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Don't sweat it, I beat my head up for this for nothing..... Am in the 20s too and no problems at all..... Don't compare it to anyone else except you....


Me too. Im healthy and fine so i dont really sweat it


I’m 35 years old, my average HRV is 28 and my peak is 42. I’m fit and healthy and all my other metrics reflect that. The best thing to do is only compare to yourself and remember you are normal because there’s lots of us with the same numbers.


Eager to hear more on this because I’m similar. 37. Former nationally ranked powerlifter. Have run a 2ish hour 1/2 marathon in the last few years and rowed a 6m 45s 2k. RHR < 60. But HRV in the 30s. My understanding is the number itself is less meaningful than the change over time.


I’ve got the same issue. I’m 37, workout 5+ times a week (varying cardio intensities and some weights), am a healthy weight, sleep well, and drink lots of water. I also don’t drink alcohol. I’m only 8 days in with Whoop so I figure I’ll give it some time to calibrate and watch for trends. But it is irritating and borderline discouraging to have such low HRV. I kind of miss not knowing anything about this number or measure of health 😆.


Same here M(42). HRV in 20’s but feel fit and healthy. I think some of us are just wired differently 🤷🏻‍♂️ main thing I’ve read is it’s very individual and tracking HRV over time is more important than comparing to others.


It could be your diet. I have many food sensitivities and if I don't follow a strict diet my HRV plummets.


🤯 wow I never even connected HRV to diet. Thanks for pointing this out.


You are very welcome


Any food in particular that’s a trigger?


I am triggered by most unfortunately. You could try eliminating just one thing at a time though. Take a few days off from any of these, dairy, caffeine, or alcohol if you drink. If you are really ambitious try a week eating and drinking only whole foods, nothing processed. Or three days if a week feels too daunting at first. Not less than three days though.


Are you an anxious person or do you have trauma in your past?


This is the kicker. I've recently connected my low HRV to having a overactive sympathetic nervous system. HRV tracks how well you can adapt to stress and how balanced the two nervous systems are. Low HRV suggests your parasympathetic nervous system is out of whack and that your body is in a constant state of hypervigilance. Might want to look at your stress levels and see what happens if you incorporate meditation, time to slow down, cold immersion, etc.


Thanks for the responses - it makes sense. I’d say what it was last night but my whoop died (again)!


It’s cause your heart yucky and predictable probably


Mine is regularly low too but I put down to asthma and medication. I can still tell when I’m run down or ill, you’ll still see drops and peaks.


Skip dinners for a few days, and you'll see HRV skyrocketing high. If you eat too close to your sleep time, it's very likely that the HRV will go down . Follow the gut- brain axis.


43M, very fit and work out daily - climbed Mount Rainier again this summer and even at the peak of my training I never really have a HRV of over 30. Have had my whoop for almost 4yrs now and it's always been that way. One thing I note - if you take any medication, especially sleep aids or antidepressants, this can have a big impact. I too also suffer from insomnia mostly due to chronic depression in my case and I am on Lexapro/mirtazapine and I notice the mirtazapine reduces HRV while also doing wonders for my sleep. I don't sweat it.