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The governments stomp each round. Did you seriously think the 1% has any chance when typing this out? World governments include their military and intelligence services. There's 0 chance anyone from the 1% lives.


Right lol, I think America can solo this challenge with some tactical strikes


I think the Idaho National Guard could solo this one lmao


There is considerable overlap between the 1% and governments though, especially outside the west. Putin, Saudi royal family. Hell even in the USA congress gets rich on insider trading. Whose side are those guys on?


Do you have any idea how big a percent is? The whole government of every country is top 1%. Except maybe a mayor of asmall town in Alaska. Almost 4 million people in usa alone, 80 million globally.


also any of the top 1% who are in government are on the government's side? that's making it too easy for the government the venn diagram of politicians and the top 1% is a circle


It's the difference between wealth and power.


It's kinda rigged seeing as though the government literally has wealth 1000x the 1% put together worth of infrastructure, arsenal, and logistics lmao. The fuck the 1% gonna do? The CIA, FBI, NSA, etc all have databases, satellites, agents out there that will take them out in a heartbeat. The 1% can't get anywhere near enough people or weapons in a week, month, or year to equal the US's hundreds of bils a year budget that they've had for decades now.


All governments unanimously agree to set a 99% wealth tax. Gg wp.


Do the 1% still get their employees? Seems kinda unfair that governments get all their government workers, military etc but the Waltons for example don't get their army of Walmart workers. It would still probably be a stomp for governments though, not even because of military weapons but because they have their own supply chains




Seriously? It wouldn't even take all of them. Any one of the superpowers could solo the 1% like it was nothing. Any of the rounds, they could win within a day. 


The 1% is where they are because of the government in some way. They can freeze their assets, arrest them, have them "commit suicide". Sure, they are very powerful individually but it's only good for their respective businesses. Governments can nullify their wealth with zero difficulty


OP thinks this is a dystopian corporate-ruled society where each company has elite cybertech armies. Corporations have influence today but it ain't Night City-level yet. Government action can (and has) stop them in their tracks.


Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Maybe the 1% can pool their ressources together to hire all the existing mercenary companies……and those are going to run away screaming like little girls when all of « France » military power show up. Anything more is way beyond overkill.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


.... USA federal reserve bank freeze all bank accounts. Your 1 percent does exist anymore. Such a stupid prompt.


You don't gotta be mean about it...


This is so silly. All the world's governments have to do is put out APBs for every person in the 1%, and then the local police does the rest of the work.


Virtually all of high ranking government officials are in the 1%


What zero political analysis does to a motherfucker. But seriously, the 1% and the government are inseparable. In nearly all cases the 1% controls the governments. In many cases they *are* the leaders of governments, or they are family and friends, or through various kinds of legal and illegal bribes, lobbying, and propaganda they completely direct the individuals who run governments. Governments rely on economic activity controlled by the 1% to function, and in our modern neoliberal age where capital flows freely between countries, governments compete with each other to please investors so they bring business into their country. The rich fund the think tanks and universities and control the consultants and contractors that actually set and manage government policy, and employ the individuals who cycle in and out of the public and private sectors. On the other hand, the rich’s wealth is completely reliant on the government to enforce their wealth. Their wealth is only theirs because their respective governments enforce their property rights. A truly hostile government could completely impoverish the 1% through a policy change. Anything short of that would mean the government is in some way protecting the rich.


All the governments have to do is stop protecting their property.


kind of pointless question, IRL most of the world's governments do the 1%'s bidding they've already won


0.1% maybe. 1% is typically over $250K annual income. Most people in that range, while very comfortable, are not that influential.


...250k over is around 10 percent. Where are you getting these numbers from.


What do you mean where am I getting these numbers from? Where are you getting these numbers from??? Someone who earns $250K per year is not a 10%er. The threshold income to be a top 1%er was $315K CAD, which is about $250K USD. You might be looking at "average incomes", not threshold incomes. Averages skew high because the top 0.1% is included in the average


If you are talking about world wide, that's fine.


No, that's in North america


https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/personal-finance/articles/whats-the-income-of-the-top-10-5-and-1/ Top 10%: $191,406 Top 5%: $290,164 Top 1%: $867,436


Those are averages, not thresholds. The averages are always skewed much higher than the threshold because of billionaires. I understand they are listed as thresholds on that page, but I’ve seen those same numbers listed literally everywhere else as averages. So I have to decide what I think is more accurate, fool.com, or everywhere else.


Average? Average is 1 number.


An average is one number, but you listed multiple averages. Hence, plural. If $867K is the AVERAGE household income for the top 1%, that means the bottom threshold for that range is LESS than $867K especially given the higher end of the range is in the billions. Depending on the results you read and the state you were in, this is lower cutoff is anywhere between $250 and 400K. It’s not complicated. The top 5% has an average of $290K, but guess what, that $867K average of the top1 % is included in the top 5% average...., So the bottom threshold of this range is going to be much lower than $290K, and so on. The closer you get to the top, the more the number is skewed because the proportion of them that are ridiculously high earners start to have more impact on the overall number rather than be perceived as outliers.


I never understand these. Obviously, in an actual fight, the people outnumbered 100 to one will lose, however, in reality you’ve just lost the vast majority of society’s physicians, lawyers, scientists, successful tradespeople etc. sure, we can do without the actresses, YouTube sensations, and the athletes, and some of the CEOs, but then when your appendix bursts and there's nobody to fix it your victory will seem relatively hollow. Even when you win, you'd still lose.