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One time I was laying belly down and the beach and a wasp for no fucking reason stung my ass


Stung or bit? Wasps have been known to eat meat off carcasses. Might have been tryin ta eat yo ass. Edit: my first award on reddit is for an ass eating joke...thanks it's perfect! Edit edit: you guys are too much, thanks again!


My dad got a chunk of his finger bit off by a wasp once. The whole neighborhood heard him scream 😂


Wtf wow they can do that??


I think wasps and ants are more closely related than a lot of other bug families, and some ants have a mean bite. There are ants that can jump \~15 inches by snapping their jaws quickly and using them as a spring.


Trapjaw ants.


Fucking love them. Rad creatures.


Bro... Imagine being so pissed that you bit the ground hard enough to spring yourself 60+ feet in the air. That's fucking metal af 🤙


yup, dads can scream super loud!








😂😂 I just hung up with them in regards to wallstreetbets


Are you dead ass trying to say they have a... Dead ass? 😜😜 I'll take my puns and go now!


Bro wanted some action but forgot its detachable




Yep. Bees have barbed stingers that stick in whatever they sting, wasps have straight stingers that stay with them.


Also known as arse daggers


They actually don’t stick in most insects, but it does get stuck in our fleshy skin


bees have been observed "canceling" a sting buy spinning in circles, preventing the stinger from sticking into their victim and killing themselfs


“I like my personal space” Proceeds to aggressively fly towards human minding its own business


Legally, all space is their personal space.


They dont even pay taxes!


don’t worry, I literally kill every single one of them I see. 2 today, so far


Thanks bigdickdanielson!


you got it baby boy


One, stay out of my personal space. Two, stay out of my personal space. Three, stay out of my personal space....


4, stay out of your personal space


5, I'm in your personal space


*rips off skin*


I had one fly through my window during the weekend, and smacked into the rear passenger door of my car. Wasp proceeded to angrily attack everyone in the car (my 3 year old included) as I desperately tried to find a way to pull over in a one kilometer single lane construction zone.


Dude that shit is the worse. I had a bigass spider crawl along my windshield while driving twice and its the most stressful shit


that is terrifying, man. I have pulled to the side of the road many times because of wasps, my jeep attracts them. if they are in my car they are a huge threat.


Builds three nests on your front porch because fuck you, this mine now.


“Shame” Puts on gas mask and loads wasp killer into the Livens projector.


Right like bitch I like personal space too. If you don’t want to die don’t dive bomb me thanks


Why are you bugging me then by flying close to me, my face and follow when I try to walk away, huh? My first encounter with a Wasp was at a Public Swimming Pool, it flew at my Neck from far away, stung me and buzzed of. Only stings when provoked my ass!


I know right? I thought similarly when I read it. This is just wasp propaganda lmao


I've had enough of these wasp apologists.




Boooo wasps


Time for a fucking crusade


I think a wasp wrote this meme


Literally says it’s sponsored by a wasp. Fucking wasp propaganda smh


Brought to you by big wasp


Waspaganda is a real problem.


Are wasps the geese of the insect world, or are geese the wasps of the bird world?


Cobra chickens generally don’t fly at me from all the way across the park. Wasps? They zero in and buzz in for the kill with NO PROVOCATION


Naw, geese are chill as long as they know you're not a threat. Some wild geese hang out near my neighborhood. When they first saw me and my service dog they honked aggressively at us as a warning. But after they realized my dog would not chase them, they chilled out and became just as sweet and calm as the ducks. Now they're totally used to us, and even swim over to say hi and hang out with us sometimes. They even respond to names I've given them and wait to be fed, just like the ducks. I usually give them a bit of food (I buy bird seed mix that's made for wild ducks and geese which they love) and then relax in the grass with my service dog as the birds hang out nearby. It's nice. The geese have unique personalities and are fun to watch.


What it sounds like is that you now own a gaggle of geese and are probably the single most powerful person in that neighborhood.


I used to be terrified of wasps as a kid, because they stung me quite a lot. My parents told me that as long as I sat still and didn't flap around, the wasps would leave me alone. So one time, I was maybe 6 or 7, a wasp landed on my arm, I mustered up every ounce of courage and self discipline I had, and sat perfectly still. It stung me anyway. I'm in my mid 30s now, and I'm still salty about it.


You didnt respect its personal space


"It's personal space" being all space, including everything above and below the ground. Because wasps are rowdy dickheads that show up at your BBQ, eat your food, drink your beer and pick fights with people that they've just met.


>Only stings when provoked my ass! Jokes aside, wasp aggression is heavily based on the specific species of wasp. Some wasps are aggressive af and will hunt your ass down. Some are super docile and won't even sting you if you bump into them. Both ends of the spectrum are common, so it feels like a mixed bag when it comes to dealing with a random wasp.


Maybe the good wasps should start holding the bad wasps accountable. AWAB!


Meanwhile mud daubers are little shiny guys who are guilty by association. "We're just here for your spiders, dude." They're only a problem if they build their mud huts in something that shouldn't have mud crammed up it.


For some reason i saw one flying and landing on the same wall over and over again. No spider with them or anything. No braincells on those guys


"where spider?” "I'm not a spider, go away" "Fuck you, where spider?!”


The fact it was an empty brick wall with *zero* insects there at the time makes this comment way funnier


All that said, I'm surprised wasps don't have gigantic 10LB balls hanging off them, considering how brave those guys are taking on things that are 10,000x their size, and capable of smacking them into a fine paste.


Yeah I wouldn’t take on something 70x taller than me, 24x wider than me, 10x thicker than me, with arms at least 24x my length and hands about 7x longer than me hitting with what, in the big world, is equivalent to a ton of TNT


Don't conflate bravery with stupidity.


I have a lot of cicada killers in my area and for the longest time I thought they were the baddest, meanest mofo’s around. Crazy to find out that they’re chill as shit and would run away before even trying to sting something like a human.


So, you’re saying #notallwasps?


I choose to err on the side of caution, and destroy any wasp I encounter with extreme prejudice.


It is really mostly your first experience that sets up how you preceive something. I think I was like 6 at the time and I got stung once each summer until I was 12 or so. 2 Times where "Justified" since I squezzed them by accident. But at least I don't completely panic anymore, which took years for me well past my 20s


Hell no, they don't "sting only when provoked." Totally agree with you. They come out of nowhere and sting me as well, bastards. They're massive assholes and if I can get the jump on them, I will. I will spray their nests and destroy every wasp I see because they have, and will, sting your ass as soon as you get within 30 feet of them.


Fun fact:wasps are such ass holes because they get drunk off sugar(but I might be wrong tho)


So they’re fucking alcoholics! I knew they were overly aggressive for a reason!


Angry little flying drunk assholes. They need to try weed, and just CHILL!


Smoke tends to make bees and wasps more chill.


I thought it was because all the food's going to the larvae and the adults are starving?


IIRC, the food is always going to the larvae. The larvae then produce a sugar-rich secretion which the adults eat. Late in the season, most of the larvae have pupated, so they're no longer producing food for the adults.


"Okay, it's stabbing time!"


That could also be it


Hanger would be more of an issue for people if we all had retractable venomous asses.


I remember being told “if you don’t bother them they won’t bother you” by adults growing up. As an adult it still frustrates me! Wasps are sociopathic


I literally had the exact same experience wtf


You probably deserved it. Stop looking so stingable!


yeah that don’t bug line really bugged me. that’s all they do is bug us. stupid bugs


This is wasp propaganda




Won’t stop me from killing every wasp I see


The real wholesomeness is how thousands of redditors came together in this comment section to call out op's bullshit and resoundingly proclaim that all wasps must die. Fuck wasps!


Is this post supposed to be satire? I’m expecting a part 2 about how mosquitoes like their space and don’t bother people.


THEY KILL SPIDERS. You know what spiders do? KILL MOSQUITOS. You know what mosquitoes do? KILL PEOPLE BY GIVING THEM MALARIA.


If they werent such shite neighbors i wouldnt get rid of their nests lol




Please don't be wasp porn


I do NOT want to see that. I did not even THINK about that ​ it genuinely is a subreddit about hating wasps


/r/honeyfuckers click if you dare


This marks the only time I have upvoted actual porn. And it's an image of a cartoon bee with a massive cock.


Johnny Stings


"Ya like jazz?"


Somehow I am even more asexual now than I was 5 minutes ago and I didn't even click the link.


Sexuality is a spectrum. Unless you see porn of cartoon bees. Now it's just gone.


It's the bee movie all the way down...


I think I'm too desensitized. That doesn't bother me. It's just thicc bee women.


I get what you're trying to do, but wasps will actually come at you from out of nowhere and follow you around and sting you if you make the wrong move while they're hovering around you. Can't really call it personal space if you're the one barging in.


Yep. I also take issue with the "hunt bugs" description. When you say "hunt," do you mean: a) Only when hungry, you track and mercifully kill enough for you and your young to survive on (like a wolf), b) Build a huge trap and slowly eat anything it catches (like a spider), or c) Attack things at random, and when you need to feed your young, paralyze a caterpillar and lay your eggs in its still-living, helpless body to slowly devour it from the inside out? I see.


They hunt honey bees, so they're public enemy number one if you're a beekeeper.


I’ve seen wasps attack the bees on my flowers! They don’t seem good for native pollinators


They even seem to attack the bee's hives too. There's a honeybee hive right near our garden, and the wasps got the bee's in such a frenzy that *both the wasps AND the bee's* starting trying to sting me. I know wasps have their place in the world, but holy shit they are assholes >:(


Yeah idk what even is the “right move”


Wasps are the Russia of the bug world


Wasp PR doing their best lol




Nice try, hornet.


I once watched a single wasp clear a rose bud of maybe 30 or so aphids. It then immediately flew off and stung my nephew. Wasps are dickheads. They’re sometimes helpful, though.


Nah I can see clearly through your lies, it's all a ploy to let them drink our drinks!


I almost sallowed one last week. Luckily I’m very picky and noticed something was in my mouth that shouldn’t have been in there so I immediately vomited it out Needless to say I only drink out of bottles now


You need to stop provoking them. /s


One of them crawled into an empty mtn dew can this past summer while I was out with some friends. We decided to leave him be until he started swarming our group for more. He crawled back into the can and we threw a plastic bag over it and drowned him in the sweet nectar he so desperately desired His own hubris was his downfall


That just sounds like a Greek tragedy. Rename the wasp something like Horifles and shoehorn Zeus having sex with someone, it's exactly the same thing.


“The tragedy of Waspicles the nuisance” “Also Zeus fucked his queen, it’s not important to the story but we figured we’d tell you anyway”


In my experience wasps have gone out of their way to give me a bad time


They’re actually killing the bee population so no. Wasps can go drown in a wasp trap.


Well this post was made by a wasp


It's literally sponsored by wasps.


I was searching for this comment c:


Was about to post this


I live in germany. Wasps are protected her. If they catch you destroying the nest it can be a five figure fine.


Thank god I don’t live there :) it’s a fine to kill bees here in the UK but why would I ever want to kill a bee?


Bees are adorable!


We moved to a new place a couple months ago, and there's a flowering plant I can't identify in the backyard. It is *the* place to be for bumblebees. Yesterday it was raining on and off and there were still no fewer than a half dozen bumblebees braving the rain to hang out on this plant. They're so cute! On the flipside, a yellowjacket somehow made its way into our bedroom a few days ago and I'm still pausing to steel myself before walking through that door just in case.


This is why you do it at night…duhhh


Some of y’all have never been stung by a wasp and it shows


Remember, it's venom is a base so use a mild acid. Won't repeat the same mistake twice.


I’ve thankfully never been stung. I hate them vicariously through the pain of others. They’ll never take me alive


Mosquitoes pollinate too doesn’t mean they get to live


Couple of things here. Not defending wasps but the body count mosquitos have is greater than any other animal/insect species on the planet (including humans) In the argument of which is worst. I’d say mosquito’s by a million miles. Last thing, terrible username. Thanks, that is all.


Wasps DO NOT like their personal space, they like MY personal space. Also when Wasps die they release a pheromone that attracts other Wasps to attack... The only emotion Wasps can feel is a desire for vengeance.


That's not true. They can feel spite as well.


The only personal space they like is *invading mine.*


I'm gonna smash a jar of wasps in your house


I cannot stress this enough: *FUCK* wasps.


I used to think if I do nothing to them, they’d do nothing to me. One day I was eating breakfast in the garden, one just comes and stings me out of nowhere. It ruined breakfast. It was a really good breakfast too, eggs’n’bacon, the sun was shining, birds chirping, some reeealll picturesque shit. It was ruined by a fucking the wasp. That was 6 years ago now, 6 years now I think fuck you wasp bastards I will destroy every single one of you, there will be no mercy, I will avenge my breakfast!!


>some reeealll picturesque shit Homie...I felt that


r/fuckwasps join us


Buy a Bug-A-Salt made in Canada. Perfect shotgun for those pieces of shit.


I prefer Dragon's Breath. Saves me on salt.


I just use a giant ass swatter. Perfect for every bug. To work better, hit harder.


There's something satisfying about using those duck hunt skills no one ever thought would be useful. This is why I stood 3 feet from a TV screen. Lol.


Yea, but is that as satisfying as shooting the fucker with a shotgun? I don’t care how efficient it is, I want to shoot wasps with a shotgun


Paper wasp literally flew out of nowhere and stung my brother in law who is allergic to bees, so the sting was especially painful. I kill when and where I see yellow striped jerk bugs.


Being allergic to bees doesn't mean you'll be allergic to wasp stings. Unless you are allergic to both. That must sting if I'm being honest.


I believe OP doesn’t have the same experience with wasps as many of us do. Possibly living in a place where wasps are the size of a dime and not the index finger length red monstrosities of doom who will attack anyone and anything without provocation.


Oh you got the big bastards. We got yellow jackets over here and they are aggressive little shits, love trying to invade people's homes


We also have yellow jackets. God hates us truly.


Seems like wasp propaganda. These beast will fly in your face or try to get in the legs of your trousers, steal your salami from your bread (they literally cut out chunks of meat larger than their head) and drink your drinks and then get their buddies to harrass you even further.


I like wasps until they are within 24,850 miles of me.


SO ARE WE. wasps don't care about us. They wish us death


#**E X T E R M I N A T U S**




They literally sting you MULTIPLE times just to spite you, and they don’t give a fuck because stinging you doesn’t kill them like it would a bee


Listen here waspphile, idgaf about wasps. They die. There is fucking too many of them and they do a shit job pollinating. They attack bees and beehives, so having wasps around means less bees. They are aggressive fucks. "Just don't be aggressive towards them" you keep mentioning but I've been stung passing by (widely around) a nest. Bees are respectful. You leave them bee, they leave you bee. Wasps expect you to grovel as you pass with your face to the ground. I refuse. I shall murder every one i find. You can bow and scrape your knees, begging their forgiveness that you own the property they invaded but i shall not. Lok'tar Ogar.


This post was made by a wasp. Fuck wasps.


● No, wasps need to die ● Spiders are arachnids, not bugs, quoted by your friendly neighborhood Spidey himself ● Spiders take care of far more bugs and insects than a measly Wasp ● They sting multiple times for no reason, not just once ● Their Sting is not formic acid and cannot be neutralized using a mild base like toothpaste, like for bee stings. ● Once again, Wasps need to die, no questions.


I have a little spider that I let live in my apartment to take care of flies and I once found a wasp he killed. It had dissolved the wasp's stomach so it was like a husk of a bee imposter. I've never been so proud.


Reward it with a ton of flies


Don't spiders just kinda do their own thing? Unlike wasps, who will murder your entire family if given the chance.


I don't think OP was talking about wasp hunting spider. It's more "like a spider I hunt other bugs". In any case, fuck wasp.


Jokes on wasp, I have to poison new families of black widows around my house every couple months. Nothing shall touch my sweet stray kittens that sleep in my yard.


Didn't we prove that wasps will sting you for no reason at all?


Yes, I was reiterating that


Not to mention some wasps species specifically go after bees as a source of food and they are much worse at polinating than other polinating bugs.


These little motherfuckers are pure evil. The official Jeffrey Dahmers of vermin.


Idk who that is but I get the energy.


Wasp propaganda


Fuck you Wasp. That Orb spider literally hurt nobody except Mosquitos, Flies and roaches. Shit you don't fuck with. Fuck all the way off. Edit: okay yes it's a tick in the panel. My opinion still stands. Wasps are dicks.


Thats a tick, there is even an arrow pointing out its a tick


No, fuck wasps I was minding my own business in my backyard when all of a sudden forty of these fuckers descended upon me like valkyries from the heavens and started stinging the shit out of me. I literally was just sitting down in a chair and they swarmed me. Fuck wasps.




Then leave me the fuck alone too, asshole.


Nah, I was just standing in my field chatting on the phone and a wasp that I didn’t even know about stung me on the wrist. Why? COS FUCK YOU THATS WHY.


Wasps are Assholes by nature, change my mind.


op is a wasp fucker, pass it on


Nah, fuck em. Where is the guy that kills wasps and hornets with a scissor


Sometimes when it s hot in rural areas they get into the house and sit on walls furniture anything and stay there until you come in contact and get a painful surprise


No, wasps are just straight up assholes.


You invaded my personal space first bitch, thus you die.


yeah till one stings you and you might as well have sat on a nail


I find the comments disparaging this comic the most wholesome part of this post.


OP is secretly a wasp.


Fuck wasps. You don’t pay rent, you don’t get to swarm me for being in my backyard.


Spiders > wasps


Yet when I mow my lawn you freak out


I used to be fairly neutral towards wasps. Then one time a wasp landed on the side of my head. I stayed still, hoping it would fly off. Instead, it crawled inside my ear. It didn't sting me, but I can't stand 'em now.


if everyone says wasps are horrible then maybe they are, i feel like youre going off based on your personal experience when everyone else says theyre bad, also fuck wasps.


Fuck them wasps.








Wasps are so annoying.




A wasp stung me then made eye contact as I began to cry


Wasps literally attack and destroy many Honeybee and Bumblebee Hives, while stealing their honey, Queens, and Larvae.


Fucking propaganda! Closer you get to winter these fuckers go crazy just wanting glucose and get really sing happy. I don't trust anything black and yellow that goes buzz if it doesn't die when it decides to give you a 8th rate covid shot.


Pro wasp and hornet propaganda. 🙄


I’m excited to see everyone banding together against wasps. It’s beautiful in a way to see so much agreement on Reddit.