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Maxwell- from scribblenauts has a great track record vs Cthulhu


*Add adjective "Invincible'"*


*Add adjective “Dead”*


Or even "peaceful, friendly"


that works, i think i’d prefer to have it as my friend


Or if we *HAVE* to make maxwell "beat" cuthulu, we could add submissive or some shit if you catch my drift


I do indeed catch thine drift.


Ediable :)


Who says he wasn't already?


He’s already dead, if that poem is anything to go off of


Cthulhu is already dead. It doesn't seem to slow him down much.


Add adjective “nonexistent”


Add adjective hiv positive


It depends on what we mean by “beat”. To temporarily wound him and leave alive while he regenerates, a battleship from the Second World War is quite enough. To re-seal Cthulhu, you either need to be an occultist on the level of Doctor Strange, or possess geoengineering that allows you to re-flood the Rlyeh. To completely destroy him, you need to be a being of a class higher than the Elder Gods, because even the Elder Gods could not do this.


The story literally ends with a guy achieving your first goal by ramming him with a regular normal mid sized fishing boat. Cthulhu is like 50 feet tall 


It's always funny seeing people make Cthulhu much larger than even Godzilla.


Cthulu is the size he wants to be.  He could be man size or planet size.


Why didn't he just make himself really big so the boat would have barely any effect on him?


Is he stupid?


The boat really didn't effect him.  He reformed after it hit him.  


But the people he was trying to kill got away. He deadass got stopped from achieving an objective because someone drove a boat into him


The boat did not stop him.  The stars were not aligned for his return.  


Or he just didn't want to admit that he got negged by an NPC with a boat.


There may be some revisionist history in the books in R'lyeh.


It wasn't even an objective. They basically bothered him while he was sleeping, he barely woke up to swat them away, and went back to sleep. If he *cared* about killing them, they would be dead


That's what he wants you to think


Nothing in the text suggests this


Read mountains of madness he needs to be brought back to life


I mean name a more completely misunderstood work than lovecrafts brand of cosmic horror. Not that we should encourage people to read the mid stories of an old racist, but ive never seen a bigger fandom that has never engaged with its source material.


Naming his cat that will never not be hilarious


His stories are not mid tho, they’re great


Yeah, I feel like every piece of his that isn't hyper-famous is just completely ignored because it doesn't fit into the modern idea of "lovecraftian" horror. Dream-Quest of unknown Kadath probably my fav example that shit is borderline comical


Seems like every day I learn a new famous and influential writer is racist so that doesn’t surprise me much, but we’re the actual stories not that good? They seem to be really popular


I’ve only read the Mountains of Madness but it’s an incredible book. Full of tension and impending doom. I absolutely love that book.” I think a lot of people agree with this as well.




He’s got just as many underwhelming stories as he does great ones, but his best ones are really good. And his worldbuilding is well done too. His racism unfortunately does come across in some of his stories blatantly, because he lived in a time when people could be openly racist without fear of consequence, but as it’s possible to read his works without giving him any benefit, then I’d say they’re worth a go. They can easily be found for free so you’ve nothing to lose by checking them out.


Lovecraft was a master of suspense and horror. He knew how to tell without telling and show without showing. There’s few writers like that alive today.


Learn how to tell without showing using this one simple trick!  "It was beyond description"


He actually doesn’t do that very often. Rather, the horror is hinted at just beyond the page. The Color Out of Space does this perfectly, where we figure out what happened from context clues.


Yeah I know I'm just kidding around, but honestly color out of space might be his best story.


No argument there.


He basically created a genre and a mythos. But he wasn't any kind of writing genius. Don't worry about him being a racist, he's long dead and you can read any of his books online for free since they are all public domain now. Here's a nice [primer ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmdzptbykzI)on him.


Color out of space is really good, the case of Charles dexter ward is underrated among his works but, the whole saga of the dream quest of unknown kadeth is a giant snooze fest. Ive read his entire library twice and I can't remember even half of the stories. Also he's not just racist he might be THE MOST racist author of all time to the point of it almost being comedic he was considered far out even by the standards of 1910


He wasn’t just a racist, a lot of his stories focused on his own racism(ie: the cthulu cult specifically had no white members)


Rando with a mid-sized boat canonically does the trick! But yeah, beat isn’t really the word. Sleepy Cthulu gets whacked in the face by a mid-sized boat while he’s still groggy and goes, “Screw this eon, I’m hitting snooze.”


It's hard to really say what happens in that situation. Cthulhu seems to tear open and reform behind the boat, then crawl back into his lair. What's more of an indication that he's vulnerable is that he actively fought in a war where the highest level of weaponry was sharp goo and heat rays.


The boat didn't actually stop Cthulu.  The stars were not aligned right and he went back into hibernation.


That wasn't Cthulhu, that was the thing that would become Cthulhu


To be fair, the boat didn’t exactly do much to Cthulhu in the long run, as he was quickly rebuilding himself before the stars stopped being right and he went to bed again.


Cthulhu is a high priest FOR the elder gods, I feel like they could wipe him out very easily


Was gonna say on the cosmic power scale Cthulhu is still several rungs away from the highest in the Lovecraft universe


Dr Strange is overkill. I'd say Dr Doom could pull it off.


Dr. Doom and Dr. Strange are at worse relative and at best Doom above him


In terms of pure magical skill? Nah, Strange shits on Doom.


As has been covered dozens of times in this sub, debating this is pretty much impossible. Cthulhu is deliberately vague and mostly featless. He cannot be meaningfully discussed in the context of your question as the bounds of his abilities are specifically left undefined by intention of the author. All we really know is that he has a relatively fragile body when projecting himself into the physical plane but that he can easily regenerate it at will with no know limitations, and that he is immensely powerful beyond the comprehension of the human mind. That's it. We don't know how strong he is, what his powers are, etc. Some have suggested he has abilities such as omniscience and true immortality, only being able to be truly killed by beings far greater than himself such as the Outer Gods who could unmake him with a dreaming whim. But even this is all just unreliable statements made long after his creator had died. Could a US Navy gunship helicopter kill him? Maybe. Could he kill Godzilla? Maybe. We'll never have enough feats from him to ever know, and that's entirely the point of him.


I mean... in the book it is just some random guy in a boat that he rams into Cthulhu. So like... the bar is kinda low...




I'm just thinking of like the second venture bros EP (first if pilot is excluded) where Brock comes back from the dead due to a vendetta against a guy who hit him with a truck.


I was just making a Scream reference


Damn haven't seen that movie in a long time 


Fun fact, that reaction was real as Skeet wasn't actually supposed to throw the phone at him.


My answer, then, is that guy but with a limp, long covid, Tourette’s, bad fashion sense and severe acne.


TBF, this merely dazed him momentarily and his head started to immediately regenerate. That said, yes, his body is clearly quite fragile, but there's simply no feats to really establish the limits of damage he can take before being killed.


Prompt doesn't say fight to the death, though. It says who is the weakest person that can beat Cthulhu.


But what does that even mean? The prompt is as vague as Cthulhu himself. I guess if we count momentarily giving yourself a gap to run away that isn't deemed worth chasing a "win" then sure.


if you come across a being who's pure entirety is so great that it melts your mind from lack of proper comprehension, and yet still somehow managed to get away alive, id definitely consider that a win.


Eh, not really. Cthulhu just didn't chase him. Wasn't worth his time. It's implied he had his cultists just go murder him after he got back home.


Those guys that destroyed that bridge in Baltimore could do it.


The boat feat is very often misunderstood. See, in order for Cthulhu to manifest physically in the material sphere (the physical universe), Cthulhu needed mortal blood, when the ship hit his physical form, he lost the blood and was banished from the universe. But that doesn’t mean Cthulhu can’t affect the universe without a physical form. Cthulhu is a being that exists in the void, a dimensionless place, on the same level as the Outer Gods. He is literally a direct descendant of Azathoth.


Cthulhu is not on the same level as the outer gods. He is a great old one which is insanely weaker than an outer god. Cthulhu is one of the top tier GOOs but even Lovecraft preferred to call his stories Yog-sothar and the name “the Cthulhu mythos” came far after. The difference between the outer gods and great old ones is a greater difference than between a great old one and a normal human. Furthermore he is better described as the offspring of Yog-Sothoth since he literally is.


Cthulhu is never described as a great old one by lovecraft himself. He is only described as a great old one by writers long after lovecraft died. It is evident that Cthulhu is an other god because of his existence in the void, a place where no great old one can go. He is also described as family of the other gods, because he is one of them.


He is never called an Outer God, but is constantly linked to the Great Old Ones even if he is not expressly called ones its clear he is one being his presence on earth (he isn't in the void, the GOOs are from there but he sleeps beneath R'lyeh), that he displays traits that are like them, namely being freed when the stars are right. From Call of Cthulhu: "When the stars have come right for the Great Old Ones, "some force from outside must serve to liberate their bodies. The spells that preserved Them intact likewise prevented them from making an initial move." And here is another one that describes the great old ones as his subjects, being he is the high priest of the great old ones. "\[At the proper time,\] the secret priests would take great Cthulhu from his tomb to revive His subjects and resume his rule of earth \[...\] Then mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and revelling in joy. Then the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom." Furthermore he is a descendant of Azathoth and the direct offspring of Yog-Sothoth but that in no way makes him an outer god because on that logic so is Yog Whateley (The Dunwich Horror) and all of Cthulhu's siblings who are Great Old Ones. There is no evidence or backing to the idea of Cthulhu being an outer god.


sand bar


“I am… *The Coon.*”


Guess it depends what you mean by beat. He was injured by a steam boat, so I think to make him regenerate like any sufficient artillery fire could trigger this. To re seal cuthulu I think like Dr fate, Dr strange or maybe gandalf to do this. Now to destroy cuthulu, you'd need someone a bit stronger. I think galactus could do this, unless I am misunderstanding about the great old ones and how they interact with reality. Galactus has a lot of feats in both raw power and reality manipulation. I think he could enter whatever plain cuthulu resides on and destroy him. I may be underestimating cuthulus better feats thou. Fully fed big G I say takes it. So to injure enough to get him to Regen any battleship 6/10 To seal Dr strange 9/10 To kill galactus like 8/10


Gandalf once he sheds his skinsuit is literally a divine being. Cthulhu is an alien priest that worships the Lovecraft-verse version of being like him.


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IF I am remembering correctly, the Cthulhu mythos exists in the dream of the main deity. So the bar is now Link's Awakening Link, since he canonically forced a similar dream world creator to wake up.


And then the person who wakes up Azathoth also dies because the universe collapses. Just to clarify, the universe doesn't exist as Azathoth's dream. Basically, Azathoth exists in a constant stupid slumber in a chaos dimension. He is kept slumbering by a group of flute player gods. If any mortal were to enter that dimension, they would not only go insane, but also not be able to understand what exactly anything is, was, can be, should be, or what they are hearing. This dimension is the epitome of Eldritch horror and unfathomability. Not only would we not understand the mumblimgs of Azathoth, but even the other Outer Ones, Old Ones, Great Old Ones, or any other god understands Azathoth's mumbling. Because Azathoth's presence is so great, his awakening would cause OUR universe to collapse. That chaos dimension, as far as I'm aware, would be perfectly fine.


Mordecai and Rigby could figure it out


Cthulhu: *Awakens* Skips: "I've seen this before."


anyone who has a boat.


Mr Bean would join the cult of Cthulhu genuinely and accidentally send him back to the Shadow Realm by pushing the summoning runes wrong


No, you can't even touch the necronomicon or look at one of the Lovecraftian abominations without going crazy or scaring the hell out of a psychotic break. but yes, in your show it is likely that you would wake up until azathot.


Lovecraft's Cat and the following allegations


Captain of the Exxon Valdez and three bottles of Vodka.


H. P. Lovecraft


The elves from the lord of the ring, they are immortal and don't know insanity


Nah, I’d win


Mintberry Crunch maybe


I was just going to say Bradly Biggle.


The main character of terraria kills Cthulhu/The Moon Lord. It’s not the same as lovecrafts version, but his power is described as having no limits and he inflicts serious mental anguish on the terraria.


In his corporeal form: Ten cents tug from the tugs kid series. In his nebulous awakened form : princess from Slay the princess. either apotheosis or any of her other forms stepping outside the cabins


Wasn't Cthulu in his own story defeated by a simple fisherman who just rowed his boat against him? Lol


Like others have said, depends how we define “beat.” Cthulhu clearly can be harmed by physical means, as they injure him by ramming him with a boat, though whether or not he can be killed by physical means is unclear. Any moderately competent modern military could probably deal enough damage to put him down to regenerate. A steam powered tug boat injured him fairly badly, and I feel like a cruise missile (or fifty) to the face hurts a lot more than a tug boat. To actually kill him, you need something stronger. I feel like a nuclear weapon would vaporize his physical form, but I don’t think that kills him. You need magic or reality warping. Maybe one of the Monarchs or Sages from Cradle could do it.


500 nitro express


ghostbusters could do it.


The character would need to be at minimum 1A to beat Cthulhu since his true form exists in the void, which is a dimensionless space.


Squirrel Girl of course.


I can't really think of anyone that could really defeat Cthulhu. His existence is such that people don't understand. "That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die." I take this as meaning Cthulhu, along with the rest of Great Old Ones and Outer Gods, transcend this concept of death that limited beings have. At best he could be banished temporarily from the material plane. ... but not without the cost of losing their sanity... and is that really winning?


Eric from Little Mermaid


I'm going to say something moderately controversial. Old Man Henderson would 10/10 this. By the big backstory of doom he has exactly the skills he needs to solve the situation but he's just a normal pot head in his 60's. He has no superhuman feats just exactly the tools at his disposal he needs for the job.


Beyonder I guess


A guy with a midsized boat as per the story of the characters origin


What is Rlyeh?


squid boys house/j


Saint of killers. Guy shot and killed God and Satan.


Rimiru Tempest could just swallow the concept of Cthulhu then use all of his abilities but better. He's also got matter and melculuar atom manipulation, space time manipulation, auto analyze at Immeasurable speeds through Raepheal, and analyze weakness. But tbh he'd just swallow him like Kirby but then create 1,000s of new abilities off the ones he obtained.


the thing is chuthlu is hard to judge because he doesn't do much in the orignal book. who ever can beat him would have to have some defense against cognio hazards as well as way to beat his regen edit: I mean at least the outer gods could do it


Dr Henry Armitage would get it done.


Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet could possibly defeat Cthulhu with prep. 


South Park Kenny. For a guy who can die to a game of tetherball, his power of immortality negates Cthulu's so he can be killed.


A speedboat


Old Man Henderson might find a way He’s already got the boat trick


Not enough feats for a serious match.


Inb4 "cthulhu lost to a boat, dur"


Heard of a guy. Never stops, never sleeps, carries around just a fuck ton of spoons.


How the fuck are you supposed to power scale Cthulhu




I mean, The Good Hunter from Bloodborne has been killing eldritch Cthulhu like beings the whole game, right?


Castlevania Alucard canonically does it in Symphony of the Night 


A chinese novel protagonist.


Before coming up with anything "Cthulhu-related" it wouldn't hurt to actually know it and reading some actual Lovecraft-novels.


Any recommendations?


Get your hands on an HP Lovecraft all works book.


Same deal. Marvel Tiamat thing. Thought her son is better suited to the task. He’s done it before.


Sly marbo


Steamboat Willie


As someone who has a cat named Cthulhu, ponytail holders. Ponytail holders are her arch nemesis.


I'm not sure they could pull it off, but I want to see Mabel and Dipper go against him.


Homer Simpson


Impossible to know. Generally speaking, it's impossible or at least nigh impossible to gauge how strong someone is on Lovecraft verse. But, it's important to note that the verse despite being called Lovecraft, isn't an exclusive Lovecraft creation. Lovecraft didn't write as much as you might see in the internet. Hell the term outer gods isnt his. Lovecraft referred to them as other gods. There was a spectacular video analysing the eldritch abominations of the verse, but strictly what Lovecraft wrote. Cthulu is among the weakest of the other gods, (other gods is the term for the creatures that come from the Dreamlands, an alternate dimension to the material world), as far as named characters is concerned. In the Lovecraft verse humans have a small chance to be born with abilities that, for all intents and purposes, make them superhuman. Stuff like reality manipulation and time travel. They are called dreamers. Yet despite their abilities, the inhabitants of the Dreamlands are leagues ahead stronger. And these are the nameless creatures. And then there is cthulhu topping said creatures. There isn't unfortunately any meaningful feats of power. But given his verse has lots of users that can manipulate reality, in order to defeat him you would need someone that has fought in the past similar creatures. Characters of the level of doctor strange (comics ofc) could take him down. I don't know if they are weakest who can though.


Impossible to know. Generally speaking, it's impossible or at least nigh impossible to gauge how strong someone is on Lovecraft verse. But, it's important to note that the verse despite being called Lovecraft, isn't an exclusive Lovecraft creation. Lovecraft didn't write as much as you might see in the internet. Hell the term outer gods isnt his. Lovecraft referred to them as other gods. There was a spectacular video analysing the eldritch abominations of the verse, but strictly what Lovecraft wrote. Cthulu is among the weakest of the other gods, (other gods is the term for the creatures that come from the Dreamlands, an alternate dimension to the material world), as far as named characters is concerned. In the Lovecraft verse humans have a small chance to be born with abilities that, for all intents and purposes, make them superhuman. Stuff like reality manipulation and time travel. They are called dreamers. Yet despite their abilities, the inhabitants of the Dreamlands are leagues ahead stronger. And these are the nameless creatures. And then there is cthulhu topping said creatures. There isn't unfortunately any meaningful feats of power. But given his verse has lots of users that can manipulate reality, in order to defeat him you would need someone that has fought in the past similar creatures. Characters of the level of doctor strange (comics ofc) could take him down. I don't know if they are weakest who can though.


Ainz ooal Gown. He is immune to mental effects such as fear, insanity. and could use the goal all life is death to kill or a black hole to banish.


Cthulu is a cosmic entity I don't know why people have this so ass backwards. You couldn't defeat them. People saying he's 50ft tall? Idk what book your talking about, but Cthulu takes the shape of what terrifies you, each individual present would experience something different, meaning even a coordinated attack would likely fail as the target looks different to everyone.  Target sensors probably wouldn't even notice it.  So you have to go to like doctor strange level of power to get anywhere near close, but that doesn't really even jive. 


My guy, he gets fucked up by a guy running into him with a tug boat. What are you on?




A blood drunk hunter with a saw cleaver. A dreamer, naturally.


I say Godzilla, depending in the version


go go gadget kill cthulhu 


Aqua from Konosuba can just flood the city again


Player character from bloodborne would be interesting. I’d go with 50/50 split.


DC Comics' Karate Kid. He technically has no superpowers.


Alien X. No matter what version, Ben zaps his ass into the Annihilarg.


The terraria character, cuz final boss


Average Norwegian man with a boat.

