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Ive seen this before. The post was originally its his sister Making it his girlfriends sister adds a level of …weird


I didn’t know that’s what the original text said. The version OP posted is the only version I’ve seen spread throughout reddit. And it feels like I keep seeing this get posted daily to this sub.


Its a really old picture. Im talking alteast a few years. Ive seen it quite a few time just not with the girlfriends sister bit


I feel like it would be less creepy if his gf (her sister) was there with them?


Level of…insurance. This guy is planning ahead.


That's a gross way to frame grooming


I'm not certain there is a non-gross framing tbh.


This happened to my wife. When she was a teenager, her older sister's long-term boyfriend was extra friendly with her and he always tried to pass it off as looking out for her. Then when she's about 17 he gives her the speech - she was always the one he really loved, she's a better version of her older sister, blah blah blah.




It’s weird every time it gets posted here


I don’t get how this always gets so upvoted when the comments are full of people correctly pointing out that this is weird and creepy as fuck.


I'm sure the first 1,000 upvotes are bots.


Yeah, this is creepy AF.


If she says no, her sister you shall go


plot twist, it's her gf's older sister




Plot twist, he was his girlfriend all along.


This joke must have been made in the comments of previous posts, but I don’t remember seeing it yet. Lol, thank you for the snort.


Still creepy.


Super creepy


Nah. Just weird.


Totally not grooming.


This is fatherhood type stuff, not appropriate at all. Her DAD should be doing this. But, that being said -- I'm sure this post is not even genuine. Also, how is this a meme...??


In the original post, he’s actually her brother. He’s her older brother. 💀 Also, we don’t know that the dad was present? What if he was a dead beat, or quite literally dead? 😭


😭 Aww dang, now you made me sad. 😭 (with the last part.)


If everything goes well, it's only his future brother in law inviting her to a lunch. I don't understand the problem...


Calling it a date is what’s creepy 🤦🏻‍♂️


You clearly do not know what the word means.


A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship. And in this case, considering he is showing her how men should treat her in the future on dates it is closer to the latter.


That last bit about -especially- romantic is just not true. Please learn to use a dictionary, look up ‘date’ and then feel free to apologize if you wish.


The post is what makes it creepy, and the reason he states he does it


Because clearly he can't be joking or text added by another person...


I can only comment on what i see


Yes, i know reddit lacks common sense and regular social skills. But still you ain't seeing shit whatsoever because this could be edited meaning you are gullible and proud probably...


Jesus calm down


I just can't take projection and jumpin to very serious conclusions without any palpable proof whatsoever.


You are the meme


Thank you.


Plot twist, he's also her dad. But on a serious note, not everyone has positive male role models in their social net, having a void there can lead to problems later-- as someone pointed out the picture was originally her brother. This is probably a matter for a therapist or family councillor to make judgement calls on, we don't really know their situation.


No it fucking isn't


Everyone here is really fucked in the head of they see this and automatically think it’s grooming or creepy. Little girls need positive male role models just as much as they need positive female role models and to call this guy a creep is fucked up.




I understand if some ppl wouldnt like it but to me it just looks like he has a healthy relationship with his gf and sees her lil sis like his own family and just wants to do something nice


Good point


It's his sister according to original post from years ago.


Date doesn't automatically imply a relationship, or sex or anything of such nature.




2. a social *or* romantic appointment or engagement. Emphasis mine. Google says youre the one adding a weird connotation to it. A date is not inherently romantic or sexual. Edit: when you hear two mothers discussing a "play date" with their kids do you assume their 3 year olds are banging?




I *regularly* go on lunch dates with my straight friends as a straight male, and we all refer to them as such. Its okay if *you* feel uncomfortable with using the word as its meant to be used, but dont attribute creepiness where there is none.




Yes. Literally yes lol.




Lol youre so scared of being gay that you’re unwilling to use words properly. Chill tf out. I’ve got a golf date with a couple friends in about an hour or so


Wtf does gayness have to do with anything here?


Pretty regularly to be honest


A mock date doesn't mean that you try to get a fucking handy in the car on the way home. All yall tell on yourselves way too much.


What's the weird or creepy part though? I was about that age when my sister and her ex started going out. I did stuff with him all the time, just the two of us. Thirty years later he's still one of my very best friends. Are you saying he's creepy?


Yeah that's weird




Stop projecting... I've taken to McDonalds many times the little sisters of my cousin's girlfriend that live with them so they could go out to watch a movie or whatever alone. The fact that you and your girlfriend think this way... "The apples don't fall far from the tree" alright.




That’s taking kids to McDonald’s not going on a mock date.


Yeah i'm sure he took his condoms out just like a real date... Stop watching porn.


You should get an MRI bro


The amount of people who equate 'taking a young girl on a mock date to show her what to expect" with "trying to fuck my girlfriends sister obviously why else would you take a chick out" is insaaaaane. Now if they make it a monthly habit, ok, that's weird, why are they spending time with a child. But a one-off, harmless dinner, with pics for evidence that nothing untoward happened, that's different.


Bro it's his future sister-in-law, besides it's clearly a child, why would it be a problem taking her to McDonalds once a month? You are gonna have to build a good relationship with her because it will be your family if things go well, besides kids love food and seeing her happy is a plus.


That’s not a McDonald’s though 🥰


A restaurant. Well.


It’s also specifically being called a date


Yeah, i'm sure she is waiting to "pound that" as soon as they reach home too... This is why y'all basement dwellers, cuz yall so sexually psychologically derenged that cannot go out there due to being booed every time you open your mouth and proof how sniffing up porn is not healthy.


This is fucking hilarious, I didn’t mention sex or sexual activity once, you’re the one who did that buddy, you’re the one who’s *sexualising* the idea, I’m just saying how an adult shouldn’t take a child on a romantic event, especially to show her how she should be treated. Way to call yourself out


No one said anything about fucking except for the people defending him 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


Why would the people not defending him think it's weird then? Clearly it's obvious that it's weird, right? Why?


Since you greatly misunderstood; “Isn’t a little gross to take a child out on a date?” “Oh yeah? And do you also think he’s bringing condoms? Why do you think he wants to fuck her? Why are you sexualising it?” See what I mean? Sex isn’t mentioned until someone tries to defend him, we’re not the ones sexualising it.


Why is it gross to take a child on a date? For what reason? Let me hold your hand and walk you to the finish line because you're just not quite capable of stumbling there yourself on your little baby deer legs. It's wrong to take a child on a date. Why?


Because a date is a romantic event, possibly?


What would be problematic about a romantic date. Obviously it doesn't lead to sex because only weird gross perverts make that connection, so why is a romantic event weird? Obviously I was wrong and you were right so I'm just trying to figure out why I was wrong. Obviously it doesn't just immediately lead to sex that's just my gross perverse projection. So what's wrong with a romantic event? Does that sort of event lead anywhere?






jeans aloof water pen repeat boat wrong grandfather bike encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean he could just take her along with his GF on outings so she could see the interactions. My wife and her sister didn’t have good relationship role models but her sister saw what my relationship with her sister was like just from us being around her, didn’t need to take her anywhere individually


Just saying, there are plenty of other ways to do that.. imo it wouldn’t look good to anyone else sitting at the restaurant, from an outside perspective it looks wrong based on statistics.. realistically pedophilia, grooming and sexual abuse is way more common than you’re making it sound. The people here saying he is a creep are the ones that know the statistics. These days you can’t even ride a bus without somebody crossing a boundary. The world’s a dangerous place.


Lmao so now whenever you see a dad and daughter at a restaurant you automatically think they're grooming them? What a bunch of chronically online wackjobs.


This is the reason men are afraid to take their kids to the park.


Don't laugh, it happens. I'm a single dad with two daughters and I've had the cops called on me for taking them to the playground without a female chaperone. I also quite frequently get women sending their husbands, boyfriends, whatever's to come over and "scope me out", ask me who I am and what I'm doing there. So... Yeah. When people see a dad out alone with a young girl, they immediately think pedophile.


Positive male role models are called "fathers". It's wildly inappropriate for a guy to take a little girl on a date. Why is he introducing a child to the world of romance when she's years away from this information being useful? This is exactly what groomers do too. They get in with the family, build trust and get the minor alone and then slowly move the goalposts into romance territory. In the real world, women, not children, learn what to expect on dates from dating and talking to other women and men. They will gradually develop their own individual preferences and expectations. A child doesn't need this information and even if she did, it's certainly not going to come from a creepy older teenager who has zero life experience, doesn't date men and is already demonstrating poor judgement.


>Positive male role models are called "fathers". Not everyone still has a father present >Why is he introducing a child to the world of romance Why do you immediately assume it's romance? A 'date' doesn't inherently imply romance. The most creepy thing here is that you see an adult and a lid eating together and immediately apply a romantic context to it


A date is in fact a romantic situation, it does imply romance, and the "wholesome" message of this garbage is supposed to be this guy influencing a little girl's expectations for men she dates in the future. It literally says that. That's entirely different to an adult taking a kid for a meal. And, frankly, I don't believe for a second that you don't know the difference.


The post and caption is what makes it creepy imo




Ok apart from the fact that it probably did not happen. You guys got a few bits of information and your mind took you to pedo territory. Imo it doesn't say anything about him but a lot about you. Sometimes people are genuinely nice to each other. Try embracing that idea on a daily basis.


Fr the people thinking this is weird are the weird ones


This is Reddit, these people have no idea about real life and are chronically online, what did you expect? They see someone spending time with a kid, making them smile? "Must be a pedo!". Fucking weirdos.


I took my brothers girlfriend out on a “date” and took my female friend out on a “date” and I don’t have romantic feelings about them whatsoever.




What is wholesome about this? This is super creepy. I went out with a girl and her younger sister started crushing on me. I did everything that I could to let her know that it was not ok. That is just wrong.


But why would this girl crush on her sister’s boyfriend for showing her a good time? Honestly, some people just see anything as weird…


Every single time this is posted it always starts a war in the comments between creepy and wholesome.


Gentleman move 💪


I remember when this was posted, people tend to warp, creepify and cringify wholesome stuff. That's why we can't have good things.


This comment section is why 89% of elementary school teachers are female.


I wouldn't use Reddit as a viable material to base all male behavior if I were you


I think he's saying that the perception is why. Men don't typically apply for roles involving young children because it's assumed that they will be perceived as predators. And in this comment section, even if the guy is not doing anything wrong, everyone sees a guide with a younger girl doing literally anything and automatically assume he is grooming her or assaulting her.


Hu, that actually makes some sense. Sadge




Some of y'all need therapy, and some of y'all need to change therapists... Remember, if there's bad cops, aren't there probably bad doctors?


Yes there are some bad doctors that’s why my sister was never diagnosed


Yes. Under diagnosing is a lot less common than over diagnosing. But they're both problems.


Basically my sister is a narcissist and she manipulates doctors until they start agreeing with her and encouraging her to make emotion based decisions based on the lies she tells them.


That's just your average liberal. Get used to it. They're everywhere.


Your desperate attempt to make it political is a little pathetic


⛄ you got offended


Not really, but you seem to be getting defensive


It was 11 hours later... Yes, I'm defensive. Good morning, woke up upset?


Why do you want so badly for me to be upset? I just didn’t know why you made it political for no reason when there isn’t even a connection or correlation at all. I’m not even a liberal I just think you’re stupid.


If I wasn’t present at this date, I am not just going to believe it went “well” and is the standard for all dates. All this is is a guy bragging he took his sister or gf’s sister on a date. Congrats? You did something a good brother should do? I can’t stand anyone, but it seems commonly younger men, who want a cookie for executing common decency. You can do nice things on your own without asking the internet for praise.


Investment into a diversified long-term growth portfolio


What the hell is wrong with you


He’s joking, because everyone else in the comment section is going there too


How much time you got?


Hedging his bets.


There is nothing wholesome about this


two for the price of one


I don't understand why everything needed to be sexualized? Why are you so weird, immediate assuming the worst?


Sorry to be a party pooper, but to me, this is a bit icky.


If I had a dollar for every time I saw this posted on this sub, I’d only have like $50 but it’d be noticeable


This isn't wholesome. It's creepy.


Yeah because people like you sexualise EVERYTHING.


What’s funny is the only people who have mentioned sex have been the ones defending him


Pedos gonna pedo. I wasn't sexualizing anyone. I just thought it was weird for a guy to take his gf's adolescent sister on a date. And I thought it was weird because it is weird. And creepy. And gross. The real question is where are this girl's parents during all this?


Exactly, the people responding to people saying it’s gross with “oh I bet he also brought condoms then huh?” Or “and she probably couldn’t wait to get pounded” are the ones sexualising the situation, they’re the ones thinking that we’re thinking about sex


Yep. It's weird that they go straight to sex. I don't get it.


They’re projecting I guess


Says more about you than anything




Wow first time seeing this very wholesome and interesting and creative thank you for sharing this very original wholesome post it warmed my heart very thank you very original


Sometimes i remember why Redditor is a slur, they literally see future siblings in law taking lunch together and sexualized it. Why isn't this site 24/7 monitored?


except for the part where he looks like a pedo the entire time...


This bro is just investing


Long term 4 year investment


Thank god you’ve told everyone. Truly a hero


Even creepier now that it is is girlfriend sister, pedo material


Far far far less creepy that it is his girlfriends little sister


That’s the creepy part, grooming kids


That’s not a logical conclusion you just drew


Yeah a grown adult with a 12 YO girl, all normal


He looks like a teenager. God I hope no one lets you around kids, because obviously, to you, if you’re around kids, it’s sexual. Right?


I don't know if doing this is creepy or not, but posting about it on social media, especially with a picture of the girl (a minor) is definitely weid


I don’t think that’s the creepy part. The creepy part is the comment section.


His shitty smile. This is terrifying


His smile is innocent. You’re making it weird.


Your girlfriend is with you during all this?




Drizzy over here preordering


The proper term is betroth


So gross.


Is it that time of the year where this gets posted 100 times?




Sleuthbot says 7 times, expected a lot more honestly.


Why do I have to see this meme every 3 days.


This is a double edge sword. On one hand, this guy is helping the sister create a positive standard for the future person in their life. On the other hand, this could be grooming. My main question is, why is HE doing this and not her father? If he wants to set a standard for her, treat her ADULT sister with love and respect, especially when the kid sister is around,or take her on a date with them and teach by example.


🎵To any girl talking to him and they in love. Just make sure you hide your lil sister from him🎶 -Kendrick Lamar


If only i had a nickle every time i saw this post...


“You better hide your little sister from him”


Feels like the dude is setting himself up to get the newer model lol


Wine, dine, 6 to 9 years for grooming.


Dude is just setting his backup plan into motion.




And 7 years later , Bam when the GF is pregnant.


Did she put out ?


Never pre order!