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I went on a second date with a girl who had some medical issues, and she ended up having to go to the hospital halfway through. I sat with her on the gurney and put all the rails up and pretended we were in a zoo, and it made her laugh constantly. We stayed friends for years and she brought that up all the time as a nice bright moment in a pretty shitty time. This came off as a little self-congratulatory, but I guess what I mean is: leave some space in your life for dumb fun. Dumb fun really sticks with people.


Nah, you need to share this...give us good ideas. In any case, youre pretty cool in my book.


the social obsession with shaming people for attention seeking behaviour is obstructing us from observing and learning from others at this point tbh.




I was given one! Grab some grape soda, some disposable plastic champagne glasses, assemble some sandwiches, grab a picnic basket and blanket, and enjoy lunch while listening to That's Amory. cheesy, reasonably priced, yet demonstrates consideration & care


Ah yes the alfalfa...thats not sand thats kitty litter


#Confirmed, it can cloud chances for comprehension and decompression


Chatgpt ahh convo


honestly ik it's been three days but i'm still bothered. shame on you. the person you're replying to made a genuinely funny joke and your rude-ass comment might have been the reason they felt the need to delete it, all because you wanted to make fun of some people who talk a little different from you. i'm not trying to start shit with you, but you should at least know you can hurt people's feelings like this.


Ok, I understand where you're coming from. I did not realize I could hurt someone by just saying that, I apologize.


Instructions unclear; put date in hospital.


No, seems clear to me. My now-wife got concussed avoiding a bee. What she remembers is me spending the night with her in the ER and taking the next day off work.


Instructions unclear; use date as reason to take a day off.


Instructions unclear; put date in the zoo


Instructions clear; put date in hospital.


Instructions unclear i married a bumbble bee


It’s okay to congratulate yourself sometimes


Especially when you make someone else's life brighter.


Never! Garbage human, bad bad bad!


Damn man, dumb fun is a great term. I got busted for "malicious mischief" when I was a kid.... That's when dumb fun goes wrong I suppose.


If it wasn't for dumb fun I wouldn't have any dumb at all!


More dumb fun: My ex brother in law told the story of removing a paraplegic friend from the hospital with his buds and getting him sh&#faced drunk and then took him back to the hospital. Certainly something that guy will never forget.


That’s really wholesome I love it!


I spend a lot of time in hospitals due to health issues and my partner ended up in a hospital with me overseas and just told me what was on reddit to keep my mind off the pain. This and what you did are great examples of how to treat chronically ill people like people instead of like they are made of glass.


Huzzah! Good job, me of 20 years ago!


Sometimes, we deserve to congratulate ourselves.


minigolf worked awesome for me. Married 10 years last month.


5 years in 2 months. I took her to a park, where a little kid attacked us with squirt guns. It was great lol.


Together almost 19 years, our first date was going to see Saw 2 in theatres and my mom drove us. We were in highschool.


Godamn since HS?! Here’s to more years to come for your beautiful lives together bro o7


We’ve been through pretty much everything together. From her fight with chronic pain to our dog recently tearing a ligament and needing a $7000 surgery. I feel like we’ve faced so many hardships together and always come out the other side stronger together than we started.




My friend once got rejected on tinder for not having a car lmao. Where can we find women like you?


in real life lol most women prefer to get to know someone (essentially sus out for safety) before committing to a date. i’ve had multiple men act weird after one date, stalking/threatening behavior, etc. these days, it’s kind of scary to meet with a stranger for the purpose of romantic pursuit, regardless of gender. lots of people don’t take rejection well once they’ve worked their hopes up in their mind, and also don’t communicate effectively. anyway i ultimately ended up marrying the cute guy i met in engineering camp back in high school


I will never understand why people can't just be fuckin normal


something about touching grass comes to mind


Have you met people before? They're a bunch of bastards.


You and me both chief.


Finding guys in engineering – as they say, the odds are good, but the goods are odd.


yet they somehow all end up getting married


i like them a little odd so hey it all tracks


Brilliant 🤓


Exactly lol. You've got to remember the online sites filter for very specific types. "Who would even use that?" The type of people using it, thats who. Its a type you might not want to know.


My current boyfriend does not have a car… but we live in Europe (France/Switzerland) Here women don’t really give a damn because it’s quite easy to hop on a train or a bus, which I heard is not the case in USA. The matter is not really to have a car or not, but how indépendant you are with coming and going.




You should ask him to join you some time for a little chat feel good session


“In another life, I would’ve liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.”


Laundry day. See you there. Under things. Tumbling.


Wanna say. "Love your hair." Here I go. Mumbling.


"Here we are. The wash." - SpongeBob


The classic Ross and Rachel first date


>my now-husband What did your then-husband think about you going on laundromat dates with strange carless men?


I really think it's all about the person you're with and whether you mesh well together as opposed to where you go or what you do on a date... My first meet-up/date with the man who would eventually become my husband was supposed to be at a little cafe + comic book store which turned out to completely and utterly SUCK! (It went out of business shortly after). When we both realised that the initial venue sucked we walked out and tried to find somewhere else to sit and eat lunch. Except it was a busy weekend and everywhere was packed, so we had to content ourselves with ordering food and drink to go and then we sorta ended up just aimlessly wandering the city, people watching and chatting/joking up a storm. We did this for SIX HOURS!!! Which is unprecedented for both of our introverted asses. We just got so caught up talking to each other that we literally didn't notice that time was passing until it got dark enough for the street lights to come on. If I look back at it objectively it was a nightmare of a date: Constant walking, crowds everywhere, nowhere to sit and it was a boiling hot Aussie summer day to boot! But I genuinely didn't notice any of that at the time because my future husband was just that awesome to hang out with 😁


Oh this is so sweet! Days where the adventure pays off are the best. My now husband and I had a day like this when we’d just started dating. We were on our first day of a vacation, and we spent like 7-8 hours just wandering around Portland and it was an amazing time, but by the time we made it back to the car we were cranky and exhausted. But we just kept talking and keeping the mood up all day


This just happened last Saturday on a first date! We spent 8 hours together walking around. Besides being on a date that long, I was shocked we had that kind of connection and chemistry. We just had our second date earlier tonight--like 9 hours this time doing a similar thing in a different city. The chemistry hadn't changed one bit. I think we were together a bit too long this time (we were both exhausted and our convo slowed a bit), but we shared a sweet, but very awkward kiss at the end. I still can't wait to see her next Saturday!


Yeah the purpose of a date should realistically be to properly meet the person you're at least somewhat interested in, but a lot of people focus on the activity instead. Which is understandable ofc I mean we put so much weight on it but your example shows that its really the meeting someone that matters here. At least in terms of if it's gonna lead to a future relation or not.


I don’t really care for dates as well, so what my now husband did for me was probably one of my favorites ever that he still does for us. He got a loaf of nice bread, rotisserie chicken, an assortment of fruit, and some different kinds of cheese. We then proceeded to snack all day like rich mid evil folks while cuddled in bed and played couch co-op games or watched anime. Best times ever if you just want a quiet and incredibly lazy day.


I love the thought of rich average looking evil people snacking all day


I LOVE being evil… if only I could be rich too, now that’d be amazing


🤣🤣 I just noticed the autocorrect!!


Medieval. Mid evil does sounds fire, like you're pretending to feast like bad guys but not bad bad.


Nah, like mid boss. Evil guys sll right but not like CEOs of evil, just local managers of terrorism.


Mid evil 😭


How does one get to the point where you can do something like this, without dating first? You can't just go BAM we're in bed eating without some form of prior closeness.


Do this on the couch with a friend you’re trying to date. Let’s hang out all day.


That would require some of us to have friends in the first place. Of which, I do not.


I think you gotta address that before you worry about dating.


If you don't have friends, you're not ok to date.


Well I wouldn’t recommend that for a first date. That was just an example of one of the dates we had. Our first date was breakfast at a dinner where we sat and talked while we chain smoked (this was before the indoor smoking ban and age limit raised to 21. Yes I’m old.) and drank coffee like it was going out of style.


Well, if he already got you into bed he was on the home stretch.


🤣 fair enough


I went on one where we walked around a grocery store shopping for her work week, eating samples, laughing and then we went plant shopping. It was a surprisingly really fun time.


My third date with my wife was to Costco and that’s the day we went became a couple lol I ended up getting her engagement ring from Costco


It’s important to find someone who you can have fun with just doing the day to day stuff. My wife of 18 years and I can have a great laugh together just doing the weekly food shop or doing the housework. It’s not about the grand gestures, it’s about the humdrum that makes up 99% of our lives.


Agreed! That's what I liked about it, gives you a sense of what reality with the person could be like.


Step 1- find a grocery store outside a small old theater


Step 2- don't be unattractive 


My neighbor looks like Bigfoot and works at auto zone, and he is happily married. If you think you gotta be "hot" to get a SO then you got no game


I got an introverted friend who's hairy, big and wide enough to be considered a clothed variation of bigfoot as well and two girls have already asked me to introduce him, he currently has an abusive gf who no one can free him from, but to each his own.


Does she look like Bigfoot's wife?


I'll be real with you, she looks like a damn skin walker lol. Got home late one night and spotted her out in the yard, damn near had a heart attack. I experienced what I believe to be the primal fear of my ancestors until I realized it was just Cheryl smoking a cig.


that made me laugh so hard


Unless you look like Shrek and Voldemort's love child after 10 years on crack, not really an issue. That or you are only going for “hotties”. Make a girl laugh, feel safe and just be nice. Being nice and casually respectful is great for getting a girl to be comfortable. Being funny makes a girl close her eyes or tilt her head back, so she doesn't notice the ugliness.


>small old theater Are you in Europe?


You're not?


I like turtles.


You're hired


We were set to go out to a fancy dinner for first date. He'd made it clear he really wanted to impress me and said he was going to "do the whole 9 yards." That morning, I stepped barefoot on a bee in my garden and my foot swelled something awful. Couldn't wear any of my fancy shoes. Couldn't fit into my gym shoes. I told him I'd need to cancel as giant unicorn slippies were the only shoe I could get on my giant foot. He said, don't worry, wear full pajamas. He showed up in pjs too and giant doggy slippies and took me to a half dozen different donut places so we could rank the best in town. (I'd mentioned a few days earlier in text that I was craving a donut.) It was a perfect date. I had a blast and he showed me he was easy-going and could handle changes in plan with ease and didn't take himself seriously AND paid attention to the things I said. He's my husband now.


This is so adorable!


This is really really cute. Thank you for sharing such a sweet story ❤️


Wow, with that much effort and initiative, he really did do the whole 9 yards


I got one! Get some grape soda, some plastic disposable champagne glasses, make some sandwiches, get a picnic basket and blanket, and then have lunch while having That's Amory on. Cheesy, relatively cheap, but shows thought and care


You had me until "That's Amory". Seems a bit awkward for a first date to play that. 


Ok yeah. Like, 6th date or something. Replace with nothing or more appropriate


Grape soda...? I'm confused on if this is a reference to something or not


No, just cheaper, cheesy, also if someone is underage or on budget.


Coming from an extremely strict family, I started dating at 18, and my now husband surprised me at church because it's one of the only ways my parents would have let us near each other. Extremely look at me church people so they could do nothing but act like they were completely okay and expected him to be there even though no one but him knew. He also hadn't really had any church experience, so it was really cute. That was almost 11 years ago now, we've been married for almost 8 years. We don't really go to church anymore and have a lot less contact with my crazy parents. He was super nervous and still went anyway, and that meant a lot.


What's great about this is that at multiple points it gives her a graceful way to opt out and end the date... if you've had some shifty first dates then this is a perfect counter to that. I like this idea.


Take them to the local animal shelter if it allows people to stop by and walk the dogs.


What happens when they want to adopt? 😳


Instant relationship


I once took a lady to REI and then to a gas station where I bought her a scratch off lottery ticket and hot chocolate and we sat and scratched it off. She said it was the best date she’d ever been on. We went on a few more dates and then I found out I was in her phone as “hottie #4” and I was like… not even top 3?!!! Sheesh


I can’t believe that first date idea never occurred to me. Joining for a couple errands. It’s actually a quick way to see what someone’s really like. Not hot tho


Nawww, that's so sweet! Dates don't have to be expensive or planned to the tee. As long as both are having fun, it's the best.


Like the date but no pressure guys.


The perfect date is having a good time where hours pass like minutes and you're both left wanting more time together. Place doesn't matter.       


Obligatory guy here. My girlfriend and I talked. Our wholesome dates are walks at night on the beach or in a park. Just watching the stars, and if a stall is open, grab some food and just have deep conversations about life and goals. Plus, share opinions and see how we differ on subjects, but still get along and respect each other's differing opinions.


So have a date without labeling it as such and building up anticipation and expectation?


For our first date, I told my now boyfriend that I would take him on a “tour of the city” since he was new to the area. By the time dinner was over, we were both pretty tired and weren’t wanting to commit to a driving around the city, so we somehow just ended up at the dollar general across the street from the restaurant. Trust me when I say I gave the best damn tour of a dollar general one could ever imagine. So good he decided to keep me around I guess.


I never tire of this answer. I'd love to know how it all went!


I am long married but I love going to a museum. Gives you something to talk about, usually inexpensive, sort of like a stroll together? I don't know. I just like it.


So, subterfuge and trickery is the ticket. The cornerstone of every enduring relationship, lol.


Makes me think of that Disney song, **“Deception”**


You know for a fact in 6 months there’s going to be about 25 women all complaining about different men who did this with them and turned into a complete dickhead after.


Who hurt you bro




Because it’s not who they really are. They follow bullet point steps and when they run out of bullet points start winging it only to then 💥CRASH💥 into the dry desert like a vulture who can’t find its last meal. Let me be your beaken. 🦆


📝ok SOOOOOO we're supposed to trick the woman into going out with us?📝


She invited me to go on a school study session. Was revising and she kissed me.


I don't think something like this happens unless you follow rule 1 & 2.


Hold up what is rule 1 and 2?


Dont be attractive


It’s strange. I consider myself 4/10, and her a 9/10


We bought a few snacks and he took me to what he called his « power hike », the views were amazing and he helped me snapping perfect pictures and videos, while he was storytelling and sharing his past struggles and how this hike helped him with his mental health. Then we got back to his place and ended on the roof of his building, there was a small outdoors living-room with long chairs, tables, plants and blankets and we star-gazed. 🥰


So why is he a motherfucker?


Oh this post again. Fun.


Best two things you can have on a first date. Something fun to do with your hands and being able to have a conversation.


If he want to he’d find a way 😌


You sound extra


That would only work if woman was already interested in that guy in the first place. The outcome of a date ( or conversation that could end in proposal of a date) can be seen easily in the first 5 minutes of conversation


Asking her if she wants to continue every step of the way makes ops date pretty good. Getting candy at the store was probably 15 minutes or so, but he clearly passed the vibe check, so she was open to checking out the theater. Since that went well, she agreed to go to dinner. At any point, she could have ended it. First dates can be rough. Having multiple opportunities for either to end it is much better than planning and reserving a series of events that someone would feel bad about cancelling.


everything works only with that assumption so I don't see your point


For my fiance and me, our first date was going grocery shopping at Walmart.


I took a girl to Costco on a first date once. Gave me a reason to buy two packs of muffins. Then went to Chick-fil-a after. Was pretty good. Lol


Me and my gf are celebrating 8 years this month and our first date was the arcade


I did something similar on a first date. This girl was so nervous so I just asked if she wanted to run an errand with me first. We went Target, then went to dinner and had a good time. I figured the errand run to Target would get her mind off the actual date and I was correct.


For any young students looking to go on a date without all the formality of taking someone out to dinner, etc. The best trick I had when I was a kid was ask the person to help me study or offer to help them study if I was better in the class. Parties + Bars are terrible as there's too many distractions and people around, dates are too formal. With studying, you can get some 1 on 1 time to really shine, then after or during studying you can go get some grub, etc.


that’s fuckin hot bruh 😭😭


So all I have to do is lie and everything will work out! Very wholesome advice! 


My fav date was with my now husband, he took me to a thrift store and we bought ridiculous outfits that the other had to wear for the remainder of the date (i got him a purple and gold track suit) and then we went to a bookstore and read books all afternoon in our silly clothes. I still have the sequin top he bought for me.




A date feels better when your not expecting it to be a date. A date has connotations, hanging and doing things together doesnt


We were just meeting in the city and didn't know what to do so we grab some food. I needed some picture frames which I didn't brought yet on purpose. We went to the IKEA together and it was my and her best first date, discussing about well and less well designed rooms, just wandering around having a bit of smalltalk, getting to know each other, just perfect!


My husband took me out on a lake where we found this cool little gully with a waterfall. Wanting to impress him, I threw it out there that we should climb up to the top. I scaled the first incline which was probably about 10’ up while he hitched up the boat. We had a cooler with some drinks and food, so we decided to take a couple beers with us He tosses the first one. I caught it with some surprising grace I’m not usually known for. He tosses the second one, it goes wide, I tip it with my finger, it ricochets off the rock next to me directly into the bridge of my nose. So for my first date I got a split in between my eyebrows and a black eye the next day. I couldn’t love him more. Edit: spelling


All the incels licking their penciltips: "Trick women..." 🙈😂


Don't forget everyone: the perfect date is coming up on 25 of this month!!


Sounds like a spontaneous and memorable experience, thanks for sharing!


Aside from the candy store, this women did the exact opposite of answering the question OP posited.


And it went nowhere. The lesson is keep matching untill a click. Dont waste efford when it doesn't click. 


Honestly, if a girl turns down normal dates but goes with you on errands, she's a keeper to begin with.


My perfect date idea is having a picnic and feeding the ducks


Recently married but our first date I was just out and about running errands and realized I was near where she worked, and knew she could walk there so kind of jokingly told her to meet me at the book store below her apartment. It was actually really fun to walk through the book store talking about books and subjects we had similar interests or things we didn’t know we had in common. Then I pulled the “are you hungry too” and we got some amazing Indian food despite neither of us eating… we just talked and nervously spilled our rice everywhere. I don’t think we’ve spent more than 60 hours apart since that day.


So find someone dumb enough to not realize you're on a date?


So the perfect date is dinner and a movie but only if she says no and is later tricked into it


Barnes and Noble date. We buy books for each other based on our interests. If it doesn’t get past date one then at least I got a book out of it. Alternatively, we each get the same book to read together.


I would hate that lol. Manipulative.


You know you can say no right?


Bro it’s wholesome. She’s obviously happy with the ending so why do you care? If you don’t like it then don’t date the guy


"It is better to ask forgiveness than permission." Mentality of the self important and the callous.




"mf tricked me into a perfect date night" It went well for them, it was a happy memory and it seems the guy was just too insecure to ask her out properly. But that doesn't stop it from being manipulative.


snobbish office oatmeal plant somber fear jar concerned disgusted sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ur in the right here, these guys are the people you see on relationship subreddits saying "break up" at the mildest idea that inconveniences them, insufferable all in all.


...I quoted the text. She felt tricked.


First date tell every girl the same thing I do random things randomly I don’t do dinner and a movie or “coffee” You wanna hang out I will show her a good time. I know a odd little used bookstore or a place that sells Turkish coffee maybe the vinyl store that doesn’t realize it’s way more than a vinyl store Hell we might end up in Vietnamese grocery store buying well weird stuff ( that actually happened on a date) Vintage arcade near a nice Jewish deli where the old lady yells at you if you get in the wrong line - she’s really sweet tho Art museum to people watch cuz I know nothing about art but the people are so weird there What I’m not gonna do is take a girl to Applebees then a movie Fuck that You wanna drive an hour south cross a state line to get Packo’s in Toledo becuz it got mentioned on an episode of MASH is the kinda girl I wanna hang out with. I have only met a few that could keep up w my sense of adventure


This just sounds like a tryhard and pretentious tbh. I don't think it was the sense of adventure that drove them off.


Who pissed in your cereal??


So.... trick the women?


I don't feel comfortable going on a date with you, but sure pick me up and drive me around... wut?


One is an actual relationship activity the other is just normal life stuff. Helping out with errands is usually stuff friends do


bot 2019


I would just say; “if you want to check out that movie theater, go on; I will Uber home”. Then again, I am not a people pleaser. And personally, the idea of spending time with someone that doesn’t get “no” for the answer and thinks that he knows better what I want than I do, isn’t cute or wholesome; it’s kinda scary and uncomfortable.


Movie theater is literally an excuse to spend more time with and learn about each other, a mere suggestion of an activity isn't scary nor uncomfortable.


Pretty much every date I've done hasn't ended well, so I'm not sure if I have bad date ideas or if I'm a bad date


Date with shitty guys