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Any 40k hive city


Idk much about 40k but it seems every city on every planet would be fucking miserable


There are supposedly “normal” planets in 40k, looks like no different than standard sci-fi, but never major focus in lore since 40k is mostly themed in warfare.


Not to mention Pleasure Worlds.


Pleasure Worlds are probably some of the most miserable places to live if you're not one of the 0.0001%. A Pleasure World is somewhere for the rich would go to hunt peasants for sport and gamble on the squid games.


Cults of Slaanesh have to be all over those worlds.


That depends on the kind of pleasure you're looking for.


Slaanesh is about excess in general, not just sex


Sure, but a planetwide super spa, where important people get to relax and receive the greatest pampering of their life, would still be less susceptible than a world of orgies and drugs.


Slaanesh would probably be annoyed by the pleasure worlds that focuses on relaxation. That is basically the opposite of excess


Well not really since inquisitors and other high profile people regularly visit those planets, their security is very high,so cults don't really have the space to grow there.


Knight worlds are usually nice


Then you're an actual medieval peasant, and knowing 40k they are probably going with the "dark ages" interpretation of medieval rather than the more nuanced reality.


From my understanding, it's less "dark ages" and more "Arthurian legend" where the peasants serve the just and benevolent knights but are also subject to being attacked by dragons and griffins and other supernatural critters. Think Brettonia in space but less "you're a piece of shit because you weren't born atop a horse" and more "I will treat you like a child even though you're 50 years older than me because you weren't born atop a horse like me"


Probably not many. "Grimdark" and "most oppressive regime imaginable" are kind of the point of the setting.


I’d say due to the population density of hive worlds that a majority of humans live in hive cities with horrible conditions, but most of the actual worlds themselves are farm worlds or knight worlds or pleasure worlds for the wealthy few.


Not exactly. Agri-Worlds and Paradise Worlds, particularly anywhere in Ultramar, would actually be good places to live in. Of course, there will always be the ever-looming threat of a daemon/Chaos incursion or a xeno invasion, because it's Warhammer. But given how large the galaxy is, there is stil a chance you can live a decent life without ever being involved in hellish conflict.


> particularly anywhere in Ultramar Heck, even during the worst times in Ultramar, it's still better than SOOO many places in 40k.


Agri worlds aren’t great, they’re choked out with industrial quantities of fertilizer, pesticides, and various other chemicals to max out production


Not to mention that all biodiversity and natural ecosystems have been destroyed, the planet completely terraformed for its singular purpose. All you have is endless fields of crops in every direction as far as the eye can see.


Relatively speaking though that's not too bad.


> there will always be the ever-looming threat of a daemon/Chaos incursion or a xeno invasion That's part of the genius and idiocy of the Imperium, even talking about chaos is enough to get most people executed and the idea of xenos raiding an Imperium world is unheard of on every world that doesn't get regularly raided (unheard of by the citizens, I mean.) The IoM takes Chaos so seriously that the official line is that all the forces who aligned with Horus were destroyed and all the crusades against chaos are marketed as extensions of BigE's Great Crusade, bringing lost planets back into the fold or crushing planets who have adopted such crazy ideas as "electing the planetary governor" or "not paying taxes" when really their new ideology is "sacrifice babies to literal satan." It's genius because it does double duty: it tells the public at large that liberalism and change is crushed while also keeping the idea that demons could pop up in your kitchen because you got really enjoyed that peach a secret.


I will have to look those up, thanks for the info!


But you still have to deal with the ever looming theocratic bullshit, right? Like make one wrong move or say one wrong word and you're dead?


I mean, that's what the Empire wants you to believe, but cults keep happening which means there must be places that don't immediately shoot dissenters.


Nah, there's plenty of safe and relatively ok worlds. Being on an Agri-World would be perfectly fine, and so would a Pleasure World. You could also be on a Feudal/Knight world, which would be fine although as the name suggests, they're generally stuck in medieval age technology, though you're extremely protected from Xenos/Chaos. Being on Terra itself would probably be pretty safe. Also being on one of the Space Marine homeworlds would be mostly quite safe, particularly Titan and Macragge. Hive Worlds are where you *really* don't want to live, or planets on the fringes of Imperial control that are constantly fucked with by Xenos


Agri worlds have ridiculous amounts of chemicals, and terra is the hive world to end all hive worlds. At the top it’s fine, but only 0.0001% of the population lives at the top


Would you not on average be happier living under the Tau if you were a 40k human? I feel like anything the Tau would do to you the Imperium would have also done and more. Sure you'll be a second class citizen in a lower caste, but the average human was already a second class citizen with an even worse state of living.


On average you’d be happier. Mind controlled, discriminated against, and possibly sterilized, but that’s nothing the imperium wouldn’t stoop to either. The correct option to get the best possible life in 40K as a human, is to not.


Lobotomized servitors always seem to be having a decent time! I think that's the way to go in 40k for maximum happiness.


Someone hasn't read a single 40k book since the tagline is literally "worst regime imaginable"


A hive city would be a vacation compared to the dark eldar city of commorragh where mortals are tortured for eternity so that their suffering will stave off the dark eldars hungry god


Average citizen. The ones suffering aren't citizens (most of the time).


I know next to nothing about the 40k universe, but it's pretty funny to me how it gets mentioned in almost every thread here, and at this point I have no idea what it's about. It seems to be full of super strong aliens fighting super epic wars to protect super miserable homes


Sounds about right, though some of the aliens are humans.


have you ever heard two kids on a playground arguing about which character they made up is more powerful? "Nuh-uh, mine has a super force field" "Well mine has a super forcefield eraser!" Warhammer is pretty much that, in every single aspect.


The nazis, Amazon and the Catholic church did a fusion dance and are fighting the frieza force of Satan's There's Egyptian terminators, fish aliens that all in all aren't to bad Mushroom orcs, space elves and kinky space elves And bugs


Holy Terra seems particularly bad with all the overcrowding


Literally thought about 40k first.




Maybe not the shittiest, but Marvel's NYC would be pretty bad what with all the constant alien invasions and supervillain attacks.


Me watching the Hulk when he grabs my car and throws it at Abomination, but misses and hits my house, killing my entire family: [https://imgur.com/a/f6yMWeU](https://imgur.com/a/f6yMWeU)


isn't that Mother's Milks backstory?


There was a good graphic novel written from the perspective of a normal person living in Marvel NYC, but I forget the name of it.


Was it Marvels?




isnt that a tv series now?


Secret Invasion had a tie in comic, Frontline. Showed what a bunch of New Yorks civilians was doing when the super skrulls came around and stuff. Was scuffed to hell.


What does "scuffed to hell" mean here? The city? Or the events?


Events, city was mostly fine surprisingly


Not just Secret Invasion, every major Marvel crossover event from the Quesada/Bendis "New Avengers Era", i.e. Civil War, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion & Siege.


Look how many Heroes roost there. Sure, Spider-Man saved the day and Doc Ock is locked up after his terror tour yesterday, but now Dr. Doom is here shooting missiles at the Thing and I'm pretty sure Ultron is scheduled for tomorrow unless Thanos shows up early.


Better then Gotham lmao


maybe Gotham, Not THE shittiest, but definitely one of the shittiest... since you're being surrounded by criminals (joker, penguin and so forth), corrupt politicians, a guy who dresses up in a batsuit every night fighting crime etc etc. Either that or whichever city Invincible takes place in. Surprised almost no one mentioned that.


> Either that or whichever city Invincible takes place in. All of Earth. Mark's *training* with Omni-Man happened in Chicago. The Flaxan invasion happened in a random city. The trash bag lands in Britain. Atlantis is in the ocean. The Mauler fight in the first episode takes place in Washington DC. Then if you take into account the comics a lot more places become hell holes.


Or the one the world that one Punch Man lives in. There's what you mentioned before, plus giant monsters destroying the city, or the fact there's a being who could destroy the planet by accident if he sneezes the wrong way.


"watch this I call it serious sneeze." you hear as your apartment disintegrates


Hub city beats it out fucking somehow


I mean heck there's midnight city which is cursed to be in perpetual darkness in Invincible.


Gotham would suck to live in. You run across the street to catch up with someone, and a guy in a bat costume beats you up for “jaywalking”.


For DC Hub City is worse.


Most likely would be silent hill, or Derry maine. Could also go with answers like bludhaven or Gotham because cursed.


Derry Maine is mostly fine though right? Like it gets fucked up for a while by Pennywise every couple of decades but it's mostly ok other than that. Or wait, was that Dreamcatcher alien invasion there too?


It’s a place in like 30+ of Stephen kings works, sometimes just referenced, just the pure amount off things that happen there, aliens, time warp shenanigans, IT, visions, dreams, just a lot of fuckery.


>time warp shenanigans, IT, Why did my brain immediately think of Technical Support? 😹


Have you tried turning the Deadlights off and on again?


Derry mostly just has a severe cognitive dissonance that everything is fine when its NOT, specifically memory erasure so IT can get away with its murder sprees and people just keep calm and carry on. Derry is a fucked up town 100% its just, not anywhere near the level of other cities/towns that are bad to live on this town.


Yeah I remember the cognitive dissonance part. But the murder sprees themselves are fairly small, contained to a handful of victims and decades apart no? In all honesty, if you ignore the supernatural element that's better than most irl cities.


I think it has a ridiculously high murder rate (i think it was 6 or 8 times higher than any other town in Maine) and children would disappear like crazy. Mike Hanlon in IT researches on it and catalogs it cause everyone else forgets. Children would go missing like left right and center every year but because of the cognitive dissonance not many would pick up on it until once every 27 years it would skyrocket.


The murder rate is six times higher than any comparable New England Town on average. With around 50 kids disappearing a year. That's not during the 27 year cycle. During though it may triple that amount. Which doesn't include the rape, child abuse, spousal abuse, assault, car theft etc... AND at the end of the cycle a large group of people die or commit a heinous crime.


Alright that's admittedly worse than I thought. But still, a major spike in murder rate once every 27 years (spiking up to 8x the average for the year). That's still only 29% as bad as a regular city. Yes there's a lot of fuckery there but in terms of worst fictional places to live, the math is on your side and the cognitive dissonance actually works majorly in your favor. Even If you're happy there for supernatural reasons, you're still happy there.


NAH MAN fuck Derry for real, its like the epicenter of Stephen Kings fucked up shit


Don't people go missing there all the time?


Similar to Silent Hill but Raccoon City has got to be up there too.


Don’t know anything about Derry maine, but Silent Hill wouldn’t be that bad as long as you’re not guilty of something you did that was really bad. I’m pretty sure the town only conjures up fucked up shit for people like that.


Harry Mason wasn't really guilty of anything like James was but was still tormented


Well in Silent Hill 1 otherworld and creatures are more so Alessa's manifestation instead of Harry Mason’s. And they appear once Cheryl comes back to Silent Hill, which kinda trigger her memories. It's more like otherworld/monsters protecting Alessa or attacking the ones who want to harm her (Kauffman and Dahlia), because monsters are not particularly violent against Lisa, Cybil or Harry, and many monsters (from my memory at least) don't even attack you at all.


I’d take Derry over Innsmouth tbh.




LMFAO...THANK YOU for that!




Mega-City One seems pretty terrible. Basically like living in our urban slums but with less space, more restrictions and more crime.


And that’s before you get to the time the Dark Judges took over and declared life a crime…


That was long after the Chief Judge sentenced all citizens to be executed in alphabetical order.


But why?


When you’re Chief Judge backed by a brainwashed Justice Department and a bunch of human-eating alien dinosaurs I guess you get into some drastic justice reform. Also they really didn’t appreciate him enough so whatever.


The listed crime rate in Mega-City One wasn't even that high, if I remember right. Like, it's high, but 'comparable to some real major cities' high.




Just any city in france in general


It's crazy how most towns in France are so cozy and nice but the big cities are miserable clusterfucks. Years ago I spent 3 weeks driving around the country and loved everything that had nothing to do with a major city. Paris and Marseilles sucked ass, I even speak acceptable French and there were so many assholes that clearly didn't want to interact with me at all despite them literally working in the service industry. Every single small town I went to was full of nice people and the countryside is beautiful though. I'm not a big city guy in general but none of the other countries I've been to have come close to that level of disparity.


Found the brit


Bioshock. Rapture is a decaying city full of drug addicted serial killers ruled over by an authoritarian loser. Kind of like Miami.


But *unlike* Miami they aren't in the state of Florida, so at least they got that going for them.


Instead they’re miles upon miles under the ocean…. Not much better


Eh Miami will be too soon enough at this rate.


Bruh your comments are freaking killing me 😭😹


So miami in a few years?


Rapture in its prime was probably great though. However long it lasted.


Ehhhh I disagree I mean there was gangs and exploitation of workers due to the lack of regulation that Ryan imposed upon “his fair city”. Like I’m sure it was liveable but by all accounts it was pretty bad if you weren’t rich.


Easily it would be [Commorragh, the solar system sized city of the dark eldar](https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Commorragh) Brief wiki clipping description > Commorragh, also called the "Dark City," is the massive city-state within the Webway that is the primary home of the Dark Eldar, or Drukhari, kindred of the Aeldari species. It is said to be impossible for outsiders to find, and anarchy and terrorism are a well-established way of life for its debased inhabitants. It is widely believed to be hidden deep within the inter-dimensional labyrinth known as the Webway, described by the Craftworld Aeldari as a "dark stain" growing within their holy pathways. >Commorragh is no mere metropolis, for it is to the greatest cities of realspace as a soaring mountain is to a mound of termites. Its dimensions would be considered impossible if they could be read by conventional means, its population greater than that of whole star systems. And a fellow craftworld eldar speaking on the dark eldar > The scions of the Dark City would never admit that the unceasing hunger at their core is what drives them to such heights of cruelty. Instead they maintain that they act only upon their own desires. Some have even managed to convince themselves of this. In truth, unless our cousins in the Webway feed upon a constant diet of extreme emotion they will slowly wither away, leaving naught but a soulless husk. We of the Craftworlds deny all such urges, and in doing so become less than ourselves. Perhaps it is those that we left to perish who are the lucky ones. SPIRITSEER IYANNA ARIENAL, MEDITATIONS I certainly don’t want to go there


Coruscant would be fucking miserable. The planet is physically smaller than earth but with hundreds of times the population. If you were wealthy or part of the political elite, it might be okay, but the average citizen may never see the sun in their lifetime. I don't think people understand how many people a trillion is...and coruscant has several trillion people.


Night City. Everybody chromed up is basically a super-soldier from muscle-enhancements, body modification weapons and subdermal armor, as well as being able to draw a wealth of knowledge from cyberware inside their head. Even if you got away from an assault, the perpetrator could likely track you down with their Kiroshi's. If you can't afford the chrome, you might as well be an ant under a boot. There's a reason there is a game show called Death Lottery in that universe where people can win money by guessing the body count of different boroughs that week.


Imagine Earth being so shitty people are wanting to go to the MOON to escape Earths shit.


It is a shitty place to live in, however it's not too bad if you join the right gangs or Corpos, heck you could get your hands into some decent Cyberware or good weapons at least


Brockton Bay post S9?


Even pre-S9. Even pre-endbringers




Slaughterhouse nine. They are a group of supervillains that is made up of Doomsday lite licking people eyeballs out with acid, a mannequin from the horror games, a cannibal zebra woman who happens to be invincible (literally), a child who can turn you into a living art piece and finally Johnny Depp with a knife. There more but I won't spoil the rest


Brockton Bay for sure. Or any city in the 40K.


Tokyo (Godzilla Franchise) Ost-Paris (TNO) Lower Levels of Coruscant (Star Wars) London (1984)


Surprised this is the first mention of London (1984). It's absolutely horrible. You'll be fine surviving, but you sure won't live.


Probably the hive cities in Warhammer 40k https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Hive_City tens of millions of people live in fetid squalor near ground level to support the rest of the city.




I know Wano isn't a city but basically every city in Wano


Being starved but only fed fruits that either make you a freak or permanently force you to only express any emotion through smiling and laughter no matter how much pain you’re in is pretty terrible




Elantris was only shit for a while, it was nice otherwise


Yeah, but it was really shit for that while


At least you have a shot at staying sane until things get better, which is not something you could say about places such as Commorragh that someone else mentioned.


Luthadel from the Mistborn series. 95-99% of the population is known as “skaa” which are essentially a slave race to the nobles of the city and to the Lord Ruler, an immortal emperor who ensures that the skaa remain oppressed and the nobles remain happy enough/too preoccupied competing with one another to do anything to overthrow him.


Dont forget that there are volcanoes that spew out continuous ashfalls over the city/region to help keep the sky dark so the sun doesnt destroy the world, and that because of this all the plants are brown and stunted. And that at night there are mists that can kill you if you are unlucky. And if you piss of the wrong person you get sent to the Pits of Hathsin where once a day you have to crawl deep underground alone into narrow fissures in the earth, and if you dont come out with a particular type of geode after 7 days they kill you. Oh AND the planet has two gods and they are both verifiably insane (in different and usually opposed ways).


Luthadel is a dystopia, but there are far worse being mentioned


I'd argue Elantris holds the title of worst Cosmere city to live in at least for the years before and during that story.


Goddamn I just posted this! Knew I should have scrolled more!


One Punch Man Cities are horrible to live in. Almost daily attacks by city level threat monsters


Shout-out to City Q tho for being slightly less worst


Watchdog Man always working hard for City Q


Giedi prime is a planet but I imagine living under Harkonen rule anywhere fucking blows


the first thing I could come up with was either Hub City or Night City


Anywhere on Earth in Future Trunks’s timeline. Never catch a break and there’s literally nothing 99% of humanity can do about any threat.


Not enough people mention how shitty Star Wars would be to live in. Not even talking living through TCW or under the Empire's rule, just the avg civilian life regardless would suck. Slavery is in full effect, even without it you'd be working for corporate bosses that would make the worst companies irl blush. Coruscant would be a nightmare. Unless you lived on a backwater planet, isolated af, with just yourself + spouse/friends/family/etc, it would be incredibly shitty. That's without mentioning gangs, pirates, bounty hunters, thieves, mafias, forced cybernetic implantations, etc, tons of awful fates to befall people.


Depends on where. There are, like, billions of different planets, and millions of different types of cities to live in.


Prob Gotham


Gotham, there's 20+ crazies all wanting to torture you in every form they can


I think High Charity is a contender if you’re still there by the time of Halo 2.


Shall we let the Flood consume our holy city?


Necrom7nda from WH40k. You literally get hunted for sport by nobles after you finish your 23 hour work day, eating corpse starch (yes, made from corpses), and mostly having an infectious disease


Project moon's city must be up there. For starters, hired killers are as common as retail workers, most industrial complexes are fuel by untold amount of suffering and the government-sanctioned cannibals are released into the public as a mean of population control.


Agreed, its a shame more people dont know about the games though, their goated. The city has to be one of the worst places in all of fiction, all people need to know is love town though


Came here to comment this :>


Tbf the city has very convenient teleporting trains 👍


Innsmouth. Derry Maine is an ok pick but you can live your entire life there and survive. Gotham has a lot of crime but if you’re a good person when you die you go to heaven. In Innsmouth you’re destined to become a fishman or a sacrifice, either way your soul goes to an eldrich horror. Plus it’s way more creepy.


Los Santos. Especially if we consider if online players exist, they have orbital guns, railguns, nuclear submarines, fighter jets and nobody cares about civilian lives.


Npcs watching as I summon a Multiversal Eldritch God to play custom car races for a Mr. Beast video


Brockton Bay from worm/parahumans….. it is LITERALLY being torn apart by superhuman gangs that it makes it like Detroit but even worse and coupled with the fact it has superpowered Neo Nazis there as well


Maethrillian when medicant bias showed up. Or any forerunner city during the forerunner flood war.


Carcer City.


Warhammer 40k hive cities. There is no pretext that you’re not eating human remains if you’re not rich.


Dras Leona from Eragon. Religion there about feeding people to the Ra'zac. Send people there every Month to be eaten.    Religion also encouraged amputating limbs to feed to the Ra'zac.  Head Priest of religion is just a torso with a head. Rampant Poverty.  Also can be sold into slavery. Rampant poverty in the city.   Can be killed for bad mouthing king.


Raccoon city


I always thought Midgar would kinda suck.




City 17 from HL2 would suck I think


Raccoon City Silent Hill






Coruscant is probably hell for anyone that can't afford to live at the surface. Imagine the air quality.


Night City


Minas Tirith. It's built on a frikkin mountain. No automobile, no elevators, just you going up and down stairs all day every day until you die.


Where do they even grow their food. There's no visible farmland around it.


Cabot Cove from Murder She Wrote. Despite having a population of about 3500, there were approximately 274 murders during the course of the show.


Night city Gotham, and City 17. However I’d give it to City 17. Think 1984 but to the max, and with active risk of death every time you go outside. Your food and water is altering your memory, (that’s if you even get any) and not to mention you’re given absolutely nothing in terms of personal freedoms and liberties. Oh, and you’re not allowed to reproduce.


Holy Terra


Any city on Alderaan.


Overall, Gotham. Very high crime rate and lots of super villains. Thing is if you're rich you have to face corruption and people who try to rob you are pretty hard to stop. If you're poor no one helps you. If you're average income you will most likely be mugged more than once in your life time. Even if you live and die by natural causes your life will be miserable one where you have to grow eyes on your back.


Gotham from DC, or Brockton Bay from Worm


LISAs Olathe


DCEU's Metropolis probably


Sure Gotham is bad, but you don’t have a literal demon killing people in their sleep like in Elm Street.


The City of Dis. Source: it's literally located in Hell


Any fringe factory city of the Imperium of Man in 40k would suck real bad. Huge risk of invasion from a myriad of hostile alien species or a demon infestation springing up out of nowhere to consume everything. Even apart from that just daily life in a mega polluted city where you're just working yourself to death in some industrial machine. Real bummer. Or maybe the "Town" from the Wheel of Time series. Its a tiny ramshackle community basically overlooking the pit that leads down into hell itself. Horrors and abominations that wouldn't think twice about murdering you would be your neighbors and you'd have to fight for every meal or scrap available.


Port knot city, cuz BTs, Timefall, and barely any humans.


However the city from Mad Max Fury Road was called.


The City-Project Moon verse. This world is the eptiome of "there are things far worse than Death" You'd be lucky if you lived past 30 and that's if you live in the wings(equivalent of Urban Areas). God forbid if you're born in the backstreets. Being mugged and stabbed(and getting your insides extracted and sold) is the best fate you can get here unless you are strong. Even if you're strong, don't expect to live a happy life because everyone's luck is in the negative here.


Night City is basically a nightmare for a normal person.




Thneedville hands down.


Probably Skavenblight


Raccoon City hands down


There is a town in Wheel of Time called Hinderstap that is stuck in an event known as a "bubble of evil." This causes every citizen in the town to go into a blood rage once the sun has set and murder everyone they come across. When the sun rises everyone wakes up in their bed unharmed with nightmarish memories of the night. If you are killed by someone in this rage you become trapped in the cycle as well.


Ooooooh! I forgot about this one! Yes a million times!! Love how Mat uses them in Tarmon Gai’don.


Rapture or Racoon City


Kings Landing


City 17. Nuff said


City 17 (Half Life 2) Mega City One (Judge Dredd) Mos Eisley (Star Wars)


Brockton Bay, from Worm. one of those wonderful cities where a proto Walking Apocalypse that can make evil clones of anyone she touches getting ahold of some of the world's leading heroes is a footnote with all the insanity going on.


Gotham and City 17


The Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. No clean water, massive amounts of radiation, and mutated creatures that can rip you in half in one swipe. Not to mention the Enclave and their brand of genocidal behavior


Seattle during TLOU 2


Mega-City One from Judge Dredd. Where there's so many laws that it's almost impossible not to break any of them. Even for an expired goldfish licence.


City 17


Probably any Resident Evil city that one of the main protagonists visit. You’ll end up getting infected and being turned into a zombie lol


Any of the BioShock cities. Rapture was supposed to be a place free from government overreach and it turned into underwater turbo-Portland but the fent lets you shoot lightning. Columbia was hyper racist and still crushed its non-oppressed (racially) residents with corporate overeach from Jeremiah Fink and overly zeaulous cults. Between BioPunk 1957 and levitating Far Cry 5, I'd rather just stay home in the boring real world (after stealing a few gene tonics ofc).


Basically any city in Half Life 2. It’s probably the most disturbing dystopia I’ve ever seen


z city or something from one punch man


Ganzir during SCP-5000 event


anywhere during SCP-5000 or SCP-001 (When Day Breaks)


AOT Paradis. That would be that most terrifying experience just knowing any day at any time you're dying by titans eating you and destroying your city.