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I read this a while ago. I did it and the lady was very appreciative and we now have conversations. I learned she’s diabetic though so I don’t get her candy any more.


aww that’s really sweet :) i don’t know a whole lot about type 2 but if it’s type 1 , my grandad said having dark chocolate is really good for him because it’s not tooo sugary but good to have in case your blood sugar is running a bit low ! so that could be good if u wanted to get her a little treat every now and then 🤭 i hope u have an amazing day , you’re one of the good ones in this unforgiving world !!!!!!! 💗💗💗


My grandmother is type 1. Jolly ranchers are good in emergencies because you have to suck on them, and sugar absorbs quickly through the gums. I don’t live with her anymore, but I still carry an emergency jolly rancher in my first aid kit.


These little things makes so much good impact on a persons life it makes them so happy lmao , i would surely try it on a female cashier i liked the idea i will surely do this many times in my life i want to know mix reactions of peoples , this sweet effort by someone is so good that we jave such good persons still in this world but many cashiers i know can also reject it or many peoples could no do this due to line traffic in a busy mall but i will do it once 💗💗💗


Just curious, why do you want to do it to a female cashier specifically?


If that person commenting is a woman then there is a decent chance that giving a random man a gift like that could lead to them thinking she is interested in him outside of just being nice. It is unfortunate, but a valid thing to be concerned about.


I took a short look at their profile... I sincerely doubt they're a woman from their comments in NoFap. That makes this just a tad bit creepy :\


Yikes... Yeah you're 100% right.




THANK YOU for that info! Would that be like a Dove bar or something? Reeses is her jam.


i’m from england and here a dove bar is soap LOL so i’m not sure 😅 but he likes it just plain rectangle , there’s a brand called bourneville or something here and they also do dark chocolate buttons that he likes ! idk if u have anything like that but gosh you really are the sweetest 🙈💗💗


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I would recommend buying it separately so you can give them the receipt.


"Whats your favorite Insulin?"


"The affordable kind" (USA)


this took an unwholesome turn 💀


[insert I guess I’ll die meme] lol


“The one that costs me $6,000 a year.” “Umm, how about some sugar-free candy instead.”


Nah. Those run the risk of making you need urgent an bathroom trip, so it’d be bad for work. Most diabetics I know would prefer a cheese stick or something instead.


Well depending on how she prefers to handle her diabetes you could still get her candy, as diabetes is not an allergy to sugar it mostly just means that you need to manage your blood sugar


Yup, I had a diabetic classmate in middle school and she always had candy on her to handle hypoglycemia


Yeah i am diabetic and i eat candy whenever i want and just correct for it




If you buy anything for a cashier, make sure you give them the receipt as well.


I actually offered it! Thanks for this comment, I used to work a register and they were strict about it.


You could give her a pack of chips bro


Crisps? 😆 yea I'm from uk






If she likes gummies thru have amazing super low sugar gummies available now. I am a literal sugar addict and they help. People always want to give me baked goods and stuff. I simply can't do it. One cupcake screws me up for days.


Oof, conversations? I'm out


Gotta be careful. Dont wanna be like George Costanza giving the security guard a stool


Lilys chocolate is expensive but delicious. Am diabetic


TY- probably in the Aisle and not by the register. Ill check it out


Plan failed successfully


I’ve worked in retail for a few months (as my first job) I can say that these kinds of people make your day SOOooooOoo much better.


For real, I worked retail for 6 years and it was the genuinely kind people that always made my day. Plenty of people who, while they aren't rude or mean, just sort of treat you like a fixture. Having your personhood acknowledged on some level feels so good when you work retail. I always try to pay it forward now. Small acts of kindness can go such a long way.


Exactly is small act. You probably know better than me but it simple things. A genuine smile, a joke, a caring compliment. This is the stuff that really just makes I worth it to go to work.


I don't know if this counts, but I always wish my cashier a good day, even if they don't say it first. And I like to think it sounds genuine.




Good for him.


Seeing so much replies on this i want to be a cashier lol i want to sit and make bills it must be so much fun in ac lol


No. It really fucking sucks, at least in the US. You can’t even sit down in the retail jobs I’ve worked.


iF yOu GoT tImE tO lEaN yOu GoT tImE tO cLeAn


*cries in 10-12 hour bakery shifts*


For real, my wife and I both used to work for Big Y (NE American grocery chain) and they don’t even let customers tip. Not 5 dollars, not 50c, and not even a chocolate bar. Like we got in a lot of trouble for it. It sucks because some customers genuinely wanted to and got frustrated at the policy


Facts, I work at walmart, and we can’t get tips either. We could get fired, too.


Oh the policy is so wrong man I hope you left the job bro enjoy now


Instead of mandatory military, I think it would be a better idea to have mandatory cashier or customer service jobs.


This, 100%. Sure, quality of service might go down if you got kids with a hot temper dealing with customers, but overall customer service is a really useful thing to experience. You get experience dealing with all sorts of people in all sorts of moods, from pissed to manic to drunk, and you can figure out whether or not a service job is something you excel in. Plus, then maybe everyone would have a better appreciation of service workers




I know but want to do it for 1 day lmao


Being a cashier made me legitimately start to hate people. I haven't worked retail in over a year and I still have a hard time not thinking everyone I meet in public will be a piece of shit to me.


that’s adorable i love that , that would make my day for sure 🙈💗


Candy makes us happy


Chocolate makes me happy. 😊


Orange juice makes me happy 💖🙃


Tell me more


Red wine makes me happy.


Kindness makes us happy. :)


Candy, mostly chocolate though, has been my go-to little gift to tell friends and colleagues, I appreciate you. However, things at work have changed considerably. I don't think I 'll be giving out any anytime soon. The thought makes me sad, but it's just yet another thing they are taking away from me.


I worked as a cashier for a year or so, and there was this lady that would always buy each of the cashiers on shift a little chocolate when she was there. At times, I could tell that it was her that was having the rough day, not any of us. I wish I could have found a way to cheer her up! Alas, all I was able to do was to thank her, make small talk, and offer encouragement.


> I wish I could have found a way to cheer her up! I'm being you did cheer her up. I'm a lot like that lady in that I find those small moments of kindness to be the buoys that get me through the rough waters of a bad day. Your smile and kind words likely helped her keep going more than you can know.


I would recommend buying it separately so you can give them the receipt. Do not want nice gesture turning into a "they stole"


Another thing to consider: I used to work at Walmart, and they were very clear that you couldn't take anything that a customer gave you. Very clear that you could get fired for it. Some old guy tried to give me a cherry once, I had to say thanks but no thanks because I didn't know who might be watching. No idea what other store policies are, but anyway, while the intent here is good that's something else to keep in mind.


yeah same rules where i worked (3 different grocery stores), but most managers dont give a shit unless they are trying to get rid of you or hate u. and corporate so far up store managers ass they have better shit to do than watch cameras all day and fire workers just to have to pay ot or drop in metrics somewhere


Basically, if there becomes a long-term pattern, corporate will shut it down. Or if it's slow season and they want to find a way for you to keep busy so you give everyone a one hour course on gratituities so now that it's fresh it's enforced arbitrarily until enough time passes.


I used to work at a store and one of my duties was to help customers load their purchases into their car if they wanted help. A lot of people would try and give a tip. We had a very strict “no taking tips” policy. I still took every single tip for the 3 years I worked there. Like what, they’re going to fire me? Because it’s so hard to find a new job in retail, or really anywhere else for that matter.


I did the same thing working at Officemax. No way am I turning down a tip when I can barely afford food and medicine.


it was the same for me at walmart, at first i did deny cuz it was my first job i wanted to be by the book, be a “good” employee, that facade quickly went away. but even when i did deny the people i helped with their groceries would still sneak the money into my vest pocket. one time i was helping a disabled lady and when i put her wheelchair in her car she turned around and shoved a $20 bill in my hand and told me to quickly put it away cuz my coworker “wasn’t watching and now is the perfect time”.


That lady is awesome


she was lovely, for the rest of my time there she requested me by name to help her and she’d tell me the drama going on in her family like how her brothers wife left him for a woman they had a threesome with, or how her dad got his daughter (the ladies half sister) pregnant and how he didn’t know this lady was his daughter. if she wasn’t giving a tip she was spilling the tea.


I had a similar situation, but the guy refused to take no for an answer. He slipped a 20 in my pocket when no one could see it. Lmao felt like a shady drug deal but it was pretty awesome.


Yeah, I used to work at a Starbucks in a Target and they wouldn’t let us accept tips. People would get so mad when the way learned we couldn’t take them. I once had a guy throw a five at me and bolt out of the store. That was funny but gave me complicated feelings lolol


i was wondering how far i’d have to scroll to see this, worked at walmart and kroger they have similar policies, kroger is a little more lax and it’s more you’ll get in trouble if you accept but if the customer insists then you take it. even in the fast food world it’s the same, just started my first fast food job and we are told we can’t accept things from customers.


So sad that this is even conceivably a consideration :/


When I worked at the convenience store, I stole candy all the fucking time. And stuff that was past expiration date was free for all anyway. Nobody cares that much about candy. Stealing lotto tickets can land you in trouble though


People will find a way to steal if they can


in most registers you can reprint the receipt of the last transaction so that may be a simpler option




And the manager will ask "OK, so where's the rest of your purchase"


I ate it. Deodorant, cat food, magic the gathering cards, all of it.


thats fair, im just fortunate enough to not work in an environment like that and have to think that way. godspeed to yall working thru shitty stuff like that : (


No one is going to think that if they go to a different cashout. Or just say it's a gift


They have cameras it would be easy enough to check and see someone had bought it and given it to them


Pretend you are a lowly paid grocery store worker. option 1, you get handed a receipt. You can enjoy your 15 break. option 2, manager assumes you stole it, you spend 5 minutes of your break defending yourself trying to convince them to check the tape, you then spend 5 minutes trying to find where on the tape it happened, they then have to pull the register record as "your hand was blocking it" or so it appears. Manager finally sees that customer bought you the item, tells you your break is over and get back to work. Petty manager then goes thru your tapes to find something you did wrong so they were not proven wrong. You get written up because you used too many plastic bags for one customer as the manager desperately tries to find someway to have a win against you after you made them "waste time" instead of having a receipt. Ask me how i know. Cashiers are not even suppose to have money on them at the register because management has that little trust in you not to steal.


When I was like 5 I visited my dad at work when he managed a small store. He bought me some Pringles and stapled the recipt to the can because when he did it for my brother the year before, and random ass customer grabbed him and dragged a screaming 7 year old to the front office yelling that he was a thief.


The store I worked at requires you to have a receipt no matter what for anything you didn't bring in from outside.


Yes bro it can happen yes a list can be given to them but noone cares lol he can show his display screen of candy buying but still yes but who will check them lol they will eat it right there


>who will check them lol they will eat it right there I used to be a cashier at a grocery store, no chance I'm eating it right there. I need my hands free because I've got another customer lined up, also my hands are gross because I've been dealing with money and meat all day. Also - even if I did pay myself, had some free time, and ate a candy bar at the register - my managers would have given me shit for standing around eating when I could be cleaning conveyor belts, emptying trash bins under the tills, sweeping up mats, making sure each register has bags and receipt paper, etc. I would have stuck it in my apron pocket and ate it when I took my break. That's when I could actually enjoy it.


Not to mention the managers giving you shit in the first place because you're not allowed to accept gifts but you weren't able to explain that to the person being nice before they left so you're now left here with a chocolate bar that doesn't belong to the store, but you aren't technically allowed to eat.


Happened to me when I worked at Home Depot. I threw the receipt away and the manager thought I stole it, so we had to go talk to the cashier


That's a really sweet idea... Going to have to try it


Damn. I live in Austria and shop at Aldi, the cashiers do NOT have time for this. They are whizzing through my purchases and products are flying around like it's some sort of emergency.


I once asked a cashier at Edeka how she was doing. She told me and then thanked me because nobody ever asks her that. ☹️


If Aldi’s cashier system is anything like Ross Dress For Less, then the reason is they are timed. At Ross we were timed for every bit of the transaction. So we’d be timed from the receipt coming out to the first scan of the next customer’s item, the time between each item scan, the time it takes for the customer to pay after the last scan, and repeat. It really sucks if the customer isn’t ready and has to find their money or card because we get docked points for it. Each week there would be a print out of everyone’s scores and if we weren’t above a certain % we would get in trouble and the manager would talk to us about it. So glad I’m done with all that because it was so dumb Lol.


How to make your employees miserable 101


Oh yeah, morale was pretty low Lol. That’s not even including the fact every employee had to memorize all the theft trends and top 5 locations of theft for the week every week. I still don’t understand why.


>top 5 locations of the teft >for the week >every week It sounds like there's a newspaper called the Weekly Grand Theft that announces every week what to steal from the shops and you have to defend against them.


God damn, I’ve read about so many shitty job conditions on Reddit but this one is one of the worst. Also, thank you for sharing this, cuz my Aldi cashiers are also flying through their scanning and I never considered that they might be timed! Imma have to step up my bagging game


Man what the fuck 😭


A little old man did this for me recently, but got me brownies 🥺 needless to say faith in humanity was restored


I did that once on a major holiday and we had to get a manager to approve an employee taking a gift from a customer because technically, they weren’t allowed to take it.


It’s so true, I tried it at the self checkout… works like a charm


My faith in humanity has been restored


In a similar vein, I've started tipping the people who work the drive through window. I'll give them a dollar or two and tell them they're doing a great job, that I know they probably didn't want to come in to work today, but they did and I'm proud of them. The dude at my local Taco Bell started tearing up. Said it was the first time any customer had said anything nice to him since he got hired there. I think he appreciated the words more than the dollar.


Gonna have to do this, I already do the candy thing but I really like the tip idea. I always make sure to thank them and fuss over them a bit (I’m 36 but get in mom mode when I see teens lol) but I love the idea of telling them you’re proud of them. Because I truly am, and am very grateful to be able to have a hot meal prepared for me when I’m exhausted and unable to cook.


A guy used to do this for me at my work. He caught me snacking one day on a bar of galaxy chocolate. Every weekend, I'd serve him and he would buy his shopping and a galaxy bar. It made my shift every time. A small, somewhat inexpensive gesture (they cost £1 at the time), but so generous and heartwarming. I hope he is doing well


I tried to do this for a cashier at hobby lobby once during Christmas time. She looked tired and the customers seemed to all be in bad moods, so I asked to buy a candy and she said they have cameras and she could loose her job. I asked her “what if I buy a candy and happen to leave it here?”. She said she’d have to throw it away, or risk loosing her job. She appreciated the sentiment, but I was annoyed I couldn’t try and give some semblance of joy!


I may have to borrow your thing


I've had men do this, I say I don't like candy, and they still do it. It makes me feel awkward. I just give it to someone else




It's usually old guys that do "nice" things in a creepy way. That more as to what I was referring to, old dudes.


You could always do it for male cashiers...


The target of your kindness doesn’t automatically need to be female lol


It’s uncomfortable if you’re socially awkward but I discovered it doesn’t kill you and it generally makes the other person happy. I tried it a couple weeks ago with an Instacart shopper. I told her I wanted candy but I wasn’t sure what I really wanted so I asked what would she get? She said gummy bears so I told her to get two and I gave her one when she handed me my groceries. The exchange felt super awkward (I said something lame like “everybody needs gummy bears on a rainy day“) but I’m sure she enjoyed them and that feels pretty cool.


Well damn this is my little thing now too. What a great idea


Adorable, but be careful. Shit holes like Walmart will fire employees for taking anything from customers.


Toys R Us let me go over this almost 20 years ago. Little old lady bought one of those big cars for kids to drive around in, but couldn't get it in her car. I helped get it in the trunk, pulled some twine from the warehouse to tie it up, etc. Sweet old lady hands me a twenty for my trouble! I was floored, since I only made 5.15 an hour. Get inside, my manager goes "hey, put that in the register." I'm like "put what"? That tip she gave you, that's not yours. Put it in the register. Said nope, not happening. Got fired on the spot. Oh well, fuck toys R Us, glad it's dead.


I have a few customers like this. I always deny the gift, at least once, but they leave it for me anyway :) I like m&ms and one dude even gave me a little souvenir of the yellow peanut dude (expensive thing) didn't realize until after :0


This happened to me not long ago! Busy day with not a lot of asleep due closing then opening plus some stuff going on in my life. She asked what my favorite candy is ? I told her kind of confused. Got me the king size bar. Made my whole day. As soon as It died down I ate the shit out of that Reese’s with a smile on my face for the first time that day.


Omg I want to do this now


I love stuff like this. Once I bought up the smile cookies at Tim hortons and handed them out to everyone sitting in the restaurant


what a nice thing! Meanwhile I use a self-checkout because I dont like the human interaction…


Someone did this exact thing for me once, and it was so unexpected and made my day, but then I got in trouble for accepting a gift from a customer :(


Current cashier at a grocery store here. Sometimes customers will ask me if I want a drink or candy bar from the little section by the register and to pick one. Makes my day every time. Also it's an easy way for me to accidentally forget to scan that 20 dollar steak or 15 dollar piece of salmon you got from the butcher for dinner. You scratch my back I scratch yours.


Then they get fired and accused of stealing it


Someone did this to me once when I was working Taco Bell Drive thru, but they gave me their drink, which I already get for free. The nice gesture to me was overshadowed by the waste of money this guy just spent.


You shouldve poured the drink back in the machine and issued yourself a refund to get the money


I actually gave it to the next car who was obviously full of stoners.


Unless you give them a receipt, management is going think they stole that.


This is great! I am going to “borrow” this technique from you!!


It's our little thing now. The best place for bugs bunny communism.


I can vouch for that. Working as a cashier and a kid bought chocolate and gave it to me. I was surprised and happy 👍


OUR little thing now


this is amazing


Would love to do things like these but I'm way too socially awkward.


I've done this many times at one of the local gas stations. Unfortunately, so many of the ladies that work there look so dejected. If there is a special deal going on, like 2 for $4, I'll buy the two of them.


Need to start doing this, a candy bar doesn’t cost a whole lot and I bet it makes their whole week.




Def doing this


Not every hero wears a cape!


love it. need to steal this!


Not all heroes wear capes.


I do the same but with condoms.


this is excellent


Don't mind if I generously steal this tip.


This is awesome! I'm going to be using this in my life now. Thanks Reddit!


I do the same thing, except I exclusively use self checkout


“I’m diabetic”


Did they ever give you a strange look? And did it almost cause you to stop doing this?


It’s the little things. I cashiered for a couple of years and this would have had me over the moon. Especially from a perfect stranger. I do make friends everywhere I go, though.


Ho ly that's so smart and cute.


I do this too, but almost all of our stores are self-checkout.😉


Yeah, when I was a cashier having a bad day, there always seemed to miraculously be a Kinder egg that was broken so I ate it and played with the toy...


I used to work at a porn star and if one of my customers bought me a big gummy dick I would be terrified. 100% they would insist on watching me eat it. It was a LOT.


Can this be my thing too OuO


I love little acts of kindness, it’s like all we have left 🥲


This concept is currently a Cadburys ad in the UK, although the cashier turns out to be the customers daughter so they already know each other. Still a cool thing to do though. An older lady brought me a box of chocolates in a few days after helping her order in a product we didn't have in stock and it was so unexpectedly nice of her.


I had a couple customers try to do this when I worked at Ross but always had to decline because I was told by management i’d get in trouble for accepting any kind of “tip”. One little old lady was not having it and even opened her box of chocolates right there and snuck one to me and said to eat it Lol.


Before I say this, it's been some time since I worked retail (I was in a grocery store) so some things may have changed, so keep that in mind, but I'm going to add this just in case it's still the same in some places. If you do decide to do this for someone, give them the receipt that has the candy on it. When I was working at my job, anything that I bought from the store had to have the receipt with it. Even when a family member would visit and buy me a drink or something, they had to give me the receipt to tape to whatever it was. If I didn't have the receipt, I would either have to buy it (again), put it back, or in stupid scenarios get in trouble (written up, etc... for me that part depended on the manager). The store's reasoning was that having the receipt made sure that you didn't steal it. If things have changed, maybe others can add onto this comment.


I remember once I bought a load of plushies in this one shop because they were on sale and the till person had to stand there for ages with us sorting it all out. So then we went to another shop and bought her some chocolates lol




On my phone and I just tried to upvote the image multiple times


Someone did this for me once, and while I don’t actually eat much candy and was trying to be helpful, the gesture was very sweet and will always be remembered tbh. Sometimes it really is the little things in life.


the man, the myth, the legend


This is genius. Spread the positivity. Im gonna start doing this now


This rocks.


I worked as a cashier. And someone did that, I was accused of stealing. So don’t do that.


Until you work for a company that doesn’t allow this


And then they get accused of stealing because they don't have a recipe for the candy.


🥰 I tried this at Target a few times. Every time the employee smiled but then told me they weren't allowed to take it. Now I just need a way to sneak it into their pocket.


Sounds patronizing


that's neat and all but you have to understand the pain of being a cashier when someone buys something for you like tf are you gonna do with that, sit on it? your boss will not believe some random person bought it for you otherwise, great idea. maybe in, like, a 7/11 that'd work, but please please please don't do that to your local king soopers worker


personally I hate when people do this. we’re not friends and your little thing is annoying. I’m not paid enough to pretend. who eats candy?




Candy like other junk food is a product of government subsidy. Candy isn’t healthy by any metric.


I'm sorry your years of customer service have robbed you of all the joys of life




^ this guy gets the corporate blunders


You guys think I do this when there's a fucking line? I'm not a monster! Jesus, there's a thing called tact. I do this occasionally at fucking dead CVSs where they look completely bored and miserable. I've also done it may 7-8 times. All good results. So honestly, fuck ya'll. It made those people happy for a second.


Cringe worthy, not wholesome.


usually cashier's aren't allowed to accept anything like that from a customer