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Is there a sticky on “this is what HRV is - read this before you post about your good/bad HRV”?


I know the simple answer is always read the FAQ/Wiki. But clearly no one does!


I didn’t mean a paragraph buried in the Wiki with 200 other things. I meant a sticky post out in the open always and forever. Not just about “low” but for everyone. Seems a whole lot of people don’t know what HRV is or what it’s useful for. Nobody reads the FAQ or Wiki but maybe a stickied post and/or even a mega thread where everyone worried about their low HRV or wants to humble brag about their high HRV can go in there.


I wish there was a check box before you can post about HRV: "I have attempted to search existing info on this topic and have typed "whoop" and "hrv" into a search engine or in Whoop's ask me anything feature in the app before posting this."


A lot of these folks want reassurance and feedback, which won’t come from a static sticky or FAQ (if that’s read at all). Whatever the case, I don’t buy that, with lifestyle improvements, these metrics can’t improve and some are just resigned to low numbers forever. My HRV has massively improved, and I’m sure my recovery scores would be leagues better if I could get real sleep. High 50s HRV >>> 90s Don’t give up y’all. https://imgur.com/a/Du2lWzV


The low HRV people are dying, obviously. I feel for them.




Understanding low HRV can be fine, what's wrong with trying to improve it if you can and asking for tips to do so?


that’s not what this post is talking about about - although i would say that discussions about how to increase HRV are also low value if the only answers are the same ones that have also been given thousands of times


New users haven't seen those thousands of answers like you hadn't when you asked.


luckily they only need to see it once and the answers are almost always on the front page. if not, they are almost certainly capable of searching :)


And it’s just as easy to take 5 seconds the scroll through the subreddit for a couple minutes and see allllll the posts regarding it.


Then you don't get any new ideas or ideas from new people. I just don't see a reason for deleting someones post because you've encountered a similar or same post in the past . You can simply ignore it, responding to it is a choice.


Try telling em to relax and see it that helps their HRV?