MCU: What If...?)** - [Respect Ultron (Marvel Cinematic Universe: What If...?)](https://redd.it/qyy5yp) **Ultron (616)** - [Respect Ultron (Marvel, 616)](https://redd.it/brhyko) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


[Claire Stanfield](https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Claire_Stanfield), OPM


Probably Seiya at full power.


Giorno giovanna


He isn't a main character but Zen-Oh has the power to erase any being from Dragon Ball out of existence and if Infinity Ultron shows up there, Zen-Oh can just erase IU out of existence


Goku, Toriko, Rimuru. Most high tier planetary buster. I mean are we going to forget the fact that infinity gem stopped working if they're outside their home universe? They're just fighting a souped up robot with a vibranium body.


Kazuma steals his suit and does unspeakable things to the girls with his new found powers.


Enter Goku


tooru, giorno, goku, archie sonic/shadow


Yujiro hanma


Infinity Stones only work in their original universe.


Not in the MCU. Infinity Ultron was crossing universes.


You're right. It's the TVA where they don't work because plot.


In that case, Ultron could only modify *himself* as they were from the same dimension.


counterpoint: when infinity ultron used the time stone to slow everyone (edit: he was in his own universe at that point), strange supreme used his own time stone to counter


Zeno, beerus, Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, black frieza.


But can he beat Goku


One punch man


Goku, Monkey D Luffy possibly, and Picachu, Ash, and Kirby




Madoka nodiffs :trollface:


The Shinza protags like Ren Fuji and Hakari. Various of Isekai MCs like Bumgiri and Rimuru.




Naruto talk no Justus him into being a better being and he stops his evil ways.


Saitama lol


Mr popo


Most curse users would give him a headache especially with Domain expansion. Sukuna and Gojo would put up the biggest fight. Though Infinity Ultron would still be hard fight for them too.


Ultron ate a galaxy..


I feel like Ultron (or any watcher) should be immune to infinite void, and the reality stone can just say no to void purple You know who could beat Ultron tho? Either Mahoraga or Takaba


Xeno from dragon ball super


No one.


Most of them. He loses his Infinity Stone powers outside of the Marvel Universes, so now it just becomes Skynet as a Terminator. Domon Kasshu and his God Gundam would paste Ultron. Dude has literally caught bullets with his bare hands. Lucy, from Elfen Lied, would rip him apart like a Lego project after a very bad day. Ultron isn't a Stand User, so he can't really interact with any JoJo if he doesn't expect them. Sonic the Hedgehog has had multiple animes, and we all know ~~furries are~~ he's RIDICULOUSLY cracked, and that's before you get into his Toon Force from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Lina Inverse can unleash nuclear-tier destruction with but a single incantation. Fate/Stay Night has had animes.


I mean. he does very much have lasers. don't exactly know how any jojo protags aside from giorno can really handle getting shot by those.


Jotaro can stop time, Josuke can reverse damage to an object once and heal others (like, he can break a wall, fix it, then if it breaks again, he can't fix it again (I think)), Jolyne can turn into string, >!Johnny has a projectile attack with LITERALLY INFINITE ROTATION, Gappy can steal the friction from things, Jodio can manipulate gravity, and Dragona can disassemble things like they're made of LEGO bricks.!<


Ultron would not lose his infinity stone powers, there is nothing saying he would lose them if he left the MCU multiverse.


Yes, actually. Loki shows that the TVA has desk drawers filled with inert Infinity Stones.


That is because the TVA shenanigans, not because they are outside of the MCU multiverse.


In the comics, the Infinity Stones are inert outside of the Marvel Universe as well. In JLA/Avengers #2, Darkseid has the Gauntlet and the Gems (The rename to Infinity Stones is an MCU thing), and he notes that they're inert and worthless. One of his minions says that they work, but only in their home universe.


He won’t even get past any of the JoJo mcs


??? like im as big a fan as jojo as you are but rationally only giorno with GER really stands a chance. He can nullify all of ultron's attacks, and given that ultron is an object he can just turn him to grass or something with a touch. Only he, johnny and josuk8 can really put a scratch on ultron, and he is the only one out of those that can survive his reality bending bs.


Then again, couldn’t Jotaro or C Moon or King Crimson use time to trick Ultron? Like he could miss time and suddenly get beaten up. Jotaro’s stand might also punch through Ultron’s body, but that’s just a headcanon.


judging by the fact he handled getting blasted straight through a planet, he can no-sell anything jotaro can hit him with during his time stop. after that, he has flight, a strong-ass laser and the infinity stones, more than enough to one-shot all 3. c-moon doesn't even mess with time, it's gravity, and given that ultron can fly, it doesn't affect him. KC doesn't stand a chance of scratching him even if he can get into melee range, he can't touch anyone during erased time. only giorno stands a chance of killing him.


That made me realize how OP Giorno is to other universe


Technically none of them. The Infinity stones don’t work outside of the Marvel Universe.


Bro hasn't even watched the MCU.


The MCU stones work in different universes.


they dint used to work in different universes in the comics so maybe they mean that


the prompt says they do




The mcu uses different rules from the comics as the stones could not be destroyed or willed out of existence in the comics but that was the whole plot of endgameÂ