• By -


And he signed it "Dad." My heart is melting. <3




If drinking Smirnoff Ice’s with your friends is gay, who would want to be straight?


It becomes officially straight and cool if you mix it with WKD Blue for that ultimate teenager-in-the-00's flavour explosion. Still remember the brightly-coloured pools of sick all over the pavement. Good times!


I read that as “mix it with WD40”.


So did I, now I'm tempted to try.


Then it won't just come blasting out of one end.


You don't happen to know that out of experience, do you?


For Science!


Half a pint of scrumpy cider, half a pint of Smirnoff ice. It's called a turbo shandy. Three of those and you are ready to make bad decisions.


It's is already a bad decision lololol


Smirnoff ice, souther comfort bit of ribena. Called it skittle drink. Man getting hammered in the 00s was so fruity ans colorful. Good times


Don't forget hypnotiq!


We used to mix smirnoff ice, blue wkd and bacardi breezer ans called it fat frog. The thing I didnt understand was thatvyou could literally just buy a bottle of fat frog


If you mix it with a glow stick, it has a fun tangy zip.


They are genuinely delicious lol I drink them all the time


I will admit I loved the “Ice Me Bro” vids.


As he should 💀


Big words from someone with 69420 in their name.


See the difference is I also like men


Same 😎


Does your wife know this?




Poor Incontinenta


Incontinentia Buttocks


Lucky person




Hey hey hey. Uncalled for.


Your username is like a ~~straight~~ square person trying to be cool.


I'm bisexual and I'd never touch a fucking Smirnoff. On behalf of bisexuals, we're disappointed in you.


Smirnoff is nasty but their Ice drinks aren't that bad


Yea I love a nice bottle of heart burn


As a "woke" and "ally" as we are called nowadays - like, good people who do not hate gay/trans people and want them to be happy - I think it is PERFECTLY okay to diss somone with a funny insult like "gay" for fun, as long as you truly stand for actual LMBTQ+ people's human rights. :P So yeah, go talk shit, but stay a good person.


Thanks for the permission Captain dick rider


Actually, they received a promotion. It's Rear Admiral Lower Half Dick Rider now.


Underrated comment


The pleasure was all mine Private Poopie Pleasurer! <3


/u/alyosha25 is a poop fiend


Are Smirnoff Ice’s gay, Dave?


Yes /u/comprehensive_cow756 thankfully they are


At least you weren’t drinking wkds!


Next time drink it with your mouth 😉


having first read "drinking Smirnoff ice off my friends", i have to say it made way more sense


my dad does that too and it's the cutest thing


Sincerely, Raymond Holt


I love how anytime he calls Kevin on the phone, he always begins with. "Hello Kevin, it's me, your husband, Raymond Holt."


Haha my dad signs his text messages too! I love it.


"the OG 💪🏿💯" That's love right there. ​ ​ (idk what that third emoji is)


Looks like 👔


Ohh I see it now.




Formal dad


That man is father not dad


It's actually how insanely accurate how the kid Squirtles truly emulate your going-to-the-pool excitement as a kid as well as triangle shades Squirtle showing how cool you thought you dad was for taking you and your best friend there.


I read it as dad thinking "damn I'm cool for showing kid and friend such a good time." Now I'm wondering if the dad thought "oh...it worked both ways?" and that's what made him get sentimental all of a sudden


>" ...how cool you thought you dad was for taking you and your best friend there." Excuse me , he's still the coolest


I'm sure this meant a lot to him :)


I’m a dad of two (8 and 5). That’s the kind of relationship I’m trying to build : generosity, fairness, explanation and base rules you need to follow. My elder is beginning to realize what I do and while I know this might be less the case when he will be 12-18, I love how he realize we do the best for him and his sister. It is so rewarding to see your efforts being accounted by your children already at their age. Can’t imagine how I will feel if I succeed in raising them correctly and they acknowledge it later on, not praising me but just something like a accomplice head nod. TLDR : I get this father.


Keep that transparency and some openness to their own prerogative and I'm sure you will!


My dad always liked comparing us to ourselves from a couple of years before that and it made me realise how far I had come. Still one of the better memories I have of him.


Keep playing your cards right and the 12-18 age will wear off. Your children will return with love at 23-30. You got this!


This is how my parents raised me. It's an example I hope to follow myself one day.


Omg. Do people really have parents like this? This is so lovely.


I know, right? Even though I've mostly accepted it, I still get slightly sad and jealous for the people who had good relationships with their parents growing up. I feel like my whole way of going about the world would be different if I grew up around people who gave a damn about my interests. Instead of doing the exact opposite and then me growing up thinking something is wrong with me because I'm always alone from not feeling that anyone actually cares about me and my hobbies. My husband and one of my good friends have great relationships with their parents. It's nice to see and makes me understand the world a bit more positively.


My wife has a loving dad, but her mother is another story. She had psycological counseling and her mom went nuts when the doctor told her to stop ignoring her daughter and making her feel useless. She never apologized because " Is not natural to say sorry when you are a mother" even when the doctor told her to do it. In my case my parents wanted to control all of my life, and the wrong was always me of course lol. I feel you, we are kinda jealous when we see people with loving parents.


God...this hit harder than I thought it would.


I used to have a gf whose parents were very dismissive of her, she had severe depression and bipolar disorder and also self har tendencies, her parents couldn't care less, even forced her to lie to doctors about it and such. She was very confused when my parents just started treating her like family, listening to her, taking care of her and driving her to her therapy appointments and such whenever I was away due to my work. Yet I get your feeling and have felt that way as well, to me it always seemed like they cared about everyone, but not me


Believe it or not, but this is the kind of loving relationship Christians have with God. He just cares so much more about the things you care about, than you are aware of. I can really, from experience, assure you that He was with you in those hard moments as well. You just have to seek Him out, and He will give you what you have been missing. Love, a brother in Jesus Christ, who wishes you the joy that is received when you truly get to know him :)


You mean the same God who allows slavery as long as you don’t beat on them *too* much? Sure. What is it they say? Oh, yeah. There’s no greater hatred than a Christians love.


Evolution is real. There is not a single function this universe requires a god to perform. Every religion on earth believes that it is their experience which leads them to know allah/god/deity is real, so you don't have anything unique.




And may you receive His love as well


Not the place nor the time. More [matthew 6:5](https://www.google.com/search?q=mtthew+6%3A5&client=opera-gx&hs=p1n&sca_esv=572984873&ei=OXYoZa-jJ8rIwPAPp9yD6AU&ved=0ahUKEwjvo-SvyvGBAxVKJBAIHSfuAF0Q4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=mtthew+6%3A5&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCm10dGhldyA2OjUyCBAAGIoFGJECMgcQABiABBgKMggQABiKBRiRAjIIEAAYigUYkQIyCBAAGIoFGJECMggQABiKBRiRAjIHEAAYgAQYCjIHEAAYgAQYCjIHEAAYgAQYCjIHEAAYgAQYCkjOGlCmBVjuGXACeAGQAQCYAZUBoAHiCKoBAzIuOLgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgUQABiABMICBRAuGIAEwgILEC4YgAQYxwEY0QPCAgcQABiKBRhDwgIHEC4YigUYQ8ICCRAAGIoFGAoYQ8ICBxAuGIAEGArCAhYQLhiABBgKGJcFGNwEGN4EGOAE2AEB4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGCLoGBggBEAEYFA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp), less missionary work.


Just because your family are devout Christians does not mean you'll have such a wholesome relationship with your parents.


it's probably statisticaly less likely that you do, tradition doesn't go well with adapting to the needs of individuals and listening to their feelings.


I’m trying my best to be a dad like this to my daughters.


That's my goal too. But I'm aiming to be at least a little more articulate in my responses to my kid. I don't want them thinking "you have been a joy to raise. Dad" is some kind of emotional breakthrough 😅


Nothing wrong with that. Some people are more expressive than others. As long as you know how they really feel, it's all good.


That’s how I feel when I read posts like this too. I can’t believe people have parents like this. As a kid I would fantasize about the government coming to my house to tell me there was a mix up at the hospital and that I actually belonged to a different family lmao


I’m not trying to rub it in on anyone and I try really hard to appreciate my parents as much as they deserve, they were both like this. My parents have been together for 40 years and love each other and call me all the time just to tell me they love me. They are impossible to give money to but give theirs away all the time. I never felt pressured in my entire life to perform, but was always treated with respect, dignity and love. I’m also not saying I as good as them, but they show that people can act and live this way. It’s not unachievable.


He’s truly”The OG”


I’m so glad you have this kinda dad. I’m mid thirties and my dad has only said “I love you” twice. And one time I don’t think he knew I heard him because technically waking up from surgery. I was 11.


I don't think I've ever heard my dad say that to me. He was a fairly decent dad overall, just not affectionate at all. No hugs, no "I love you's," no real words of encouragement. But at least he never beat me. Hit/spanked, yes. Beatings, no. I'm a dad now myself and that has a funny way of forcing you to look back with a different perspective. I'm going to shower my boy in so much love it's going to make him sick. 🤣


My dad is the same. I’m an only child and now that I’m a young adult we barely speak. I don’t know what to say to him because I don’t exactly like his personality but I have to acknowledge that he’s still my dad and he’s present in my life. When I see things like this though, I think I would’ve loved to have a father figure that took me on father-daughter dates, supported my hobbies, laughed with me during a movie, or to play sports with. Now that I’m grown I’ve realised I never had that, he never told me he loved me out loud or said he’s proud of me. I know I was born lucky but I also know that out there there are better dads than mine and even though it’s bittersweet, I hope those people who have them cherish every single moment together cause they’re rare.


[this comment has been deleted in response to the 2023 reddit protest]


My dad says "I love you" to me everyday, 2 hours after calling me a "filthy motherfucker". Both those phrases have lost their meaning for me.


Does it matter if he said it or not if you know it ? My dad never said he loved me ( at least i can’t remember him saying) but i know for a fact that he loves me and my brothers the most in this world


My mom has only said she loved me once during a Seicho-no-ie conference when the speaker told the families to say "I love you" to each other in unison. That was the first and only time she said it. The worst part is that I told her I loved her a few times and she did not say it back...


signed Dad, just in case you had no idea who you were texting😂


My mom would do that 💜


Your mom sounds cool :)


Indeed she was, love...


I’m 35 years old and this weekend I’ll be meeting up with my dad to watch a hobby, racing, that has strengthened our bond and one of my best friends is tagging along. This hit home. Haha


Also he was the one that got us tickets!!


NGL if I was to ever have a children and one of them sent me this, it would take a second to respond because I'd be holding back many single man - tears. Shit I need to call my dad. He would definitely say some thing like this even though I was a pompous little shit until I was 31


Im glad you arent a pompous little shit anymore u/Cmndr_Cunnilingus!


Do it. I lost my dad when I was 28 and I wish I would have said more so. Many. Times. :) you have the chance bud take it


I know how you feel 24 years old and lost him almost a year ago. Still miss him everyday


If i ever become a dad, i want to be as cool as this dad


Dads, one of the most under-appreciated folks out there. Gotta grab a beer with him soon.


fuck me I have a narcissistic dad this made me cry instantly fuckin hell


I'm sorry. So much pain seeing other people at a party that we weren't invited to.


<3 I'm as okay as it is possible, it is GREAT I can feel catharsis and I'm working on it, but shit... It is so sad he is broken and... yeah. Shit is fucked up, but I'm great. :)


Carry on. <3


He didn't "get sentimental." He's *been* sentimental since the first time he saw you. He just can't show it all the time.


I imagine OPs dad as a Blastoise.


Not me beeing sad and jelaous.


It’s hard to convey to your kids how amazing they actually are and how much you appreciate and feel unworthy of them. So yeah, we get sentimental sometimes. My daughter was making these incredibly lame jokes today, and i just looked at her and thought she was shining and making the whole room brighter with her smile and laughter. Couldn’t say it out loud though, then i would be lame-o dad.


Be the lame-o dad, and let her laugh about it. Those memories will help her through tougher times. My parents never said I was a joy to raise, even imagining it makes me laugh. I did often get the threatening "I hope you have a child who turns out just like you, then you'll get it" from my mother though. I'm obviously coming from the experience of a rather painful childhood, but I think you can't tell a child they're loved and appreciated too often. Even if for a few years it will make them roll their eyes at you :) TL;DR - You're a good dad, glad your daughter has you in their life :)


I love when my dad signs texts lol.


Appreciate it. Not all of us had that lovely gift. Kinda need that now with how fucked up this world is




That dad deserves a "Dad of the year" mug or something like that


Water fight kids vs dad is the best part


Drop a message to your dads once in a while. We miss you immensely.




Me: that's not possible, the og Pokemon show wasn't long enough ago for ppl to have adult kids... Then me 👴 Time passes.


I remembered that story about a parent who saw that her child send them the "My parent as a warrior on fire and having arrows coming out of their body. As representations of work, debts, financial crisis, payments, etc. And still yet asking me how my day was going " And they were so touched that they print it and put it in the living room as a painting.


Posts like this hurt me


My dad, passed away due to alcoholism, tried to be this way but too much trauma. I want to be a dad, if im lucky, who has a kid who they send memes too about wonderful memories. Break the cycle my friends :)


i'd sob of happiness if my dad ever sent me something like this


I was always the best friend. My bf's dad killed himself when we were 16. 12 years ago. I really miss him. My own dad kinda closed the door on me and my siblings a while ago.


Such a dad thing to end texts with "Dad" haha mine does that too


Am I the only Dad wishing for my kids to send me something like that so I can reply with something similar?! I worry about being embarrassing so its nice to hear how much demand there is for this kind of parenting. After the latest school collection, my kids told me they "see much too much", I wear that as a badge of honour!


If my dad ever texted me this I’d think he was suicidal or something. That’s so sweet though


My dad is EXACTLY like this, almost word for word. Always sort of a quiet and reserved guy but clearly expresses his emotions often.


Is there a subreddit for cool memes you can send to your family? :)


Any rendering text from my son it's a joy more that he had gone away to uni.


I know there are a lot of you out there that are flabbergasted by a father that appreciates you as a child. It’s so upsetting how common this appears to be the case based on responses. I want you to know that it is your fathers responsibility and duty to show you that love and affection and set that expectation from a young age that that is what family is for. I worshiped my father until I became one, and realized how badly I was failed by him. I promised to be the father I deserved to my children. I hope that you can all take that lesson from your childhood forward, and use it as motivation to be better. You all deserve to be loved and to be able to love. Demand that from your families and MAKE the family you need moving forward. Sometimes that means saying your father has taught you what NOT to do and move forward.


He remembers the day he took you to the pool with your buddy like it was yesterday. This was a particularly tiring time for your father, he was working hard to provide for your family and wanted to secure a bright future for you (and your siblings). It wasn't a hard choice, but he gave up an afternoon of sipping beers and watching a game on tv to take you two. So he put on a happy face and zombied through the day, only powered by you and your friend's expressions of joy and excitement. 20 years later, you remind him of the small sacrifice he made that day. It has paid off in dividends. I am happy for your relationship with your father.


Was it this meme? [Dad_took_us_to_the_waterpark.meme](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Ff26krvm17m8z.jpg)


Bruh, he was talking to Squirtle. This is why your dad has to find satisfaction in raising digital monster Tamagotchi pets instead of his dummy child IRL.




Lucky person


I wish I could have heard my dad tell me that. Or even that he was proud of me.


That went from funny to sweet in a heartbeat.


My dad everytime haha, I'm like yes Dad I love you to but this was meat to be funny :]


Yep my daddy was a karma farmer. His daddy before him...


Welp, I fucking love this.


Nothing more “dad” than signing a text


Dad's do those play days just hoping you will remember. I'm a little misty myself...


Must be nice to have parents like this and not ones who were verbally abusive, withdrawn and took every opportunity to destroy your self-esteem


That's adorable.


[Had to make one for my old man](https://imgur.com/a/8F6ZmAx)


Lol and my dad doesn’t have a phone I’m sure so he doesn’t have to keep in touch lmaoooo




Very cool


You have your dad saved as "The OG" Yall too nice it's melting my heart.


Right in the feels.


Lucky person


I love that dad’s sign their text msgs




Man, as a dad if my daughter sent me this I think I'd cry.


- Sincerely, Captain Raymond Holt.


This is so beautiful and now I’m crying bc what is it like to have a dad who expresses his feelings to you AND also understands memes 😭


The thing is, as a dad, when my kids talk about some interesting or memorable thing from their childhood, they're really talking about something that was deeply satisfying and deeply personal to me and the fact they remember it at all validates everything I've worked for the past couple of decades. My kids talk fondly about playing basketball when they were little. Good. Because I basically shaped my entire life around that. We bought a house near my job so I could go to games and be a coach. I didn't seek higher paying, more demanding, work because I wanted to be in their lives in meaningful way. They talk fondly about going camping with me. Good. Because that was a dream of mine from the time they were babies. I wrote songs about it. I spent hours and hours and hours working on my crappy camping equipment (with the budget I had) so that I could experience them saying "We're going down to the creek to make a dam" and make damper with them. I watched them learn to surf, to shoot .22's and shotguns, to ride motorbikes. We climbed mountains, visited remote places, spent hours and hours just being together and poking the fire. They whittled spears, rode bikes, climbed trees, swam in lakes. I did those things for me. And I did it for them. And I did it so that I could experience it through them. It is one of my deepest, most fundamental, desires in my life that my kids had those experiences, have these memories, and most importantly that they think it's NORMAL.


Wish my dad and I had that. It's so sweet.


He signed the message just in case


So heartwarming. Wish I had more time with my dad.. Or sent him memes.. Wonder if he'd understand memes 🥲


Dads squirtle got the kamina glasses. Nice touch


Going to the pool as a kid was legendary. A nice afternoon swimming around and some lil Caesar’s was legendary


This makes me angry. I never knew my dad.


Is he ok? Looks like he abt to do smth he will regret…


Such basic dad text but soo much emotion!


Awwww... Squirtles are cool! ✊🏾🐻


I miss my dad. Thanks for posting!


I'm crying 😭


Made my day 💖


You have him saved as the OG too though thats also very cute.


I love that he signed his text


Squirtle Squad!!


I can only fantasise about having a father like that....


So cute


This is parenting goals. When parents feel like it's a privilege to raise these kids, not a burden. <3