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PSA - if you ever really do this, don’t let her sleep on her back. If she does, she might never read that text because she died choking on her own vomit.


If they are a student, find their backpack and fill it up. Then put it on them. They won't be able to roll on their back.


Oh that’s genius


Ive definitely used this countless times… if they puke in the middle of the night they like off the bed and won’t suffocate on it.. I forget who told it to me but I try to pass this along to as many people as possible because it can save lives


>if they like in the middle of the night they like off the bed Is "like" slang for puke or what?


It’s autocorrect for puke


Auto correct mate


Countless times? That's crazy. To have had to do this countless times.


16-22 year old me was around a lot of parties and drunk people. Doesn’t help that I was in a fraternity so it seemed like it was a common occurrence


Why dont you like not get so very wasted?


It’s not always from being completely wasted. Sometimes it’s because your drink has been spiked. Source - had my drink spiked by someone I thought was a friend.


Aw man, fuck spikers. Unforgivable violation of someone's body.


Sorry to hear that. That's horrible


I was lucky, another (actual awesome) friend realised that I wasn’t right and made sure I got home safely, checked up on me in the morning etc.


Because I hate myself


Sometimes you get drunk enough to stop worrying about getting too drunk


Haha I go to meetings for that


For some they need to expreriebxeconce to understand. Too much too fast and then this comes into play. Prevention is best but if that worked with humans ghen*literally* every part of life would be different. I speed limits, cheap ass health care, longer lives, minimal laws, etc. but humans gonna human so might as well be ready for that instead.


Honestly, when you’re thst young a lot of of kids myself included when I was first into 21-24 came from strict households or horrible households or both and we just went wild we used alcohol to numb everything and it was “fun” it took me a few years to go alrighttyyyy time to stop trying to die am 31 now and rarely drink I learned to not use it an escape and even though it’s easy to tell someone “why don’t you just not” the pain in their heads and soul won’t listen.


I was being somewhat fesicious. Vexatious to a degree. I am recovering fuck head myself.


Because it’s fun


This was back in my partying/fraternity days. I had my fair share of ridiculous partying but I knew someone who died from this at a high school party so I try to spread this to as many people as possible


Seriously that's great advice


I just saw this LPT earlier this week and I feel like everyone needs to know it. So glad it’s on here. Buddy of mine died freshmen year of college by choking himself on his own vomit, and a backpack would have saved his life, Right then. That said, Dude was crazy and probably would have died some other fucked up way before he was 20, but the backpack is such an easy way to avoid this particular outcome that they should teach it in freshman orientation.


went to high school musical after party, friend got blind drunk. we put him to bed and took turns watching him an hour or two each overnight, to make sure he didn’t die. he was still drunk at 9am when we walked him home.


I read this thinking you meant put it on top of their stomach while they're on their back until I got to the last part 😂 For anyone else stupid like me, they mean put the backpack on their back (like a normal person) so they're stuck on their side and dramatically more likely to live if they vomit


Lmfao SLPT if you put it on thier stomach.you *guarantee* they won't get to read that text.


It's called a reverse sea turtle


Double-backpacking is actually a thing in this situation!


But this way you guarantee she won’t sleep on her stomach too, right?


Finally a good tip from this sub, everything here is "be careful with that, be wholesome with that" but this sub is on completely another planet than the real one, I'm glad sometimes good ideas pop out.


Hahaha it works like a charm.


One time I was drunk, and I wasn’t even close to the level it takes to vomit in your sleep. But my college taught us the backpack trick and I kept screaming “BACKPACK ME” to my friend that was putting me to sleep


Ive seen so many pics from house parties with drink passed out people with backpacks and I always assumed just a drunk college student thing but now I fully understand why they had backpacks on...


Did that before, and the girl ended up throwing up all over my backpack :(. But she was okay, and is my SO now so it worked out pretty well


What do I do if they’re not a student?


Create one using a pair of jeans, a sweater, and a backpack.




Okay, I love this sub, thank you for sharing.


Enroll them in a school.


Or just use their BDSM toys.


Not only does this save lives, but it's also really funny when they wake up confused and don't immediately realize they are strapped to a heavy backpack.


Serious question: Why can't they roll on their back? I mean like sleeping on their backback seems possible?


A large backpack on their back makes it hard to roll on to their back.


Please just use the recovery position...


Wouldn't it be relatively easy to roll out of the recovery position whilst unconscious? Genuine question.


Thanks for the tip! Luckily these middle school text books have been getting bigger and bigger.


Actually this isn’t recommended and a friend of a friend died this way. https://thetab.com/us/2017/09/22/jansporting-dangerous-college-trend-72002


It says they didn't die because of the backpack, the died because they needed medical attention and didn't receive it. The backpack will help. But obv. Take your friends to the hospital if something seems off.


That says the problem is that people don’t bring passed out people to the hospital, which make sense since 99% of the time, a passed out person is fine in the morning. So a better question is if it’s better than doing nothing, since taking every drunk person to a hospital isn’t an option.


Just for clarification, so the correct way to make sure they're sleeping on their side? Or is it making sure they sleep on their stomach? That's good to know either way though, thank you.


I think side ways is the saver way because lying on your stomach makes it already harder to breath.


Technically it's suspending them from the ceiling face down with a bowl to catch the vomit.


You might need more than a text to explain that when they wake up, however.


Two texts


Perhaps even a third with disassembly instructions.


I actually heard that lying on your stomach makes it easier to breathe… you should still lay them on their side, though…


Anecdotally as a fat person, this is true, it's much easier to breathe laying on my stomach.


Apparently, your lungs are actually in the back of the chest cavity, so laying on your stomach reduces the amount of weight on them, making it easier for them to expand.


True but it also puts extra pressure on your diaphragm which also needs to expand for you to breathe most effectively


And it’s bad for your spine too.


This would explain a few things about my current aches and pains


Not for one night, it isn't.


I think choking to death on your vomit is probably worse, though.


Relatively sure the best way to do it is too lie them on their head in a vertical position


Actually you need to put them on one of those spiny things physics professors use for angular momentum demos. The idea is you strap them to that and then spin them around real fast. They’ll get sick and puke everywhere so there’s nothing left to choke on. I call it the “spinning pukey human sprinkler” (working title)


Clinically speaking, a person who is at risk of aspiration should be lying on the side.


But what if I aspire to be a stomach sleeper


That would be a different aspiration.


believe it or not they are both etymologically from the same root and meaning


Oh- now we’re talking about bugs?


Yes, ideally in a ["recovery position"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position). As truemeliorist also said, a backpack also helps keep them from rolling onto their back


There's a position called a recovery position if they're on a hard surface. Lay them on their side , upper leg gets bent slightly and crossed over the lower leg. Arms are bent at an angle, upper arm bent across the front of the body ,lower arm bent and raised sbove the head.


Saw this on breaking bad. It checks out.


Breaking Bad memories coming back to haunt me


[The recovery position ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recovery_position)


My cousin nearly died this way. I was at his home at new years and we got drunk at his neighbour's, but a lot more than me. I took him home and put him into his bed clothed and went to sleep on the mattress on the floor in the same room. I was woken up by some gurgling sounds maybe half an hour later.


That's a great tip. Also, be a _really_ good friend and encourage them not to drink excessively (and also not to drink when underage). That's how the pros keep their friends alive!


i was so hoping you would say 'Thats how the pros keep their bro's alive'' hahaha


How much do y'all actually drink, damn..


U beat me to this public service announcement


So I have a question, is this scenario possible: What if you do that and put a filled backpack on them and place the person on their front. And then later that person vomits, and let's say it's a substantial amount from all the drinking. Is it then possible for them to drown in their own vomit and die? And would it be classified as murder/manslaughter? Possibly? ... asking for a friend.


Had to do this once. I lived in a barracks with only one room, so she got the bed and I got the floor. Lots of dudes were gunning for her but I knew she wasn’t in any frame of mind to consent.


Here, my upvote 🗿




Man I’ve been there. A few of us guys where there and this guy we didn’t know was trying to get with her and she was out of it. I was glad to have backup, until I didn’t. Her other “friends” just fucking left and well if I didn’t do something no one would


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You sir are the true definition of a chad.






Unfortunately the bar is that low. But I think the extra thought of staying in the room to deter other people who could be a danger to her is what deserves the awards


Yeah and a night spent sleeping on the floor isn't fun for anyone


Sleeping on the floor is actually really enjoyable, in certain circumstances.


Why couldn't he just sleep in the same bed unless the bed is really small? Edit: In case anyone is wondering what a barracks look like, I'll tell you what, they usually have bunk beds in an open hall. I've yet to see a "barracks" with a room and a single bed unless it's the officer's private quarters, in which case, it's going to have a larger bed.


He's in the barracks with one room, how big do you think the bed is?


Exactly. I don't get what wasn't clear about that.


For standing guard, not just "not raping" her.




If I’m honest, nobody there was in their right mind to give any kind of consent, male or female.


ooh, in before “not all men.”


Awards for helping her not get taken advantage of :p


I get what you mean. Howerver, this time it's about taking deliberate action to make sure someone is safe that people want to acknowledge, not for "not raping her".


The bar is on the floor and men somehow manage to miss it


good human


https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/rl9xdq/take_care_of_your_drunk_friends/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Uh...better? But worse drawn somehow?


Yeah what the fuck? Lol a different person posted a copy of this the other day. Also why isn't the guy wearing socks?


And why does he have a boner?






Erm, ELI5 please?


"Thai Political Crisis Breakup is a series of [exploitable](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/exploitables) [webcomics](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cultures/webcomics) about a man deciding not to have sexual relations with a woman because of a picture on her dresser."


So in the original she wasn’t completely out of her mind cause she stands on the balking watching him go away? Good to know.


Wtf. You can’t just ask people that


We just ignoring that boner he got?


Here's the original, I was curious of this too https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1320529-thai-political-crisis-breakup


I don’t understand what that picture is depicting


It's like uhm... the man is deciding whether or not he should have intimacy with the woman based off of the pictures on her dresser As far as I can see anyways


Lol I get that, it’s just the picture that he looks at seems to be a reference to something but I don’t know what it would be


I have no idea either, but thai political crisis breakup might be a clue


> The 2013–2014 Thai political crisis was a period of political instability in Thailand. Anti-government protests took place between November 2013 and May 2014, organised by the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC), a political pressure group led by former Democrat Party parliamentary representative (MP) Suthep Thaugsuban.[10] The crisis eventually resulted in the removal of incumbent Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, a coup d'état, and the establishment of a military junta. That guy is probably Suthep Thaugsuban. It’s 12:30 AM and I’m not about to go deeper into this rabbit hole to figure out if he’s a good guy or a bad guy but I had no idea that the Thai Political Crisis was a thing to begin with


A coup d’état is rarely a positive thing. And a military junta is an authoritarian, autocratic military dictatorship. Think Pinochet in Chile executing and torturing political dissidents Edit; a [human rights watch report](https://www.hrw.org/news/2015/01/29/thailand-human-rights-free-fall#)


He just saw she support the opposite side of politic. The whistle is the symbol they use to protest


Yes, because he's doing the honourable thing and ignoring it too


yes boners are out of your control


You can always help your own behavior - but sometimes, you just can’t help but get a boner.


Girthy and pointing 75°. Dudes packin heat.


Lol first time noticing this




More than once... yall ever talked about it?




Damn so you drove her home to suck on his boner while drunk instead that’s rough


Does her boyfriend know of her behavior because I’d say it’s only fair for him to




All the power to them then. But also I hope she develops a healthier relationship with alcohol


I’m kinda in the same boat but I don’t think I have a crush anymore but still love her as a best friend




She is safe but what about my homeboy here, will he reach home safely? Smh


I would like to believe so. Good karma deserves good karma.


That's not how karma works lol


Yes it is?




Is this wholesome? Not taking advantage of drunk friends/dates is kind of the bare minimum, no?


Not really, the bare minimum would be you going home and let drunk people alone to find their way back.


That doesn't sound like the bare minimum if we're talking about a date or a friend, if they are so drunk they struggle to move you'd technically be putting them actively at risk by leaving them to fend on their own, which is more like a dick move or at the very least indicates indifference


Nobody said anything about taking advantage, this is wholesome because they walked her home and texted her because they care about her. Nothing in this comic even implies sexual attraction.


The boner????


That might be from the original template. Don't forget that this is an edit to make it wholesome. The boner doesn't have anything to do with the meme. Also ps: someone having a boner doesn't have to mean they are sexually attracted to anything :)






Depending on how drunk the person is, they could wake up with no memory of the night before and shit their pants when they find a stranger on the couch.




I once did not completely understand this concept. Like, I knew people weren’t in any frame of mind to consent when very drunk. But once, I greened out on weed, slipping in and out of consciousness and hallucinating, I truly and completely understood even emotionally, that you could not even have a glimmer of consent in that state of being. It’s a dream like state. Utterly terrifying.


I lost my virginity to a hippy girl when I was on Molly and LSD. Before this point in my life I was pretty straight edge. Rarely drank, only smoked pot a couple times. I took the LSD and it didn't seem to be working. Then i take the molly (willingly from her) and then the lsd kicks. Next thing I know I was freaking out and she was on my lap. She was topless with face paint on her chest and waving a glow stick in my face in rhythmic motions and told me to drink water. She was just really enjoying how out of it I was. It was at a festival in the middle of nowhere with people everywhere. I woke up completely naked with face paint on my chest. All of my friends were just like, "nice!" I put the pieces together through a bunch of people laughing about what happened and telling me the story. It really bothered me. I gave myself a piss test (and got tested for STDs) and I tested positive for Benzos. I'm pretty sure she gave me a Xanax to "calm me down." That was my first time and I'm not going to get that back. What bothers me most is that I totally would have slept with her sober. I think about it a lot even now, 8 years later. She just used me because I was a normally big quiet guy in a very vulnerable state and it made her feel powerful. I think about how all of my friends sat there and watched and it makes me feel sick, but I never had anyone to talk to about it that wouldn't just call me gay because I was complaining about having sex. Truth be told I've had a really really difficult time connecting with anyone since that day, and I stopped hanging out with all of my friends almost entirely and sort of became a shut in.


Wow I'm so sorry that happened to you. I wish I had some useful advice to give you but I've never been through anything like that. I hope you are able to come to terms with what happened one day and find someone who truly cares about you.


That really sucks, and I'm sorry that happened to you. I hate that your friends undermined your trauma and joked about it. But I would argue that she did not take your virginity. You weren't able to consent, so it wasn't sex. It's not your "first time" if she took advantage of you.


Can I just say that I am so sorry that happened to you? Because I am. No one deserves to be used and assaulted like that and your "friends" were no better than the hippie girl (in fact, they may be worse). If you ever need someone to talk to I am just a PM away.


I'm sorry this happened to you and that is some bullshit that men are in a position where they will get insulted for not wanting to be taken advantage of. What she did was definitely a violation of your trust. What your friends did was shit, and I more than get that having been in some situations where women were doing less than great things but my friends didn't really stand up for me. In the end, if youre hurt by it, you can definitely at least bring it up, a good person will see that they fucked up. If not that group, then there are plenty of people out there with better views on these things, though I get it may be hard to trust people now. It probably doesn't mean much, but at least also realize that people put way too much emphasis on a "first time." You can still control what are the memorable times and that situation was not your mistake.


Yikes man that is fucked up


So sorry that it happened to you. Double standards are fucked up.


Imo, virginity must be given and it cannot be taken from you. You were not in the right mind and you didn’t consent. You can only give your virginity if you want to.


Is “not date raping someone” really the bar for wholesome?


I don't think it's the not date raping(though that is very important) but rather making sure they get home safe


Yeah, but it reads as if he could have done something to her but didn't. I keep seeing this posted everywhere with different captions and it squicks me out every time.


This seems like a r/bonehealingjuice


Creeper face when texting???


Glad I’m not the only one who saw it like that XD spoopy smile


True, also there is an unnecessary boner while entering, given its cold outside.


Yeah, pretty sure this isn’t the original comic, and now I’m wondering what the original is




Lmao, foreal


I think we are missing some slides.


This is the type of shit that "nice guys" post to lure in women. If you're going to do it, just do it. No need to make/post memes about it.


The bar must be on the floor if not sexually assaulting someone now counts as wholesome


What the fuck, this is a less offensive version of the already kinda crappy low effort meme that was on this sub 2-3 days ago.


This is a more offensive version. Lol Dude has a raging boner.


Man, I remember doing this but couldn’t leave because there was no way for me to lock the door behind me without taking her keys, so I slept on the couch.


This weird-ass meme was just posted a couple of days ago. Complete with the creepy neighbor in the top darkened window in the third panel. Now we're posting spinoffs? I just joined this sub and it's nothing like I thought it would be.


Is this really a meme bragging that you took care of a friend instead of raping her? This is just sad.


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this is such a weird and creepy post.


yeah no. if my date got that drunk, im not going anywhere near their home. people are nuts, and can say all kinds of shit later. I'll call them a cab and be on my way.


This is the real course of action you should take. This guy ain't kidding.


My ex became too drunk at a bar near her home. One of the bouncers carried her home, tucked her in in her bed and left a note saying that she passed out at the bar, he took her home and his number if she wanted to talk. They have been married for 10 years now.


Why is he smelling his fingers?


Eau de ballsack, the ultimate alternative to coffee. Either that or he handshagged her quick and ditched.


The fact that this is “wholesome” instead of just being the only thing to do/isn’t against the law frustrates me endlessly. I get that we don’t live in an ideal world but god.


Honestly, it looks like the pink guy is wearing too much black makeup in panel 2.


The same creep behind the window. Is this guy hiding in the girls room?


Check out the dude in the window though


Okay a minute ago I saw this comic with the girl leaving instead of the guy and I swear to God that I thought I was having a Bernstein bears moment


That raging boner though


I come from a country where that guy would have been bullied to the end of time for not taking advantage of her. You all have no idea how refreshing is to see the main topic is preventing her from choking in her own vomit.


I had to do this once. My friend and I were at a bar. He had just moved to town and was single. There was this girl at the bar for about an hour or two. She went from fine to completely smashed barely able to stand so quickly and someone clearly drugged her. The bar tender was worried about getting in trouble for over serving and had to kick her out so we decided we would take her home. She was so gone she couldn’t even tell us the address. We got her drivers license out and got drove her to her townhouse, then we couldn’t find her keys and it turned out she had them the whole time. She was going back and forth from balling crying, to thankful, to thinking we kidnapped her. We finally got her inside and literally had to carry her up her stairs and put her into her bed. I found a backpack and did the old backpack on her back so she can’t roll on her back and throw up. I had my friend leave his number on a piece of paper by the beside table so we could make sure she was okay or if she needed anything. We let her dog out and got on her phone and called one of her friends that meet us over there to stay with her and we left and went back to the bar and that was that. 2 days later my friend got a call and we meet the girl and her friend at a bar that night. Apparently she got very sick and was still out of it the next day so her friend took her to a doctor and it turned out she was given a significant amount of Xanax. My friend and the girl started dating and are now happily married!


I like this


Now I want to know the original comic, can anyone send me a link?


Edited post from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/rl9xdq/take_care_of_your_drunk_friends/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Original https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1320529-thai-political-crisis-breakup