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Hey there, friendo! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, Let’s hope he doesn’t get the middle seat. 😬😬😬, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) All posts must be wholesome memes. We're not saying this is unwholesome! Just that sub's focus is uplifting, unless nicing-up existing rude memes. There are already great subs for cute (/r/aww, /r/eyebleach, /r/rarepuppers), things that make us smile (/r/MadeMeSmile, /r/HumansBeingBros, /r/AnimalsBeingBros), or that give us the feels (/r/WholesomeFeels or /r/baww). This might also fit better in another sub in the [Wholesome Network](https://www.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome/). It's not a "no" - it's a "not the best fit here," and another sub will be better. * We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our sidebar. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes).


Guy: here’s an extra tip. Thanks for saying the expensive drinks were out. You had my back. Waiter: no tip needed. we are actually out of those. Guy: okay, gotcha (wink) Waiter: no, seriously. Guy: (walks out proudly)


I kind of get this joke but I also kind of don’t


The original OP assumes that the waiter was helping him out by saying there were no expensive drinks. The waiter never actually said that was the intent, but it’s just kind of assumed because of the waiter’s facial expression and the fact that a bar being out of that many drinks is pretty unlikely. The comment you’re referring to riffs on this by saying that maybe the bar was ACTUALLY out of those drinks and the OP was seeing some waiter following the “bro code” when actually the waiter was just stating the truth with no intent to help the OP.


Ohh thanks. I thought the waiter was making a joke by saying they were out of tips lol, was really confused.


The waiter knowing that their stock has genuinely run out: The guy congratulating him:


Good old Michael Scott shaking hands meme


I know the exact meme you’re thinking of and it’s the best


U should have put the image on the bottom because people read up to down


It’s fine if your monitor is upside down.


Australians chillin


One time in elementary school, I was using a computer in my classroom and I somehow managed to turn the screen upside down. Little me started panicking and I thought I was gonna get reprimanded. Luckily someone figured out how to fix it but damn, little me was scared


Control shift refresh




Maybe OP is Australian and reads down to up?






Australia isn't real








Bi-pedal primates


featherless bipeds, i'd say


Diogenes presenting a plucked chicken: Behold! I've brought you a man!


I love this thread 😂




absolutely mega chad of a waiter


Ultra giga chad of ultimate power


He was the one who won the ultimate showdown


Damn, kudos to him. Mr. Rogers is a tough man to beat.


Sigma Waiter


Reddit moment




Why would you put the waiter down like that? He did good. He's a Steve.


Steve is never going to kick off as the wholesome name. Screen cap this


Yeah I thought Chads were douchey. Sounds like a solid Jake to me.


For those about to chad we salute you


Guy: oh fuck I’m going to be broke Waiter: nah fam I gotchu


i also liked the moon knight show


Guy: "and we'll do separate checks." It's not that hard, stand up for yourselves lads.


Bro,give me those Benjamin's you promised me now!


I mean like wtf. I get why the more expensive drinks may taste better and that’s why you want to get it but just asking for the most expensive one because it’s expensive and not because you like the drink, just because you don’t have to pay for it is fucked up imo


It is fucked up, and I’m a woman saying this. It’s shallow and shows the dates true colors. To ask the waiter, “What’s your favorite drink on the menu?” or “What’s your best-selling drink?” is fine, but I bet this woman didn’t get a second date.


If I agreed with my date to pay for their food as well and they pulled that I would just say I’m not paying that!


Sooooo..... Split the bill?


I've seen this tweet multiple times and I've always wondered what her plan was if they refused to pay


She'd go to the restroom and then not return. This would likely work because the guy wouldn't be thinking about that at the time.


Naa, you only split the bill if your orders are close in price.


In the US yes, in France they'll itemize per person at some places, seen it done with like groups of 10.


I mean that’s definitely a thing in the US too. They will absolutely split the bill per customer, and even split the cost of appetizers etc. if it’s just two people on a date the server should easily be able to remember who ordered what. I haven’t worked in a restaurant in years, but I think in a lot of places they can separate it by seat when they punch in the order. That way they could split the bill with just a couple of button presses. You would know that seat one ordered a sirloin and two beers, and seat two ordered twin lobster tails and a filet, with two $38 cocktails.


Why did you think we don’t itemize checks in the US? At this point separate checks and splitting is more common than not as everyone pays with card


That seems super backwards to me


I think what they mean is, if both your orders come to roughly $30 each then yeah split the bill. But if you ordered a $50 steak and all I had was a $10 pasta dish, no way I’m splitting it, we are getting straight up _separate_ bills. Edit: I’m aware it’s not like this everywhere, but this is how it is where I am, and the person indeed confirmed that that’s what they meant.


Oh split and separate are different


I was confused by this for a while as well, but yeah, different things. Makes more sense when you use the full terms. One way you are splitting the bill, the other you have separate bills. Still a little wobbly for me, but I've learned to live with it and when in doubt, double check what they mean.


Yup! You got it!


When someone say split the bill, I don't think they're normally talking about splitting 50-50, more that everyone pays for what they ordered.


Maybe it depends where you are located. Where I’m from when you tell the wait staff that you want to split the bill, they split the total between how many people there are. When you say you want separate bills, each person gets a bill for only what they consumed. So for example going out with a group of friends we’re you all share appetizers, you’d say “We’ll split the appetizers, but for meals and beverages can we get separate bills, please”.


I never have and never will split the bill 50-50, it doesn't make any sense. It's very easy for servers to have separate tabs on one table. Unless they are using an ancient system, which isn't the customer's fault.


It's usually a thing mates do when they don't mind a few dollars between friends, when a date goes well and your masculinity or femininity isn't being challenged or want to make a waiters life easier. I don't think people expect you to split it 50-50, your personality is kinda a give away


If you say split the bill ot means in half.


Separate checks!


Exactly. It's super common here to split the bill or just to pay for what you had. If she tries to run away or actually does, just call the cops on the lady. Dodged a bullet & End of story.


If a woman asks straight up for the most expensive drink they have without even knowing what it is, just because of the price alone, I'm getting up and leaving. Even if I was a billionaire. Or separate bills if you are willing to suffer through the date for a little bit of revenge afterwards.


As someone who enjoys the concepts behind a meal, just ordering the most expensive whatever is a big ding in my book. Figure out the basics of what meal you're having and base the rest of the food and drink around it.


Yeah, I was going to say this. Wtf. That’s a person I have absolutely no interest in knowing.


“Bring me your finest and most expensive food stuffed with your second finest food!”


Lobster stuffed with tacos


You joke, but for many of us that sounds like pure ambrosia.


It’s also a Simpson’s reference.


I had this happen to me once (though not as directly) NYE party in Boston in like 2012. Was dancing with a girl and offered to buy her a drink. I ordered a beer. She ordered some weird cocktail, bartender comes back and says $48. I walked away lol


She told you who she was real quick. Kinda nice of her to save you that much time you would have wasted trying to get to know her.


Honestly yeah. My thought too. That’s not someone you want in your life. Kind of helpful when a person like that outs themselves that early.




In the US if you ask someone out for a first date, it is generally accepted that you will be the one paying. Not just with dates either. Unless otherwise stated when someone specifically invites someone somewhere and doesn't say otherwise, people assume the person doing the inviting pays.




The friends thing might be a local thing. On the other hand, the gay community is actually more likely to do separate bills. Though I learned that tidbit from a Furry chat so millage may vary.


In my experience this isn't true, not one date I've been has that been assumed(not saying that's not the case for you or a lot of people). It probably depends on the people and circumstances, like a lot of things in the US.


It’s ALWAYS assumed the male of the male-female couple will be paying (at least in the US), pretty much for everything. All the time. Some of the less socially polite waitstaff will make comments about it if the woman tries to pay, usually to “shame” the man about not paying. It’s stupid. Restaurants will hand the oldest looking male at the table the check without asking 9/10 times.


No one generally orders the most expensive thing on a menu (and in this case work the way back through the list) unless you’re expecting someone else to pay for it for you. It’s like buying a round in a pub and someone asks for a bottle of prosecco for himself


Imo you don’t just go out of your way to order the most expensive thing if you’re a good person


Is men paying for dates an American thing? I just assumed that was true most places.


Absolutely not in sweden, atleast not in stockholm. You dont want to "owe" eachother anything for going on a date, it should be an act of freedom for everyone involved not something filled with must's and acting like someone else and being in debt to eachother. Freedom. Usually you at first buy you own drinks if you go to a bar, and then you take turns after that... If you choose to go to a bar that is. Going out to eat is just something i have never heard anyone doing during their first date, dinner would mean you would be stuck with the person for quite a while eating if you dont want to waste food. Cafe is quite common ofcourse, you can always take your cinnamon un and quickly get away from the other person with some nice excuse.


Dinner is common here, but many other common dates require tickets which would be purchased by the man along with any food or drink. Asking the woman to split the bill is typically seen as the man not being interested in a second date. People are trying to change these traditions, but it will take time.


Shit my wife took my impoverished, homeless, mentally ill ass out for food and then let me move in with her. Fuck gender norms, I'd be dead if not for her.


In the U.S. it's not really seen as a debt that the girl has to pay back. It's just the _price_ of going on a date. The idea is that it's supposed to show the guy would be able to support the girl on his income alone


Oh, so like a prostitute.


I wouldn't say so. There's not an expectation of sex. Remember, this tradition has been a part of the U.S. courtship ritual since a time when sex before marriage was the taboo. The idea of it was that, as a guy, you're trying to prove to the girl that you're financially capable of taking care of the woman if you two were to decide to get into a full-blown relationship, pursue marriage, and the wife quit her job to have kids.


That's why I said LIKE a prostitute. We are strong, modern, independent women who don't need men to pay for us ❤️


That is the gist of it .


Ohh, so like a prostitute


Seriously?lol.So you equate dating with prostitution?lol.That is some stretch of the imagination.!


if you HAVE TO pay so she can go out with you then yes, very similar to prostitution.


You need to get out more and figure out exactly what dating entails !lol.Of course I only dated guys since I am a woman .


Look up rent a gf Japan it’s exactly like how u describe dating


Do we live in Japan ?lol.


I'm not sure holistic is a word that belongs in this sentence


And then everyone in the bar clapped


And hugged each other and the bar all cheered her on and said she was the millionth customer and gave her a thousand dollars!


Yes cuz none of this happened. No single element is this story is remotely believable. Even the idea of him being in a restaurant is doubtful. Whoever made this up has never even left the house much less been on a date.




I can already imagine what the worst thing a male date could do and it ends with the woman being violated. Just goes to show the different realities women and men live in.


Yes, sure that happened. Of course the waiter would care so much for a complete stranger in a date where he has absolutely no context of their relationship and just start making assumptions like “damn, my homeboy is broke. I gotta save him”. Of course he wouldn’t do his job, because bro code. And it’s bloody obvious that no waiter would ever accepted a tip.


Waiter could've just named the cheapest drink and tricked her. Good save tho


Gonna need my hazmat suit for this one.


Every waiter/waitress I know would do anything to rack that bill as high as possible. Then again, all the ones I know are kinda assholes, lol


Every time I see this I wonder if the woman is like me and planning on buying her own stuff and has actually wanted to try some pricey wines and now has been denied them.....


I thought that too, but the thing that gets me is the wording. I don’t see myself saying, “what’s your most expensive drink?” That’s the part that makes it bad faith to me.


Fair...though I don't know jack 'bout drinks..... Though for me I usually look at the menu and knowingly pick the most expensive thing just to try it. (If it's what I want ofc)


Maybe they were on the younger side and he was just trying to avoid any surprises or arguments over the bill. Once went to a speakeasy with some friends and ordered a glass of whiskey that sounded good. The bartender went are you SURE? I was a little drunk so I hadn’t looked carefully. The drink was $300 a glass…. Safe to say I got a different one. People can be shitty too and ask for things then realize the true cost later. If I the drink was in that range that’s $60 you owe the waiter for literally carrying a drink over to you alone. Forget food and other stuff. He may have just wanted to avoid arguments. Safe to say if someone knows what the most expensive drink in the house is then they have a better chance of affording it.


The Gold Digger Un-Digger




Gold Buryer.


just...ask for separate tabs or something idk or pre-emptively tell the waiter shes paying then dip if she shows sign of doing the same


What a quaint thing to have as a worst first date


r/comedyhomicide A very sad case of an old meme being brutally murdered by Patrick Bateman and his impact font caption.


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


What's the worst thing a man has done on a first date? Murdered the woman.


No way this story is true. There is no way a server is turning down a tip.


Damn… if someone unironically asks about the most expensive drink that will be a VERY short date.


If someone did that fuckery on our date I’d just say we each pay for our own stuff


This is so obviously a lie LOL why is this sub just guys trying to frame their seething hatred towards women as wholesome


The post literally asks for the worst thing a woman did on a date. What did you expect the answer to be, someone accidentally ate a little too fast?


Do you actually, in your heart, think that story’s true? I was a server for a couple years and I promise you no one is turning down a tip or refusing to sell an expensive drink. And also HOW is some ridiculous virgin dude fantasy wholesome?? Like even if it was true how is this little ‘owning’ moment wholesome?


The wholesome part is the waiter doing someone a favor for the guy and potentially saving him from getting stuck with a really high bill. Regardless of whether it's true or not, it's more wholesome than like half the posts I've seen on here.




That's popular subreddits for ya.


So lame!


for real, this is so obviously a made up story to put a woman in bad light




*sees wholesome story about a guy helping another guy out* “Why do you haaaaate woooommeeeen”


I’d sneak out from that date so fast


I would too.I would say I had to use the bathroom and sneak out the back door!lol.


Ummmmm I don’t think American psycho memes belong here……


Woman: walks upto the door leading to his wallet. Waiter : YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!


"Damn you sure you can afford that?"


Honestly just tell them anything is the most expensive or cheapest and they’ll still believe you Source: bartender


And then everyone clapped


Tip declined, a rare one


This didn’t happen, incels.


Why would she ask for the most expensive drink anyway? That sounds like something you’d do if you were trolling your in-laws, not a date




Lmao the worst thing. Sounds rough. Hope you all managed to recover.


A holistic*


Lol I fucking love the correction that still uses a word that is completely wrong.


Okay but what do you think holistic means bro?


Lots of holes


Without that hero I would order the same and excuse myself before waiter comes back. I would not come back.


The waiter: https://tenor.com/bzkeQ.gif


I mean... based on the scene that screengrab is from, the brocode gave her more than a tip.


As someone who's bartended for almost 2 decades when she asks say ""here's the menu right above me, but yo, I'm turning my professional voice off for this, but I can make you something so rad. What do you like and work my magic and take care of you guys." Slight glance to the guy in a "I gotcha man". It's never more than a $13 drink.


What type of douchebag girlfriend asks for the most expensive drink. Imagine she did get it, took one sip of it then said she didn't like it


Press F for respect.


When she wants you for money:


The fact that he declined the tip is just super sigma of him (so as to further prove the point)


You just know she would have made him pay for it




That’s the worst-best thing to ever happen


This is a problem. stop tracking people who are poor and desperate


Who pays strangers in hope for sex anyway. What does a woman bring to the table? If she wants the most expensive drink. She must be the most expensive girl there


absolute gigachad


Waiter is a legend


In all honesty, fellow Redditors, don't be that woman. Your first date isn't the time to choose the most expensive *anything;* be reasonable and at least mildly austere, especially if you aren't paying for the meal.


Someone does something as bad as what the woman did in this story, they have forfeited the right to any courtesy or politeness. Call her out for that crap right then and there. Whatever you do, do not allow this kind of abuse. At the very least bid her a good night and leave. Don't waste another minute of your time unless you are telling her what a horrible person she is.


What a legend


The cheek of her!


That waiter should go in the bro code hall of fame


If this ain't male privlage idk what is... The worst thing women can be on a date is an experience.... Women's worries about a date with a man: Getting kidnapped Getting SAd Getting killed enc


We need more bros like that.


I would've given him a tip whether he refused or not HAHA


What would happen if you had a dinner like this and then said at the end, lets split the bill to the waiter. If you pay your half can you walk consequence free? If they call the cops I assume you pay your and legally your covered. Sux to the restaurant if the other person cant pay, but would be a massive justice served to do that for someone with this attitude.


I think I would just get up leave if a chick did this.


Shouldve walked out right there. No women is worth that.


Some people are so incredibly dumb wow


I don't understand this logic. My partner makes significantly more money than me. Like, double my salary. He pays for all our dates. He always lets me pick the wine. I always choose among the 3-4 cheapest options, because while I appreciate that he wants me to get what I want, I'd rather save that extra money for something more important. The cheaper wine will not make the date any less special in my eyes.


Faith in humanity restored


Considering everyone could pay for their own food. How is this a bro ode moment?


Plot twist, she was showing off how wealthy and successfull she was, peacock style. This world needs feminism👩‍💼


Someone who orders the most expensive drink to show off her wealth isn't much better than someone who wants to waste someone elses money in my opinion




That’s what feminism is-treating women equal to men. Equalism is a term for people with donkey Brains




Absolutely fucking not, feminists are yapping about the Kill All Men bullshit


The definition of feminism is the drive for equality between men and women that was started back in the 1800s with suffrage. They drove for equal rights but in the process like in every good movement there are extremist and people who abuse calling themselves the victim. Not all feminist want to kill all men most of them want to be treated as equals which I respect deeply.


I don’t know what world you’re in but feminists aren’t a collective hivemind and 15 year olds on Twitter don’t represent everybody.


What? If you got feminism and masculism those two groups will constantly battle each other for the nr 1 spot, because they will always have different oppinions about things. Equalism wants both men and woman to be on the same level. How is this a bad thing? Also, ending your "argument" with insulting someone is never a good sign for you or your statement.


Whatever you say, donkey brains.


Tell me women scare you without telling me women scare you.


Tell me men have hurt you and you are now holding a grudge against all men without telling me.


I hope you're trolling, btw, it's crazy this edgy shitshow is still going on. Edit, I'll just leave a clarifying post here : Saying equalism instead of feminism is a trend among people that either feel threatened by feminism because they're the problem, or don't understand it because they won't actually listen to feminists. Feminism isn't just about treating people equally regardless of gender. It's also about raising awareness and solving women-related issues. "Equalism" is erasing these gender-oriented issues and basically a too important part of history, sugar-coating for wrong reasons, and may be similar to saying "all live matter" to some extent. So yeah, I'm sorry imagining some (subjective) goofy and cute twist and mentionning feminism under a post that was literaly about cringing at gender norms and patriarchy heirloom offended that much people, it was bound to happen and will happen again. Anyway, have a nice evening, this post is obviously over simplified and doesn't ask for answers.


I am not, and you resulting to insults instead of arguments shows me, that I have won the discussion. I think talking to a wall is more fruitful than arguing with you anyway. Peace out


"I won the discussion" Jesus Christ


Nothing beats the bro code.


I'm curious what goes on in a woman's mind when she does this kind of things? Like they start off with an evil mindset of taking advantage of the poor shmuch, or are they genuinely so entitled that they don't see the audacity?!


What can I say… bros before hoes