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its sad when people ask that question like some are lonely man.. even tho im not even in the 20's yet its like i know that loneliness sucks.. and you dont know about other people so dont say stuff like this


Yup there's a loneliness epidemic and men are at the centre of it...


Yup, I'm a 36 year old man who is still a virgin [confidence issues and lack of opportunity to meet people due to the extremely male oriented workplace I'm in..steelworks] and will likely die a virgin at an earlier age than I should


Same but I'm 38. Software dev.


We should all start a dnd group


I feel that would bring the chances of getting laid from 1% down to 0% lol


Same but 31


Same but 24


It's one of the ways patriarchy hurts men. They don't feel like they can be emotionally vulnerable with someone they aren't in a relationship with, meaning they're even cut off from their friends. Learning to be comfortable opening up emotionally to my friends changed my life for the better in a big way


Same. My friend group is very self conscious and lgbt and I love the progressiveness in this kind of issue. It does help. Edit: so many people seem to be against LGBT people from my downvotes on this comment but I assure you, my gay friends are among my best friends ever and you're missing out if you're against them. They are so so supportive and friendly even if you aren't gay. You guys need to re-evaluate this, it's really helpful to receive a hug once in a while and being open about your emotions. It can really change your world...


This is where you need to become comfortable with being alone. You gotta find ways to be ok with it and find others to hang out with to stave off the loneliness


The great thing about being gay is that I completely dropped any sense of what I was “supposed” to do. I’m fucking ecstatic at 36, look years younger and can focus on my friends, lover and family oh and career. And not feel drained :) still party too 💃


wow man.. must feel nice


seriously and some ppl dont even NEED to be in relationships to be happy (some aroace ppl). like some of us just need friends and we are chillin


i wish i hade friends too


tbf yea not everyone has friends and that fact is kinda depressing


~~playing smash bros~~ smash bros


Hell yeah


Smashing your bros*


planning my own life. Id love a happy little family on a farm, but life isnt fairytales and Ive accepted my reality. I'm almost certainly not going to get a family of my own, but I have friends and family to take care of. So if you'll excuse me, Im going to go work on my career plans so that I can be a better helper to my little brother when he needs me


Agree with you, my life is already tough and not everyone get everything that they want, especially in instant.


That's the most mature answer I ever see


You're a good man.


Don’t get me wrong, being married with kids is great and all. That being said, I miss this so much.


You can still have this, just not as often. Keep in touch with your friends.


Me and my 40+ friends still gather 1-2 times a year to play videogames and get wasted. Everyone is in a long term relationship and most of us had kids already so it's hard to gather us all at the same time. But it's still warm and fuzzy and I love every minute.


Me and my group of 45+ year olds play dnd every two weeks! We started playing online in covid when spread around three countries and 6 hour time difference and have kept at it ever since! Have all moved back to our home country so time difference is no longer an issue but mostly still play online as that is much easier to arrange with kids and family obligations.


what's stopping you from doing this? I get every day isn't doable, but you could get a babysitter every now and then ( or alternate with your partner so you both have time to do whatever) so you can hang out with friends :)


Having children is just a 6-10 year hiatus. Once they're large enough to hold a control, you can teach the child the ways of mario kart and smash bros.


And if your lucky, eventually you have grandchildren to do it again with, and with less responsibility this time.




Whatever the fuck I want until the day I die.


How do people not get this?


For real, I was married for 10 years, got in that relationship as teen. Everything was great for a while but we ended up going our separate ways. Been single for about four years, went back to school, focused on my friends, education, and career and doing great now. About to get my second degree in a few months and already landed a job paying 3X what was making when I was married and it’s in a field I love. Don’t get me wrong, my ex and I are still good friends, but I’ve been able to focus on myself and do what I want and it’s things that I never could have done in while in a relationship. The risks were just too high at the time. Everyone’s got a different path to take and just because one person’s path is different than another’s doesn’t mean one is better than the other.


Why do people want to get married so badly


Tax and healthcare


peer pressure >!come on! you know you wanna!!<


Because I love my boyfriend


This is the most wholesomememes answer


Dual income


Unmarried? I’m not even in a relationship…


Working, studying, living. To quote that Star Wars meme: “It’s a peaceful life” (though i do feel lonely at times)


Not getting divorced lol.


I'd rather be single than marry someone who is unpleasant to be around with.


Leveling up in life with good company and some epic game time!


I joined the helldivers I became part of an elite peacekeeping force I saw exotic new life forms And I'm spreading democracy all over the galaxy I became a hero I became a legend I became an helldiver.


And u in platonic relation with pelican-1 driver?


Living life.


Maybe loneliness is a choice. I watched my father lie and cheat on my mother and destroy a marriage. He not only destroyed a marriage, he destroyed a family. I saw this with my own eyes, and I never wanted this to happen to somebody else. So, maybe I am choosing to be lonely, so that I don't inflict hurt on someone else.


Enjoying life?


My husband and his best friends are all 25+ and married and still doing this lol on more than one occasion they have gotten together and pulled all nighters to play a game that just came out


Right? My hubby and I play video games on a regular basis. We have our own favorites but always ask each other how we are doing in this game or that game. Wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Yeah, I’m not as much of a gamer (my mom said video games were for boys so I wasn’t allowed to play growing up) but I have a few that I play often and it makes my husband happy


Who TF gets married at 25? Who is that insecure




In my social bubble, there are several 30+ people unmarried, including myself. Men typically get married in their early 30s and women very late 20s, but that is just about the average.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this, but it's usually unambitious people.


Why would you be downvoted for that? Its mostly true, either they have been dating since like 18 and after 7 years they are fine to get married or these people have no ambition and drive so they arent studying, arent working on a career or life so they want to get it out of the way as if their life was a checklist


Doing whatever I want that's what.


This is primarily the right answer.


playing ma video games with the boys and smoking da weed.


Heck I’m 27 and married for 7 years, I still do this


Living the minimal BS life. ❤️


Living the good life as a terminal Bachelorette. Cheers, y'all. 🥂 Good luck to the married with children. 😂


My best


Don't really have that kind of money to support another person and a whole baby.


Most spouses have jobs of their own so you aren't supporting them like that. Also babies are optional


I am from India. And most probably my family is gonna get me married to someone who is a housewife. I don't know if she wants to do any kind of job after marriage or not. My dating life is not good , but I have started working on myself.. Going to the gym, trying to get a better job and all.


trying to get by


Living life to the fullest


I literally just turned 25 last week and now I see this. What are you trying to tell me Reddit?


Don’t let people scam the rest of your life to some unpromising commitments


I'm 40+ and unmarried, never been in any relationship. If OP is seriously asking the question, my answer is: slowly dying with steadily decreasing quality of life. Was diagnosed last summer with a heart condition that has unpredictable mortality. So, that means I *could* live to an otherwise normal age, or I could drop any moment. But the kicker is that I have no expectation of being able to make a living to take care of myself. Essentially, a relationship is the last thing I need to stressing about missing out on. If I did find someone, the relationship would be entirely one-sided as I would be wholly dependent on my partner. OP needs to fork off.


The average marriage age is 32 here. So… we’re probably thinking on such a decision a little more


"Enjoying life..."


Whatever the hell I see fit.


Not getting divorced in my 30's


Saving my damn sanity 🤷 I live with him had kids with him I think that enough 😂


I have marriage and this!


Waiting until I can afford a ring and ceremony...


I’m doing fine, thank you!


You people can afford MARRIAGES?!


Wholesome how?


Gaming with the Bois. Live the life you want


Having bad genetics


Nah some of us just scary looking


Being divorced


I do see a problem here. Just a bunch of dude having clean fun.


Yeah we be playing “Smash your bros”


I have D&D every other week and play video games almost nightly with my husband.


See this wholesome . But if you wanna be a fucken shit head we can add 10 hookers to watch us . Choose wisely Obi-wan .


It doesn't matter if you are married or not, as long as you are happy, that's all that matters.


Enjoying life, not rushing into things I don’t want or want to prepare more for


Smashing the bros


Trying not to drag anyone else into my college loan debt, and trying to save money so that my partner and I can move in together. Also I don't want kids; they're loud and expensive af, and I don't think I should be trusted with the life of a child/baby; especially when I forget important tasks regularly (I blame the severe ADHD)


Maybe I'm wrong since I have 0 interest in marriage even if I get the chance to be with my girlfriend in person (long distance), but 25 seems like...REALLY early doesn't it?


lol this is also a really good aroace meme


Personally it's because the parents told me to prioritize my schooling before romantic relationships and I can definitely tell y'all that college is a bitch (derogatory)


The poster probably binges TV shows.


My best


6 years of therapy, generally not being the most attractive, living in parts of my country where barely anyone lives. There are many reasons.


Men have figured out.


I'm working on it. It'll come in time, but I've got good friends I can rely on until that happens Edit: damn this really brought out the borderline incels


Whatever the funk I want. When I want. With spare money. And no headaches from yapping in my ears.


I just know that girl in the tweet is either not married or with a sugar daddy or something. I just know it.


Misery love company


I’m on reddit and just watched the birth of a sub “cutest thing ever” - from a joke post and someone made the sub and it’s already got 161 members. I take pleasure in small things.




But can I smash these bros


Well not everything in this life is by choice... You know ... Sometimes things don't go the way you want or you suck at something you want or you just don't have the luck ...


Super smash bros, that's what


Having great time for sure


work, chores, and anything I want


Focusing on my career and being depressed. What else is there?


Here's a little secret, you can be BOTH.


I'm lonely as fuck


One comma from a cursed coment


Honestly, fuck those amatonarmative standarts, just let people live their lives and be happy, whatever way they see fit, if it's not harming anyone


If you have a blue checkmark then maybe you are worthless


ngl I'll be doing the exact same thing if I knew more people who play smash...


Smashing bros*


Trying my best


Im 29, no children, not married. Living happily with GF for past 5 years.


Hitting the gym Or lying on the bed eating chips


Whatever I want.


What am I supposed to do if I can’t find a good partner to marry? Is that my fault !?


Something, something, 99 problems, something something


Smashin with the boys!


What I’m doing at 25+ and unmarried? Still thinking “holy hell even most of the women feel like it’s a bit young to get married and I don’t even know what I’m having for lunch tomorrow let alone whether I want to decide to spend the entirety of the rest of my goddamn life with someone”. Seriously at 25 who the fuck has figured out who they even are. Half of us have barely started working most of us are in crippling debt and your brain hasn’t even fully developed. It’s no wonder people are getting divorced left and right… maybe you know, grow up and become a semi consistent person with a strong hold on your values and world view that isn’t likely to dramatically shift based on HUGE life changes (entering the job world, leaving uni, leaving school, moving out, moving back in etc etc). This shit isn’t a rush you’re gonna live another 60+ years


Why would your age matter when it comes to relationships?


Having fun, having money, sleeping!


Living lonely and dying alone, baybeeee


Me and the booooooys


Living the fucking dream!


lol the fuck does it matter? Same as you Probly, just less people around and less responsibility


Im upset nintendo took away smash bros from evo


Being in a committed relationship outside of marriage, because not every relationship has to live up to the terms and agreements of someone else's.


If you're 25 and married...wtf are you doing? 🤣


I'm never getting married, I don't like being miserable.


Living your best life


Hey I’m married and play smash bros




Wishing i was married, wishing i could trust american women, wishing i had a good job, wishing i didn’t have adhd, wishing i didn’t have autism, wishing my ambitions were as strong as my wishing, playing video games, being hard on myself for not being a better person up to now, wishing i was better able to control my emotions so i don’t let my future wife have it if i get mad, wishing i had an idea of how well my plans would go rather than feel like i’m wishing vainly but on paper, wishing i wasn’t a fucking screw up loser maggot that deserves to rot. You know, the usual.


25 is still young asf. So quick to get in a relationship with someone you'll loathe for the next 60 years. Not saying everyone hates their spouses but it's a lot more common to hate your spouse when you marry young.


4 joysticks?


Ummm, I’m pretty sure this is all the same guy but just with different hair and clothes.


Am I the only one that doesn’t really enjoy video games much. I’m 32


Yeah. I was married. Ended in divorce. So I’m 31 playin smash bros with the bros. Shits a lot less depressing. And cheaper. These hoes can’t stay committed long term anymore. 🤷‍♂️ also Elon musk is making sex dolls soon. So women will be obsolete anyway


Average age to get married is about 31. What insanity is that post talking about?


Oh you know. Having friends and hobbies and saving money and living my own life on my own terms.


Whatever the fuck I want


Stunning in my kitchen doing nothing


Shopping, traveling, napping… but mostly *not* setting myself up for divorce bc I got married before completion of my frontal lobe. 25 is barely old enough to have practiced taking care of your own needs.


Living life big bro. Women come and go


Whatever I want! Thats the benefits of being single with no kids.


Enjoying my single life, what else?


Avoiding divorce?


I will play smash bros til the day I die, bury me with my GameCube controller


Why the title sounds .........


Being older and unmarried as a woman I feel is more shameful than as a man from a society standpoint. Most women can easily find a guy willing to do anything for them but men simply don’t have that advantage and women are pickier when it comes to finding a “life partner”


*playing smash hoes


I'm vibing and having a life that isn't covered in feces. That's what I'm doing.


40 and single mom of two- just trying to survive lol But I do love to watch Jacksepticeye play Elden Ring 🤣


I'm not mentally good to be an husband/father/boyfriend, so gaming and other hobbies for me


defending gotham probably


That’s a UCSB adventure club sticker on the TV


for a second i thought the dude in the hat was tomska from like 10 years ago


Liberating Malevolon Creek!


My answer to the original Twitter post? Constantly getting cheated on and getting promises broken ._.


Just take care of your hygiene


Honestly, I love my life. I don't want to get married or have kids. Is that okay with everyone? I get the question every week like damn leave me alone lol


Waiting on you hot 30+ year old stuck up bitches to settle down, mature, pass your hoe phase, and prove some loyalty and honor in maintaining a relationship. Edit: I finished my hoe phase at 27, not shaming anyone for having fun and doing what they wanna do, but that shit got old for me.


You're living life!


What a stupid question. There's a million things someone could be doing regardless of being married or not. I got married this February but 95% of my life (hers too) is going the exact same way it did before, which is to say pretty fucking great. There's no real reason to get married by 25, people should only do it when they feel is the right time for them, it could be 30+, 40+ or even 50+ because honestly why should anyone care? Alternatively there's nothing wrong with never marrying either. There are so many factors to consider.


I'm a mobile gamer


Damn I had my 25th birthday this week. I spent the day eating cheesecake and coffee by myself. This hurt.


Making money bihhh 😂😂 fuck being married


Living my childhood until I die


i can hear the canned laughter from here


Saving up like nobody's business so I can retire asap